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/fit/ - Fitness

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Being in Europe and not seeing one obese whale is honestly a luxury
Yeah instead you see convoys of suvs full of niggers flying a foreign flag and shouting at everybody
Where? People in Eastern Europe and Germany are getting fat, man. I haven't been there in over 10 years but I visited again last year and couldn't believe my eyes. Everyone just fucking ballooned up.
Well I was in France maybe germany is different
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It isn't the 1960s anymore, Europeans are becoming increasingly fat. Most of the countries are sitting around ~25% obesity rate in men.

Still a lot better than countries like US, Mexico, Turkey, but to say you "don't see fat people in Europe" is downright laughable
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here are the current %'s
What part of Germany are you from, Bruder?
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Unironically want to move to Siberia for this reason.
>Men 25%
>Women 40%
Are Turkish women are eating their husband's dinner too?
>It isn't the 1960s anymore, Europeans are becoming increasingly fat.
Maybe they were all inside when I was there but I legit remember it was the first thing I noticed about europe was no fatties. When I actually saw fatties, it ended up being american tourists lol
Yeah a lot of people are fat. Beer bellies are extremely common, but few actually reach the extreme size of americans. I don't think I've ever seen a mobility scooter.
Less to do with size and obesity and more to do with american privilege vs europeans being used to not having the conveniences of americans.
I'm in Hollan, I see a lot of skinny fat prior but not a ton of lard-asses, obese people are still rare luckily.
Also, I swear the sandniggers bring up the stats a lot. They seem either lean and fit or fat as fuck slobs, no middle ground.
Spaniard here
Sure, maybe we dont have the scooter-riding omega hamplanets, but almost everyone (about 70% of the people according to my personal observation) is definitely overweight.
>american privilege
You mean not having fucktarded planned economies?
I'm Czech (a fatass country by European standards) and I do see pigs more frequently than ten years ago. Young people are still generally fine tho
Funny you say that when I came back from china a couple weeks ago I saw more fat people in the few fours at the airport than the entire 2 weeks I was there. I can't imagine how bad america must be.
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The fuck are you on about? I lived in eastern europe for a year and saw tons of big fat bastards
>b..but eastern europe doesn't count
Shut the fuck up
Europeans who have never been to the US aren't familiar with the American idea of who's fat and who's normal.

I'm not suggesting that you should travel just to see how bad it truly is in the US but just believe me, whatever level of obesity you country is currently at, it's not even remotely close to the US.
What's skinnyfat here is "normal" there. What's obese here is just "big" there. They only really consider the grotesque monsters you rarely if ever seen in Europe "obese".
Basically add 20-50 kilos to your idea of fatness to imagine the state of things in America. I'd never be able to live there because everywhere you look you see great ugliness.

P.S. I hate all fat people equally and don't discriminate btw
Fat in the US is extremely regional and differs wildly by race and creed. You are just some obsessed poor person.
Classic Amerilard cope.
muttmerication is real, especially so in eastern europe
UK: I would estimate 75% women are overweight and maybe a bit less for men. This seems to get worse year on year.

People who actually work out and actively stay in shape vs just being small due to not eating much: maybe 5%
>Being in Europe and not seeing one obese whale is honestly a luxury
Clearly didn't visit Germany.
Well it’s basically hapa heaven
It wasn't an insult, anon. Me, as most other europeans, still believe in the american dream and would sacrifice a lot to move there because it is still infinitely better than our countries. And the future is looking brighter for you guys as well. It's mostly whiny americans who disagree on this or europeans who weigh 60kg at 180cm with a generous yearly salary of 40k euroes at 40 years old.
Even Massachusetts is fat compared to Austria.
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Yeah, that's a nice extra bonus.
Sounds nice
Unfortunately I'm stuck in fuckin Niggertown
really? as someone who's /fit/ I feel like I see so many muscular chads around now. It's making me mad I was meant to be special. Even at 6'2" it's nothing because zoomers are like 6'4".

I hope it is true and people become more fat so I can really shine.
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Sad news to hear, skinny eastern euro girls are the most cock hungry women on the planet
this. I'm often disgusted when I go out

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