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whats the catch
Addiction and dependency
Receding gums
You can never stop, even if you only use a little.

t. on my second 2mg at 4pm
Thats only a catch if the thing is bad for you but it isn't
You theoretically could but 2mg is too much to quit without withdrawals. I wonder why they don't make 0.5...

And fucks your gums as above.
I quit actual dip tobacco cold turkey in 2020. Had like 4 days of very mild withdrawal and a few months of mild psychological withdrawal sometimes. It's not a big deal. Don't be a fag and it'll be fine.
nice blogpost retard, any useful info?
You're neck deep in your own shit if you call that some bloggy. Why didn't your parents ever take away the ipad when you were a toddler?
This is a fake side effect by the way. I looked into it. The nicotine doesn't affect your gums at all. The gums only recede if you are retarded and somehow rub the pouch against your gums for hours, like by talking or eating (for hours and with a Zyn in your mouth).
I'm under 10mg but my psyche is so buck broken I go crazy without it. My friend just quit cold turkey from 30-40mg. He's successful with a wife and kid too. So mogged rn
I also quit cold turkey after 15 years. Cigs for 5 years and then chain vaping 32mg for a decade straight. Nicotine withdrawals are not real. Literal propaganda spread by big tobacco to keep people from even trying to quit.
Nta. I've quit 6mg 2-3x day cold turkey with no withdrawals. Quitting 2mg cold turkey isn't so bad. I don't even notice when I accidentally skip a day.
Most people don't just sit in their room quietly when using nicotine pouches so your shit isn't clicking, hoss.
I use a Zyn to study sometimes after a long day at work, or I use it in the morning if I didn't get good sleep that night. I use the 3 mg (smallest size) for about 15-30 minutes. I use between 3 and 5 a week. I never used nicotine before. It helps me study by making me feel more focused. I take it out when I start getting dizzy. I have 0 addiction, 0 dependence, 0 cravings. It also wears off faster than caffeine, so it gives me 0 problems sleeping. I have noticed 0 side effects. I hope this answers all of your questions, OP.
>Most people don't just sit in their room quietly when using nicotine pouches
I do

Jesus Christ how am I ever gonna reenter society
by normal withdrawal standards, absolutely. You can't get DTs from quitting nicotine. The only headache cause would be psychological.
>Most people don't just sit in their room quietly when using nicotine pouches
That's literally exactly what I do lmao. Anyway, if you are using Zyn and eating food for hours or talking on the phone for hours, and you feel it constantly rubbing your gums, and your gums start receding, it's pretty obvious why. I can't be more clear.
if you're rural, go join a volunteer fire department and sit around there while browsing on your phone. maybe you'll get lucky and find a station with workout equipment like I did. 10 minutes between sets type shit and people think I'm a swell guy cause I show up to everything and know my ass from a hole in the ground. 9/10, would recommend for single fuckers who aren't crippled.
why the fuck are you using nicotine and doing nothing at the same time? shit's like putting a condom on to jerk off.
Suburban but maybe? I've heard this before
My mom lowkey left me a box of condoms when she dropped me off at college and I did this for practice putting them on + easy cleanup
>shit's like putting a condom on to jerk off
i do this
>sitting in your room quietly
>doing nothing
Can you think of no activities that involve sitting in your room quietly? Like, I don't know, shitposting on 4chan or studying or working on something?
Dentist told me not to use nicotine lozenges, and he only knew I used them because of discoloration.
you'd be using opium if someone got it to you sooner.
No I wouldn't, because I have no reason to take opium. It's a disgusting, useless high and it doesn't make me productive. It doesn't help me achieve anything.

Why do you hate nicotine so much? Comparing nicotine and opium is so retarded, surely you have a good reason.
Uh yeah buddy, smoking discolors your teeth, and smokers use nicotine lozenges. More news at 11. Anyway, nicotine pouches (like Zyn) don't cause tooth discoloration, if that was your question.
>shit's like putting a condom on to jerk off.
I started doing this so I can clean up easier and also because I thought at least I could get used to putting one on if I ever actually need to use one for real, which I never have
nicotine is the catch
Youre sharing personal anecdotical nonsense thats irrelevant to this thread you retarded inbred dont even (you) me again
STFU Zyn shill, I didn't smoke and the discoloration wasn't black it was white.
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Oh OK, so you have never smoked but you just happened to use nicotine lozenges, which only smokers use, and they actually made your teeth whiter, and that somehow means nicotine pouches (a completely different product), discolor your teeth, despite literally no one else on the Internet claiming so.

Thanks for the clarification, retard.
bullshit, I tried it and never did it again. You're just weak
what kind of retard speaks with shit in his mouth or eats with fucking zyn pouches in his mouth
Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, so don't use before workouts or cardio. And keep its use minimal as it stiffins your blood vessels and causes them to lose their elasticity.
Even after months of use this shit still wipes me the fuck out to the point where I have to lie down on the floor.
Turbobeta detected
Have you tried not being a degenerate drug addict?
It's not like that. Literally only one would fuck me up, I guess I must be sensitive to nicotine.
>still using it
>it stiffins your blood vessels
No it doesn't. Stenosis and calcifications stiffen your blood vessels. These happen to old people who don't take good care of themselves. Bad diet, no exercise, etc. It's the same disease process as what causes strokes and heart attacks.
>only one
For how long...? You can just take it out of your mouth earlier lmao.
I try to keep it in for an hour, how long do you keep yours in for?
If I want to use 2mg nicotine gum (split in half for 1 mg dose twice in a day) a couple separate days a month will I be safe from addiction/dependence?
I've been on two pouches a day for two months and have no desire to use more. Moreover, I went two days with none recently and it was easy as pie.
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For me, it's
Made my dick not work as well.

The good news is the effects wear off after like, 30 minutes of cessation.

This is more well documented for cardio and aerobic output or something, but the dick downsides and lower work capacity for exercise makes me take breaks.

Who knows what the lasting damage is (they know, it’s cardiovascular disease.)
>Made my dick not work as well.
This. It raises blood pressure a lot that's why
Gums not teeth, and I started with gum and used lozenges sometimes. When you have an 85 IQ like yourself you don't think outside the box and by nature of your stupidity you don't think anyone else does either.

Ask a dentist if nicotine discolors gums, moron.
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If I work out on JUST coffee and not nicotine tomorrow morning I can probably break the cycle. I only use 8 or 10mg/day
>Nicotine is highly addictive, leading to dependency and difficulty in quitting smoking or other forms of nicotine use.
>Increases heart rate, blood pressure, and can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
>Although nicotine itself is not a carcinogen, it promotes the growth of existing cancer cells
>Can cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It also increases the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
>Increases the risk of infertility, complications during pregnancy, and adverse effects on fetal development, leading to issues such as low birth weight and preterm delivery, these risks apply to men as well
>Can impair brain development in adolescents, affecting cognition, attention, and impulse control. In adults, it may contribute to neurological diseases like Alzheimer's
>Can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues.
>Associated with decreased bone density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
>Can lead to premature aging, poor wound healing, and other skin-related issues.
>While some people use nicotine for its short-term mood-elevating effects, long-term use is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.
Don't listen to the degen fags defending this shit. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth. You'll turn into a whiny bitch without it. Nicotine users are some of the most deluded & insufferable retards in existence. Never met one that wasn't a total degen in denial.
^jewish post above
nigga said it was easy as pie. i guarantee his body will go into cardiac arrest if he really goes cold turkey haha
I never understood the hype or how it got so popular.
Is there someone promoting it on social media, like that Prime drink?
Eat shit & die faggot. Everyone knows kikes want you to be an addicted degen.
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Based. I've quit long term in the past and I didn't feel worse in any way. The mEdIcInE cope borrowed from potheads is bullshit. I'm gonna quit. This fren>>74765182
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> arguably a less harmful way to consume nicotine
> Australian government makes it less accessible than smokes
The fuck is wrong with these dumb cunts
>arguably a less harmful way to consume nicotine
It is unambiguously safer than smoking
Yeah like your addiction to technology and internet, how you goin kick it?
I use a 3mg pouch now and then, I used 4 in one night and never felt any addiction, youll be fine
American brands are really weird. Here we get stuff like 43mg Siberia easily, and I had a time when I would need two of those to even wake up. 2mg sounds really low.
I quit those pretty easily too, just stopped buying them. Didn't have real withdrawal symptoms apart from craving and me still not being able to go near a tobacco store without thinking about getting a pack.
gum recession and being associated with people who use zyns
>being associated
So no proof, by using such intentional weasel words I know youre jewish
I keep mine in until I'm dizzy, usually about 15-30 minutes.
>nicotine discolors gums
What the fuck are you talking about you absolute retard? Nicotine doesn't stain jack shit. Smoking tobacco stains your teeth. I've never heard of anyone having their fucking gums stained by anything.
>temporary vasomotor effects
Yes, nicotine causes temporary vasoconstriction. When you constrict something it gets more stiff. This is basic physics and has nothing to do with elasticity. This also has nothing to do with stenosis or calcifications, which are the medical terms for your arteries "losing their elasticity," which is what anon originally said.

So nicotine does not make your arteries lose their elasticity. Any other questions?
Americans can't have real snus legally so Swedish Match made a toxic chemical version of it and marketed it towards Americans

They gobbled it up
All of this applies to smoking cigarettes, which are filled with carcinogens and free radicals. You are extrapolating it to "nicotine," which is a specific chemical, like the retard you are. Nicotine does not impact bone density, cancer, wound healing, etc. in any way.
>Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth
Brain-dead retarded. Caffeine and alcohol are much more addicting. Not even mentioning illicit drugs.

Equating "nicotine" and "smoking cigarettes" is like equating "red meat" with cured meats, hoagies, hamburgers, etc. Which people actually often do. So you are obviously retarded, but you're not uniquely retarded, if that makes you feel any better.
you are so retarded, he's not talking about evidence he meant being part of the community of zyn fags
>gum recession
Not a real side effect, as I already described above: >>74764414
For me, it’s that I’m anxious when I’m using them and depressed and irritated when I’m off. I’ve been off for periods of up to 6 months with no change. So until I figure out how not to be depressed without them, I will be stressing my heart for the sake of avoiding the existential dread.
I think your problem is a little bigger than a Zyn pouch, buddy.
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I'm pretty clearly schizophrenic and I need nicotine to feel normal. I only use a little bit. Believe it or not studies are ambivalent regarding nicotine and cardio performance. Same with caffeine. Resting heart rate and blood pressure are not the whole story cuz you're going to 2-3x that in intense exercise anyway. I want to go mouth to ass on a cute Instathot born after 2000. I was born in the 1980s
It absolutely is. The pouches are just a band-aid on the situation of my mental health. Just venting while on the topic of there being a catch to nicotine use.
Just hit 1 month clean from 40mg a day habit. Successful on first attempt. Felt like shit for three days then I was fine. Don't even think about them now.
We call that a posh wank

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