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Will it make my smile smaller? I already have a narrow palate.
Is it basically the opposite of mewing and cause smile lines?
did they pull them out from the outside??
Teeth grow out of spongy tissue that isn't strong enough for an impaction to push around other teeth

Likewise, braces aren't necessary and are quite retarded and I regret allowing my parents to impose them on me as a defenseless impossible-to-defend-myself 7 year old
>Teeth grow out of spongy tissue that isn't strong enough for an impaction to push around other teeth
Does this apply to small palate/jaws?
Never had any issue and I have all of my wisdom teeth still intact. No pain, nothing.

Maybe you fucks just have small skulls or whatever.
another shit retarded thread.
Did someone program an AI to make the most retarded threads possible and set it loose on this board?
It applies to everyone's mouth
Wisdom teeth extraction is just a scam surgery that rakes in money. That's its only purpose
Some people have them grow out sideways though, usually those people are the only ones who should get it if anyone. I feel like diet has a lot to do with it, the reason wisdom teeth are being phased out by our bodies today is said to be due to us chewing soft foods compared to our ancestors. Luckily my impacted teeth all came out alright.
I wonder if there isn't a better way like removing another set of molars so you have newer ones instead. I don't think removing them is total bs because you see people with fucked up overlapped teeth like they have too many.
Ok, I think I’m probably gonna cancel my appointment. My dentist has been dragging out the process out for weeks now so maybe that’s my sign.
I never saw my xray pictures, but my bottom wisdom teeth are halfway out through the gum and halfway still inside. I don’t know if it’s going to still change though, I’m 28.
>Luckily my impacted teeth all came out alright.
what age did they finally settle?
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My bottom wisdom teeth started coming in impacted and the pain was insane, my gums were super inflamed, couldn't chew properly, couldn't close my mouth properly
Then it would go away for a few months, then come back
Finally just got them taken out
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One of mine is sideways. I think this is because I had braces. Either way, I'm not going to pre-emptively remove it because that's fucking gay.
>the reason wisdom teeth are being phased out by our bodies
They're not being "phased out"
God isn't Jeff Bezos

Dentists are fucking scammers. The reason I got so heated seeing wisdom teeth mentioned is because my own dentists took an xray of my face and literally didn't tell me I had some decay on one of my wisdom teeth because they assumed I'd just get a routine extraction. They let it sit there with me oblivious to it for six fucking months. The result? Obviously it worsened a little bit.

I was so furious I started looking up home dental health practices. I recommend reading picrel.
>One of mine is sideways. I think this is because I had braces
Same, I wonder what mine would look like without the braces today
Did grandma lose jaw size as well when Nicole got her operation? And Shoulder width? There now you know its just different focal lengths also the second pic is in a diving angle so her neck looks more yoked.
That's weird as hell anon, I had the complete opposite experience. My wisdom teeth came in just fine, never gave me any trouble. Eventually I got a cavity in one and my dentist said that I'd likely have more problems with them given the overall state of my dental health, and just ripped em out.
Is it true that wisdom teeth get harder as you age and becomes harder to remove?
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>mother told she needed a C-Section (she didn't)
>circumcised at birth
>braces from orthodontist and dentist scamming
>now offered wisdom teeth extraction by the same dentists
I fucking hate this shitass country full of faggots and jews and faggot catamites for jews. I swear I almost did a backflip and went apeshit when they told me that shit about the cavity that they didn't say anything about for six months. I fucking had to learn how to kill off the bacteria that causes it in my mouth on my own with that goddamn book.

I fucking hate these fuckers they are worse than traitors or foreign invaders
Is that undercover WifeCrazy? I busted so many nuts to her blackmailing mom video with his manlet husband
>>circumcised at birth
My sympathies, I am truly sorry brother, it should be banned. The double standard of boy and girl genital mutilation is mind blowing and cruel.
I’m now kinda thankful that I had broke/financially illiterate parents that never took me to the dentist
>I fucking had to learn how to kill off the bacteria that causes it in my mouth on my own with that goddamn book.
>Unironically cancels doctors appointment because anonymous retards on a shitposting forum told him it's a scam
Something something darwinism
nta but baking soda apparently kills and prevents tartar
It's really quite simple, never have an elective surgery or "procedure" of any type. Circumcision, wisdom teeth, tonsils, adenoids, gall bladder, it's all better left inside you unless you are legitimately going to die without the surgery, don't do it. This is not medical advice.
Thanks I didn't know that, I started using coconut oil as mouth wash for oil pulling last year.
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It's in the book I mentioned, which is available online at libgen or annas archive / zlibrary

There is a miracle organic substance called xylitol that stimulates saliva production as well as clogs up the streptococcus mutans which will attempt to eat it, which starves them at the same time as it prevents them from accessing real sugar. Stimulated saliva production is helpful because the role of saliva is to destroy bacteria. So if you chew on something with xylitol in it, there are even berries and fruits that have high concentrations of it naturally, but I'm talking specifically about things like gums and mints made with it, you could actually be sure you can kill off the streptococcus mutans bacteria if you're brushing twice a day like normal and also flooding your mouth with saliva and xylitol throughout the day.
This will not remineralize the enamel or fill in the cavity by itself, but you can logically figure how it will kill off the bacteria and at least stop the damage.

Note -- don't confuse xylitol with sorbitol.

Dentists =/= doctors
Prophylactic =/= medically necessary

It's so mind bogglingly simple
It's so mind numbingly fucking simple and impossible to dumb down
If someone can be convinced to have teeth pulled or "corrected" that aren't even bothering them in the first place, fuck it, they might as well just try for something else too. These fucking retards are creating a thriving business out of literally nothing but their own exploitation and misery
I'll looking into that book, interesting
Chewing gum has that right?
>Chewing gum has that right?
Some does, most use sorbitol. I hear erythritol is the best but it's even less common than xylitol.
Cool cool
My ex was an apothecarist type who made her own toothpaste with xylitol (and a bunch of other stuff) and when I used that combined with pulling with coconut oil every day my dentist said my teeth were in absolutely outstanding shape
>the reason wisdom teeth are being phased out
no real reason because this isn't a real thing
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Some sugar free gums and whatnot do.

From the author's own claim -- she hasn't had a routine dental cleaning in forty years, and pic rel is what her teeth look like.

>The use of a chewing gum containing a high dose of xylitol for a period of 6 months has been shown to produce a long-term effect on caries development in high caries-risk children.

>Xylitol oral syrup administered topically 2 or 3 times daily at a total daily dose of 8 g was effective in reducing early childhood caries progression.

>Compared with the no-gum group, sucrose gum usage resulted in a marginal increase in the caries rate (relative risk, 1.20; 95% confidence interval, 0.96 to 1.49; p = 0.1128). Sorbitol gum significantly reduced caries rates (relative risk, 0.74; 95% confidence interval, 0.6 to 0.92; p = 0.0074). The four xylitol gums were most effective in reducing caries rates, the most effective agent being a 100% xylitol pellet gum (relative risk, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.20 to 0.36; p = 0.0001). This gum was superior to any other gum (p < 0.01). The xylitol-sorbitol mixtures were less effective than xylitol, but they still reduced caries rates significantly compared with the no-gum group. DMFS analyses were consistent with these conclusions. The results suggest that systematic usage of polyol-based chewing gums reduces caries rates in young subjects, with xylitol gums being more effective than sorbitol gums.
>always a fucking product
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Yeah bro I'm just a humble raspberry salesman. This is my latest grift to try and get you to buy my raspberries. I made up xylitol actually, I confess. Go get your teeth extracted by your dentist and get your insurance money's worth
i can do both, by not having xylitol and not getting teeth extracted, my peddling retard
>certain natural things contain little amounts of xylitol
>therefore we are gonna make an artificial product that only contains that and other shit
shit probably contains natural things you eat, so skip those natural things you eat and consume shit u monkey
Then this conversation, which was started over looking for solutions to dental problems that dentists start and then offer extraction as the solution, problems that you don't have to begin with, literally wasn't about you from the start. Congratulations on standing up to the eternal jew and his peddling. You're getting into valhalla.
>what's that you don't give your teeth, money and time to dentistry? the same industry i am seething about
>that's it you are a jew
How are teeth not related to health
Same and i have a narrow palate and a deep bite
Nothing in my post was calling you a jew. An english speaker would not have made this mistake. You must be a chatbot or profoundly retarded because you have devolved into garbled gibberish and hence will be ignored.
Are you stupid?
I grew up on wild animal jerky, 2$ steaks, and a testosterone fueled lifestyle. All 4 of my wisdom teeth came in full ass sideways as painfully as possible. You fuckers scared me into not wanting to get them pulled but eventually it just hurt too much. My face did not go fish mode for it. I'm pretty sure the reason I personally didn't have room for them was that my growth was stunted by the high school wrestling starvation diet. I don't blindly trust doctors either but my dentist didn't even suggest pulling teeth until I told him that about the crippling pain and last I checked Mike Mew is a doctor too.
>teeth have nothing to do with health
Can you kill yourself?
Meathead without reading comprehension.
>Could have had a wider jaw
>"dentist" removed my wisdom teeth 'just to be safe'
I got 3 taken out over a year ago and the one remaining stopped hurting... should I just leave it?
i kept my wisdom teeth despite dentists insisting to remove them
they were sore coming through but now they fit perfectly and my jaw developed a lot
lmao no, you’re just stupid.
you'll want it when you start chewing on skin and it hurts like a bitch and the tooth never comes fully in so your just chomping on gum skin every time you eat and there's no solution other than surgery
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That may or may not happen as a result of being forced to wear braces, but I don't give a shit until there is pain
The problem is most gum contain artificial sweeteners which are probably not healthy.
If you get a teeth infection it can go the bloodstream and go to your brain and you die.
37 years old and never had my wisdom teeth removed. I can't even go to the dentist anymore because they won't shut the fuck up about my wisdom teeth. They have never caused me any pain and I've never met anyone that still has theirs say they had any problems. I think impacting wisdom teeth is a very rare thing and it's just a very profitable industry pushing it
people with big heads never have to deal with impacted wisdom teeth. miscegenation is the root cause of nearly every chronic disease or unfortunate body mishap. genetically huge people reproducing with genetically tiny people. my parents were massive and I never had a single issue with my wisdom teeth
>miscegenation is the root cause of nearly every chronic disease
undeniable truth
I got that by using diluted hydrogen peroxide (<1%) as mouthwash, but I still brush and floss as normal (bonus: it also whitens teeth, just don't use it before brushing in case it temporarily weakens enamel)
>it's another thread from the nerve damage toothschizo
>had 3 wisdom teeth taken out at 16 for military school
>probably didnt have to happen at all

my jaw is decent but it could have been gigachad
>wisdom teeth removal is jewish trickery now
I miss the edgy image board of old. This website has become a satire of itself nowadays
I thought the same. Dentist warned me mine would grow out at such terrible angle I'd get chronic migraines and I brushed it off as sales pitch. Shit came true and then some, migraines so bad I developed nystagmus.
I go more hardcore by mixing 0.25% sodium hypochlorite with 3% hydrogen peroxide. I don't even dentist anymore, last time I wanted a cleaning there was no plaque to remove lmao.

>also, nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste really works
thank you very much anons for giving me this information I will apply it as quickly as I can and I will NOT get my wisdom teeth pulled
xylitol and sorbitol are sweeteners and replacements for sugar
>l-leave the multibillion dollar company alone!
Listen fuckhead. All I did here itt was do my best to try and convince anons to brush their teeth and use mouthwash. If you have a complication, then deal with it how you see fit to deal with it. Just because your appendix blew up doesn't mean I'm going to get a goddamn prophylactic appendectomy like a jewish cattle

Nice try troll

No fucking shit you chatbot tier IQ spamming retard
my wisdom teeth were growing literally horizontally i had no other choice buy remove them, buy i still regret it , don't know if it was a right decision
>Will it make my smile smaller?
Good god did this bitch hit the wall at 13?
Wisdom tooth extraction has nothing to do with op’s topic. He’s talking about procedural narrowing of your dental arch by pulling your teeth in and back by braces. It literally makes your mouth look ratty.
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Never get them removed, its a kike psyop
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>tfw intact wisdom teeth
feel good to actually have space, a proper jaw and mandible muscles to chew meat

sorry jawlets. gotta remove them because waahh it hurts mommy
I stopped reading when you mentioned god lmfao kill yourself
My thread is still up, damn
The reason some people need their wisdom teeth taking out is because when the tooth grows sidewides, the top of the tooth that is now slanted, can gather bacteria and food really easy and its in a hard spot to clean. The removal of the tooth makes it so that it doesn't happen because it could lead to an infection if you don't clean your wisdom teeth. I don't just mean regular brushing like actually going out there with a water pick or something and scraping the plaque out. It's because it's super prone to infections, not because it "can't fit." It wouldn't grow in if it couldnt fit.
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this is anecdotal but
when i was 16 i got my wisdom teeth removed. it was just the next
>you have to do this thing, don't question it, it's good for you
got the surgery done, had the family laugh at me cursing and saying racist things coming out of anesthesia, etc.
they prescribed opioids, i took them for a few days before i insisted to my parents that i stop taking them because they made me feel unbearably itchy and awful
then the surgery marks got infected despite me being very careful with everything
i was out of commission for 3-4 weeks just feeling miserable and eating liquids
after i was "all better", something felt different in my life. i was more depressed and was more negative in my thoughts constantly, which kept up for like the next decade. i wasn't exactly the cheeriest teenager, but there was a marked difference before and after the wisdom teeth surgery.

same as circumcision, i believe there's a mixture of social conditioning where everyone believes it to be true, and something more sinister behind the "necessity" of the surgery. i really don't care to look into it but if i could go back in time, i would absolutely want months of my health back, and years of mental anguish back, and not get them removed.
Its ok we all have that edgy atheist phrase when we're teens, youll grow up one day
My dentist told me my wisdom tooth was going to eat away at my jaw bone somehow. I remember it scared me a bit so I went through with it. He showed me a scan. Any dentist bros know if he was messing with me?

Also got my appendix out but that shit felt like it was gonna explode
>anesthesia and opioids for a routine dental procedure
that’s crazy
keeping this thread up because it's actual good information
>7 years old
You had braces on your baby teeth?
It was an approximation

I have no memories before 12 or so
This post is 100% bullshit.
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>It is not possible for lower third molars, which develop in the spongy interior cancellous tissue of bone with no firm support, to push 14 other teeth with roots implanted vertically like the pegs of a picket fence so that the incisors in the middle twist and overlap. Yet that is the reason often given for removal of third molars, even though studies have produced contrary evidence.12-14 Third molars do not possess sufficient force to move other teeth. They cannot cause crowding and overlapping of the incisors, and any such association is not causation.
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>cancels doctor’s probable surgery appointment due to what retarded basement dwellers tell him in a fantasy gay anime forum
>never saw his xray pictures and probably never dared to ask for it
I think you’re lucky enough to have reached 28yo. Take care.
My wisdom teeth, specially the lower ones, never came out fully. There always was a patch of gum over them which hurt every time i had to bite (got desensitized ovee time, yet still hurt), they got infected often, sometimes so severely the infection got into my ear and it felt like a knife being stabbed into my inner ear every time i swallowed.

Yeah no, i dont regret taking then out
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>uwwaaaah I'm the exception that proves the rule and I also can't brush my teeth correctly, this is anatomy's fault waaaah please save me, elective surgery!!
damn i thought this was just another type of sugar and avoided buying gum with it when looking for a completely sugarless gum. thank you for this information
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is straightening your teeth also a meme? I want to get on invisalign.
There was an accident and she needed reconstructive surgery
Just mew

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