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What's your opinion on this miracle stuff?

I am aiming to lose some weight and this has been a godsend
>0 protein
>3 fiber
that shits just empty m8
awful non-food pretending to be weight loss food
And you couple it with a source of protein, genius
I need to have something on the side with my chicken / beef / pork or it'll get dull to eat, but there's a shitton of calories in rice, pasta or potatoes to fit my intake
It's gross as hell I'd rather eat whatever with a pile of cabbage. Or some kind of noodle cut from a fresh vegetable. Or even just save 300 kcal somewhere and go for real damn noodles. Anything but these.
Just it eat it with a side of whey mixed with Greek yogurt. Then eat the noodles with whatever you want.
get used to not fill your stomach to the brink with crap on every meal instead
what are you going to do when you reach the weight you want sub this thing for normal food and gain 50kg back in a year?
They literally have no taste of their own, you make 25 grams of sauce with onions bean paste, onions sauce, rice vinegar and whatever, you fry the noodles on a pan with the concoction you made, until you hear dry sizzling and they're ready, tastes just as good as any other ramen, if not better, and there's less than 50 calories total in this 200 grams of noodles, compared to wheat ramen that's ~300 calories in just 100 grams of noodles.
Being physically full doesn’t help your hunger unless you're constantly shoving shit down. I’ve tried this and it’s alright but it’s not a miracle, you’ll just still be hungry after eating it.
Love this stuff, i stir fry with chicken and onions sauce and then shit my brains out for 8 hrs
I already eat one meal a day, always have, but I eat randomly between 1000-3000 calories per day, because I've never cared for my calorie intake until now, it has kept my weight the same for ~15 years
Now I want to lose some weight and go from ~88kg to 80. I've always eaten too much carbs, this helps a lot, because I'd rather just eat the protein portion of the meals, but it gets super dull to chow down just plain meat.
>Cholesterol free
>Fat free
>Sugar free
>Gluten free
>Low sodium
>Low carb

>What's your opinion on this miracle stuff?
Assuming they're poorly nutritious, you're better off replacing them for micronutrient-rich, low-calorie, high-fiber foods.
I used to eat a lot of low calorie "filler" foods myself. They seem like a god send but they don't actually help with satiety. I would frequently feel hungry after eating pretty big bowls of stuff like spaghetti squash. Eat a smaller nutrient dense, high protein meal and you'll be surprised that you'll feel satisfied for hours.
They're gross.
You eat gross things just you can stuff your gullet with more of it because you can't really taste the difference.
>Being physically full doesn’t help your hunger
It does. The physical expansion of the stomach signals satiation to your brain. Fiber is also satiating. That it didn't help in your case is another matter, brainlet.
It's a factor but not true in every case. I've personally been able to eat until my stomach felt extremely full but my hunger was not satisfied and vice versa.
>I've personally been able to eat until my stomach felt extremely full but my hunger was not satisfied and vice versa.
So have I, when depressed, but that's irrelevant.
Isn't fiber just a meme to market you shit you don't need?
Everything I've read about fiber shows that no fiber is needed at all
If you eat stones and shit them out, sure, they're still solid, but did you have to eat the stones to begin with?
You keep using that word, but it explains nothing, which makes me think you might not understand what it means. You write like an ESL anyways.
> just you can stuff your gullet with more of it because you can't really taste the difference
This makes no fucking sense, which cements the idea that you are some retarded third world mulatto.
What makes it gross? Something which has no taste yet has good texture is incredible to expand upon with various seasonings and sauces.
It gives a meal that little bit of extra volume on top of the protein source.

Retake your english courses, Sahib.
Eating 300 calories of beans along with your protein would be better than this goofy noodle shit.
It has a horrible texture. It has a tastes like mushrooms that have started to rot.
You are like the negros that get the super market gutter chicken and have to cover it in lawyr's and hot sauce to make it even edible. Then when presented with food that isn't garbage you have to cover it with seasonings because food is no longer food to you it is a vehicle for sauces. The only things that matter to you are loud flavors and satiety. It is the hallmark of the obese.
Fiber shreds your guts.
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I knew it, a shitskin that can barely communicate.
You don't understand what seasoning or sauce means. You don't understand how to affect the texture of the noodle by frying it to the point of having evaporated all the unnecessary liquid.
Shirataki is made from the corm of a konjac plant, there's nothing otherworldly or weird about it, it's merely extra volume for your meal that would otherwise be just plain meat, and you are just being a loud retard for no real reason.
Keep eating your wheat shit, fat dyel.
The racism is unwarranted. Lawrys chicken is delicious
It's not racism. Racism would be saying they get from a food pantry or steal it. Point of the matter is these guys can't taste shit unless it's loud. Whether it's from their weed smoking or mold in their shitty apartments giving them congestion or if it's just learned thing from being poor multiple generation and using dollar store pre-mixed seasonings I don't know. I'm not a negroid anthropologist. I just know what I see. Which is them putting hot sauce on everything and bringing it with them when a restaurant doesn't provide it.
the absolute state
>Everything I've read about fiber shows that no fiber is needed at all
Some people shouldn't do their own research.
Depends on what you mean by "need". You probably won't die OF lack of fiber but it is certainly beneficial. You strengthen the gut barrier by eating it.
>but it gets super dull to chow down just plain meat.

season your meat you dull white man
Lmao only fatass faggots with no self even think about stuff like this
try speaking english on an english speaking website, Kumar
I never said I don't season the meat, and even then, it'll just taste like the seasoning for the entire meal, you fucking bozo
When you eat any type of meat, the sides of the meal break the monotony of the taste, be it veggies, rice, potatoes, whatever
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>alternative to pasta
this soggy hipster shit is no alternative to pasta, enjoy your bionic garbage
Can you point me to the pubmed studies, reviews or analyses from which you got your information about fiber?
Spotted the balding fat fuck
Wops and their wheat shit are a plight of mankind
Eat your fake chink plant and keep crying, you're like a vegan with their plant-based meat
decent if you're in a pinch to meet your macros but are in the mood for noodles
don't expect to gorge on them without stomach problems though
there's nothing fake about konjac plants, they're very real, as much as you don't want them to be
you're eating processed grass. Pasta, much in the same vein, is also vegan shit. One is just filled with carbs and calories
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>no cholesterol (testosterone precursor)
>no protein (muscle repair)
>useless and empty carbs

Imagine eating empty calories when on a cut when every single micro and micro counts.
Just eat some eggs, dumbass.
>as much as you don't want them to be
What a bizarre statement, I don't give a fuck if you're a chink grass fed hipster but comparing this shit to pasta is one hell of a cope
Dum-dum, he's a a canivore freak and that's why he calls pasta a grass; which it technically is.
No. You can easily find the info yourself; it's not like I'm revealing mind-blowing secrets you can only get if you have access to the Vatican library.
about the same nutritional value as cardboard
Ultra-processed slop. Just use julienned squash if you need low cal noodles.
Can they make bread out of it? We have zero calorie peanut butter and zero calorie jelly, the zero calorie pbj abomination must be summoned
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>The sandwich has been assebmled
>eat indigestible processed non-food because it looks like pasta bro
There are literally documented cases of this garbage causing intestinal blockages
Jsuy say you were wrong
>I've never cared for my calorie intake
Then how do you know exactly how many you are consuming?
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>make statement contrary to scientific consensus
>prove me wrong
What a disingenuous post
Why not simply eat nothing instead?
What reason would you ever have for eating this?
I know what I have eaten throughout my entire life and the amount, now that I know about caloric values of each item, I can make a rough estimate of how much calories I've eaten each day.

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