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/fit/ - Fitness

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Those with big 3D delts, what's your routine for shoulders?

Especially if they're overall not too much muscle skinny but huge shoulders. It's because the androgen receptors in shoulders.
bench ohp facepulls rows
Man she’s fucking ugly
You should feel really bad for saving her on your computer and posting it OP
wrong buddy

Plus, shoulder day consists of nothing more than about one hour of standing overhead press.

Also chinups work the rear and middle delts like crazy.

Finally, I use fairly light dumbells and 2-3 times per week I do 4-5 sets of standing rear delt flyes. 4-5 sets, 20-30 reps each, 203 times per week. It really rounds out and brings out the tricep-delt spearation.

Oh yeah - dont be fat. A fat blob of cookie dough for an upper arm really diminshes the roudnes of the delts. You hold A LOT of fat in the upper tricep are, which blurs delt defintion. Its probably the number one reason why every dude i the NBA had round delts - leanness.
I really like women that look like this. What is it called? Maybe mousey?
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behind the neck smith machine shoulder press (3x8-12)
incline bench press (3x5-8)
1 year with progressive overload (with microplates in some cases for btn shoulder press) and you are golden
>inb4 fear mongering on btn press
If I put 50lbs on my 1rm ohp in 6 months it'll be this routine and I'm sick at programming.
>military press 3x5-10, regular and 1arm pulldowns, db/machine shoulder presses, rear delt work one arm og mud bone shoulder raises
>3x a week maybe one ohp power day and fill in the rest logically
All you're doing is beefing the tendons it doesnt do as much as regular ohp and db shoulder press for my mid delts, and desu my benching ends up fucking the mid delt tendon so you guys might be right on this one.
Half breeds are fucking gross, especially ashy downie looking ones like her. You should feel bad. Grow the fuck up and stop saving and posting your 'waifus' and post something ontopic instead.
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3D enough?
I don't really do much for them lat raises with really light weights in the 25-30 rep area then some cheated reps on top. Db ohp in the 15 rep range. Only other thing I can possibly attribute to it is ring pushups and dips between heavier sessions.
>Half breeds are fucking gross
That's like your shit opinion.
try them all out and choose the one that gives you the best pump

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