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>you need to warm-up or you'll get injured!

Is this true or just the biggest meme in the fitness industry? I couldn't really find anything convincing supporting this. Of course, people have their own anecdotic evidence that it helps but this could be the placebo effect just as well.

People always give these vague explanations that it warms up the muscle and joints and pumps more blood into the muscle. But, why would a warm muscle or more blood circulation make the muscle less likely to tear? It just doesn't really make sense.
Most retarded thread ever made holy shit. Even cars run better when allowed to warm up
The human body is not a car. They're not comparable at all
My warm up is doing some reps with like 40% of the weight
i have an old rotator cuff injury so every gym session has mandatory 50+ reps of facepulls followed by skiers and rows on an empty sled to warm up. i stop when i have a gnarly pump in the upper back and rear shoulder and when my shoulder stops clicking, and my heart rate is up. then start with a low weight and work up for each exercise. never take your healthy joints for granite, one day you may snap your shit up and that joint will never feel the same again.
Cars run better when allowed to warm up because they are made to operate several hundred degrees about ambient temperate. Humans are made to operate at ~98.6 F at all times.
I do dumbell presses and arm workouts before bench and I've never had a better pump
>Trans fluid
>Brake fluid
I have tried lifting my normal working weight with and without warming up and I clearly perform better when I've done a couple warm up sets first. you can try this and see for yourself. no need for studies or retarded threads on /fit/.
Warmups are real. If you want to prevent injury you should do them. The last thing you want is to accumulate injuries that will haunt you for a lifetime if you can avoid that. Especially as you get older and they are more prone to happen and harder to recover from.

They get the joints, nerves and tendons ready to work under the load and move fluids into the appropriate areas. It reduces the chances of fuck ups.
There is the example that when you are dehydrated you are more prone to injury. So we know that fluids in the tissues matter so the idea of getting pumped up and ready for it does seems sensible.

We can also look at the example of bending and stretching materials, even natural ones. They often tolerate it much better if you warm them up with gentle stretches and bending first rather than just jerking them into position right away. Even archers will do this with bows.
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Is this the new psyop now that seed oil schizos get btfo in every thread?
lmao at that pic
also cat milk is literally just lactose free milk, which you can buy in the normal milk aisle massively cheaper.

this is the way to go, you don't have to do anything crazy, avoid stretches before lifting, just some light weight to get everything flowing.

OP, try this: walk into the gym and load the bar up on any lift with your working weight and go at it. When you get through it, think about how it felt and then compare that to your 2nd/3rd/etc set. If your first set is harder than your 2nd, that's because your first set was warming you up.

If you do a warm up set at like half your working weight, your first set will feel easier and go better than the second and third set. Really puts you in the right mindset to push for maximum reps/more weight in the back half of your sets.
No, but it can help
>Trans fluid
>just do 2 hours or warm ups cause gyming injured you one time
Gyming is fucking stupid. Just be a normie who goes hiking on the weekends.

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