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Why are keto shills so obsessed with butter?
Eating a stick of butter is good for farming engagement because it's retarded.
Nigga why are YOU so obsessed with keto shills?
I think its weird how you didnt answer any of the question
Anyone that advocates any kind of niche diet is a complete retard and we should just stop talking about them. Just let them die of heart disease. They fucking get off on the fact people get so pissed off by it and in their mind it's proof they must be doing something right. Eating large amounts of butter is demonstrably terrible for you, so of course they're going to do it.
Cause its healthy as fuck? People that dont eat butter have worse recovery from injury for example
Do they not puke it up
I doubt it as that's equally as unhealthy.
There was one question (singular) and he answered it. To dumb down what he said even further for you. It drives views and engagement on their social media. Which means (you) are going to see more of it. They're not obsessed, people are obsessed with bickering about it they realize this and capitalize on it.
Sorry you dont like being wrong but you are.
Kill yourself promptly
Your post makes no a nse in any way that its taken
Get well soon
why be a ketofat lard when u can just drink this and get the same health benefits?
How does this post make any sense at all
I hate ticockers like this
>I'm going to eat this food with my bare as hands and make the most disgusting faces while doing it!!!
Fuck off
better nutrients in milk and healthy fats compared to butter and more calorie dense? only downside to them is the sugar and carbs so they get schizo and avoid it and down that stick of butter like it was a fuckin s'more on a stick.
So your argument is that just drinking extra processed milk gives you the same benefits as keto? Because that's just objectively incorrect.
>he can't digest lactose
I have funny bacteria digest it for me while also giving me extra benefits
>t. kefir enjoyer
>drink the Nestlé byproduct frankenmilk
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Why do you browse an English-language website, given your below fourth-grade level understanding of English?
>why are people who make money from attention online doing insane things and posting them online
Gee I wonder... Truly one of life's great mysteries.
This is just regular YT people food
ketards are against seasoning and water now?
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Post body OP
seething poorfags hating on god’s nectar
there doesn’t exist a more stacked nutrition label except for maybe beef liver
Honestly don't know.
I did "keto" as in I cut out all carbs and otherwise ate normally. Didn't increase butter intake or nothing like that. Worked wonders for my cut and got shredded with minimal muscle loss.
Fastforward years later when keto became all the rage in the mid 2010s and I'm seeing psychos screeching about "fat bombs" and other absurdly caloric dishes. Because "le your body needs fat for energy now xD".
The point of keto is to ramp up your fat burning capabilities. Usually achieved through fasting because it depletes your glycogen storage. But you suffer on fasting from a lack of protein, which could lead to muscle wasting. On keto, you still get the benefits of optimal fat burning by depleting your glycogen, but still keeping the protein and nutrients up with lean meats and fibrous/lowcarb green veggies. It's absolutely counter productive to hike up your fat intake on keto because you already have that fuel by way of the blubber you're already carrying on your body. Besides that, you'll be so focused on eating meat you won't have the stomach space to shovel down butter and other such nonsense.
As for these anti keto threads, 99% of the time they're seething vegans angry at a diet promoting the consumption of animal products. The other 1% is genuine bewilderment of the state of keto diets being shilled.
yeah it can't be real can it? how the fuck do they eat so much? am i just a skinny cunt?

i do what is basically keto and don't eat much butter, i'm not sure why either, i guess it's an easy way because meat so often has fat trimmed or none. i prefer sour cream. you can make sauces with it.

>The point of keto is to ramp up your fat burning capabilities
that is not why keto was created. and you're not doing keto properly if you don't eat at least as much fat as protein by weight. as in, you're probably not in ketosis. instead you're relying on breakdown of excess protein to make glucose.

also, the body isn't made up of just three nutrients (the macronutrient categories), so relying on bodyfat would still be nutritionally retarded. you should never at any point eat a deficient diet, whether you're fat or not.
Sounds like you just did the classic bodybuilder low carb diet.
Keto is a different animal entirely, as evidenced by the butter loving cult it is.
Vegans need not weigh in, of course.
I bet he wouldn't have such glaring rosacea if he didn't eat the sticks of butter
That guy is attempting to become a famous lolcow by the way. Not sure whether he is genuine in his retarded diet beliefs, but all the content he puts out seems to have irony and shock value for engagement.
Like he put an entire cows head inside a block of gelatin and said it was his favourite dessert.
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Shouldn't you be putting butter on your bread instead of processed yellow spread #6,000,000
They look to be in a lot better shape than you come to think of it
He literally did.
Idk why but the words ultra filtered makes it sound repulsive.
They genuinely think that saturated fat and cholesterol are good for you lmao
>ultra filtered
Because it means the same thing as ultra processed.
there is a recommended intake of both, so in a sense up to that value is good for you. this is what obviously like 1000x over that amount though.
>there is a recommended intake of both
no there isn't, the body doesn't need either.
Fucking retard.
That's not what recommended means so
That's basically not even milk anymore
Wish I could afford butter :(
literally did, kys
What do you except from a retarded diet that says to eat 80% of calories from saturated fat?
The recommendation is "as little as possible"
>(((The recommendation)))
Yes yes, eat what we tell you to eat, good goy, good
Because at their heart they are contrarians (which is why so many poltard are ketoschizos).
And since everybody tells you butter is bad (common sense) then butter MUST be great for you. And of course you can always find one shitty study that seems to confirm literally any thing.
They do it because it makes vegans utterly assblasted and they MUST post replies in the thread every single time without exception.
>anyone who doesn't eat a sick of butter a day is a vegan
This is what ketards actually believe
Just say you're poor it's ok.
Dumb fuck
>one of the cheapest possible things
Good butter is not cheap. Stop sucking down margarine like it's last call at the local chippindales.
>shifting the goalposts
>mentioned butter
>randomly thinks about sucking dick
They just filter the lactose out. It makes the protein:calorie ratio better since lactose is a sugar.
Nothing he just said was incorrect.
You know the lactose is just broken down into glucose and galactose? It's basically the same thing as lactose but it's broken down already.
NTA but kill yourself promptly
It's milk+
Actually its milk-
>3/4ths of this is butter dawg
lol this guy is doing a bit, his shit is obviously satire
he said margarine, you brought the dicks in out of nowhere, cockbreath
That's not what that product is
Explain to me what you think "sucking down margarine like it's last call at the local chippindales." Means
>organic oranges are more expensive therefore normal oranges somehow arent really oranges
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I don't know how much more clearer I can make this to you
are we not looking at the same words here?
Do you know what Chippendale's is
Based dosa enjoyer in picrel... Get that fermented lentil dough son
Controlled opposition bullshit tricking genuine people into going full retard. Or just retards.
Butter doesn't have that many nutrients to justify eating it so much.
That's not how the term controlled opposition is used
It's actually really hard to hit your cals without either eating butter, cheese, or dousing things in olive oil. So butter is pretty common in a keto diet to bridge some gaps, which led to things like putting a pad of butter in your coffee (bulletproof coffee) as well as other similar things.

And then ppl started doing retarded shit like straight eating a stick of butter because everything these days needs to be caricatured to the max.
>It's actually really hard to hit your cals without either eating butter, cheese, or dousing things in olive oil.
I hate ketoniggers so much, they must have the palate and stomach size of a 6 year old.
nta but not everyone does low carb/keto to cut weight. I do it for autoimmune issues and if I don't eat any added fat I end up not eating enough and not feel great
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it's like kids breaking into the sugar jar
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NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Saturated fat is le healthy even though it has a ton of calories and clogs your arteries.
2+2 = 2x2
how'd you get this pic of me?
>It's actually really hard to hit your cals without either eating butter, cheese, or dousing things in olive oil.
Mate I've eaten 2 full chickens before in a single sitting
It's incredibly easy to hit your daily calories just on lean protein before you even start adding in cheese or chocolate (which ketotards love)
there's no way jimmy moore isn't some gay humiliation exhibitionist or something. like how can he put his 500lbs of chewed bubblegum on display like that so shamelessly while allegedly being some diet expert lol
Just so you know hes literally in prison for child rape
>2 full chickens
>lean protein
Come on man
because butter is subversive and edgy.

For years it was maligned as some sort of public enemy number 1 for heart attacks, and if only people could just switch to some heckin' sneed oil they'd just be immortal. Same as bacon

So muh heckin' edgelords decided to eat a bunch of bacon and butter and be healthy that's getting clicks and views. Also the meme "I can eat all the bad stuff and still lose weight" really resonates
dang now wait until he checks ground beef
Wtf 314 prot is overkill
You were expecting someone who says they eat two entire chickens in one sitting to understand nutrition?
Most animal fats are not mostly saturated, whereas saturated fat consumption is very, very good for you. Butter is almost entirely saturated fat.
Of course, veggieboys are enraged seeing people eat solid fat, but they will not look twice at the consumption of oils/dips that are mostly polyunsaturated fats.
You had me until you pivoted to talking about "veggieboys" for no reason
This and it also answers nearly any question regarding social media too.
Ragebaiting has become VERY prominent over the years since all the big platforms changed their logarithms to boost maximum engagement.
Chances are that most of the retarded vids that are frequently posted here by anons are deliberate attempts at this very reaction and everyone plays into it.

>fat fuck mom that deepfries a whole chicken for her toddler and posts about it
Deliberate bait.
>e-girl whore ripping on men for not having 1 million in disposable income by the age of 19
Deliberate bait.
>retarded drop ship entrepreneur making fun of you lifting wheights or playing video games
Deliberate bait.

NOTHING you are engaging with online is real. Even if it's "real" people, their posting behavior is altered completely by trends and algorithms.
There is no trace left of the real once you look into a screen.
>2+2 = 2x2
>2 = 2
>2 = 2
>Ergo + = x
>1x1 = 1+1 = 2
>Terrence Howard was right
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You absolute retardation speed runner, this is excellent bait
Its the current "epic bacon"
I never said it was healthy retards
I said I did it
I thought I was crazy until I saw your post, thanks fellow skeptic
And you were wrong in your claims
Its provocative
It gets the people going
True but it also doesn't really change the core premise here that "you have to douse meat in butter or olive oil to overeat on keto"
Yes it does.
No, it doesn't
Also as an adendum you chose a shop bought rotisarie chicken not an unseasoned raw chicken you disingenuous fuck
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You can go to any carnivore or keto subreddit and see plenty of people not dousing tthings in free oils putting on weight. You, a binge eater, are not a reliable source of information and your perspective is dismissed
Fair enough. Rotisserie chickens are quite small. Only makes you look worse and your diatribe less trustworthy
>i binge ate nearly seven thousand calories and over 450 grams of fat, you should listen to me when I tell you its hard to overeat
>You can go to any carnivore or keto subreddit and see plenty of people not dousing tthings in free oils putting on weight
That was my entire point dumbass
>You, a binge eater, are not a reliable source of information and your perspective is dismissed
That... is absolutely fair
Wow that's a lot more than I expected desu.
I know I've broken like 8000kCal in a day but I didn't realise that I've probably done it in one sitting before
>you have to douse meat in butter or olive oil to overeat on keto
>You can go to any carnivore or keto subreddit and see plenty of people NOT DOUSING THINGS in free oils putting on weight.
>That was my entire point dumbass
Its literally the opposite of your point but ok. Hope you get a grip on your binge eating
>Its literally the opposite of your point
Read the chain, retard.
>Hope you get a grip on your binge eating
I still binge eat like 3-4kg of food in an evening but now it's just bulked out with a fuck ton of vegetables and the rest of my daily meals are like 400kCal at most.

If I didn't care about my weight I'd probably eat like 10,000kCal a day
He literally posted the chain. You are making false claims while proving yourself wrong by constantly reiterating that you have an eating disorder. Just stop.
>I still binge eat like 3-4kg of food in an evening

If true you are a fatty not michael phelps
>Mate I've eaten 2 full chickens before in a single sitting
>It's incredibly easy to hit your daily calories just on lean protein before you even start adding in cheese or chocolate (which ketotards love)
That's my first reply in the chain retard
Learn to read

I've posted my body on here before and I'm not fat (although I'm definitely not Phelps either)
I'm 74.5kg at 6' exactly as of this morning
>calling 500g of fat "lean" protein
>Calling others retarded
that shit doesnt even taste good
I could eat 10.000 calories of chocolate cake because its delicious
>>you have to douse meat in butter or olive oil to overeat on keto
Whether I'm retarded or not that's literally the opposite of what you claimed I said
You said exactly what I claimed I said because you are so deluded you think that 500g of fat is "lean" protein. Jsuy because you dont think correctly doesnt mean others are wrong for not having the same twisted thoughts
If you concede that two whole chickens isnt lean, then you concede that you were wrong, and since you also concede you have an ED and are not a reliable source of information I have no idea why you are still arguing with this guy
>olive oil
Where the fuck are either of those two ingredients in a roast chicken?
>common sense
Common sense would be that it's good; you're talking about present consensus.
It's amazing how many Terrence Howard nuthuggers were revealed after he brought up his retarded ass paper. I didn't think he would be that popular.
Gotta eat fat to lose fat. It’s basic science. They will be super thin by now
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I gotta know what that guys shit looks like
cheez its are mostly grain and seed oil calories
Because you can eat unlimited calories of saturated fats like butter and meat and be shredded as long as you don't spike the fattening hormone insulin with carbs
who says this. if you cut carbs people generally cut their calorie intake without realizing but it doesnt mean you can eat 10k cals a day and lose weight
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back to /r/vegan
i eat 99% carnivore and dont use reddit
Nobody mentioned cheez its
theres a big arrow in the picture pointing to cheez its
Hes eating a block of cheese
before he eats a whole box of cheez its
I knew a guy in the USP who was on death row and killed himself by eating nothing but butter for about a month, died from congestive heart failure.
im sure that happened. really cool story bud
Very common. Keto is deadly. It's anyways deathfats, grifters, and jews that try to convince you to do keto. Really makes you thunk.
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Kys Moxyte
The real question is why low fat zealots are obsessed with people eating animal fats. The answer is simple they crave it themselves yet deny it. Minnesota starvation experiments clearly showed the neurosis that results from a diet lacking in animal fats
What a disingenuous post
>ketoschizo is a lolcow for redditards
>thinks he's being clever
can't make this shit up
how come the healthiest countries in the world with lowest levels of obesity, highest levels of life expectancy and lowest levels of diabetes eat a lot of carbs? (france, italy, japan, etc)

meanwhile ketotranny americans are dying from heart attack in their 30s despite their "healthy superior keto diet". what gives?
>why does having an eating disorder result in disease
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t. has never been to any of those places and just believes what Abbey Sharp tells xim
yes, you are a dumb fat american who STILL cant lose weight despite his eating disorder. guess how I know
only in america people eat those degenerate bowls full of pasta, in italy the pasta course is much smaller and the other courses are not full of carbs
t. european been countless times to italy
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because its tasty and good for you :D
what part was disingenuous
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why do vegans always cherrypick?
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nobody cares what dyel seething europoors think kek
Verification not required.
So do carnivores and those on keto.
If keto people are really the obsessed with butter, when why did you have to use the same person 3 times in your 4 people compilation picture?
>good for farming engagement because it's retarded
>retarded reply
>all those (you)s
Secret genius right here
There are no keto shills, Moxyte. The only shill here is you.
>falling this hard for the bait after 10 people already did
>they do it so i have to be a disingenuous faggot too
you're a retard kek
I never said I was vegan.
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you're barking at wrong direction friendo
Nice try kike, fat is propagandized by jews so much most people in America use vegetable oils over it
>didnt answer any of the question
If you shoot up a doctor convention, there's a 150% chance you'll hit a kike, the one in front of you and the one behind him. If you bring me some proof actual nefarious goblin types are behind keto, names in the bildegerg list, soros, you know the ones, then do so.
That's a ketocuck yep
Today I visited my doctor. When I told him about my dietary intake of saturated fats he jumped from the chair. He told me to instead eat seed oils.
The farmer takes a crop, sprays pesticide over it. Some time later it is taken to a processing plant to extract the oil. To make sure it doesn't oxidize, go rancid, they do some more voodoo on their end, heat processing, etc.
Instead of having a more balanced omega 3 to 6 fatty acid ratio, it is now more off kilter, somewhere in the range of 1 to 30 or 1000 depending on which he would recommend.
He then tells me of the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and that I should eat fish. For omega 3s.
But fish like trout have a ratio of 8 to 1, lamb 3 to 1 and beef 2 to 1.
And if we need more omega 3s, why the seed oils?
The doctor then looked at my protein intake. He was shocked. He learned that I ate tons of red meat. He said I will die of cancer. He then recommended I eat plant sources of protein. I asked him how much B12 plants have and if it is a good idea to replace them. Also how much Coenzyme Q 10, B complex, taurine, glycine, collagen, heme iron I would get.
He told me to just eat much less of meat but I would still be fine.
I asked why am I getting tooth decay. He told me to brush my teeth.
I asked him if our ancestors with perfect teeth also brushed their teeth. He told me they didn't have junk food.
I asked him if we ate candies and sweets 200 years ago. He said no. But we still got tooth decay.
I asked if carbs are sugar. He said yes.
I asked if sugars caused tooth decay. He said yes.

You get where I'm going with this.
>When I told him about my dietary intake of saturated fats he jumped from the chair. He told me to instead eat seed oils.
1/10 fake story; made me quote it.
>>When I told him about my dietary intake of saturated fats he jumped from the chair. He told me to instead eat seed oils.
1/10 fake story; made me quote it.
good job sherlock
but that's what's recommended
>but that's what's recommended
And part of the recommendations are good, though seed oils are one of the things brainlet contrarians are generally right about.
So explain how much per volume of plant matter should be eaten in proportion to meat and why.
Depends on the individual and that's a "midwit who thinks he's genius" type of question. We don't have the answer to that yet to make general recommendations.
You can make general recommendations in some instances but not others but that then leads to the question of total health relativism and health absolutism. So if you were to ask me I'd say that you should be on a meat-based diet and the amounts of plants to fit within that threshold should be probably at most 20 per-cent by volume.
There are people who easily gain weight and those who cannot, so accounting for those factors (of abnormalcy/degeneration) should be taken into consideration.
Hence the institution of the USDA and other similar governmental criminal organizations should not be taken into too much consideration, even according to your standard.
>at most 20 per-cent by volume.
You pulled that number out of your ass, didn't you?
>Hence the institution of the USDA and other similar governmental criminal organizations should not be taken into too much consideration
You definitely don't want to trust the Truth Towers for anything controversial. I just think SOME things they say are right, like grains being healthy. Furthermore, they have saved lives (which arguably is actually a bad thing) by, for example, adding iodine to salt.
Moxyte, moxyte
Short and fat
Facial features of a rat
Likes to cry and cope and seethe
People always wish he'd leave
Gulping soi and munching grass
You know he wants to be a lass
He rants, shitposts and skulks away
"Moxyte", we sigh
"you're cringe and gay"
>You pulled that number out of your ass, didn't you?
Close, out of a hat.
>You definitely don't want to trust the Truth Towers for anything controversial. I just think SOME things they say are right, like grains being healthy. Furthermore, they have saved lives (which arguably is actually a bad thing) by, for example, adding iodine to salt.
Those people making that decision are long dead.
People switching to agriculture was a marked downturn in terms of dentition and the only reason I'm not giving carbs a 0% is because some people really would have a too low body fat and on the flip side too many carbs would lead to brain fog and other comorbidities. Another reason is that there have been primitive tribes that ate carbs and seemed to be fine, but if you look on a pure macronutrient and micronutrient basis, plants don't have much to offer. And there were no primitive tribes that actually lived on a vegetarian diet.
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Is Moxyte in the room with us right now?
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>people making that decision are long dead.
Yeah, probably.
>agriculture was a marked downturn in terms of dentition
No, you're assuming it was due to agriculture per se. When humans invented it, all sorts of terrible things happened because it didn't occur to them that you can't susbist of just 1 or 2 crops and meet all your nutrient needs. On top of that, grains are overall poorly nutritious in terms of essential micros.

Beyond that, Weston price showed certain groups (like some Swiss) who subsisted heavily on grains, had healthy teeth and robust craniofacial development.
>primitive tribes that ate carbs and seemed to be fine
The Tokelauans had and maybe still have excellent heart health; the Kitavans excellent so-called insulin sensitivity.
>on a pure macronutrient and micronutrient basis, plants don't have much to offer.
Where to start with tremendously misinformed notion... In terms of macros:

1. Nutritional ketosis is clearly something evolutionarily disadvantageous (exemplified by the Inuit).
2. Gluconeogenesis is extremely energetically inefficient (that doesn't just include calories) and that you can make glucose doesn't mean you can make enough to meet all demands (like with glycine) or that getting it dietarily isn't superior (like wasting precious energy converting carotenoids into vitamin A when you can eat liver).
3. Etc.

In terms of micros:
1. Bioavailability isn't the only thing that matters, content also does. Imagine thinking "wow, the 20 mg of Mg in steak are 100% bioavailable" when a handful of nuts provide more despite lower bioavailability.
2. Some toxic phytochemicals are actually good for you (hormesis).
3. Etc.
>no primitive tribes that actually lived on a vegetarian diet.
None ate entirely plants/fungi, just like none ate entirely animal foods (even in the Arctic, even in the Ice Age); probably none were vegetarian as well.

I think the impasse point has been reached; we're on too different pages.
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trust the science anon. stop asking so many questions
who is the dude in picrel
thanks for the PSA, this retard has been spamming his mentall illness here for years
next figure out why he will never post his body.
And what do you think of people who have allergic reactions/intolerances to any plants.
Very, very, very few in number. Most intolerance/allergies are overblown as a way to hone in on an identity because the person us unhappy.
>Most intolerance/allergies are overblown as a way to hone in on an identity because the person us unhappy.
The amount of people I see sneezing and coughing on a daily basis makes me beg to differ as an ex-asthmatic.
I dont really care since that's not applicable to anything we are talking about which is extreme food intolerances. Your personal experience is irrelevant. Stay on topic.
I love how they imply adding frosting to the cereal removes nutrients
Fuck off antivaxxer, vaccines are safe and effective.
I"ll answer you thoroughly tomorrow if the thread's still up. Essentially, it seeems highly unlikely people like Jordan Peterson actually exist, but some people should limit or entirely cut out certain plant foods temporarily or permanently. For instance, those who are at high risk of developing kidney stones and hyperabsorb dietary oxalate should probably go on a low-oxalate diet.
Haha. Nice posts.
More moxyte poems!
Bump so I can answer.
It's just inverse edginess to vegans who are retarded enough to think it's healthy to live on bananas alone.
Every extreme gay diet has retards who just try to troll the other side's retards, it's monkeys flinging shit at each other and nothing more.
Keto has its advantages, thoughever.
Is moxyte real?
Okay, it's almost certain people who can't tolerate any plant foods don't TRULY exist. Outside of factors like nocebo, there are several nutritional and genetic explanations for why someone doesn't tolerate some plant foods:

1. Suboptimal vitamin B6 intake, which is required to maintain blood glucose stable during the fasted state (~4 h after a meal).
2. Suboptimal vitamin B1 intake, which is required to burn carbohydrate for energy.
3. Low salivary amylase gene duplications, which means they don't metabolize STARCH well, not carbohydrate in general.
4. GLUT1 defects, which means a low glycemic load or even ketogenic diet, but not a zero carb or plant diet, is needed if you don't want to take meds. However, the diet approach is not disadvantage-free.
5. Eating a meal composed entirely of bananas or something like that instead of a complete one, causing an excessive postprandial glucose spike. Some people can only consume pure dextrose powder and not have this problem.
5. A long etc.

For several reasons they conflate this with not tolerating ANY plants.
And you post about this guy literally thousands of times. The very definition of rent free
He's here! Moxyte!
Hi moxyte
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>spam /fit/ for literal years, multiple times per day
>w-why would anybody mention me?
you are mentally ill
Terrence Howard claims 1+1=1 because 1*1=1, because he believes in some woo metaphysical concept about non-duality of the universe.

Addition is a binary operation over the set of real numbers (written mathematically as "(R,+)") is defined as the successor operation (written "succ(x)," such that succ(0)=1 or succ(succ(0))=2, etc...) on the set, with the identity element (written "Id") being "0" (as adding zero to any number, any amount of times, still yields the original number).

Multiplication is a binary operation over the set of real numbers (written as "(R,*)") and it has the identity element that we call "1" (because multiplying a number by 1 will always yield the same number, no matter how many times you do it).

The problem is that addition over the reals is isomorphic to multiplication over the reals (such that there is at least one one-to-one mapping from addition to multiplication).

If Terrence therefore denies "1+1=2" (which he does), then he must also deny "1*1=1" (which he does not), because the truthfulness of the two operations is one and the same.

Eric Weinstein gave this very respectful counter-argument on Joe Rogan's podcast, and Terrence completely ignored it and jumped to the next topic with a manic frenzy.
Uh, hey Marisa...

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