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There's no proof that seed oils are bad for you
Thanks but I'm sticking with butter
can someone actually explain this to me
apparently they are supposed to be healthy? but some people say they are bad? wtf is the redpill
It's just no skitzos with no personality who do nothing but obsess over fad diets.same tards pushing the carnivore diet
I don't to know if they are bad or not because I don't consume them
The argument is that most seed oils are unstable and quickly degrade because of the processing required to make them digestible, primarily through a lot of heating and cooling. This causes them to oxydize. That also means they function as oxydizers in the body , causing inflammation. This is also why anti-oxydants are considered healthy while others foods higher in oxydozing fatty acids than anti-oxydizibg fatty acids are considered unhealthy
They are healthy = blue pill
They are unhealthy = red pill
Everyone I know that consumes them looks like a fat weak piece of shit so I think I'll stay away
>t. balding re.ddit user trusting le science
If you want to err on the side of caution, by this argument olive oil, butter and coconut oil are all good. And I believe avacado oil is, too.
so if you ate a good amount of anti-oxydants it will cancel out the oxydants? or do you avoid oxydants all together?
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Seed oils turn into lipid peroxide in the body
No, there are like ten different arguments and if you rule one out with factual contradiction the schizos move on to another one.
Avocado oil is all linoleic acid its trash
>No, there are like ten different arguments
Yea I think I'm just going to avoid seed oils
No because your fat cells are literally oxydizing while being stored in your belly, some antioxidants in your blood stream wont help much, theres a great book that cuts into this topic on part called " Nutrition and physical degeneration " by Weston A. Price, can really recommend it
You're probably getting a good deal on your conventional diet as is, most products use cheap seed oils like palm oil so you'll probably have a hard time getting enough anti-oxydants. But in theory? I suppose so. Keep in mind there's other benefits to oils like butter. Your body and your brain in particular needs a certain amount of saturated fat. The main issue with cholesterol isn't that you're eating to much saturated fat per se, its about balancing the different kinds of cholesterol. The names escape me atm but people usually call them good and bad cholesterol.

Go on then.

Fair enough
actual scientists who research it say they are healthy in moderation, youtube grifters who want clicks say its bad until they move on to the next boogieman.
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>Go on then.
I did once, just asked questions like why is that bad until it came down to being "processed" and that doesn't mean anything since chemicals are chemicals. The next day probably the same person said they were bad because of oxidation or something.

My guess is it's Dr. Fauci promoting butter so people die before pension age.
Palm oil is actually one of the least harmful plant oils, it isn’t nearly as good as coconut oil but it is still solidly in third place and the second best plant oil you could consume. Palm oil is considered bad because liberals are faggots and don’t want third worlders to have jobs or something.
>actual scientists
Evil people
>youtube grifters
Good people
"Actual scientists who research it" also said myocarditis and natural immunity were conspiracy theories, so I think I'm gonna do my own research, follow my gut, and avoid sneed oils.
>no no no you HAVE to consume the factory runoff that can be used in engines!
>science said so!!!
>can be used in engines
Bad argument. Engines use oxygen to combust, does that mean you should stop breathing it?
Rather dishonest argument, since oxygen is a simple molecule naturally existing and seed oils are highly processed, highly technical bottles of very unnatural shit.
Here's what I do
I don't use oils that aren't cold pressed at home
I don't use butter because the saturated fat and cholesterol levels are terrible
I avoid all deep fried fast food as they use damaged seed oils on repeat until they are pure carcinogens
I do use olive oil and make all my own bread
I do eat red meat but I eat more chicken
I do use margarine in light amounts because it has a good fat profile and isn't being reheated constantly to deep fry shit

I feel amazing
Yes, you specifically should stop breathing
Post body then
>inb4 “how I look has nothing to do with how I feel”
Hey I'm not saying seed oils are good, they're not. Specifically because of oxidants and its tendency to break down into fat. I'm just saying argue better.
>I do use margarine in light amounts because it has a good fat profile and isn't being reheated constantly to deep fry shit
In what world are trans fats part of a good profile? Or did they stop using those somehow.
He said butter is bad because of saturated fats and cholesterol. He’s a fucking retard.
show us the research that doesn't involve a grifter.
No. Find it yourself or suffer the consequences of the vax. Not my problem faggot
Saturated fats are reportedly worse if you're overeating, which many people are.

Apparently for margarine they came up with a new trick to make it solid different from partial hydrogenation, "interesterification", which I'm sure is perfectly fine.......
Fuck off.
Studies show consuming sneed oils lower LDL and cholesterol when but those factors are not 1:1 with heart health. People claim that the linoleic acid in sneed oils causes issues as well as poor omega 3/6 balance and little evidence exists for that. What has been proven is highly processed foods have a disproportional affect on metabolic health and since sneed oils are highly processed its very easy to see why people are skeptical of them. Personally I avoid them for the same reason I avoid high fructose corn syrup, its not a whole food, so I dont eat it.
Down 60lbs since covid btw. Whole foods diet is the easiest ive ever been on and so far also the most effective.
Everyday a new shill thread...
I am so sorry, but the genie is out of the bottle and further ketching will just accelerate the inevitable.

I basically do the same thing but I do use more butter instead of margarine.
I also have never felt better
Then use them, drink glassfuls of the muh trendy wendy plany wanty muh veganny celebrity approved make the faggot bill gates one tax bracket richer slop. Support the team who hates you and wants you sick if you are so inclined, I don't give a fuck what dumb shit you do lol.
This. They struggle but it is hopeless for them. You would almost feel bad watching the shills struggle if they weren't such bad, subhuman people.
natural immunity isn't a thing faggot.
If you use oil or any added fat for that matter you are retarded
Theyre all useless calories
Yeah dude, the part of the macro calories primarily responsible for hormone synthesis is useless…
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Awww shill is upset. Need a cock to suck?
you can only be naturally immune to one strain. All the dumbfucks that claimed they got covid so they'll never catch it ever again are just as dumb as the vax cattle. It was just another cope for weak minded people to cope about not getting a stupid shot vs just simply establishing "hm I don't wanna take it so I won't"
If you eat meat, eggs and dairy like a normal human, you easily get the daily 40-50g of fat needed for hormones.
There should be no place in your diet for ADDED fat.
If you want to fry something just air bake it instead, fat fuck.
>yall are actually both stupid!
>le smug centrist tip
>the only way to add fats is to fry it
God you’re a fucking retard
Ohhhh you mean all those hew super duper strains that were mild colds and everyone who never got vaxxed naturally became immune to without taking the shot? Look, I get your point, it's more to the point we just weren't taking the mrna serum so I get what you mean, but we all naturally got over the minor flu plague of 2020. It's essentially not an issue anymore and never was making our immunity to it naturallymacquired. Whether it was some new virus or the obvious rebranding of something else.
>Avocado oil is all linoleic acid its trash

what? it pretty much has exactly the same ratio of fats as olive oil does
This is wildly interesting
You are both right, avocado can vary wildly even within the same farm
Avocados are naturally harvested, they’re not farmed you idiot
basically this. "the science" doesn't even understand what omega 3s or 6s (from plants) do besides omega 3 converting to dha. the vast majority of evidence supports the idea that replacing saturated fats with plant fats is good for your cardiovascular and metabolic health, and has been this way for decades. i add maybe 1tbs refined and 1tbs cold pressed oil per day.
any source/info on this? i currently cook with cold pressed 100% avo
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Here man, I don't know what it proves u can decide
I figured the topic was general health not pure physique, if I wanted that I'd have been blasting gear the last ten years and been rotting in the ground probably nowish
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This basically.
Red pillers say seed oils are bad because the large amount of processing oxidizes it make it bad.
It's why they say butter is better because its a saturated fat and a fully filled (saturated) fatty chain is more stable so it wont oxidize.

The problem is just about every study shows consuming seed/vegetable oils over stuff like butter improves health markers.
But a red pillers will just say "Yes, trust the (((science))) goy!" and ignore any study evidence and only go off of the mechanic theory described above.
nigga i thought that was her ass, took me a few seconds to realize what's going on in that pic
literally who cares, do you eat perfect no so fuck off its cheap and tasty i won't die of it.
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Seed oils are high in omega-6.
~1.7% of total daily calories is the upper limit for omega-6 intake with 4% being the threshold were disease becomes visibly manifest.
A non-seed oil diet has all the omega-6 someone would need so adding a seed oil or seed oil food to it more than likely you're overdosing.
Seed oils are big business. There are over 600,000 food products made out of seed oil, sugar, and flour. The entire fast food industry runs on seed oil.
A single jew had a heart attack and threatened to sue the fast food industry and they switched to seed oils.
All of your cell walls are made out of saturated fat. If polyunsaturated fats are used the cell walls will be unstable and breakdown.
The human brain is made out of primarily saturated fat and cholesterol.
Butter, coconut oil, beef tallow, are the lowest in omega-6 to cook with.
>does it grow from the ground
if the answer is no it's bad(don't care for jewish smartass answers like muh poison plants)
>is it from a tree?
if the answer is no it's bad
>is it an animal or from animal
if the answer is no it's bad
>is it artificial in any way?
it's bad
you live your life like this, you hurt every aspect of jewish businesses
>Jo Travers, a nutritionist and author of [REDACTED], agrees. “As with most things, it depends on the oil and how much of it you consume,” she says. “It’s largely the omega-6 content which can cause health problems and different seeds have different omega profiles.”
>The anti-seed oil movement isn’t completely unfounded. It’s true that some oils are healthier than others. “Rapeseed oil is a healthier choice,” Travers explains. “It’s partly to do with the ratio of omega 3 (the good one) to omega 6 (the not-so-good one). Rapeseed oil has less omega 6 than sunflower oil. However, if you’re only eating small amounts of sunflower or basedbean oil in the context of a healthy diet, then it’s not going to make much difference.”
>When it comes to fear of heart disease and inflammation, however, the root of concern is probably more about the oil’s prevalence in processed food than it is about the oil itself. “The trouble comes when people eat a diet of processed food which often contains high amounts of these oils and very small amounts of omega 3,” says Travers.
Follow this guy's advice to die of heart disease at age 40
I didn't get it lol

it was always just a cold lol -- imagine wanting to associate yourself with the fucking retarded idiots that claimed they were pureblood, naturally immune, the shot would kill you and give you aids
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Stop shilling the jewish injections.

Why would butter do that? Obesity only skyrocketed in the US after they started phasing out butter, and the chain that butter or saturated fat caused heart and vascular problems is disproven by itself, specifically the stats coming out of France and Germany that did not support the study's claim
wow this thread started good and became worthless
It's the eurofags.
It's difficult to get a clear answer since you see a lot of sabotaged studies, like studies claiming vegetarian or vegan diets are better but upon reading the study you see the meat eating participants seem to subsist on a diet of McDonald's and KFC.
I don't know how much credibility there is to any of these studies, im just going to go by what reinforces my world view
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okay, keep sucking youtbue grifter cock.
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Stop shilling the jewish injection. No one believes in it.
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everyone I know that's omega 6 dominant burns in the sun
science save us
>the vast majority of evidence supports the idea that replacing saturated fats with plant fats is good for your cardiovascular and metabolic health
Unfortunately thats not even true, they can positively affect markers and thats all that can be said. There is a growing body of work showing that LDL and cholesterol are not properly understood.
Specifically pizza as "red meat" is a common one
Can I get the study this slide was based on?
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I used to get sunburn when I was a kid. Now I'm out in the sun for hours and I just tan. I was painting outdoors all last week in direct sun, no burn, skin didn't even feel sensitive.
Fats don't exist in a vacuum tho. Obesity skyrocketed once high fructose syrups hit the scene. Seed oils have been around a long time, even hexane extraction has existed since 1930
Correct, but the study also showed France and Germany consuming a ton of saturated fats without seeing a lot of heart disease. The claims of the study that fat and fast alone was responsible seems like a baseless claim.
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>take animal fat
>eat it raw

>take plant oil
>need to go through a series of complex processes to make it edible and not kill you
all I've seen is that they are becoming more precise in identifying risk factors and blood markers to predict disease. apoB for example isn't LDL per say, but it's attached to it.
yeah but none of these fat fetishists talk about how they see the exact opposite in scandinavian countries: high fat consumption equals very high LDL and low HDL.
based smug poster
Cool theory man, but how comes when you replace saturated fat with PUFA health outcomes in actual humans improve?

> https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/01.ATV.0000163185.28245.a1
> High SFA caused deterioration in FMD compared with high PUFA, MUFA, or CARB diets

> https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.010236
> These data provide support for current recommendations to replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat for primary prevention of CHD.

> https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00394-021-02507-1
>replacement of saturated fats with other macronutrients, such as polyunsaturated fats, was associated with reduced cardiovascular disease occurrence.

>The consumption of rapeseed oil instead of ghee caused improvements in liver steatosis and enzymes, glycaemic variables and anthropometric measurements among individuals with NAFLD.

> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8048052/
> Intakes of butter and margarine were associated with higher total mortality while intakes of canola oil and olive oil were related to lower total mortality.
>so I think I'm gonna do my own research, follow my gut, and avoid sneed oils.
You're going to browse 4chan and do whatever they tell you what to believe like the sheep you are. God this board has been just absolute shit since 2016
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>need to go through a series of complex processes to make it edible and not kill you
that's not even remotely true
>need to go through
>need to
>cold press is raw and unprocessed
>somehow edible
post belly fatboy
Be that as it may, its not 1:1 and higher levels of LDL and cholesterol can also be a marker of longevity
One one hand you have sneed oil studies that make conclusions after studying 113 people and the other hand you have the whackos from low carb down under who claim sneed oils SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST >https://youtu.be/Q2UnOryQiIY?si=buAuIOV39vBWXLkD&t=30:47
The best proof I have is that a whole food diet put my NAFLD and hypertension into remission.
Time stamp doesnt seem to be working
Its 30:47
How cold press is made:
Seeds are cold pressed, oil is bottled
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>> Intakes of butter and margarine were associated with higher total mortality
Margarine is seed oil.
This right here shows you don't understand what we are talking about:
>Consumption of butter and margarine was associated with higher total and cardiometabolic mortality. Replacing butter and margarine with canola oil, corn oil, or olive oil was related to lower total and cardiometabolic mortality.

Objective— It is unknown whether a low-fat diet, which may elevate triglycerides and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, harms the endothelium. Our aim was to determine whether a low-fat, high-carbohydrate (CARB) diet impaired endothelial vasodilation
See >>74762107

Advice regarding the intake of dietary fats is particularly relevant to those with type 2 diabetes, given their increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Although only limited data were available,
See >>74761820
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is a prevalent hepatic condition worldwide, is expected to develop into the leading reason for end-stage fatty liver in the forthcoming decades. Incorporating rapeseed oil into a balanced diet may be beneficial in improving NAFLD.
See picrel
>Incorporating rapeseed oil into a balanced diet may be beneficial in improving NAFLD
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>Over 12 weeks, 110 patients (seventy men and forty women; BMI (mean) 28·2 (sd 1·6 kg/m2); mean age 42 (sd 9·6) years), who daily consumed ghee, were assigned to the intervention or control group through random allocation. The intervention group was advised to substitute ghee with rapeseed oil in the same amount. The control group continued the consumption of ghee and was instructed to adhere to a healthy diet.

Post exactly what everyone was eating and the quantities?
Im just quoting the other post because it contradicts itself
If you want to use canola for some reason, say neutral flavour, that's probably a good idea getting cold-pressed. I've seen that brand at the grocery store but I didn't pay them attention. I'll check them out.
Increased cancer in multiple human rcts. The LA Veterans authors thought we needed longer term controlled trials to really what might be the long term effects of these new oils. That has never and likely will never be done
Canola oil is delicious and natural, mmm I want to lick it straight off the screw press

>canada oil comes from the canada oil plant
>Margarine is seed oil.
It also contains transfats, which are even worse than saturated fat. Margarine is bad for you. Seed oils are not.

>Look at pic related sources
>The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz
Lmao what the fuck is that source. Post a human study or get the fuck out.
Which seed oils?
How much should we consume?
Is there a limit? Can we consume too much?

Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid. We need to consume 0.5% of total calories as omega-6. The problem is that in the West we have 10%, which is twenty times as much as is good for [3]. Vegetable oil is widely used in cooking and food processing. Excess omega-6 fats are converted to inflammatory prostaglandins and liver inflammatory changes result. This pathway is inhibited by omega-3 fats. Ideally omega-3 and omega-6 intake should be equal but in the West omega-6 intake is twenty times greater [4]. Heating polyunsaturated omega-6 fats results in toxic oxidation products, which are far worse than the trans fats that vegetable oil has replaced [5], and these may cause further liver damage.

1. AHS13 Victoria Prince — Fatty Liver: Is It the Fat's Fault? http://www.ancestralhealth.org/post/ahs13-video-update
2. Beef fat prevents alcoholic liver disease in the rat, Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1989 Feb;13(1):15-9
3. Fish, Omega-3 and Human Health by William Lands
4. Diets could prevent many diseases, William E. M. Lands, Lipids, April 2003, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp 317-321
The real redpill is that all oils and animal fats are bad for you if used immoderately except for virgin olive oil and virgin coconut oil, which are two of the healthiest substances humans can consume
yes but olive oil still is unstable to cook with, i only eat it raw like a dressing, if you are cooking with high heat or cooking something for a long time like a stew, use butter ghee cocknut oil or animal fat.
most seeds dont get digested, its evolutionary so that animals that eat the fruit shit out the seeds and the plant can spread its seed.
^also, olive and avocado oil are considered an exception to liquid unsaturated fats since they are pressed from the fruit rather than the seed. olives and avacados have so much fat in them they cold press the 'meat" and thats where the oil comes from.
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>cold press
sounds like a process to me, might as well be eating liquid plastic with metal bits.
>Which seed oils?
Canola, Flax, basedbean, sesame
>How much should we consume?
About 20% of your calories should be fats
>Is there a limit? Can we consume too much?
Yeah probably. Consuming so much you gain a ton of weight will probably lead to negative health outcomes.

All you did was post the same stupid source again.
>1. Ancestralhealth.org
Lmao good source
>Beef fat prevents alcoholic liver disease in the rat
>in the rat
>3. a random book by a random guy
4. a random book by a random guy

Where are the human studies?
See: >>74762514
>How much should we consume?
>About 20% of your calories should be fats
Fat or oil?
How much of the human diet should be omega-6 LA?
If someone is eating a 2000 calorie a day diet, how much canola/flax/onions/seasame could they eat per day?
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You're all a bunch of faggots ITT
The red pill is half of the US is obese yet more than half of the people make less money than required to become obese
There's the burning sensation I get in my liver and gall bladder about a half hour after eating them that I don't get with butter, lard or even olive oil.
Why do you care about rat studies? Human data shows positive health outcomes. You are purposely using shitty evidence to push your retarded agenda when superior evidence exists. Youtube videos and random opinion books aren't evidence.
>If someone is eating a 2000 calorie a day diet, how much canola/flax/onions/seasame could they eat per day?
What a weird question. I don't know man look up a basic macro calculator for your specific needs. "could" is such a strange way to word it.
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It takes about ten bucks a day to become obese.
>How much should we consume?
>About 20% of your calories should be fats
Fat or oil?
How much of the human diet should be omega-6 LA?
If someone is eating a 2000 calorie a day diet, how much canola/flax/onions/seasame should they eat per day?
Do your studies >>74762514 not answer this question?
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>make less money than required to become obese
What a bunch of hogwash.
what the fuck is inflammation?
when I eat food I don't inflate
i can tell you're horribly ignorant on this topic because you keep mentioning canola and flax, both of which are low omega 6, especially flax. canola oil has a similar fat makeup as olive oil.
>my screengrab from some bullshit printed 100 years ago
just stop
what is this alchemy shit?
butter = trump
seed oils = biden
I've heard the argument against cookibg with olive oil before but from what I understand it's fine if it's heated below the point of it smoking, which is what I do even with extra virgin with is supposed to have a lot temp at which it burns. And yes all oils are unstable to some degree, we keep olive oil in dark glass bottles to stop the UV from accelerating the process. It's also advised to check the date of the harvest, over seen 4+ year old bottles on the shelves here. I doubt it'll kill you too use one of them but it's probably better to get it fresher. I understand the argument against using it to cook though, I don't have anything to prove or disprove that it's no good so I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for approaching it like that
It's basically an infection in the body, like something getting irritated. The argument is that consuming sneed oils inflames your arteries which the body naturally uses cholesterol to repair. Repeated inflammation in the same area result in too much of it building up and leading to obstructed or blocked arteries
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>How much should we consume?
>About 20% of your calories should be fats
Fat or oil?
How much of the human diet should be omega-6 LA?
If someone is eating a 2000 calorie a day diet, how much canola/flax/onions/sesame oil should they eat per day?
You can't answer.
post body
I had a bottle of olive oil like that once, it actually smelled like plastic. Tried out a fancier bottle with some labels like proof of import that at least improved the odds on it actually being olive oil and was sold in a dark glass bottle. The difference in taste and smell was remarkable. I don't know if you'd have to cough up as much cash as I did for quality but at the very least I never but it in plastic containers anymore.
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Oh look, it's a machine oil shilling thread
your country is literally 70% obese
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you should totally dig up tubers and eat them without processing
>butter and margarine
of course they put them together LOL
the most based poster on fit
physiognomy wins again
you're too dumb to fake your own body on a scandinavian microwave enthusiast forum
>the saturated fat
lol he believes the sugar kikes what a good goyim
You seem to care an awful lot for not caring
kill yourself promptly
Bread, unfertilized eggs, butter, cheese, hamburger, and much more could be considered artificial but I doubt you don't eat them
Does no actual findings of their own, takes previous studies as fact, assumes the correlation is causation. YouTube and twitter as sources. Try harder faggot
Olive oil is good, soi and canola is bad and my proof is that soi and canola always make me feel shitty whereas olive oil does not. Peanut and sunflower are pretty neutral, I'd prefer peanut oil for frying.
try ghee or tallow for frying. made some doughnuts fried in ghee today and they were delicious
>There are 10 different reasons why you shouldn't consume seed oils
>Somehow he thinks this proves you SHOULD comsume seed oils
Vegan mental gymnastics at its finest
People saying it is healthy are vegans who say everything plant based is healthy. It's supposed to be healthy because it's not animal fat or butter. Vegetable good, meat bad.
People who say it is unhealthy saw studies that show it causes massive health issues, cancer, lowered testosterone, clogging arteries, destroying your stomach, causing fatigue etc

People who say it's good have an agenda to push more vegan shit. People who say it's bad have to put down a product they'd gladly use because the product turned out to be toxic.
>healthy in moderation
This phrase is a meme. If something is healthy, you can consume as much of it as you want. You can consume pounds of butter and be fine. Consume a few tbsp of seed oils per day and it'll destroy your health. Moderation is a gay jewish psyop.
So true. Just like how grass is purple.
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Stop shilling the failed jewish injections for the meme cold virus. No one believes in it. You just look retarded trying to shill it here.
10 made up arguments =/= 10 reasons.
"Everything in moderation" was an ancient Greek saying that has been adopted by fat fucks and corporations alike to justify the consumption of trash.
>what the quote originally meant
Everything in moderation according to your goals and needs. The moderation you must abide by is different from the moderation an athlete has to abide by.
>what the quote has come to be
"everything in moderation lol, a lil fried chicken won't harm, what's a lil donut in the grand scheme of things lol"
>arguments against something =/= reasons not to do it
They literally do, though. You can disagree with the reasons, but they are still reasons.

For example, 1 reason I might not want to consume seed oils is to piss off retarded vegan shills like you. Another reason is that they're toxic industrial waste products that shouldn't be consumed by any animal, ever. Both pretty compelling arguments imo.
Fat fuck
i use veggie oil as a lube
We all know animal fats are good but this is a seed oil thread
Ive been avoiding seed oils for over 10 years based on scientific research
it's wild how they went viral recently and then a bunch of midwits started to insist they are actually healthy
>If something is healthy, you can consume as much of it as you want.
Yeah. Water is so unhealthy. You only drink 6 liters in one sitting and somehow your body dies. Water is just so unhealthy.
Imagine breathing in too much oxygen and getting oxygen poisoning.
unfortunately all restaurants use seed oils because it saves 10c per meal
basically forces you to cook everything yourself if you want to be healthy
sunburn is the most obvious symptom of seed oil poisoning
It's not 10 cents canola oil is a fraction of the price (under half the cost) of good oils like peanut
All I know is that the people on twitter saying seed oils are bad have better physiques than the people saying seed oils aren't that bad. For that reason alone I am against them. Can't lie it is kinda hard to remove EVERYTHING since they are in so much stuff but I have toned it down drastically. Using real butter even though it doesn't spread as well :(
Most 'butter' is like 30% rapeseed oil, and who knows what they're feeding the dairy cows?
Because people that eat seed oils in moderation don't make it their personality to talk about every chance they get
chick-fil-a uses peanut oil
Cows eat the literal byproduct of pressed seed oils lmao
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>everyone who disagrees with me is a vegan!!1
Oh my goodness I accidentally ingested olive oil I'm gonna die now waaah I can't just go to the gym and work out lmao waaahah
>who knows what they're feeding the dairy cows?
Abominable fucking slop of course. Every time this is in question it's because animals aren't raised or treated humanely. Why is there heavy metals in the collogen supplements? Because cows are fed abominable goyslop. It is not hard to fucking understand
Milk used to be something you had to work for and this is the price you pay to have it conveniently. You need factory farms/dairies.
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The problem is that the base level of omega-6 in every industrial population is already so high. pic related. There is no proper low omega-6 control group.
The only way to do these studies is by using animals or do 10 year long lasting studies where you start seeing the effect of the body fat being replaced.
an important piece left out is that a significant number of people carry alleles that makes the conversion of ala ( plant omega 3) to dha and epa(animal omega 3s) very inefficient.
in such people sneed oils are probably pretty bad for you because you get almost entirely omega 6.
I'm not American so that would be illegal here
does it really make a difference? conversion rates are poor either way just worse for some people
>shilling for sneed oils
The absolute state of /fit/
Olive oil is a fruit oil.
Oh my goodness I ingested canola oil I'm gonna die noooo I can't just go to the gym waaaah
>fruit cant have seeds
well when you consider that pretty much everything except fish is low in omega 3s, seed oils will be the primary if not only significant source of omega 3s in most people's diets , so if you cant convert it very well, you're going to have an exceptionally bad time, as with most nutritional deficiencies, they only really present symptomatically when you exceptionally deficient

if i recall correctly , if you have the bad allele , the omega 6 to 3 ratio ends up being like 10:1, where as if you have the good one its more like 5-3:1.
they come oxidized, get more oxidized cooking, oxidized fats destroy cells, raise omega 6s causing inflammation
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im just not gonna consume processed food. simple as.
Nah, brains are literally made of epa and dha the two most important omega 3s
Don't be obtuse
Fucks with your mitochondria, contributes to metabolic dysfunction, pro inflammatory, is only capable of being extracted in these amounts with a process patented in 1911. Could you eat 55 lbs./25 kilos of seeds on your own?
The largest dietary study ever with margarine vs butter showed something. >>74763748
It's still not hexane extraction.
(((Mike Isratael)))
If a leftist thinks it is good for you, it must be bad for you
and? your brain takes a long time to grow to full size, its not like people with the bad allele don't get any omega3s at all.
using cronometer
200g of ribeye steak has about 0.27g of omega3s
4 large regular eggs have about 0.14g of omga3s.

where as 200g of donuts has 0.32g of omega3s (seedoil/plant ala)
and 1tbsp of canola oil has about 1.24g of ala

the AI (adequate intake) for omega3s is 1.6g per day for an adult.

so tell me who the fuck is eating 1.5kg of steak or 48eggs every day to get their omega 3s (epa and dha).

unless you're eating sardines (about 2.6g omega3s per 100 grams ) every day, I don't see how the average adult is going to not be dependent on seed oils/plant ala.
thats assuming unrealistic conversion rates. the same thing happened with vitamin A and they found out in reality theyre much lower
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This board has been fucking wrecked by /pol/ tourists spilling out of their containment board.

Note how NONE of the "muh vaxx, muh seed oils" chuds will post body because they all look like shit since none of them work out/eat healthy. A good amount of them are also underage.

The sticky used to have Harsh's worksheet which had multiple studies cited for every claim it made. Now retards in here scoff at scientific literature because they think it makes them smart to be ignorant. Sad!
Lmao imagine being vaxxed
I got on butter and shit like coconut oil for a time like people online said like a bit back and holy shit, it fucked me up a bit when those tests came back. Also drunk a ton of milk and all this other shit, I cut out.

I'm much healthier now after ditching it. I use oils only.
post body with time stamp or go back to /pol/
Brain absorb rate for DHA is 4mg per day. Absolutely tiny number and it doesn't increase even if you megadose.
Single egg(60g) has 104mg of DHA. I'm not worried.
thats the point, because people are dependent on sneed oils for omega 3s, the health outcomes for people who consume sneed oils and convert it poorly are likely significantly worse , as compared to people who convert it at a higher rate, and as such the health imact of sneed oils is likely variable person to person,

some may be completely fine , or even be better off eating sneed oils, and others may suffer.
once your brain is fully grown it litterally doesnt matter, because you're just maintaining the tissue, the issue is that if a child lacks omega 3s, they may ended up being more retarded, like you.
Also, the other omega3's seem to only matter as far as they get converted into DHA. Brain is really low on EPA, and all the EPA that gets absorbed is destroyed by it immediately.

Good thing I'm not a pregnant woman or child like you then. Anyway the conversion from omega6 to omega3 is absolutely non-existent and average woman probably has kilos of it (>>74768679) already going about in her body, there is no benefit in adding more seed oils.
All seeds are toxic and estrogenic. It doesn't benefit the plant for you to chew and destroy its seed. It only survives if you swallow it and shit it out whole. When you chew it, it poisons you slightly.
i think you have the wrong idea pal,we're not talking about the conversion of omega6 to omega 3, we're talking about the conversion fo ala to dha and epa, sneed oils contain both ala(omega 3) and linoeic acid( omega 6) , the ISSUE as it concerns the general population, is that most of the omega 3 you consume IS from sneed oils, and some people convert ala very poorly, so a sizable chunk of the population is not getting enough omega 3s BECAUSE we are reliant on sneed oils to get it.
hence the retardation you are experiencing.

and to be clear the adequate intake of 1.6 grams, is not optimal, health benefit are seen up to about 8-10 grams.
omega 3 counteracts omega 6s inflamatory effects , so this lack of omega 3 is a bigger problem than having high omega 6.
Is it possible to get enough omega 3 to balance out all the omega 6 the average westerner is getting from seed oils? I'm not sure but I don't think so
if they eat fish , it is possible, a couple cans of fatty fish every day , like mackerel or sardines, is enough to significantly improve the omega 6 to 3 ratio
>why are seed oils bad
unsaturated fat
>why are unsaturated fats bad
create free radicals in the body
>why are free radicals bad
damage cells and cause mayhem(look at sources)
>doesnt refined sugars create lots of free radicals
>doesnt sun exposure create free radicals
yes, this is one of main causes of skin cancer

Also never heard about the "pork = seed oils" argument, ive been eating huge amounts of pork, maybe ill switch to beef... this is bad news for porkchads
You are the person he's describing. Literal NPC behavior, not a single original thought in your mind.
>high in omega-6 (good for brain function and cell growth)
>some have omega-3 (anti-inflammatory)
>when they replace saturated fats in the diet, they might reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
>lowers (bad) cholesterol levels
>good source of vitamin E
>excessive omega-6 intake without adequate omega-3 intake is not good (chronic diseases)
>many seed oils are highly processed (bleaching, deodorizing, solvents) = harmful
>prone to oxidation (exposed to heat, light, air) = not good
As with almost everything,
>moderation is key
>if you have to, go for less processed, cold-pressed, or expeller-pressed seed oils
>ensure balance between omega-6 and omega-3
In conclusion, they're neither inherently bad or good for you (at least not ALL of them). When people eat shit, they also eat a lot of seed oils, and have a fucked up diet/balance, so obviously it's not good. People arguing strongly in one direction or the other have a retarded agenda and dumb personal biases. The redpill is: don't be retarded.

Fatties have 10 litres of human body temperature seed oils in them going rancid, no amount of fish oil will counteract it. Obviously the absolute amount is a problem.
What do you mean by balance? How much of human fat should be made of linoleic acid? If you have lot of it(like most do), you can go with 0 seed oils for maybe even for whole decade.
Our ancestors' diet is thought to have had a lower omega-6 to 3 ratio, like 1:1 or 2:1, but today it's more like 15:1 because of too much seed oils and processed foods. It should be between 4:1 and 1:1.
>high in omega-6 (good for brain function and cell growth)
>some have omega-3 (anti-inflammatory)

The problem with this is that the omega-6 fully nullifies any positive effect of the omega-3 since they compete for enzymes to make any use of them in the body and proportionally there is usually 20 times more omega-6. Even if that weren't the case, they still have the opposite effects on inflammation so on balance seed oils always create more inflammation than the tiny amount of omega-3 could theoretically prevent.

Eating seed oils hikes up the amount of omega-3 you would need for an anti-inflammatory effect multiple times over, which is already relatively hard to get from diet. Seed oils have the potential to ruin your diet even if you do everything else perfectly if inflammation is what you're concerned with, which I don't think people consider enough.
Grassfed butter for omega 3. If want it from a seed oil than flax is the way to go.
See chart here >>74762859
>lowers (bad) cholesterol levels
>seed oils in moderation
I've seen that pic posted multiple times lmao
cut out pork unless it is hunted in the wild
farmed pig is pure goyslop
15:1 is very optimistic, the average for americans is somewhere around 20:1, for people eating mainly fast food or other junk food it's very easy to get a ratio of 50:1 going. Students, poors, people living in food deserts, basically anyone who eats products instead of food is living possibly their whole life with a ratio worse than 50:1.
15:1 is what health conscious whole foods shoppers get, the target of 4:1 to 1:1 is met by practically nobody other than a tiny minority of carnivores who get all their meat sourced from farms that don't grain feed the animals. Most animal fat is now also filled with omega-6, because they get fed seeds instead of grass and bugs and whatever they're supposed to eat. Lard or chicken fat is basically just a seed oil that hardens.
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If you're using miniscule amounts of oil to cook, it's not going to particularly matter what type of oil you're using. Where you consume large amounts of oil are baked goods, sauces, and frying. The first two you generally want to use saturated fats in anyway, and the last one may only be a problem if you're consuming fried foods very frequently.
What's fucked up about cooking with seed oils is that even just a teaspoon used to sear a chicken breast on a pan fucks you up enough that you would need more than a teaspoon of something very high in omega-3 with no significant omega-6 like fish liver oil to counter-act that. The term anti-nutrient has become a meme, but this is literally a case of a food requiring you to eat more of another nutrient to make up for the negative effect it has. Getting enough omega-3 is a real struggle to begin with, making it harder just guarantees that you're not getting enough. You will not chug foul tasting fish oil every time you have a handful of McDonald's fries, easiest just to avoid them in the first place.
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No, you have seen my body multiple times before because I'm the only person in these threads that actually posts it. All of you "muh seed oils are bad" fatties will never post body because you know you look like shit and your advice is shit.
actually eggs are good
actually it is good
carbs are good actually
completely fine unless you have an intolerance
actually very healthy
why would that be the case
i see why you would think that but no
hmm i wonder if the people who make money off of pedaling nutrition ultimatums are correct this time.
>actual scientists
the other day I saw a table recommended by "experts" and backed up by the government saying that you should eat more cereal box and avoid beef or eggs

only a retard would trust (((scientists))) or (((experts))) in current year
>why yes I am easily persuaded by low effort propaganda. how could you tell?
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