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Is it possible to get big traps without being a roidtranny?
>neet incel nazi larper complaining about Israel and taxes

Yes, but how easy they grow is often genetic and insertions play a big role in appearance.
Relax oven dodger, it's just a joke
Geez, Schmuel prematurely turning into ashes ova hyeeer!
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It’s mostly genetics, but unironically big traps don’t look aesthetic. Medium size are ok. Big trap don’t even help with the v-tapper image as they will narrow your body. The only good thing perhaps is that your neck will look thicc AF.
>Uneven stache
>Uneven lit story
>Gay ass lawn chair
Pull ups
every reasonable person on earth hates israel
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be a real tranny
Yes, you can 100%. Rackpulls above-the-knee and power shrugs, baby.
Fucking kek
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Yes. I grew mine with heavy deadlift, smith machine shrugs, and farmers walks with the trap bar. I’m sure some other exercises like OHP, incline bench, face pulls, etc also contribute to overall volume. But yes, traps are absolutely growable as a natty

Also I’m currently 2 weeks into a cut, just got done bulking so lay off the hate for my tummy, I’m getting my abs back
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>big traps
plenty in Brazil anon
DONT ask me how i know
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idk always have had huge traps. I did wrestle in high school so maybe that's the reason. Did a lot of power cleans when I wrestled. Never really done any shrugs so maybe it's genetic. Old pic btw.
Go to a big and tall discord server
Yes, do heavy-ish strict shrugs (about the same weight as your RDLs) and real heavy power shrugs (~1.25x your deadlift 3 rep max), both within a 6-15 rep range (higher end of the range for strict shrugs, lower end for power shrugs).
Also, obviously, do your heavy rows, upright rows if you can, OHP etc.
every cent america spends on protecting its democratic allies, it gets back ten fold. stop pretending to care about fiscal conservatism and just admit that you're a little chudcel pissbaby who loves foreign dictators and terrorists
this is kevlar-grade delusion
We fight and die in their wars but don't get weapons contracts, cheap labor or resources.
>We fight and die in their wars
maybe in call of duty fatty mutt
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>reasonable "persons"
i just hope they kill them all
Every intelligent person on earth hates taxes
Grow up
>please give Israel more money!
>don’t forget they’re your greatest ally!
>don’t look into Mossad or the USS Liberty!
>don’t look into how the IDF actively spies on western countries!
>don’t look into how every US politician has a handler from the AIPAC to make sure Israel gets their cut!
>don’t look into how Jewish leaders in the UN promote “immigration replacement” for western countries!
Boomers in a nutshell right there.
I'd just say "your right grandpa I'm getting you another beer".

Instead I'd go inside and empty his beer down the sink and superglue his front door shut.
Fuck these idiots.
Fuck roid trannies too that's another thing that generation encouraged.

When your grandkids don't visit don't be suprised.
not dying for israel pal
Oh, shut the fuck up.
Boomers are just sad. They lived in the richest time in all human history and they pissed it all away on hedonism for me and bootstraps for thee. Their families hate them, the government and jews steal from them, and they have is TV and complaining about young people being selfish on Facebook.

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