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I will be accepting apologies below
Post the video so I can nitpick his form and tell you he did zero reps while I tip my fedora and go back to r/lookism.
i don't get it. who is stupid enough to think he can't do pull ups? look at his lats
I'm sorry. What am i apologizing for?
Sulek is the roiding alpha. Of course he can do pullups.
ironically, at his weight with all that muscle, pull ups would be pretty hard if he never does them. some 100lbs teenage girl could probably smoke him at pullups for reps
How much does he weigh?
there it is
>inb4 someone posts the video and its just fake half assed zero, zero, zero """"pullups"""
you mean straps you faggot
Can someone explain the whole pullup meme to me?
It's a bodyweight exercise. The people that will be able to knock out hundreds of reps effortlessly are going to be lightweights. Sure, yeah, it's going to humble the cocky obese powersharter. But anyone above 200lbs is going to have trouble with pullups.
Why is this some grand gotcha if you can't do pullups? Is it to lump anyone that can't do pullups with obese people? Because I certainly can't see it as to imply someone being weak.
At 15 I could 28 full rom pull-ups looking like a toothpick, I’m not even that much heavier (a lot stronger now too) and I can’t even do 20 :(
>But anyone above 200lbs is going to have trouble with pullups.
That's not very accurate. I can do 12 as a 207lb obese powershitter
Pull ups are the ultimate "strength to weight ratio" test. If youre strong but you can't even lift yourself up, then you're fat.
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I can't even do 5
youve forgotten what it means to be a human being and have let yourself become a slave to arbitrary powerlifting numbers. a man flailing like a pathetic worm unable to even lift himself up once on a metal bar cannot call himself fit
>using straps for pull ups

Do powershitters really
>sam is a griplet romlet
I could only do 5 reps 3 months ago. Now my max is 14. I recommend the pull-up machine (pic rel). Before using the machine, I tried bands and negatives but the progress was too slow.
forgot image
how autistic are you about ROM? like are you talking 14 super controlled chin over bar to full stretch pull ups? I rarely see people do "perfect" pull ups and I'm not sure if it's because it's unnecessary and retarded or people just aren't doing it properly
When I was 130lbs in highschool I could do 25. Hell, I did a muscle-up back then. Now I'm 170lbs and can do like 10 full ROM reps on a good day.
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i can do 5 maybe 6 on a good day at 209 lbs.
I can hear infinite elgintensitys voice as i’m writing this
Imagine needing straps to do something basic as a pull up. Who is this fat dyel
Pull-ups are just something everyone should be able to do. Your lat strength should increase in lock-step with your bodyweight. If you drop below 10 pull-ups, something is amiss. Other bodyweight exercises just don't strike the same balance, unfortunately.
I did a +90lbs weighted pull-up at 190lbs after 1.5 years of lifting without any special programming, that is heavier than Sulek.
People suck at pull-ups because they don't do pull-ups, it's not hard at whatever weight.
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I can do between 6 and 10 at 165lbs. I don't even know what makes the rep range change that much.
>But anyone above 200lbs is going to have trouble with pullups.
But why can't they do bodyweight pull-ups while I as a 180 lbs guy can add 70 lbs and do a set of 10?

It doesn't add up
when i was 17 i could do like 25 pull ups no problems but struggle with 10kg weighted pull up, now i can barely rach 20 , but can rep out 60kg no problem , i dont know what happened maybe as you grow older you lose endurance and gain strength , still weird
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Imagine hanging off a building or on a tree limb with lions below you and not being able to pull yourself up to safety.
I know you can't ramesh
Kinda agree. When I was 170lbs Pullups and Chinups were easy as fuck. Now when I'm 210lbs it's really hard. I have to really force myself to do them with good form.
Man does zero pull-ups.webm
which is more difficult for pullups, the thin pullup bars or the thicker gymnastics bars?
I feel like the thinner ones are harder on my hands.
Whats his height and weight now?
Thick is harder for the grip. You can even buy an accessory called "fat grips" to make bar ultra thick and tough as ball to do pull ups
Don't really have problems with grip but I do forearm training. I guess that explains it.
It's not the weight, it's the muscle itself. You lose a range of motion in pulling movments when your back is huge. I'm sure you've seen that gif of some weightlifter who can't get a post-it note off his back.
>climb a tree to escape lions
not that anon but when it comes to hypertrophy the bottom/stretched part of the motion is the biggest hypertrophy driver as in any lift (think bottom of curls, bench press, squats etc). so if you purely drive for volume not reaching the top doesn't hurt too bad. and if it allows you to do more reps at the stretched out position then all the better. ofc going to indonese basket weaving forums to brag about it would be retarded. personally I do "proper" full rom pull ups once a week with added weight for 4-6 rep sets and 7 min AMRAP bottom half rep sets with added weight on another day. Can recommend trying it out. It sped up my pull up progression like crazy and the tension on well controlled bottom half reps is really nice.
how much do you weigh? Currently like 95-100kg at 6'0 long arms so not stupid heavy but not a 4ft feather either. Ill give it a try. The best I've got to is doing 10 consecutive but I stopped because of unrelated shoulder injury. I can probably do 5s now. The way I raised it before was just by spamming pull ups every time I walked past the bar in my house. I don't think it took too long but I only made progress if I was just doing them all the time. if I stopped doing that it regressed very quickly compared to other lifts
I've been cutting so down to 80kg @5'8". Currently doing pull ups with 17,5kg added.
>You lose a range of motion in pulling movments when your back is huge.
holy cope. so you can find videos of mr olympia caliber bodybuilders doing pull downs with full rom, but somehow their muscle size prevents them from doing full rom pullups?

if you cant do pullups it's because you're not strong enough to do them, that's all there is to it. that goes for sulek and all the other roidmonkeys.
That's a lot of words just to admit you're a weak fatass.
>If you drop below 10 pull-ups, something is amiss.
yeah but a skinny calisthenics guy that can do 10 with ease doesn't mog the muscular latpulldown chad who is doing bro splits. Is just a movement.
>it's going to humble the cocky obese powersharter
You cannot humble someone who is objectively your superior kek. A fat guy lifting heavy shit is more respectable than a weak manlet victim weight
>Pull ups are the ultimate "strength to weight ratio" test
Pull ups are cardio at best. Strength is tested by a 1rm comparing total weight lifted including bodyweight if it applies
Everybody can do pull ups lol I'd say get some standards but you are a calisthenic fag so you can't
Pull ups are inversely muscle bound. It becomes exponentially harder to finish the rep the bigger you are. For example Thor Bornson is stronger than you by magnitudes but doing pull ups for him his body is working against him.
>hanging off a building or on a tree limb with lions below you and not being able to pull yourself up to safety.
functional larper why don't you try climbing a wall or a tree? It's nothing like a pull up
Many fat fucks and roidtrannies mad in this thread.
If it was the size of your lard or muscles preventing you from doing full rom pullups, you wouldn't be able to do pulldowns with full rom either, but you can.
>Pull ups are cardio at best.
Is that why roidtrannies can't do 1 rep. lmao
>Is that why roidtrannies can't do 1 rep. lmao
Everybody does pull ups you fucking dyel.
>If it was the size of your lard or muscles preventing you from doing full rom pullups, you wouldn't be able to do pulldowns with full rom either, but you can.
You can light weight where your muscle is still able to overcome the inherent resistance of itself. IT's the same concept of how superheavyweight oly lifters lose their front rack.
You aren’t Sam, so why would we apologies to you, you dumb faggot.
lol im 225 and i can rep out 10 pretty clean and explosive pull ups
and 20 if i i go sloppy
i think it's just that they don't train the movement

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