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How do I get a body like Patty's?
just be 5'5 and under, a woman, do 1 to 2 8week cycle of 5-10mg anavar and maintain your gains after the fact (requires experience in training and strength, and discipline). That's literally it.

t. I know varbies
why would you LOL
just be a roidtranny. gear is the miracle drug for dyels who would otherwise be filtered out by the gym naturally and can't figure out how to progress through programming. to all roidtrannies who are reading this, I will never open this thread again.
eat and train like shit but use steroids
she has tons of videos showing herself working out and what she eats
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1. be a dysgenic midget
2. roid
My mouth, her asshole, nuff said
He's not actually asking how to get a body like hers
simple abduction
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Patty is attractive and no incel can tell me otherwise
I would let her do unspeakable things to me
Unironically, she is one the most attractive women on earth. Like, so attractive that I feel a little sick to my stomach from knowing that I’m probably not that guy who’d get a girl like this, unfollowed her on social media for my own peace of mind, level of attractive.
I’ve always liked this vibe of girl though, so I was extra susceptible.
Chloroform, ball gag, zip-ties.
impressive level of nobody asked
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>Excuse to post ASS
I need to get my tongue up her shit chute
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She's 5'1" and 130 lbs; just pick her up and put her in the trunk
be a short girl and go roid mode
I don't know how this is but ATG are god tier
Not even baiting, just yearning and 100% serious.
10/10 meme though.
>heels off the ground
Dumb bitch
If you guys think a woman needs to rid for a body like this you are severely delusional
came here to say that atg split squats are based
Part 1:

Since I know nothing about you, previous lifting stats, what you did during your workouts (if you ofc lifted), medical related stuff. I will give you as much helpful infor without taking most of these into account. (Also do not listen to anyone on here, most people don't know what they're doing, but there is one thing which is true for every type of lifting, go hard and you will gain muscle, with ofcourse following some principles).
(you can dm me on discord - "robeh_", for a deep dive into the lifting shithole or questions)

If you have no lifting experience, or very little not done properly.
Start with only one body part per week, with 2 sets close to failure, 2-3 reps in reserve and one set to failure, the last one preferably. Focus on controlling the reps, the ascend the descend of the motion, but on the last set - give it your all.

Patty has a well developed female type lifter physique - back, abs and obliques, lower body and I'd say shoulders too. While arms (bis tris) are not that defined. (from the photos I've seen, under the angles and lighting they've been taken).

For a lifting program, there's many things one can do, for example:
Split, that is starting with lower body, since that's prob your goal, looking at Patty.

Day one:
For quads:
Option one: Hack squat for 2 sets close to failure, 1 set to failure OR Leg extension for 2 sets close to failure, 1 to failure.
Both exercises target different quad muscles, which really shouldn't bother you when you begin, the time will come when you could do both one after another all to faillure, but for now pick one and learn it.

Ofcourse if that bothers you, feel free to combine both of them like that:
Hack squat with 1 set close to failure and 1 set to failure + Leg extension 1 set close and 1 set to failure.

For some it might seem like it's low volume, which is intended to be, throwing a Tom Platz leg workout for somebody who doesn't know wtf is going on is no bueno...
Part 2:

I forgot to mention rep ranges. They don't really matter in the grand scheme of things since performing an exercise with rep range of 6, results in similar growth like performing it with a rep range of 8 or 12 (All to failure). Only difference being that doing an exercise with the 6 rep range to faillure, is significantly harder and more fatiguing. I personally use a variety, but for you, the idea would be 8 to 15, since they're not that taxing. Doing a higher rep range than 15 is taxing on the cardio aspect, while a lower one will bring you more muscle fatigue. ( just don't use less than 5, since you could hurt yourself)

For hamstrings:
A machine leg curl, seated preferable, but you could use a laying one as well.
3 Sets, 2 close to failure, 1 to faillure.

For glutes:
A hip thrust of any kind that you have available, same sets as prev. mentioned

And lets not forget the calves: ( I am looking at you male anons).
Any calve raise that lets you stretch the muscle on the bottom range of motion.

On this day you could throw in abs as well, hanging leg raises, sit ups etc. If you could handle it.
Example of the workout:
Hack squat - 3 sets, last one to failure;
Seated hamstring curl - 3 sets, last one to failure;
Hip thrusts - 3 sets, last one to failure; (you could do these in between hack squats and ham curls)
Calve raises - 3 sets, last one to failure; (But I am pretty sure if you do 3 sets, you might be having a bad muscle soreness on the next day. so try 2 sets, last one to failure and see how you feel. Big part of your lifting journey is personal experimentation and the best program for you is the one you can perform in the best).
Hanging leg raises (abs) - 2 sets, last one to failure;
Crunches (abs) - 2 sets, last one to failure;
Cable oblique twists (look on youtube) - 2 sets, last one to failure;

Ofcourse google the correct form and execution, research as much as you can on your own, thus you will learn more...
Take drugs and pretend to be natty, Make sure to avoid any and all tested compeitions and have endless excuses for it until you've got a well prepared window years later.
Part 3:

Day two:
I really enjoy performing chest and back on the same day, lets do same workout 2 times a week and go hard, while on is not suffering from the other. Just like bis and tris trained on the same day.

As a beginner, you don't need to be super specific with back training, but rather need a base, which can be built with a horizontal and vertical pull and then expanded with other exercises for more specificity.

Lat pulldown - 3 sets, last one to failure

Now for chest after the lat pulldown, if you have no training experience, even a barbell might be too much and be unstable and hard. So I'd suggest doing machine chest press, untill you build enough muscle in order to handle the barbell and later on move to dumbbell bench press.

Machine chest press - 3 sets, last one to failure

You could also super set the these exercises and what i mean by that is, perform one set of lay pulldown then go and do a set of chest press. Saves time if you are in a hurry.

Any machine allowing you to pull horizontally with a grip that is wide, since narrower grip is going to involve your lats and we want to target the mid back/traps.

Machine mid row - 3 sets, last one to failure

Now for another chest exercise, it's good if your machine can be set as such to target your upper chest mostly, if not, do 2 more sets of the same chest press. We will lorry about upper chest later.

Ofcourse, don't sleep on your traps. There is this thought around here, that if you do any type of row your traps will grow. My brother in lifting, there are 3 trap muscles, all doing slightly different things.

For the ones that sit on the top:

Dumbbell shrugs, perfomed standing and without leaning forward.

For the ones bellow those traps:

Lean forward.

2 sets, 1 to failure on both variations.

Part 4:

For the arms

For biceps:
Preacher curl with an ez-bar, going through the whole range of motion (no you wont tear your bicep, unless the ez-bar is too much of a challenge for you, if so find a SUPER ez-bar (should be black in colouring or so, bended a lot more and lighter in weight) or use the dumbbells you can.
Make sure you controll the reps as much as possible, don't get to the top and drop instantly. 3 sets, last one to failure.

For triceps:
Overhead cable extensions (which I do one handed, use both of you will) (same sets ranges)

Cable side raise for your side delts. (4 sets, last one to failure)

Back to biceps:
A hammer curl either standing, cable or again on the preacher perfomed with a dumbbell or special bar, idk if you will have access to one tho. (same sets)

Triceps again:
Cable pushdown, could be done with single handed or with 2 cables (or cable attatchments)

Shoulder press with a barbell, dumbbell or machine / ezbar front raises, dumbell front raise, or cable front raise for your front delts. ( one exercise, 4 sets, last one to failure)

For rear delts, dumbbell skiers or rear delt fly machine, or cable. (4 sets, last one to failure).

I don't think you sohuld worry about your forearms for now. But if you want to train them, do forearm extensions and curls, with them laying on a bench for support, farmer carries and hanging from a bar for as much as possible.
Part 5:

Do these 3 days one after another, with as many rest days as you need. you could do:
1 - lower body
2 - torso
3 - arms
1,2,3 (rest), 1,2,3 or 123123 (rest)...

Your first month will look like this with one set to failure, the next month do 2 sets to failure and so on untill you get to the 3rd month which you will be performing all the exercises to failure and you should be also progressing by either adding weight, reps, sets and exercises. But without personal monituring, I can tell you this much.

Your diet is an important factor as well, as I said I know nothing about you, are you skinny, fat, age, health stuff and so on and so forth.

If you are skinny ofcourse eat more calories and preferable you should get into calculating your total daily calorie expenditure, based on your weight and height and calculating the calories of your meals. You don't need crazy amounts of protein either, around 50 will do fine for as long as 1 year or more...

These are the things I could think off as of now...
Aight I left discord on the first message, I wasn't very well put here, msg me there if you wish and gl with your lifting journey and my biggest advice is, learn something new every day.

(Don't listen to lazy, retarded "men" saying her phisyque is unachievable naturally, I personally know one woman who has similar physique to Patty's, she's even got bigger legs in terms of muscle and she is natural. The only limitation there is, is the one you put on yourself.)
>Heel is raised
Her mistake is that sometimes she doesn't give a shot and just looks like a slob where other women are fully made up anytime they'll be seen publically.
She’s attractive, but not astoundingly so like people say.
Her ass really isn’t anything special. It’s nice, but I don’t see why it’s your goal.
>Her mistake is that sometimes she doesn't give a shot and just looks like a slob
That’s the best part you fag
thanks ranjeesh for doing the needful today

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