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/fit/ - Fitness

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>vegetables are good for you
>you should lift until failure and repeat it 2 days after, or at least the same week to grow muscles
> just eat a balanced diet and add a few eggs or chicken or whey
>joining the army will make you fit
>martial arts will give you a good physique
>swimming will give you a good physique
>weight lifting + cardio is all you need
>you need cardio to look good
>just run to get your cardio in
>running is natural
>deadlifts and squats are essential when you start if want your core to not look weird and underdeveloped
>whey protein is a safe way to get your protein in
>women don't really care about height
>women don't care if you're bald
>having a good body will make you attractive to women
>genetics aren't that important everyone can look good if they work on it
>being intelligent is an asset
>scientific methodology can help determine if an exercise is good at building muscle or not
>just do PPL seriously and going hard if you want to look good
Post body, lardass.
>vegetables are good for you
>you should lift until failure and repeat it 2 days after, or at least the same week to grow muscles
> just eat a balanced diet and add a few eggs or chicken or whey
>joining the army will make you fit
Lol No
>martial arts will give you a good physique
Lmao No
>swimming will give you a good physique
Rofl No
>weight lifting + cardio is all you need
>you need cardio to look good
>just run to get your cardio in
>running is natural
>deadlifts and squats are essential when you start if want your core to not look weird and underdeveloped
Who says this other than powerlifters who cope about not being bodybuilders?
>whey protein is a safe way to get your protein in
>women don't really care about height
Not fitness related
>women don't care if you're bald
Not fitness related
>having a good body will make you attractive to women
Not fitness related
>genetics aren't that important everyone can look good if they work on it
Yes unless you have some horrible disease like muscular dystrophy
>being intelligent is an asset
>scientific methodology can help determine if an exercise is good at building muscle or not
>just do PPL seriously and going hard if you want to look good
More powerlifter nonsense
Rare israetel
what a cutie patootie
All wrong. Glad you saw the light
>you should lift until failure and repeat it 2 days after, or at least the same week to grow muscles
not necessarily to failure but I'm being pedantic

>scientific methodology can help determine if an exercise is good at building muscle or not
scientific methodology is a great guideline to follow, but as you become more advanced you'll be able to understand how your body specifically responds to different exercises. which may not follow the scientific methodology perfectly but should still be close to it.
OP utterly BTFOd. SPBP
>>vegetables are good for you

Stopped reading after this
He looks so good here. He doesn't look like the scary veiny knob goblin testicle here
>having a good body will make you attractive to women
>Not fitness related
>the primary goal of fitness is not fitness related
Ok. How's about your job stops paying? Why play the game for 0 prize?
Oh but anon the game itself is the prize!
Cuck can't decide if he wants to isolate the left bicep or right bicep today because every day is glutes day.
Seems like you got dumber, did you peak in high school?
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Here's what newfags and DYELs commonly fall for:
>you need to squat/DL/bench to "get big"
>it's perfectly OK to be over 15% bodyfat
>balding isn't a death sentence for men
>taking supplements (creatine/preworkout/protein powder/other garbage) is necessary and actually works
>training more than 3 times a week as a natty is OK
>following a roiderbrosplit as a natty is OK
>plant protein actually works
>you don't need cardio
>it's not about the face
Im not chubby I'm wagyu marbling in my prime
>bf %
Only applies to a small range of basic body types
Stop posting your tripe beliefs, not everyone has trash genetics where they can only work out 3 times a week as a natty
The fuck is your problem
>my tripe beliefs
You may find my gut feeling trite but irregardless it's how I really feel.
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I want Mr Israetel to give me a piggy back ride
Biggest DYEL on this board
Never posted lifts/body/face just DYEL opinions
>it's better to be functionally strong than to look strong
>women actually prefer dadbods over zyzz types
>the average lifter that knows what he's doing spends at least 3 hours a day in the gym
>the gym is a social place where you can meet new friends
>>vegetables are good for you
>>you should lift until failure and repeat it 2 days after, or at least the same week to grow muscles
Not necessarily till failure and not necessarily 2 days later, but same week yes.
>> just eat a balanced diet and add a few eggs or chicken or whey
Sure, but protein is key
>>joining the army will make you fit
I mean it should
>>martial arts will give you a good physique
Eh, you'll never be jacked or strong
>>swimming will give you a good physique
Fuck no
>>weight lifting + cardio is all you need
Aside from mma yes
>>you need cardio to look good
>>just run to get your cardio in
You could
>>running is natural
It is
>>deadlifts and squats are essential when you start if want your core to not look weird and underdeveloped
>>whey protein is a safe way to get your protein in
>>women don't really care about height
They kinda do but not that much
>>women don't care if you're bald
They kinda do but not that much
>>having a good body will make you attractive to women
Not the most important thing by far
>>genetics aren't that important everyone can look good if they work on it
False, true.
>>being intelligent is an asset
>>scientific methodology can help determine if an exercise is good at building muscle or not
>>just do PPL seriously and going hard if you want to look good
>>training more than 3 times a week as a natty is OK
What do you mean by this? I mean doing 3x a week full body is fine but if you're doing an upper/lower or even a ppl how are you getting enough frequency per muscle group?
triple vaxxed plus boosters post
>you need rest days
If you need rest days you have a dietary deficiency
SPBP. OP should've deleted the post after this reply
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Living rent free in this DYELs head.

If you have the strength to train more than 3 times a weeks and don't need 1-2 recovery days, then you're not pushing yourself hard enough.
Maybe you are just weak try taking a supplement

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