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Ahh yes.
Perfectly soft boiled eggs.
How many minutes do you boil your eggs?
Looks good but i'd drop the sauce
what would you replace it with?
6 mins the instant pot
Steak is severely overrated tbqh.
There is nothing like veal shanks though.
Did you put sóy sauce on hardboiled eggs? Why?
Tastes good is why
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I'll have you, veal shanks!
that steak looks really chewy
Get some new plates goddamn
>Shank a veal
>Bring to butcher
I might have to start doing this. I use salt pepper and paprika for my boiled eggs and it’s honestly starting to get stale
Could use a better crust, looks microwaved
Salt and pepper. All you need.
That broccoli looks crisp.
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Mine is better and more fun :D
meat elitists are so incredibly stupid
that shit's raw retard. When you so grotesquely misunderstand what the sweet pink spot is you just look like a fucking retard trying to look fancy
9-10 minutes, steamed. Sometimes they're still a bit bit and runny, which is how I like them.
nah it's juicy
Genuinely curious how old you are
>that shit's raw retard
That's medium you brownoid shitskins

Just stop eating meat altogether
that broccoli looks indigestible
because it is
>that shit's raw
you should only ever cook the outside, retard
That's rare

>That's medium you brownoid shitskins
That exposed piece is mid-rare
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this is the only acceptable pink
I've been meaning to ask for a while, but I didn't want to come off as racially profiling or something, but since people brought it up... why do white people like raw meat so much? Is that as much a "white thing" as it seems?

Full disclosure: My personal circle tends to be comprised of black people, hispanics, and whites - very few Asians, and those are usually Indians and those Indians are usually vegetarians. In this (admittedly non-globally representative cross-section) I have never seen anyone but white people order meat less than well-done. As I began watching the Food Network - I like Iron Chef and Chopped - I began to notice that the meat is always raw when they put it on the plate, and this is considered cooked. They actually complain when the meat is cooked all the way through (FYI, cooking-show-judges... If it's still bleeding, it's raw. I am very firm on this). I've asked around as my curiosity grew to see how people like their meat cooked - none but white people have ever told me anything other than 'well done.' But none of the white people I've asked have said well done - the closest I got was medium well. What's up with that?

I checked stuffwhitepeoplelike.com to see if 'raw meat' was on there but I didn't see it, so I am thoroughly perplexed. I don't really count sushi since that's fish and not a bleeding mammal on a plate, but are there other non-white ethnicities out there that enjoy a good plate of barely-dead animal? And before you go "I'm Pakistani and I love rare (raw) meat," first off... did you grow up among other Pakistani who also ate it, or in a white household/neighborhood? Because then I would probably just count that as a learned behavior and an anomaly.

Also, if I have offended anyone with my racially inflammatory dinner preference questions, I apologize. I'm just looking to see if this is really a targeted phenomenon or if I just haven't been meeting enough people.
unactive amygdala from living in a first world country.
It's safer to eat meat cooked all the way if you dont know where it's coming from

retards will say it's because they're hyperborean probably, so whatever
Okay it's nutritious but it looks awful
It is true that thirdies are at greater risk for food borne illness. In developed countries, it is perfectly safe to consume red meat rare. Most reputable steakhouses recommend most cuts medium rare, to fully enjoy the flavor and texture of the meat. Ordering nice cuts of steak well done is frowned upon because it ruins the flavor and the steak loses its juices, becoming dry.
I prefer mine well-done with ketchup. Simple as.
Looks like oyster sauce? Based and umamipilled.
>he got a blown out roasty sex toy
What the fuck is wrong with you? Mine is a perfect innie like the day she was born
do you really need to douse soft boiled eggs with sauce? they have a lot of flavour on their own
the yolk has a nice taste, but the whites taste like chalk
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I'm Lebanese and eat raw meat 4x a week minimum. My favorite is the bottom right, its raw lamb mixed with parsley and red onion.
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>Mine is a perfect innie like the day she was born
It was molded after a real porn star's vulva, not some pedo fantasy of what you think it should look like.
>>blown out
the shape is not determined by how promiscuous she has or has not been.
Looks good but tou are about to have some evil facts.
Get some garlic in there.
I appreciate you.
>evil farts.
Garlic, whole cloves, helps with flatulence.
Legacy of the Eurasian Steppe nomads.
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Sometimes Im feeling like Im the only Anon who find lamb ribs as the "pinnacle" of delicacy when it comes to meet goods...
Did you ever had a carpaccio ?
What a waste of digits. You sound wack man
>I'm Lebanese
hey isn't that country part of the levant where not only the crusaders invaded then colonized, but also the romans, greek and even ancient celtic tribes also colonized and inhabited?
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This is just sad.
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It's more fun than eggs and boring unseasoned meat.
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25 minutes
warm up pan
3x5 baste with own juices
5 minute rest before eating
you can tell that is shit quality chink slops that have been glued together to make a single "steak"
same reasin ypipo dont season they food they r simply retards
Based "toast" enjoyer.
Anon.. are you gonna fuck the pizza and eat the plastic anus?
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>unactive amygdal
Are you unironically implying our amygdala is naturally programmed to prefer cooked meat over raw meat? hehe...

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