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is cocoon mode still a thing?
after cocoon mode you're still gonna be a broke ass nigga though
This is a self destructive spiral into agoraphobia and narcissism that will likely make a larger barrier in your life than you intend it to.
Too late
ive been in my own cocoon mode for 9months now and Ive made almost 240K but even tho ive been going to the gym 3x per week for 9mo my bodys pretty bad still. but big improvement

unfortunately ive been using a big part of the excess income on escorts
How did you make the 240K?
Male escort
why narcissism?
>why devoting all my time into myself will turn me into a narcissist?
Idk anon, take a guess.
Women and zoomers are slugbrained retards. Cocoon mode is not a thing. It's not something you do to tell your friends or to add flair to your personality. It's about personal growth. It's about acquiring life skills by cutting off distractions and time wastes. Your time in cocoon mode is not something you're ever going to tell anybody about except maybe your children one day because it's completely uninteresting.
>Yeah so I just lift weights, eat and study all day every day.
People will find this completely unrelatable, off-putting and weird. Once again, this is not something you do for others. It's something you do for you and only you. If you need to find a group of people doing cocoon mode to connect with during, you've already failed.
This is just an gymcel pipeline. Even if you "transform" after that period, it won't do anything for your looks which is what really matters, and your social development which will be stunted. You will just be an ugly loser with muscles and no friends whose whole personality revolves around the gym.
Can you just stop being old
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DO NOT go /cocoon/ mode.
I was like that, thinking that I have to level up in every sense possible for years and only then I will be able to properly live life and engage with women etc
>Once I have a good stable job, once I have a decent a car, my own house, read a thousand books and my physique fully ready only then I will be ready to enjoy life!
But then you see yourself approaching your 30s with you still stacking money for your house while still basically being a socially inept virgin with gigantic obvious inexperiences..

Life isn't like videogames, don't waste your time maxing out all your stats before you enter a new area, you should go head on and learn through trial and error. I should've engaged with women the moment I hit puberty, not to wait till I was damn 30 because I put some retarded thought in my head that I have to have everything in perfect order before even considering approaching women.

Of course keep lifting and improving yourself in every sense, but don't let any of that hold you from living your life right now. 99% of people out there don't have the majority of their life in place, that is no excuse to not live. Please anons I beg you do not postpone your life, start living today
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>is cocoon mode still a thing?
It can by definition never be a thing, because cocoons are for oneself. No one can stop you from cocooning, it will never be in fashion or go out of fashion.
Oh just engage with women well let me go down to the engagements with women store where woman engaging grows on engaging trees

Women make their interest obvious to anyone who has a chance, they literally come to you if you have any chance at all
>Oh just engage with women well let me go down to the engagements with women store where woman engaging grows on engaging trees
Unless you were homeschooled, you are practically FORCED to regularly engage with women during high school while everyone is a hormone fueled teenager. That's my entire point, you (me) should've started the moment you hit puberty.
>they literally come to you if you have any chance at all
That happens only to the few very attractive men, every average man has to be the one who initiates if he wants anything to happen. If every man just waited for women to make the first move the vast majority of men would die as kissless virgins.
Yes. I have been doing it for a couple years now. Its viable and as long as you stay dedicated it works.
It also helps to work on a career or skill too along with lifting.
You are retarded, I don’t mean being asked out I mean women will make themselves obviously available to you or they are completely closed off to you. Yea you have to engage but they let you engage if that makes sense.
>Perhaps choose one subject a day to spend hours reading on (eg:Fashion, Sex etc.)
What is the end goal of this? You think you'll get laid because you read thousands of books about sex? Just lol
Most men rarely receive any "obvious" signs, a girl might look at you for 0.5 seconds longer than usual and she'll think it's very obvious. Not to mention that most average men don't get anything at all, if you don't make yourself known to them first you're just a whatever ghost non entity to women.

Below average men especially, if they wait for signs of interest first they will pretty much die as kissless virgins.
cocoon mode is just a delusional NEET
Dumbest thing I've seen all month.
The advantage of working out is the endorphins push you to be more outward. Purposefully doing the opposite and bunching them up will only lead to one thing: Psychosis
>The advantage of working out is the endorphins push you to be more outward
no it doesn't
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First off people only meet online now where she literally has to accept you before you can even talk to her, second women make their acceptance AND rejection of you irl incredibly obvious. Everyone knows how they look to women.
I've basically been doing this for almost 6 years now
But I never stopped fapping so I'm still a bumbling incompetent mess socially, especially with girls
Point is cocoon mode will only make things even worse for you socially, avoiding any and all experience even if that experience is nothing but rejections will only make it harder for you later on.
>Life isn't like videogames
it is tho
>t.videogame enjoyer
There is no respawn, gamesave or checkpoint reload point
>There is no respawn, gamesave or checkpoint reload point
just change jobs/friends/schools/family
that's not a respawn or reload point, that's going to a whole new territory after getting fucked in the previous one
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Is this real chat?
Personality doesn’t matter
It's from a christcuck organization "marriage pact" so I doubt it. They probably include people who use whatapp facebook to interact with each other despite having met elsewhere as "online"
>First off people only meet online now
no they don't. Go outside more, that graph is not real life
Yes it is, and that was not even my original point my point was that women have to accept you before you approach and therefore cocoon mode causes no damage to your chances with women
Looks are the most important part when meeting women, that's for sure. A very attractive man will barely have to do anything except exist in the vicinity of women and he will get women.

But that's not the case for the vast majority of men and you have to be the one who actively initiates in order for anything to happen. That is reality for the vast majority of the male population.
Don't care about your original point. I see most people meet outside IRL. Your graph is not reality
>women have to accept you before you approach and therefore cocoon mode causes no damage to your chances with women

A woman will "accept" you easier if you have a lot of friends, social status basically. If you're cocooned loner who avoids social interaction you immediately have it way harder
Thats fucking stupid, no good relationship could possibly come from pursuing a girl not interested in you. Basically just asking a person to abuse you.
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>scientifically gathered data means nothing compared to my anecdotal experience that perfectly reflects exactly what I want to be true for the convenience of my beliefs
Okay buddy, again where people meet makes no difference that personality doesn’t matter
>I see most people
Like a rich person saying he never sees anyone poor in his day to day life, so no one is poor
>personality doesn’t matter
But it absolutely does

You might be right. But its a different country then the US. Around here its usually poeple see each other outside or meet outside somewhere, school, work, gym, party, see someone outside etc, then they get their socials after meeting and hanging with them or asking around for it.
Again, an average man has to actively initiate, otherwise the vast majority of men would die as kissless virgins, which is not the case. And the girl can become interested in you later on, "love on first sight" is mostly bullshit that's just lust.

You know how back in high school or if you went to college how there were fairly average girls around which you didn't pay attention to much? But then one day one of those average girls wears something else with you noticing that she actually has great legs and ass, then you happen to talk to her and notice that she's a really pleasant person to be around and has a lot of friends too? Similar thing with women, they won't even register most average men as anything until that average man interacts with her first.
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>kissless virgins, which is not the case
About 40% of all men born after the turn of the millenium and rapidly rising with every year.
So yeah, we're well on the way actually towards 30y.o virgins being the norm.
I've been on cocoon mode for 23 years mang.
Shit doesn't work.
Being to stupid to tell studies apart and know which ones are quality and which aren't isn't our problem anon.
why agoraphobia? you still go to the gym and groceries
>Go outside more, that graph is not real life
this, you can still get laid if you expose yourself out there long enough and you 'might' get lucky one day.
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>Once I revert to an egg I must bury myself for 3 years, there my form matures.
some of us got fucked over by male only schools
only women I interacted with were family members and bitchy teachers
Damn botchy women in a male only school, only men should be allowed to teach in those. Women don't know how to teach young men
>women during high school while everyone is a hormone fueled teenager.
I went to an all boys school and I am straight.
It is over for me.
This shit is retarded.
Start living your life the way you think it should be lived, not for a couple months but forever.
Rather than eating super clean and lifting really hard for a month, just eat good and get exercise every single day until you die.
No, everyone is in a fucking cocoon these days. You need to do the opposite and go outside, workmon your social skills along side other areas of self improvement, otherwise you will fail under stress and struggle to juggle it all.
>Around here its usually poeple see each other outside or meet outside somewhere, school, work, gym, party, see someone outside etc, then they get their socials after meeting and hanging with them or asking around for it.
No one exchanges socials, they see each other and then leave.
The second you stop attending the event that brought you together you never see them again
T.Pennslyvania Boy.
>then you happen to talk to her and notice that she's a really pleasant person to be around and has a lot of friends too?
This user has outed itself as a foid, this has never happened to men.
It's only weird if you prance in front of a mirror like Buffalo Bill.
that happens if he reveals positive things about himself such as being a millionaire, having an 8x6 dick, having hotter girls than her in your rotation or being a serial killer
No it doesn't.

t.8x6 having seri ... oh, you almost got me.
No. Cocoon mode is the absolute last thing anyone on 4chan needs.

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