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I got gyno from abusing meth and adderall. No joke, shit fucks with your prolactin. It can happen. Gonna get surgery probably sometime next year or late this year
Try losing weight, fatty.
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My gyno looks even worse when im skinny because the mounds of fat just stick out

Being a little thick gives it structure
I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that's not gyno. With gyno you usually have perkier nipples that are more cone shaped.
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Check this angle
lmao thats not even bad or gyno at all
smoke more meth you arent making any sense
Bro fuck you I wish I had your "gyno" you have no idea how bad it can get
Is this even gyno, or is this dude just a little fat?
I feel like I’m getting soft nips on low dose finasteride, and it’s kinda bugging me. That said, I barely have abs, so it might just be bad fat distribution
does it hurt - is there a hard lump under? if yes it's gyno if not it could be pseudo-gyno (fat)
how are you fat on meth
While on the topic of cosmetic surgery, what’s too far over the line? I feel like we’d all agree gyno and maybe an unsightly mole is fine. I think most agree limb lengthening is stupid mainly because it’s absolutely cope and doesn’t solve the root issue. Something like jaw and chin enhancement is also gay because it comes with complications too. Lazy eye? That’s fine. Hair transplant, go for it. Teeth, sure if you actually have fucked teeth. But then there’s others which I feel are questionable,
What about something like eye color? It doesn’t come with complications just risks during surgery like with any. It can be argued to be cope but unlike height it’s not really insecurity based it’s just plain true that people in general like certain eye colors better than most. Take 2 identical twins. Brown eyes brown hair. Twin A gets eye surgery to have blue or grey colored eyes he’s just gonna look way more attractive than his twin. It could easily add 2-3 pts on his X/10. Would this actually be worth it? It’s massive pay off at the risk of being an even bigger faggot than me for just asking this. The halo effect alone would be worth it IMHO. I’m not even talking about just for pussy people are just more agreeable, patient, drawn to, and receptive towards more attractive people. Obviously there’s some cops involved, if you have a shitty personality then you have a shitty personality but the simple fact is being attractive does compensate holy fuck I’m unironcially spouting lookism rhetoric
not gyno. you’re just fat. sad!

I think there's a baseline of what people would consider a normal looking person like straight teeth, clear skin, full head of hair, average height. If you have something which brings you way below that baseline I think it's socially acceptable to get it fixed. Anything that tries to put you way above that baseline like face surgery (unless its deformed) or limb lengthening is seen as cope
I think I mostly agree, however for an average person if there was one surgery they could do which brought them from mediocrity to being considered hot, or hot enough to see a difference in life, I say why not.
>Limb lengthening
it’s not gonna fix that insecurity you had. You’ll find something else to be insecure over. I’m 6’2” height for sure helps but it’s nothing crazy, it’s at best gotten me some low effort low value pussy a few times. So it’s not gonna change someone’s life, and all it will do is fuck up their body and proportions and out them in pain more prone to issues like arthritis and injury
Absolutely cope. You’ll be way more prone to serious injury if you ever get in a fight. Most of the before and afters the before face looks better.
>small surgery’s like what Koreans do for eyes and nose
Maybe okay. These are small changes from what I’ve seen, nothing drastic.
Again, this is small. If you got a mole on your face that throws off your symmetry get it removed. It’s not gonna take you from a 5/10 to some 9/10 chad but it could boost confidence and make you maximize your natural level of attractiveness
>eye color
This isn’t small, but I think it could take a 5/10 and out him at a 7/10 or even 8/10. The only problem I can truly find with it is also one with any surgery, if you do this and have kids it would be weird. They’re not gonna inherent it obviously. How would you explain to your wife? That you scammed her lol. If you know you’re not gonna have kids then I guess go for it, for a guy who just wants to make his life a little less hard than already is and wants to have his simple bachelors life then I genuinely don’t see harm here. I think in most circumstances it makes most people look better.

I still think the idea in general is fucking gay but at the same time I see the viability in some of them. If I was subhuman levels, like 2/10, I wouldn’t be saying this though. I’d get them all
If these surgeries were actually good enough to put you ahead in life then everyone would get them and it eventually would be seen as normal (like orthodontics). It's better for people to just accept that some people are naturally better looking than others and also to stop caring about looks so much.
you deserve everything you get
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that's not gyno, you're just fat.
Thats a womans tittie stop lying OP
Take a normal photo, it looks like fat, consider loosing weight, should be easy, since Adderall and Meth are stimulants
love how OP smoked so much crystal he posted his nipple on /fit/
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>Lust provoking
>shit fucks with your prolactin
Yes you dumb retard, adderall LOWERS your prolactin, it prevents you from getting gyno.
You probably just masturbated the entire day when taking stimulants, which is gonna raise your prolactin. Or you are just fat, which is quite impressive when abusing stims.
>which is gonna raise your prolactin
i jerked off 10 hours a day yes
mommy gib milkies
>be me do roids
>never get a hint of gyno
>meanwhile all these lardasses have it
top kek people who get gyno deserve it
tweakers man

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