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You now realize that one day you will need to slow down or completely stop going to the gym
Getting older is a part of life. Slowing down at the gym doesn't mean stopping.
Got about 30 more years then
Suck it, bitch
>losing muscle mass opens door for him to play other roles
once again proving what you look like decides the role, not that you can act
acting is not a real thing, actors simply get away with whatever role they play, simply because public does not know them, so they simply assume they are acting

just propaganda pushing faggots
>Still using roids into your 50s
He's just going natty
Most of us aren't limited in our jobs the way an actor is based on how muscular we are. And you can maintain lean mass for a long, long time with ridiculously low volumes compared to what is needed for muscle growth.
I WILL be that buff 80 year old who's been lifting for longer than most people have been alive
They will never come out about roids, will they?
No you wont.
he’s a faggot, probably has AIDS
Some actors simply have the "It" factor. Guys like Dave before being turned inside out by tiny hat tribesmen had that cool yet deadly killer charisma like Gosling
Yes I will. I'd say your kids would look up to me for it but you'll never touch a woman anyways. Kys faggot
>You now realize that one day you will need to slow down or completely stop going to the gym
No, I quite literally never will. When you stay natural you won't have to.
I don't do roids tho
You'll fucking die one day op too, so why even bother doing anything. I go to the gym because I enjoy it and I will still be going 30 years from now. There are 60 year olds at my gym who are in great shape but are just more careful.
Based and kysfaggotpilled
he was 4'11 and not even close to 100 in that image btw
movies are simply propaganda propagated through any means necessary, doesn't matter whether a cartoon, horror, comedy or action
you will see the same patterns of propaganda at all times, difference being is if a person is immune to propaganda by ignorance, let's say because he doesn't like horror, yet watches comedy, the same message will be brought to him, you don't watch movies? same thing through video games
genre is simply a way to reach everyone, because not everyone likes the same thing, so the solution is to simply insert the same thing into every genre

there is literally no such thing as acting
>there was no way i could continue taking roids at my age hence why i got smaller
Fixed that entire post for you
Im rocking my 5m/o baby while his brother is taking a bath with his mom, keep seething and projecting gymcel.
You will never hear YOU'RE THE STRONGEST, DAD!
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Correct, probably in his 70s there. That's besides the point though, Manohar continued lifting until the day he died at over 100. Muscle mass is the NUMBER ONE predictor of health and inverse mortality in old age. It is more important than anything else, including VO2 max. Unless you roid yourself into muscular obesity, there is no reason to ever stop or have to significantly downsize.
Then why do gigaroided muscle monster always die young?
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They got another one
I told you in the post.
Deniro and Jack Nicholson were mostly fat fucks during their entire careers and were still given big roles
>we all get old and decrepit, so don't do anything xD
genuine loser mentality
he didn't stop going to the gym, he just lowered his roid dosage to live past 60.
>stop roiding
>lose muscle
what? no way... really?
no way...
Why when he first left WWE did he go bald and his face took on a strange appearance?

Regardless of his physique, his face remained strange forever.
>stops roiding
>acquires AIDS
Imagine how many miles of diseased jew dick Batista needs to gobble to catch up with The Rock.
I don't plan on seeing 2025 so no I will not slow down
He just stopped juicing. I would be fine with dying like Jack lalanne or Charles atlas.
How does Stallone get away with it? Or Ernie Hudson?
Nice larp, but a real father wouldn't be this bitter lol
T. Father of three
Same brother
hes a fucking shit actor, why does hollywood try to push this faggot
>a real father wouldn't be this bitter lol
Maybe you lost your edge when you became a daddy but I'm as schizoid as ever
stallone was barely on roids before he got old. it's possible he was natty in the 80s (up until or including Rambo 3 imo). but in the 90s he got into all kinds of doping including HGH and he has stepped up his dosages every decade since. he is a mess now thanks to that and also several rounds of extreme bogging.

as for Ernie Hudson, his face looks surprisingly natural so I'd say he probably never took a high dose of anything. the less you abuse your body when younger, the more you can pull out of it when old.
I think becoming a dad made me more "schizo" as in I've doubled down on conspiracy theories and am simultaneously more calm and more violent.
But you're a bitch and a demoralizer so fuck you.
This only makes Dunc more based. The Beast Rabban died and now Batista's done with muscles
Probably impossible at this point but physiological doses at least
>When you stay natural you won't have to
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Batista is a faggot, unironically.
Id rather die. The trash people and lunatics are still bothering me with audio and propaganda. Kill them all
His secret? Staying away from needles
All roid heads go vegan eventually

why? because their roid abuse fucks up their heart and the doctors recommend they go vegan as it's the only diet that is proven to reverse heart issues
Lol he's a terrible actor, only reason he got roles is because he was jacked.
Yeah and one day you'll die. How big of a revelation is this to you?
Post the photos of him on the boat with the other men
Extremely based.
when you're 70 years old and you hand down your old bench and weights to your grandkids, what will you tell them about back in the day? that you could barely bench 100lbs or that you could hit 315lbs?
I will keep lifting until I die even if I can't lift much.
You're telling a story with your body, your speech, and your emotions. For that first thing, you need the right body; for the last, you need the right face. It's true that Hollywood has flanderized this principle into the ground, abusing the association people make body/looks and character until people began to think that they actually determine character, but there is something to be said for there being the right person for a role, making it effortlessly believable.
You lose mass when you stop juicing.
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I grew up around old people and when I was an EMT I worked with them a lot. Helping grandma up off the floor or walking grandpa through his options about going to the hospital or not, I always had a brief view of myself at that age, and being equally bewildered and frustrated at my own body starting to fail me. It never really spooked me, and makes it a lot easier to understand now that my dad is getting older. I just see him as a sneak preview of myself at 70.

I want to write a letter now to my grandkids in 50 years, just to let them know I was young once and wasn't such an annoying piece of shit.
Sucks seeing your parents get older. Sometimes I hope I'll get killed in some dramatic fashion before I start falling apart
Based on my parents through my great-grandparents, I think I'm pretty much set through 80 as long as I don't get in a car wreck or something. They were all perfectly mobile that long at least, the biggest risk factor on the male side is stroke. I'd like to be able to at least jog that long, even if I never hit 2/3/4/5.
Isn't The Rock the same age as him, roided to the gills, AND more successful in hollywood? This sounds like a cope
>from the animal to the so,yb0y

absolute fucking disaster for roid trannies everywhere
He needs to slow down because he was roiding hard. If you're natty it's not the same issue at all. Scooby is still going in his 60s and there are examples of natural lifters and fitness people who were still exercising in their 80s and even 90s.

The roiders have to stop because what they are doing is NOT good for their health and takes a heavy toll if they go to the extremes needed for movie transformations. Natty lifting and exercise instead is acutally healthy for you.
Roids, growth hormone and all the other shit they take can change their face too. He won't be going full natty, he'll be on some cruise dose or "trt plus".
This inspires me to take steroids
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>You can't be a roid tranny forever
No fucking shit retard, Batista was on gear for decades, at some point he started looking borderline transgender in his face, he probably got some kind of wrinkle face and or eyebrow surgery and just started looking weird.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was probably the worst actor of all time figure it out
I trust zero people's opinions in hollywood
>You now realize that one day you will need to slow down or completely stop going to the gym
I think about that everytime the weight gets heavy and keep going
I thought most of his early roles had little dialogue and people just liked the accent at some point.
Supposedly he still maintains his accent even when he can speak clear English.
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His debut movie and starring role Hercules in New York (1970) they dubbed over his voice entirely and the original audio wasn't available until DVD releases.
It's also the source of the meme picture of Arnold running shirtless.
You think they would want an accent as it does fit a character like Hercules. The lines do sound like something out of The Room.
Benoit had one of my favorite physiques.
>stop taking roids
>instantly lose mass
I laugh at all roid trannies
But you still are not doing this easy high-paying job because you can't even start with showing up, learning few lines and following director's orders.

You are the dude Money For Nothing song is about. The dude who hates the guitarist getting rich, but still wont do it himself
Ah, so he roided
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>it's possible he was natty in the 80s (up until or including Rambo 3 imo)
Bro. You have to wake up some day.
Grim, enjoy your future incels if you don't inject them with growth hormones
based. I met a guy just like this some days ago. Lifting for decades and pressing 2pl8
That day is death.
imagine being this delusional, theres no consensus in veganism reversing poor heart health at all.
everyone saw the exact same results on Paul Caiafa who the vegans used to glorify veganism.

whilst in reality, all the pictures the vegtards used were like 1 year prior to Paul Caiafa going vegan
and each picture with years in between showed the exact same deterioration as seen on Dave Bautista.

the exact same sunken in faces, almost as if bone density has vanished, the former fullness completely nullified.
Correct. Hundreds of actors are auditioned and rejected even for small roles.
Steroids are actually for old men.
Depends on if you consider TRT steroids or not.
Retarded bait lmao. He's downsizing because using that much juice at that age is too dangerous
He's going on TRT doses and justifying it as "I'm gonna take more serious acting roles" as if musculature or lack thereof was the #1 factor
It's an obvious front to misdirect from what his doctor probably told him, that he needed to come off the high doses so that he could live another couple decades
Leaner does look better on camera. Arnold slimmed down significantly from his bodybuilding days once he became a big name star.
Translation: he had a health scare so he had to let off the gas. Stay natty bros.
No it doesn’t. If he started eating organ meat and a lot of eggs he would recover but (((doctors))) won’t say that.
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>roidtranny balloon deflation
Why is this so common? It's as if nature is saying fuck you to them.
>the reward for roiding
When I get older I will just do more cardio
Right now while I am young I wanna get swole
Lean or not he's downsizing. You don't maintain that kind of size, at that bf% without gear well into your 50s. All the big juiceheads that have even survived to today and haven't had their hearts give out have all downsized.
So this is him coping with that and lying to the public by saying he's "reframing" his acting career or whatever other nonsense. It's simply another example of the public being lied to about steroids, fitness, etc.
>acting is not a real thing
Is not that simple. Of course movies are about looks (Dustin Hoffman could have never starred Conan) but you need to "eat" the character, you need to study the way you can put yourself into the situations of the character and getting along with the script. Sometimes you don't even know the reaction to use and need to reach out to people that have experienced/suffered from the things you need to reflect.
Otherwise all fashion models would be actors/actresses. And there is a point when an actor that is not handsome turns out to be "believable" and gets praised for a performance.
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There's a long time before that happens time, buddeh.
>once again proving what you look like decides the role, not that you can act

right, this is why little known Mr. Olympia winner Arnold Schwarzenegger had such a limited career in Hollywood
This shit is so transparent. It's akin to a thot riding the cock-carousel while young and then wanting to settle down as a tradwife before her ovaries turn into raisins.
Bro, Annie is the original /fraudster. He's cheated and lied nonstop for his entire career. You think he maintains the accent on purpose just because that's what he says?
yeah ifs called being a man. thats why its bad for women dumbass
Being a "bad actor" does not matter if you have charisma and you basically play yourself in every movie. Total Recall, Predator and Terminator are all great movies and Schwarzenegger is perfect for them.
>dumping the roids and switching to veganism is called being a man
He's admitted to being on TRT but I don't blame him. We will all need it at that age. I consider any man 50+ on TRT to be natty.
what a stupid comment. of course you have to look a certain way for some characters. if a character is a neurotic shutin then him looking like a 300 lbs roided up beast won't work, conversely if the character is a mafia goon or a club bouncer casting a scrawny guy won't work no matter the acting. that's why niche actors often have very successful careers because they tend to be the only people who could play certain characters. they won't be getting leading roles but they will work consistently. Bautista was that guy for a few years, now that he's established it seems he wants to look more toned down so he could be believable in a wider breadth of roles.
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Let's get together at than gym in Florida in 40 years, bro.
Dem chick gotta be waitin'...!
One is a younger man in his prime and the other is a reteriee. That will happen to you if you're natty too. It's just old age.

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