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I have literally never stretched before lifting. What are the benefits of doing so?
Not getting tendinitis.
You will once you're injured from pushing yourself. I do dynamic stretching and seem to be doing ok
Just warm up a fair bit if you can't be bothered otherwise it's only for real ones not faggots like you
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A well-stretched body can swing majestically.
Static stretching before or after lifting like in gym class (dunno if zoomzooms still do this) is not only useless but detrimental. Dynamic stretches specific to the lifts can be useful. Generally you just need to warm up in the specific lift.
LOL right back at you brother
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Stretching isn't for short term performance enhancement, but for long term flexibility and strength.
>What are the benefits of doing so?
None. If you do full ROM while lifting. You literally ARE stretching.
I wanted to make a joke about this guy but it is inappropriate and racist so I won't..
>None. If you do full ROM while lifting. You literally ARE stretching.
no u are doing shit light singles because u get no time under tension whatsoever

incidentally proper stretch is loading muscle in leghtened position static hold for extended period of time

but if u do say curls with "full rom" u are neither stretching nor "lifting", u're just trying to rip tendons off of bone
nigga got that monkey jungle strength he ready to grab some bananas
None. Stretching after lifting is good tho and you should do it.
You're supposed to stretch after you lift. It's not really necessary unless you have mobility issues though.

Don't listen to the DYELs ITT, stretching is largely a meme. Doesn't do anything to warm up your tendons or ligaments
you must absolutely stretch your legs if you hope to achieve squat depth without raping your back. it also helps keep your back straight off the initial pull on deadlifts. but iirc there's literature showing that static stretches before lifting can lead to injury, so don't do it then.
What a talented male stripper
it's more impressive that he avoids hitting anyone
funny but very impressive at the same time
The benefit is that it increases risk of injury and filters retarded ''science based lifters'' who are either DYELs or ruin their promising lifting careers
Fitness is full of these ''durr of course you do X, it's le good for you'' deathtraps. If you don't want to be fucked for life you should keep stretching to your off days.
I don't care what any of these studies say, every paper I've read so far about this subject has a bizarre method for how long they make the subjects stretch for. I've seen everywhere from 60 seconds to 10 MINUTES of stretching. Who the fuck is static-stretching a single body part for 10 minutes?? I used to blindly follow people's advice and never stretch/only do dynamic stretches because I thought it would 'lower performance,' and nearly every week I had some kind of shoulder pain, chest pain, knee pain, and lower back pain.

Once I started reading the papers and noticing how strange the experiments were and watching actual experienced Olympic gold medalists talk about the importance of stretching, I started stretching all the time. Before workout, after workout, at night, in the morning, when im cooking, when im watching tv, at work, in the shower, during sex, while walking the dog, in class, while i'm waiting for the min wage worker to make the sub. Love it. Feels lovely to hear all these different parts of my body cracking and releasing pressure. Used to have knee pain in my left every week, now I rarely experience even a slight tingle. Used to think it was impossible to do ATG squats with my body and 6'3" height with no pain, now it's second nature. Lats and trap always feel great now (and the feeling when you stretch them and hear them pop is by far my favorite). My balance and stability issues on various lifts isn't even something I consider now.

I just feel great all around pretty much every day. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt real pain that wasn't just some morning soreness after I started regularly stretching. Don't care what anyone says. Stretching saved my life and I am going to continue to do it every week. I really should start a more consistent progression routine to see if I can do a split. If 7'4" Vic can do it surely I can.
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bait thread. never stretch before or after lifts. stretching should be done on a different day because its a full workout. mobility movements however are a must.
this is what working as a male stripper does to your brain
I thought you stretch after lifting?
what stretches are you doing? Whenever I google stretches I just get stupid yoga/ influencer shit shoved in my face
As a white man, I'm looking forward to a future of more frizzy-haired mixed/mocha breeding stock like this being around.
>the 6'3 strootcher
based stretchmaxxer
Sometimes, stretches are just whoreflexing.
That was my experience as well, I'd just lift bro stretchin is for fags. Well when I don't stretch, I'd have to do a ton of lightweight warmup sets to avoid my heavier sets feeling like something was going to tear. It's easier just to stretch, I prefer a light "wake up" style yoga routine. And most assuredly cool down stretches are critical, or else my recovery will be horrendously sore for multiple days, rather than a quick one day of light soreness at worst.

Maybe lots of people don't stretch and feel no ill effects, and preach accordingly. Well my body obviously doesn't work that way, so I stretch, it's that simple, gotta do what works for you. I'm betting the no-stretch preachers are all 20 years old, I was invincible back then too.
My bwc would stretch her if u know what I mean
You get to hang out with the girls who are also stretching
I’ll take you to the men’s restroom and stretch your asshole
Pre workout stretching is a meme and robs your gains. Stretching should be done post workout.
> men’s restroom
Ask me how I know you've never gone to the gym
Sick moves
Based effort poster, now post your routine.
Ask me how I know you’re gay
Former NYC'er here
They often do and I make sure to not give these roaches a dime
Fantastic post and absolutely true.
Literally what I was fantasizing about
Happy that sort of "people" are not in my country.
It's even more effective between sets.
stop posting cumbait bros
just because hes black doesnt mean you have to be surprised that he spends 25 seconds without punching someone.
based. if it wasn't clear in my post, I fully promote stretching, both dynamic and static. to reiterate what I was saying is to avoid holding static stretches before lifts - instead prefer dynamic ones with a proper warm up and do static stretches at another time. anons, if you do some static stretching for a few weeks you will notice increased limberness in your everyday movements. something as mundane as reaching for a cup or bending over to pick something up will feel much more natural. do it. personally I feel you get the most bang for your buck with your legs, do your glutes, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, abductor magnus and ankles, if you have no idea how to target those muscles, here
>glutes, lay on your back and keep one leg down, pull the other by the knee to your chest
>hamstrings, stand upright with knees straight and try to touch your toes
>quads, stand on one leg and hook your other foot with one hand and pull up toward your ass
>hip flexors, kneel down on one knee with your other leg up and in front of you and lean forward, keep back upright and pull your hip around
>abductor magnus, sit with your legs spread and knees straight as if you were doing the splits and lean forward
>ankles, standing a foot length from a wall, put your foot up against it putting it in dorsiflexion (pointing up)
do all of these for at least 60 seconds least 3 times a week, preferably every day and I guarantee you'll like the results like anon was saying, it takes 10 minutes max and the payoff is immense. pinging anon who asked >>74760868
Mila Sobolov
For some reason, this reminds me of this one video posted on here years ago of a skinny black girl getting plapped by a dog and her squirting everywhere only after a few thrusts.
No, I am not asking you to repost this video as it is disgusting and supremely depraved.
Why even bring this up.
>What are the benefits of doing so?
Can go to a yoga class and pick up cardio QTs without looking like an uncoordinated retard
Oh no haha that would be terrible
If someone were to post it here I mean, wouldn't that just be gross haha
Sorry, I'm severely autistic.
He probably reaaaaallly wants to see that video again so he can have a 3 hour goon session to the video on loop.
And to that I say don't fulfill his request, coomers need to be castrated.
I'm going to go ahead and guess it was some anon posting it in retort to the "white girls f*** dogs" meme that was all the rage several years back.
It's a lustbait thread. I don't care to be on topic.
Probably right.
Also, dog on monkey isn't "technically" bestiality anyway.
>to reiterate what I was saying is to avoid holding static stretches before lifts - instead prefer dynamic ones with a proper warm up and do static stretches at another time
There is absolutely no reason to do this though.
there is no reason to do static stretches immediately before lifting heavy weight though.
funniest post made on this website in the last decade
>For some reason, this reminds me of this one video posted on here years ago of a skinny black girl getting plapped by a dog and her squirting everywhere only after a few thrusts.
>tfw no nigress slave gf that will screw farm animals for you
Idk I find they help with increasing my capability to perform through full range of motion moreso than any dynamic stretches do.
>I have literally never stretched before lifting. What are the benefits of doing so?
Increased chance of pulling a muscle.
>too many NPCs gotta start messing with them
I'm not convinced her trainer knows what he's doing
^ faggot ^
My experience as well. Now, before doing squats and deadlifts, I always stretch quads, hams, ankles and that thing in the pelvis area where you position yourself like you're presenting your ass for some prime ass fucking. If I don't, my range of motion is much smaller, my form goes to shit and I get knee pain for days, especially if I don't go ATG.
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This man does not appear to be a trained physical therapist.
the dude by the door silently mogging him
This is it bros. I think this video here finally made me like skinny girls over thicc girls.
damn i wish i was an american
Less strength and more chance of injury.
Do NOT stretch before lifting. If you stretch, it should be for other exercise, NOT just before lifting.
He's very dedicated to stretching. So he's going to stretch her cervix
Congrats on finally liking normal human-sized women.
fun and games until you feel that ass hit your crotch and it's nothing but firmness and bone, shit sucks dude
The primary benefits or stretching are injury prevention and injury healing.
Also, it feels good.
If you have the time after training, always recommended. Pay attention not to overdo it.
That's it, I'm calling MTA. Enough with apes in the transit sys.
These always make me laugh
Stretching before lifting is not necessary because it's an exercise in and of itself. At worst it can injure the muscle group you're about to use to lift.

Warming up is very, very wise and you will end up doing it at some point as you get older and accumulate injuries.
But stretching as a separate exercise, preferably done at a different time to the muscle group you're about to exercise, is also very good as it gives you proper range of motion.
I need a training partner to help me like that.
Whats the deal with the hat
The only stretching you <i>need</i> is that loaded full stretch at the bottom of a rep. If you're working your full body with a properly balanced lifting regimine that includes that full stretch, you're fine.

If you're an inflexible bastard then you need a whole separate stretching routine outside of lifting to get your ass inline.
I am 40+ and never stretched in my life, faggots do it and no one else

oh and my general health is better than anyone else I know
All them impressive moves and he can't put a hat on.
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Why does he do that? Did someone promise him banan?
Flexible athletic mulatas owe me sex
No cap fr fr
What have you done to earn their sex anon?
He returned to monke.
Does someone have that one webm where a guy does this but lands on a lady ?
Did you know in World War I and World War II, all those guys that fought in that war, they did pushups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, climbed the rope and ran, but none of this fancy shit, and they won two world wars, two world wars by doing jumping jacks, pushups and sit-ups, two world wars.
You think they were worried when they were running across Normandy about fucking stretching? Are you kidding me? Give me my rubber band to stretch so I can run across that fucking beach. You’ve got to be kidding me.
Now THIS is the white man's choice.
>in class
>during sex
this was the exact moment I knew it was a larp
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How to start flexibility for a man?
I mean I don't want to suck my dick, but I don't want to be that guy that can't even scratch his back.
lifting IS stretching. why would you do it separately?
Impressive until the gay hat shit at the end.
This is why nobody likes them.
keep stretching? preferably with resistance, ie strength stretches
Impressive or not, a crowded subway car is not an appropriate venue for this shit.
half of your gym bros have less mobility than the bloatlord grizzly himself
that should tell you all you need to know about stretching
i don't like faggots either satan
Even satan hates faggots. He only tempts them knowing it'll displease God, not because he thinks what they're doing is good.
>Police Officer: FREEZE!
>Black people:
there was a spider on it

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