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So what it's basically saying is that two guys that have very different levels of physical activity (say one is an athlete and the other works in an office) will actually waste the same number of calories given their diets are the same? How is that even possible? or am I a brainlet and understood it wrong?
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kys OP you are a faggot for spamming this shit every single day all day long
>body burns calories daily doing bodily functions, requiring caloric maintenance
>exercise burns extra calories (no shit), making people think exercise by itself is sufficient for weight loss
>after awhile, your body acclimates to the activity, and stops burning as much calories as your body becomes more efficient in performing the movements
>therefore, exercise on its own is not sufficient for weight loss

>diet, restricting the number of calories you consume, is the larger factor in weight loss
>unused calories are stored as fat, anti-CICO fags seethe
>eating less causes your body to consume stored fat for energy, making you lose weight

tl:dr you can’t out-lift a shitty diet
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>hey Kurzakamuput, white Redditors love your content and will consume everything you make. Here’s 50k to tell them exercise is pointless
Vid has been already thoroughly rebuked and rightfully admonished, thread can end now.
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Outlift? Not unless you do daily prison-style workouts that are borderline cardio. Regular-ass lifting burns very little calories. But you can absolutely outcardio a shit diet. Just look at varsity athletes and young manual laborers. It doesn't matter what a single reddit scientist learned by niggering around with tribal jigs in Africa. His 'findings' fly against everything we know AND everything we observe on a daily basis.
As King Reddit himself said: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
>after awhile, your body acclimates to the diet, and stops burning as much calories, making less energy available for your use to match your environment
It's weird that CICOfags can understand perfectly well how the body adapts to exercise, but the idea that it would adapt to a diet just seems foreign and impossible to them.
YOU probably can't out cardio a shitty diet. You're not an olympic athlete in training.
>Just look at varsity athletes and young manual laborers
So kids who are still growing and people who are physically active literally all day are your examples? Go ahead, lets see you cut while eating 5k calories a day.
Bill gates is paying OP and the video creator
You should be eating clean with how bad modern foods are for you. Many store brands we used to eat during our youth now have chemicals that fuck with our hormones
>after awhile, your body acclimates to the activity, and stops burning as much calories
that is absolutely not a thing u fucking mongoloid
if the activity burns 200 calories, it will continue to do so till the day you die
only variables are your lean mass and whether you can accurately repeat that exercise
This video is retarded and completely misses the point of having an active and healthy lifestyle. I wouldn't expect anything else from Bill Gates though. This channel went so hard on vaccinations that I've blocked it three times and it still keeps getting recommended by Youtube
This desu. I roon 6 miles a day and am slowly gaining while eating like a piggy.
How is that weird, faggot? You have to keep changing your caloric intake as your weight changes to keep it going. Does that not make perfect fucking logical sense to you?
>Help me understand this video
some marxist babbling some nonsense to tell fatsoes it' not their doing and that lard-asses should never even try
>but he says exactly the opposite
lefty *** says all those things - doesn't matter, who the fuck would listen to an ***?

and no don't give *** your eyes, that's what this thread is for - it's an automated traffic generator
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oh boy, another video where nerds and/or fat fucks try to justify not doing anything more strenuous than walking from the couch to the fridge. what a treasure
The entire thing can be summed up like this:
>calories in is more important than calories out
what this guy said
You've proven the exact point, actually, because the adaptation I'm talking about has nothing to do with weight. I will type the words "The body responds to prolonged calorie restriction by down-regulating the metabolism, eventually simply making you lethargic instead of dropping in weight" but I've tried that before and it truly is uncanny how many /fit/ posters are literally incapable of pondering the concept.
Video is a midwit's understanding of thermodynamics. They came to their conclusion without any thorough evidence because what they used to study was insufficient. Insufficient because they are simpleton idiots who don't know what they are studying and talking about. It can easily be dismissed.
he means that body will find ways to auto-adjust activity/calorie usage elsewhere. shit like wanting to sit more, less sub-conscious movement like drumming feel, growing nails and hair slower etc. but ofc you have to these with diet and increasing light activity such as standing and walking. basically consciously fighting against these autoregulations.

>"The body responds to prolonged calorie restriction by down-regulating the metabolism, eventually simply making you lethargic instead of dropping in weight"
the thing is it's not instant. it will be some time it takes body to adjust and during that time you will be in deficit AND you will lose weight. and if you are smart about it, you will decrease caloric intake every now and then to keep the deficit around the same. then once shit really starts to get difficult you have short maintenance period to let your body correct itself and then you go again.
I can and I have. By 'shit diet' I mean eat whatever garbage I can get my grubby fingers on and some more. Easily 4k cals.
If by shit diet you mean 'a highly caloric diet that nets more CI than CO' then obviously not since that's a tautological proposition.
>5k calories
You can absolutely maintain/recomp on 5k if you're a cardiofag and not a turbomanlet. Doubly so if you're 25%+ BF and are just looking to go down to 18-20%.
And there's nothing metabolically unique about pro athletes or olympians. They're just unbelievable good at their sport. In fact somebody like Messi probably trains with less intensity/burns less cals than a try-hard weekend warrior who busts his ass to compensate for his lack of skill.
This isn't really the full picture. I can't be asses to read the studies, but I'm pretty sure this is basically what is happening
>body has a minimum calorie expenditure build in
>if you are so fucking lazy you essentially live like a quadriplegic person your body starts throwing excess energy at non-issues which creates shit like inflammation
>you make this person move a little and hit their "natural" calorie use that way
>body adjusts to stop wasting energy and your calorie needs stay the same
>dishonest or retarded scientists then claim exercising doesn't burn calories even though it's universally known fact endurance athletes easily eat 5k calories a day.
I haven’t seen it. Gonna check out Bill Gate’s retarded video that tells you to not exercise and stay fat, weak and easily controlled because that’s what the “science” says.
Don’t exercise, stay fat, this message approved by Bill Gates and all the most evil people in the world. And don’t forget to take your 11th booster while you’re at it.
Update: it was exactly what I thought it would be. They want you demoralized.
But the obvious problem with this is that if your body gets used to extreme exercise and eating 5k calories a day what happens when you stop doing that
That lifestyle is not sustainable for very long and most athletes expectedly get pudgy or have injuries after they retire
At the end of the day your body wants to spend a certain amount of energy every day and that's just a hard result of biology and evolution
You can force it to use a lot more but that's just as unnatural as not letting it use any through exercise
Basically this all just boils down to common sense advice: you shouldn't exercise or eat too much or too little there really is just a correct amount that your body is built to do
Also don't forget that exercise doesn't magically make your organs invincible
They can become healthier but probably not to the point where they can just regularly process literally twice the amount of mass as they normally expect
>The body responds to prolonged calorie restriction by down-regulating the metabolism, eventually simply making you lethargic instead of dropping in weight"
And you in turn keep losing weight by staying in a calorie deficit. You desperately want this to be more complicated than it is to justify your lifestyle
Everything you just said is a choice. If an athlete stops training and pigs out, then he made that choice. It had nothing to do with his "natural" state. He chose to keep eating 5k calories when he was sedentary. It's literally proving CICO
>probably not to the point where they can just regularly process literally twice the amount of mass as they normally expect
Do you have a source for this? Because higher muscle mass is one of the most protective factors against insulin resistance and diabetes. The very first thing that is recommended to reverse diabetes by doctors is weight lifting
But see the whole point of making something a habit is that it no longer has to be a choice
You can't just instantly turn a habit back into a simple choice that easily
But it still doesn't change the fact that the human body didn't evolve to eat and use that much energy
buy an AD,kys OP
Yeah, at a high enough intake you get fat regardless. What we’re saying is that a highly active athlete might end up eating what looks like a shit-tier diet just maintain weight.
But yeah, sedentary people who lift 3-4 days a week aren’t going to out-train their diet.
Trainer at my gym put it this way: “I can out train a bad diet, and you can out train a bad diet, but my clients can’t. So I just tell them nobody can so that they don’t try”. And I’m nothing special, washed up D2 runner who started lifting and also works in landscaping. It’s not impossible to outrun some junk food, it’s just a lot of time.
My crap diet is also probably a lot healthier than what a fatty thinks of as a bad diet lmao
that's what the video is saying
but the video is retarded
>your body acclimates itself to running marathons
>at some point, you burn as many calories running a marathon as you would have watching TV before you started exercising
Wow, impressive science. Thanks Kursgesagt!
Apparently downregulation of fidgeting is enough to balance an hour or two of walking a day. Total nonsense. Listen to science until it gets in the way, then do your own thing. The science will probably change next year anyway lol.
>It says "Thin your paints for the love of God"
>But the obvious problem with this is that if your body gets used to extreme exercise and eating 5k calories a day what happens when you stop doing that
why would you continue to eat 5k calories? its tough to eat that much consistently and requires effort. youre also gonna be less hungry since you arent blasting cardio. youll still benefit from a higher metabolism for a while as well.

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