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I used to be very strict about my lifting and diet, hitting weights 4-6 times a week, measuring every macro and eating the same grow-slop day in and out. I made tons of progress and looked better than I ever had in my life. Over the last 6 months or so, I feel like I've fallen out of love with lifting. I don't necessarily care about hitting PRs or having abs, its been a total 180 in mindset as I've become interested in other things, and I believe I may have become burned out. As a result I've put some weight back on and I'm certainly not as strong as I was. Still though, I'd like to at least stay fit, not be fat, maybe have some nice arms, basic stuff.

Can anyone recommend some low frequency, like 2x/week programs that would do the bare essentials? I keep trying to write my own like I used to, but I always fall back into the tedious micro-managing mindset and I'd like some fresh perspective.
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Recommendations for loadable dumbbells, up to 200 lbs?Ideally I don’t want to spend $500 for Rogue shit, and getting the cheapest chink shit from Amazon is concerning I don’t want it to snap in half while I’m lifting. Any brand recommendations or links?

Specifically loadable dumbbells, I’m not super interested in plastic contraption adjustable dumbbells.
In my experience quality feels pretty universal on adjustable dumbbells, just make sure the bar is actually steel. For the best bang per buck I'd just say go on Facebook marketplace or something like that.
Anybody have tips/ideas for helping your foot slip less as you do calf raises? I don't have as much of a problem at the gym but when I workout at home I do single leg while holding a DB and I can't even really stay stable because it slips near the bottom range so much.

Are you looking for true bare essentials, or just a fairly minimalist program? Also, at gym or homegym?

200 each DB or 100 each?
Everytime I bench I get this pain in the front part of the right shoulder. it's been happening for a while now but this time I fucked up by not warming up and going straight into the bench with the 75lbs dumbbells. shit hurts all the time now even when doing normal everyday tasks. yesterday I could only bench 50lb dumbbells for 3 reps before the pain was too much. are there any stretches I could do to fix this or should I just try to not use my shoulder until the pain goes away? just turned 26 last week so I'm really starting to feel like an oldfag. doesn't help that I have to lift boxes all day at work too
Just do full body 2-3x a week. Compounds
>Barbell row
>Overhead press
Throw some arms in every other workout or so
What can I do about golfer's elbow? I don't play golf but apparently this is the name for when you get tendon/ligament pain on the inner side of the elbow. It's not severe but I notice it particular on chinups and when doing preacher curls. On an involuntary break rn because I injured my hand and notice I am still getting pains in both elbows.
t. oldfag, take plenty of joint supps, don't lift heavy, volumetard
I guess more of a minimalist program. Home gym with a cage, oly bar, and dumbbells
Honestly may just do this. The part I get caught up on is how to sneak more volume in. Would doing each of those for a total of 8 sets a week be enough for maintenance you think?
I did it for a while when I got burnt out and yes I think so
I’m no expert but if it makes you enjoy the gym again then it’s prob worth it for that alone
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this part of my triceps looks extremely shit
i only do skullcrushers and cable extensions
can i change something to target that area better?
>Dumbbells loadable up to 200 lbs
Dude, even the Ironmaster, which is the heaviest adjustable as far as I know (and in my opinion the best) only goes to 165 (technically 180 with the heavy handle kit), and it is not cheap.

Either suck it up and go with the cheap shits (which you can do anyway until you are willing to buy something good), or buy something decent right away.

My Ironmasters are fucking godly, and I don't regret them for a second, even looking at some other interesting things out there.
The Eisenlink looks good too.
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how do i, an obese female (5'6 210lbs), look like this (ryabolic on twitter)
>inb4 lose weight fatty
im working on it :(
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a better pic, sorry
You lose weight, fatty.
Then do a bunch of running and shit, all while staying thin.
im moreso talking about building muscle, which is what i assume is the "and shit" youre talking about.
i dont want to be thin, i want to be muscular. like her
lose weight fatass
You'll never look muscular until you're thin, first.
Thingkin of making my own pre workout to avoid junk
I got
>Beta alanine
>D-aspartic acid
Anything else you would add?
Which leg workout will boost my height growth?
I hurt my back a little bit below where the bottom of my shoulder blade is, and I think it was from doing either normal crunches or bicycle crunches, because that's what currently irritates it the most. It hurts if I twist my upper body to the left too much.
What usually causes this? Could it be caused by not relaxing your shoulders enough during crunches, or by turning too hard during bicycle crunches? I'm considering just doing different exercises, but I'd prefer not to.
laying tricep extensions are starting to thicken up that part of my arm. basically skull crushers but with neutral grip dumbbells
>citruline instead of arginine
pretty sure aspartic acid does nothing. ephedrine is nice but not needed imo
Add bands to tricep isolation exercises. JM Press, Skullcrusher, Overhead extension, or even adding them to things like bench press or Overhead press.

What the other guy said is basically what I would recc but add deadlift/romanian deadlift. Agree as well about enjoying it so you could throw in an exercise you just enjoy doing.
You're born with certain attributes but if you want the lateral head bigger straight bar cable pushdowns are your jam.
22M, I've been losing weight for the past few months, I started at 191 lbs and now I'm at 171 (5'9). I'm still overweight by my BMI but I'm planning to start building muscle once I've lost enough weight. I'm looking for some advice to help decide when to start making the switch, i.e. should I lose more weight first or start eating at a surplus and working out now?
Recomp for six months then cut.
How do I approach recomp? Is it just eating at maintenance and working out?
For more info on the triceps question: The lateral and medial head can't be truly isolated, but the long head can be somewhat de-emphasized by making it harder near lockout, i.e. bands. Ther: conlficting atuff out there but also putting your arm up overhead should make it less able to engage, so a combo of those does wonders. I tried it out by doing single arm DB overhead extensions, DB JM press, then either seated DB overhead press or incline db press, everything with bands, and the medial head feeling during the exercises, plus pump after, were the best I've ever had. I've searched for the best way to train it for a while as well.
Just look up a basic 3 day (likely full body) program and do that while you lose weight. Once you reach your goal weight you can look more at other programs for your specific goals/needs.
What's your bf%
>laying tricep extensions
ah yeah that's what i'm doing i thought skullcrushers was an umbrella term for both barbell and dumbbell ones
good to hear i'm on a right track i guess
i only get to choose 2 exercises and i do them twice a week but maybe i should do 4 exercises spread out throughout the week
i do mine with a rope, i'll try them next time
Never done it before and just used a quick online calculator so may not be accurate but I got 22.4%
my tricep routine
>vbar push downs
>french press
>laying tricep extensions
all 8-12 reps. i do bicep exercises in between each
how to combat mid workout depression
Continue cutting till 165, then do what the other guy said. Also, if you aren't already go ahead and start lifting/trying to make muscle gains, it won't be much muscle growth if at all but will put you in a better position in terms of strength and coordination once you start recomp
Skullcrusher is an umbrella term, usually people just say DB skullcrusher. I also want to emphasize my point above about bands, at least give it a try. Don't want you to potentially miss out on a helpful tip since I've felt the pain of looking for answers to the same question.
start your workout earlier so you get depressed after your gnarly gym sesh
Very little thought required, unless you were obviously gaining or losing weight, just eat the same and work out like a madman.
Why not use it as motivation? You know when you think of a bad or cringey memory and you hate yourself so much in that moment that of you had a gun in your hand you could easily put it to your head and pull the trigger on an impulse? I have been writing down these memories so that I can ride the wall punch inducing shame into a harder work out. At some point I want to record myself saying all of the trigger words for the memories so I can just have it blasting in my ear at the gym.
Nigger, you're already lifting. Combat gravity, your ONLY enemy during a workout session.
I could only do 5 minutes on the stair machine after a 45 minute workout. am I going to die?
Stuck at 15" arms with a bicep injury so I'm focusing on triceps. I grew fairly well from 14 1/2" to 15" in 3 months but now I've been stuck here for 4 months. Weight is going up. I've tried higher rep ranges, more volume, high frequency, now I'm trying TUT. Performing overhead extensions and pushdowns for direct work and dips and bp for indirect work.
I want to start doing power cleans, but I'm can't get my arms into a front rack position. Most of the stuff I've looked up says tight lats and thoracic spine are to blame, but all the tightness and pain I feel is in my forearms and inner elbow. What's the fix?
Adderall and preworkout.
Have you tried stretching them on a racked barbell? Go to a squat rack and do the catch position with your arms, one at a time if you need to.
Can you use an EZ-Bar to benchpress? I already own a straight barbell but my wrists kill me after a few reps on my weight range, i really feel the pressure on my left wrist more than the actual muscles being worked on.
I googled before asking here and some redditor said that the EZ Bar makes things worse after with a high enough load so I'm pretty confused.
Eventually, yes.

This is not a question.

Try stretching your forearms then, if that's where you feel tight. Also, experiment with grip width in the rack position.
Seems like it would put your wrists in a worse position, yes. Either that or you would have a neutral grip almost but then expend energy balancing it that way, no? Either way, you shouldn't really be having that much strain on your wrist. How much are you benching and how much are you letting your hands bend back?
I haven't, but I'll give it a try
Does it matter if my hands are further out than my shoulders?
If you own the starting strength book rippletits goes into some good detail on it as well.
I don't, but I'll see if my library has a copy
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Not quite sure where I'd be "expending my energy balancing it", I don't think I understand what you meant with that.
Ive never benched because of the aforementioned issue, I think I was trying do 40kgs+bar or something like that. Regarding the bend angle... I'm not really sure desu, I'm resting the bar somewhat near the region in red so probably a bit under 45 degrees.
Nigger?? Are you living under a rock or what? jfc
thanks bro
No problem, just save that link because it has a gigantic amount of books and scientific papers, check it out whenever you need something.
Also if you end up enjoying a book you downloaded please buy it afterwards.
>This is not a question.
Make an educated guess as to what I'm asking.
Been seeing this woman for about 6 weeks. We've been messaging every day through that time. But i messaged her yesterday and got no reply. What do i do? What does it mean? I saw her a couple of days ago and had a great time so im quite confused
What are pros and cons of switching from barbell OHP to unilateral dumbell OHP?
Should you rotate the dumbbells on the way up when doing concentration curls, or keep the palm facing the same way throughout the movement? Why or why not?
York Fitness Standard 1" Spinlock Dumbbell Bar With Collars. You can only load about 100lb (10 x 10lb plates) on each bar before you run out of space (unless you can get the 18inch bars) but I can personally vouch for them being ROCK SOLID STEEL. I would trust those bars to survive a nuclear blast.
I have a very weak core and weak glutes
What can I do to correct this as someone who isn't /fit/?
I have dumbbells and I'm willing to spend a hundred or so on more equipment if it'd help
Anyone have or know of a GSLP template that works with higher rep ranges > 10 for the big lifts? I understand that the progression doesn't work the same, just wondering if someone made an adjusted template like that that takes higher reps into account or made a new one based on GSLP exercise selection and order.
Why not just do planks and glute bridges first? There are variations to make them more difficult as you progress. You could also do goblet squats with the DBs you have.
her phone is out of battery, she went on a no-screen-getaway, she was going to reply later but forgot, she met someone else and doesn't like you any more, she was hit by a car/mugged/... and is laying up in a hospital/morgue/the ground
take your pick
you're obviously too invested
your attitude and lifestyle should be such that if one woman doesn't reply you have someone else (male or female) to talk to, another woman to date, you don't care what she does when you aren't around until you agree to be serious with her
ideally you shouldn't even notice that she didn't reply, you should have a fun and busy enough life that you forget to reply sometimes
I guess I'm impatient and have poor form and so they don't hit as hard
Do you know any good videos demonstrating form/how they should feel?
>I have a very weak core and weak glutes
So, skinny with a paunch and a flat ass?
The prescription is squats. Traditionally paired with oats.
If you don't want to join a gym or do anything with a barbell, just doing anything at all will help, not as quickly and efficiently as the barbell squats tho.
If you really want to spend some of that hundred, get an ab wheel and a knee-height box that you can step on (anything works, just make sure it can hold your weight, the top is flat, and it's safe to step on it).
Ab rollouts and a stepper, you have your own 80's gym in your room.
How do I brace for ohp? I've noticed that my torso is starting to twist backward to the left under the weight.
lower the weight and focus on keeping your back nearly straight (it only bends when you move your head at the top)
the brace is like any other but you should also squeeze your glutes
Her most developed muscles are in the lower body, but she's also got decent development in her arms and shoulders.

To replicate her look, I would recommend a lower body-focused novice ULUL or a lower focused 3-day-a-week full-body workout.
>Can anyone recommend some low frequency, like 2x/week programs that would do the bare essentials?
Just do full body heavy compounds at opposite ends of the week.

This is pretty ok but I'd swap out like:
>(weighted) pull up
And then optionally some ab or tricep stuff if you want to make time for it and care enough about the results
none of them
I'm on a hard cut, down to 138lbs. Is getting 100g of protein from two whey shakes a day enough to prevent muscle loss or do i need to lift as well? I planned to but just dont have the energy
Is there any way to tell if you’re losing water or fat?
I’ve dropped like 1-1.5kg in the first week of diet while supposedly being on a 500kcal deficit and I’m trying to understand whether all I’m losing is water or if I’m eating less than supposed to
You need to lift as well. Not heavy, but enough to stimulate your muscles to tell your body that you fucking need them.

If all you're eating is two whey shakes a day, you're actually better off just doing rotating fasts and refeeds.
At the moment I'm fasting on the weekdays and refeeding on the weekends. Feels good, actually.
1.5 kg is about how much water weight I usually gain or lose
You're telling me that if i do moderate lifting on a total fast i wont lose any muscle with a whole week of zero protein? Doesn't seem right
Don't stop using your shoulder altogether
If it hurts to even move it, push your arm with the other hand to move it through the pain (full ROM in every direction that it goes)
Dynamic and static stretches every day until it stops hurting during everyday tasks
Then swimming until it stops hurting completely
Then slowly reintroduce lifting (50% deload) and pay attention to form
It should take 4-6 weeks altogether, you shouldn't lose much muscle in this time if you eat at least maintenance and a lot of protein
You can still train everything that doesn't hurt

Never stop moving a joint completely
I've been doing pulldowns for a few months now and finally got a mind to muscle connection to my lats.
First time I actually am sore in them.

There must be so much cheating I am doing on other workouts. I guess I should scour for knowledge of how to get these connections for each of my exercises?
I refuse to lower the weight (I'm in this for survival) but I will lower reps and focus on the things you've said.
>lifting on a total fast
I see rhabdo in your future
That's not what I'm telling you.
Lift on your refeed days. I get cardio on my fasted days. That's what I'm doing.
I fast M-F and refeed Saturday and Sunday. One meal only on each of those days.
Nigger, did you miss the point where I said to NOT lift heavy? Just enough to show your body that you still need them. Not to the intensity where you build muscle when bulking. Learn how to fucking read.
I had a full bicep tendon tear in my left arm. Now my arm is a twig compared to my muscular right arm. I cannot train until December. How long can I expect to train until my body looks proportional?
I was thinking that the bar would either roll or force you into a weird narrow position, but I was falling asleep so I could have been talking nonsense.

Not within reason. Obviously you can't have them way out on each side, but slightly outside your shoulders should be fine.

lol. Add more isolation volume if you are wanting to focus on triceps. Give each type of training a bit more time, 3 switches in 4 months seems a bit fast. You can also try higher weight lower reps, sometimes that will let you explode because the lower volume allows you to progress consistently like crazy. Skullcrushers should probably be added.

BB: Better for straight strength development, possibly easier to progress on, bilateral so won't help with imbalances
DB: Unilateral so will help with imbalances, range of motion is slightly different so possibly helps with hypertropy and involved your shoulders more compared to triceps (this in comparison to BB)

It doesn't really matter. Probably better to not rotate but if it feels better than rotate anyway. Also don't do concentration curls in the first place.

Flex your glutes hard before each set and keep them flexed.
i dont understand how would that work honestly
You don't know how to add bands to exercises?
>sleep 5-6 hours
>wake up feeling amazing, jolted, can practically leap outta bed
>come noon im a melting pile of shit that wants to take a nap
>nap taken
>sleep schedule fucked again
how do I stop this cycle of hell
Maybe you're overtraining. I crash out in the evening when I overtrain, and sleep badly at night.
How do I fix this?
FFMI is 18.7
How the fuck do I lose lower belly fat? I'm quite lean but I can see all my excess fat is stored in the lower belly, I can see my upper abs but I have a fat pouch and its driving me nuts, do I go hard on the ab exercises and lower my carb intake? I'm around 185lbs 6'3
You just keep going on the cut. Legend has it, belly fat is the last to go for a man.
what website is this
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should i do ez bar rows? my form always gets fucked at the last 2 reps with regular bar
too much measuring but cool website
Today is cooler weather and I overate, so I feel bloated.
Should I go lifting or jogging?
If you eat a salad that is composed of nothing but red leaf lettuce and ranch dressing, and then your stomach makes incredible noises, and then you shit out something that looks like red leaf lettuce that has been roughly minced... that's a sign you don't tolerate red leaf well, right?
Can attest, I've cut enough to have a noticably leaner face, have some definition on top two abs, but STILL have a muffin top
Well, I think I decided.
Short brisk walk and going back to tiding up rooms. I kinda got into it.
No, it's not a waste of time. Literally anything is a better option than losing those hours at computer browsing the same threads over and over.
Later I will sit down for an hour or two to work on my project.
How soon after lifting should I take whey?
Google results vary wildly. Some say immediately. Some say 15-20 mins after for the "anabolic window". Some say any time up to 2 hours.
Pls help
Up to 2 hours is correct
Sooner than that might be minutely better but you won't notice the difference
Am I supposed to see my scalp if I shine a bright light on top of it after showering or is my hair thinning...
It's already 7pm and I am still around 300kcal deficit, what do I do? I go to sleep in 3 hours.
Why am I always dehydrated? I drink a fuckton of water, started focusing on electrolytes, and I get a good amount of nutrients and vitamins. Why is it that my lips/mouth are always dry? I think it's really fucking with my health.
1. How oftern should I reevalute my dietary needs? I am bulking currently, started 3 months ago. I am 5 foot 11 and started at 150 pounds. I am up to 165 pounds in 3 months. I am still making progress eating a 3,000 calorie diet with about 160 grams of protein. Should I wait until my progress slows to increase my caloric intake or should I be constantly increasing as my weight increases?

2. Sometimes I get a sneezing fit that will last up to 20 minutes sometimes. I will literally sneeze almost non stop even if i blow my nose until it bleeds. It will happen randomly. How do i stop this?

3. Is it true that you are supposed to cycle pre workout use? Meaning you wouls use it for a month and then take a month off from it?

4. I have a very small waist and I am having trouble finding a weight lifting belt that fits me. Does anyone know where I could find one?
you can but it's bad for the wrists
you'll get mind muscle connection when you actually have some muscles to fucking connect to
as long as you're progressing and the muscles are sore after workouts you're doing good (if they aren't sore hit 'em harder)
don't take the nap obvsly
no, why would you? focus on the form ffs
I would not jump to conclusions so perhaps? it might also be that it was mostly liquid in your stomach so you had a fast liquid shit
the anabolic window doesn't exist, daily protein amount matters
you do whatever you want to since you have free will
you are eddie hall,
water sugar salt; those three are required for hydration, can't have too much or too little of either one of those
lips get dry naturally as for the mouth dunno
however often you need to also 3k kcals sounds like too much for you
no idea
>3. depends on how quickly you get used to caffeine, only use pre when you really need it and not every day
>4. at the store, or poke a hole through a bigger one like with a normal belt
>focus on the form ffs
i dont even know what the proper form is i think it's my grip giving up
what kind of rows do you do and for which muscles?
how does the form break down?
lifting experience and weight and reps used?
bent over rows
>lifting experience
1.5 month
4x8 50kg
>how does the form break down?
i curl my wrists down
i think i'm trying to lift with my shoulders now that i think about it
what angle am i supposed to be bent over relative to the floor?
>bent over rows
for the whole back I'll assume
>i curl my wrists down
you're probably too upright
>i think i'm trying to lift with my shoulders now that i think about it
it'd be a good idea not to do that :^) focus on driving your elbows back and ofc on your back working
>what angle am i supposed to be bent over relative to the floor?
70 or 80 degress assuming 90 degrees is fully parallel with the floor
>you're probably too upright
>70 or 80 degress assuming 90 degrees is fully parallel with the floor
yeah that must be it in that case
i don't want to go lower because i think i'd hurt my back because i have trouble bracing properly
keep your back straight at all times
the fact that your lower back fails during rows means that you must do more rowing to fix that weakness and also deadlifts

while standing upright push two fingers with each hand into the sides of your stomach then use your core muscles to push those fingers outwards
that is what proper bracing is and what you're looking for
What should I put on my sandwiches except cheese? Delimeats are made of cancer
Is doing squats with a smith a okay if you only care about aesthetics rather than functional strength?
My leg day routine is
Back Squat
Leg Press
Seated Leg Curl
Standing Calf Raise
his >>74768866 meat
yes it's fine
When I fail a deadlift I can't get the bar off the floor. Once I get it above my knees I've never had trouble locking out. What does this mean? Weak hamstrings?
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oh shit
Gotta lose 6kg in 4 weeks, what should I do? I'm eating 1600 Cals with 170g protein.

I'm 100kg and need to get to 94. I know I'll lose some of it as water weight, any more tips? Should I fast a couple days before weigh-in?
and water fast and dehydration like fighters do the day before if you have to
Is there one of these for squats?
When bulking do you just eat every time you get hungry? I've been eating 3500+ kcal the last few days because that's what my appetite commands, usually I'm not a big eater and I tend to fidget a lot (high NEAT)
5'8" 160 lbs, 3 hours lifting (0-2 RIR), 2 hours swimming HIIT per week, walk 1 hr/day
cut carbs as much as you can without feeling like youre dying.
google psmf if you want to take it up a notch
20k+ steps a day, no strenous cardio
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what muscles attract women? ain't got a big d and I'm king of the manlets. not to mention sub 6 figure salary.
It's Joever. It would be easier to just make more money.
>king of the manlets
So like 6’1-6’2?
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there is
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What would you change about this routine? Main focus is just building muscle.

It looks a bit weird because A. I am retarded and B. Both my shoulders are impinged from injuries years ago when I used to train (its better now, but still present and some exercises make it flare up again).

Basically starting from scratch after 3 years of doing nothing.


Pls help /fit/ there is too much conflicting information online.

>inb4 SS+GOMAD

Why isn't this just a vial of liquid why is it a powder I have to mix up? why is it priced so high? 40$ for 5mg seemed to be a low price. when I mix 1ml water to 5mg power I have a 5mg/1ml powder but dosages seem to be wildly different. I tried 2mg today IM but not at my injury sight, i just did my glute. Not sure when to pin again. and when I do I am going SubQ at my arm/elbow.
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5'10" ...
you a woman?
10k sort of six figures
>10k sort of six figures
Then what I said is even more true for you. It would be easier to just make more money. Secure yourself that 10k raise in a year or two. Even if it's 5k each year.
Anyway, here's the real answer.
>what muscles attract women?
All of them, and none of them. It varies by the woman.
Better just build them all and hope one of them works.
Muscle building takes years to get noticeable though, so just start now.
You'll either get the muscles you want, or get the raise you need, in a few years.
If you're lucky, you'll get both.
5’10 is just manlet manlet
Why is it that when I eat food, it feels like my body spends most of the energy I get from the food trying to heat up my body. I get so hot after meals that it's almost unbearable, the more I eat the hotter I get. 5 hours ago I had a meal but I'm unable to sleep now because it feels like I have a fever
I'm not even fat, I'm actually bordering on underweight
>I'm not even fat, I'm actually bordering on underweight
Nigger, that's literally why. Your body IS desperately trying to heat up your body.
Go see a fucking doctor, goddamn it.
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QRD on dietary redpills? Or at least a good source on them. Not looking for schizo diets, just wary of the food industry and the advice of most medical professionals.
>foods to avoid (seeds, grains, nuts?)
I'm not technically underweight, my MBI is like 21 which is very normal. Why would my body need to heat me up when I'm not even cold?
where do you get those from
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some anon posted them in this thread a while back and I asked if I could get all three from him
Can I do arms (3 sets of one exercise for biceps and triceps each) 3 times a week or would 2 be better for the recovery?
can you recover from 3?
try it out and see
A friend invited me to the gym, to teach me how to use weights & work out. Pushed myself pretty hard and have been incredibly sore and weak. I've also lost a huge range of motion due to soreness, and struggle to even put on a tshirt. Normal enough so far, but this morning (3rd day after session), my urine is dark brown (almost black) and now I'm thinking I might have Rhabdo. Everything online says I need urgent care.
But is it really necessary? Can I not just recover at home? I don't wanna go through all that hassle of visiting the doctor. In Australia, so cost isn't an issue, but I got work to do and don't wanna waste time.
Can I get a routine critique? Going for hypertrophy, particularly in the abs, arms and chest, but also want to gain strength.

5 days, AXBCX (X is rest)

>Workout A:
Sumo deadlift - 1x5 (currently 295 lbs)
Bench press - 3x5 (175 lbs)
Dips - 3xFailure (about 10 reps)
Farmers walks - 3xFailure (60 lb dumbbells)
Weighted decline sit-ups - 3x10 (70 lbs)
Seated calf raises - 3xFailure (about 12 reps, 115 lbs)

>Workout B:
Low bar squat - 3x5 (245 lbs)
OHP - 3x5 (110 lbs)
Barbell rows - 3x5 (140 lbs)
Pull-ups - 3xFailure (6-8 reps)
Farmers walks - see above
Weighted sit-ups - see above

>Workout C:
Closed grip bench press - 5x8 (115 lbs)
Barbell curl - 5x8 (55 lbs)
Overhead rope extensions - 5x8 (50 lbs)
Incline curls - 5x8 (20 lb dumbbells)
Rope extensions - 5x8 (55 lbs)
> my urine is dark brown (almost black)
nigger what the fuck go to the doctor
been lifting most of this year, consistently.
eating clean, getting stronger, more muscular, losing weight. arms, legs, chest, shoulders all progressing. doing cardio and eating quite clean.

but I have a stupidly fat puffy belly and can't seem to be making progress on this.

I drink no alcohol, and whilst I have the occasional sweet treat, I dont eat much junk.
Go to the fucking emergency room, retard.
1. you're still fat so lose weight
2. bloating
3. visceral fat which the guy responsible for the vertical diet talks about (maybe even in the vertical diet book)
How to fix this dent/slope in delts? Too tarded to tell if it's posture, muscular imbalance or poor genetics. It's also way more noticeable in person
>Go to the fucking emergency room, retard.
>minor lower back pain when bending down to DL
Is it ok that I basically only did half my normal amount of deadlifts because of this?
I just kamala ding-dong harrised my leg my protenrong by air-stomping andyit HUUURTS!!
hyperextended + pretending to stomp on air in front of me is what did me in.
>is it ok to lighten up in the face of potential injury
It is not just ok, it is the right thing to do. I made the mistake of pushing it and got a sprained lower back out of it a few years ago. It may have also given me a minor scoliosis, shit is fucked.
What circumference arms do I need to not be dyel?
my tendons are super tight to the point where jogging longer than about 10-15 combined minutes makes them throb with pain for days
even jumping rope does this
am i just fucked for easy cardio (running)? stretching has never done anything significant
How many leg lifts should I be able to do before beginning weighted leg lifts or hanging leg lifts? Right now I can do about 10 before I start feeling them more in my back.
My heels rise when i do a free weight squat, but not when i do a smith machine squat. What should i do? I also have flat feet
Adjust your stance. Play around with bodyweight squats, find the foot width/angle that allows you to squat ass to grass comfortably. If you're anything like me, your heels might be raising because your feet are too close and your hips can't open up enough, causing you to compensate by lifting your heels to get to depth.
Looking for some answers to minor queries

I'm 36, sedentary, 6'1", 120kg. Remote working on my PC since covid, went from 110kg to 120kg. Decided to try get fit. All my weight is on my legs and not my belly, although recently my belly has gotten bigger, so people are always surprised to hear how heavy I am.

I have Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear's body frame, but I have no muscle at all. Well my legs are probably OK for being sedentary since they carry around my weight, but my upper half is definitely shit. So I figured the hypertrophy route might be a good look for me and a good way to get fit.

So I did some research, heard that 10 reps 0-3 RIR is a good starting point, and I have some old metal dumbbells which go up to 10kgs (22lbs). I did a quick test on bicep curls (plus some random exercises just for fun, but no proper sessions/multiple sets recently) to see how hard they are and I could do 20 reps 0 RIR (tried to but literally couldn't do another curl). A couple days later even 20 wasn't really that horrible, maybe 3 RIR but I wouldn't say I'm good at estimating it.

But I've watched some people who are muscled as fuck and pros and they were using 20lbs (9kgs) for their sets, and I'm definitely not as strong as them.

So I'm wondering if I should buy new bells to go above 10kg to get my reps down to 10ish, or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Is 20 curls at 10kg a strange 0-3 RIR for a sedentary person?

I know as a beginner just about any exercise will do but I'm still unsure if I should just go with these bells or not.
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quads still feel pretty sore from cardio yesterday, should I skip or deload on the leg day?
You're a beginner.
Beginners gain strength like it's nothing.
Get plate -loadable dumbbells, or even better a barbell.
And read starting strength, so you'll know wtf a decent program is
Yeah mine have plates that go up to 10kg if evenly distributed on both bells. I do also have some resistance bands and a bar for them laying around. But I guess I'm wondering if I'm OK to go with 20 reps on 10kg for curls (I'm sure my RIRs will all be different across different exercises) or should I start heavier?
Also I'm looking at Starting Strength and, as the name suggests, it seems focused on low rep strength training and not hypertrophy? I'm aiming more at the hypertrophic look and less for sheer strength as measured by those exercises.
When am I no longer considered a beginner? I've been lifting for 1 year but stopped for 3 years. I just got back to the gym 7 months ago.
When you can 1/2/3/4 you become an intermediate
25" ([{or 16 IRL}])
slight deload and be careful like with training other sore muscles and program better
You're a beginner, there's no 'hypertrophic look' for beginners. You gotta build a good bit of muscle first.
The easiest way to build muscle, is overload of some kind, more reps (up to failure at 35 iirc) or more weight or more sets.
It's just faster to go with more weight right now, and then pivot into more reps (or more sets).
But whatever, if you only want to do 20 reps curls with 10kgs, that's not doing much for your body as a whole, just for your arms, and not that much for your arms either.
typical anon level reading comprehension
What would you add/remove from this leg day routine?
>leg curls
>leg extension
>dumbbell calf raises
>leg press
>dumbell lunge
How do you proceed when you miss a workout, without fucking up your whole lifting schedule? For example, I lift Mo, Wed, Fri, but I missed the Wednesday session. Do I make up for it on Thursday and shift everything by one day or just proceed with the Friday session?
looks good, as long as you choose weight reps and sets properly
Do compounds before isolations, assuming this list was specifically in this order. The idea being that you should prioritize more difficult (CNS taxing) lifts before easier (less CNS fatiguing) lifts. Otherwise it's solid.
Don't sweat it. Worst case scenario is you stress yourself out with the anxiety of having missed a day. It is just one day, your body isn't going to immediately reset to zero, right?
Just make sure that you go a bit extra hard the following week, after all, you will have had extra recovery for it.
Why are zoomers so fucking tall?
microplastics and seed oils and growth hormone in meat
Are you telling me sharing their diet will make everyone taller?
Update on this. 2 family members are nurses so they're advising me, tho they think I should go too just to be safe. I've drunk around 3 liters of electrolyte mix today, and another 3-ish liters of water. Read the labels and am taking caution not to overdose on potassium or magnesium. My piss is going through cycles of clear (with a tinge of color) to dark rust-red depending on how long ago I last drank. Decided not to go to the hospital in the end, and just keep an eye on any kidney/back/liver pain. I'll go if anything strange starts hurting, but honestly, I reckon it'll be fine.

Thinking back, I realised this isn't even the first time I've done this too, but last time I only fucked up a couple of muscles from doing too many pushups. Only had a little black piss back then and didn't mention it to anyone, recovered just fine. This time I've been pissing black and red all day tho lmao.

So I got a dum question as an ex-endurance athlete who's looking to get into lifting and put a little muscle on my arms and chest. How do you know when you've done a good set and when to stop? The signals of a good workout are so different from running or swimming, no fatigue, no puffing, no sweating. When lifting weight, the only signal that's there is how sore my arms are, and I can't tell when I should stop, and when I'm just being a little bitch that can do another rep.
>25" ([{or 16 IRL}])
How long to go from 13.5” to 16?
however long it takes you
maybe if you're a teenager (which if you are then you should really leave 4chan) and your growth plates haven't closed
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Is there a spreadsheet for SS and tracking body metrics?
Or whatever starter AB program you suggest.
> Thinks starting strength is a bodybuilding program.

only things you will grow are your ass, your legs, traps, shoulders and maybe back.
>bodybuilding program
I don't want to bodybuild, I don't want to be DYEL that can't even push a sofa.
Everytime I squat I feel my lower back. It doesn't hurt, I just get it doing some of the work and it's sore after. Is this normal or is my form fucked? I only started a few weeks ago and I don't have the experience to tell if something is off yet.
Stil new to lifting, about a year in.

Are all the people who say they do something 4 sets, 10 reps to failure full of shit?
If I do a set to failure I will definitely not to the same number to failure on the next set. It would be more like 10, 8, 5, 5 reps. And I'm tired as fuck between and after the sets, despite long rests.
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So, I tried to hit 2pl8 on bench today. Did 90kg as a warm up, and it absolutely flew, but when I tried the 100kg, I couldn't even get that shit off my chest.

I think my problem is a lack of explosiveness. How do I train explosiveness for bench? So far, all I can think of is doing explosive paused reps with lower weight.
That's pretty good when you put it this way.
It's missing chest and biceps/triceps, but that's easy to fix.
Just do bench 2/week and ohp 1/week every week, and add 3-4 sets of bis and tris every day
This isn't really a question more a statement for others to see when skimming.

I fucked my hand up a few months ago, it hit a point where it stopped hurting but would give me shooting pains if I moved my fingers in certain ways, I started taking omega3 and 6000MG collagen + vitamin C, it's been about a week I don't wake up in pain anymore it takes until noon before it starts to hurt now.

Collagen might actually work if you've got injured tendons/ligaments in your hand but you should probably go to a doctor. I went three times without them figuring out what was wrong so I tried vitamins though.
Look at this.
There is a section at the bottom that discusses explosiveness. From personal experience, JM presses and Larsen presses brought my bench to a whole new level.

Here is a video explaining Larsen pressing if you are unfamiliar
Have you tried rice bucket training at all? When I was younger, I suffered a pretty gnarly hand injury
and used a rice bucket for rehab. Not only does it strengthen your tendons, it also builds up the muscles in your hands and forearms. Highly recommend looking into
I'd suggest a little more volume for your calves because they are stubborn muscles to grow. I'd look into shoulder halos and dead hangs for shoulder impingement. Both of those exercises helped out my shoulders a lot
you have a mental block that 2 plates is a bigger challenge than it really is
will wrist curls help train my grip? I can't even pull 250 lbs with double overhand grip. I have a CoC trainer that I can close but only once.
Unlikely to get four to failure at the same reps, but not impossible especially with long rest.
i recently found out that the cause of my acne was milk, what should i drink instead, i want something with a similar macro profile and taste of skim milk, is coconut any good
How should my lifts change when cutting?
Like, I cant be expected to be setting PRs on a cut. Should I still be lifting heavy?
i want to abandon ship and go cocoon mode somewhere away from bad influences. need to get my shit back on track
where should i go?
Yeah, getting a full stretch under load of the muscle should help stimulate them, just like any muscle.
Work to prevent muscle atrophy. Indeed, don't expect PRs but expect to maintain at best.
like you're not going to seek out the same vices
i can change....
how do I cycle this to continually get the mental benefits? I have been taking 2 600 mg, spaced out in the day and it makes me feel focused and calm. the first week of taking it I was only taking 1 a day and felt the difference into the next day.

it does make my sweat and farts absolutely reek
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faggot janny deleted my thread, this is a serious question you fucking retard, unlike >>74760124
Now that we know human milk is canonically the best milk for gains, how do I go about acquiring it?
USA, for reference
>4 sets, 10 reps to failure full of shit?
Almost completely, yes. The only way they're doing all 4 to failure, all 10 reps, is if they're one of those assholes that sit at a machine staring at their phone for 20 minutes between each set
Diet does next to zero for acne unless you're eating like.. McDonalds 24/7 every day of the year. This has been proven hundreds of times over the last like 50 years. Clean your face better, wash your pillowcase more often.
i can barely get my hr above 80-90 brisk walking b4 it turns into running, does that mean i burn less than someone whose hr is higher (assuming a 1:1 copy of me)?
i have bradycardia and a resting hr of 40, does that mean my BMR is lower than someone who has the exact same body composition as me but say a resting HR of 70-80?
Walking isn't supposed to raise your HR that high. If it does then you gotta be the fattest, unhealthiest person around.
>does that mean my BMR is lower than someone who has the exact same body composition as me but say a resting HR of 70-80?
Technically yes, but the difference is negligible (double digit calorie difference, at the most). I wouldn't even take it into account when calculating TDEE
>Clean your face better, wash your pillowcase more often.
i have been doing both for the past two years, using cleansers and moisturizers too, iam 22. I ran out if milk for two days, and my face looked almost clear at the end of the 2nd day, i read a couple of studies too, the hormones in milk might have acne-promoting factors
[spoiler]I think I mindfucked myself into thinking being pathetic will make people like me and keep me safe and I don't know how to get out of that mental prison.[/spoiler]

What's the best babies first body building program?
>What's the best babies first body building program?
Starting Strength.
But with rows substituted for the cleans.
will shrooms help my gains?
Anyways, if you do it right, they can help with other life problems. That being said, some people report better physical mind-muscle connections after using psychs, but you're more likely to come away with other things like an appreciation for life and friends. If you do it wrong you'll hate existence itself or feel incredibly anxious.
Good luck broski.
This might be retarded from an anatomy perspective, but how do I grow the upper bicep, near where it inserts into the shoulder? I get a demon bump in my lower bicep near my elbow ditch when I'm doing bicep curls / hammer curls, but I'm not feeling the same pump in my upper bicep/long head.

Any advice?
Is this okay for push day?
Seated Overhead Press
Cable Lateral Raise
Chest Dips/Chest Flies
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Flat Barbell Bench Press
Tricep Cable Pushdown
3 sets of each
How long/many reps should I be doing for each stretch?
Today is upper day #2 and my entire back (spinal erectors to traps) is stiff and sore from deadlifting yesterday

Have you done this before? How much energy/how good were the reps by the time you got to doing your tricep work? With how much compound work your'e doing at the start, feel like you're going to be tanked by the end of your workout.

I'd consider moving Lateral raise to Pull day and swapping the order around

Incline Bench DB

and then on your second run through (assuming you're doing 6 day ppl?)

Incline Bench DB

Feel like your shoulders will struggle to grow after 9 sets if you're doing it 4th, so alternating so it's your focus lift should help.
My program has me do abs last but I'll be honest, I am always too lazy and skip them. Can I train abs at the beginning of the workout on days when I don't squat or deadlift?
My entire routine is this
Cable Lateral Raise
Chest Dips/Chest fly
Incline Barbell Press
Bech Press
Cable Press Down
Assisted Pull Ups
Lat Pulldown
Machine row
Rear Delt Fly
DB curl
DB Hammer Curl
Forearm Curl
Forearm Extension
Cable Crunches
Leg raises
Back Squat
Leg Press
Seated Leg Curl
Standing Calf Raise
2 times a week
Why do you prefer instead of barbells for incline press?
Also, what about chest flies?
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Is this enough volume for my bulk (1 year in)?
no its against the law
Fuck no.
Do your power cleans.
If you feel the need for more rows: do more pull ups. Weighted, more reps, more sets.
That's so many repeating digits I wouldn't risk it if I were him.
Post body
Power cleans are pointless for people training for aesthetics
Massive fatigue for little hypertrophy
I lifted weights the other day and yesterday night my back suddenly hurt really bad. Is it DOMS or did I somehow pull something sitting around?
And working a linear progression to increase your max is pointless too, but we do it all the same, because if it's pointless in the immediate (you could get more hypertrophy by doing 4-5 sets of 8-12, and it would be less fatiguing than 3 heavier sets of 5), but you can then leverage it into more growth.
Same deal, developing, or at least not losing, your power, will pay dividends later on.
why do 4channelers think highly of themselves yet 90% of the replies to any given thread consist of them commenting on the thread pic which is often unrelated and usually coombait?
because 90% of "4channelers" are tourists just like you and just like you they should fuck off back to plebbit and such
>And working a linear progression to increase your max is pointless too
What? lol
Using up your noob gains as fast as possible by doing LP is completely logical. Starting with submax training would be rarted, it would take you years to get the same gains as LP. You only stop doing LP because you have to, otherwise raising your training weight every workout would clearly be the fastest way to gain muscle.

>you could get more hypertrophy by doing 4-5 sets of 8-12, and it would be less fatiguing than 3 heavier sets of 5
1. "Hypertrophy rep range" is bullshit, there's no difference between 5 and as high as 30 reps as long as you go near to failure
2. You don't have to do fahves to do LP, I actually recommend beginners to start on 2x10 and only add set 3 when they stall. LP just means you add weight every workout with no deloads.

>Same deal, developing, or at least not losing, your power, will pay dividends later on.
Power and strength are different things (power is mainly a CNS feat) and only people playing sports need power. It doesn't pay anything, the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio is far worse than the deadlift which a lot of hypertrophy lifters (not me) skip.

If you like power cleans, or you need explosiveness for a sport, you can do them, but they're not worth it otherwise.
blah blah nobody's gonna read all that shit you condescending cretin stupid idiot
>inb4 r u ok
no im not fucking ok because i am afraid that im not gonna make so everybody shut the fuck up and let me vent in peace
Give it a try and see if it works for you
not gonna make it*
I need a squat mobility routine. Everything feels so wrong, even when lifting 2lmaopl8. Hips don't open up, knees are locked, ankles are so nonexistent that is seems like my feet are fixed to the tibiae. I don't know what to do, I end up overthinking it and do some really slow reps, so slow that I end up doing less per set.
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I'm a manlet that wears size 8.5-9 shoes. I'm in the market for weightlifting shoes but looking on fb I've seen like 3 separate listings for size 7.5. Do people usually downsize for weightlifting shoes? Would 7.5 be too small for me?

Separate question, thoughts on the Adidas powerlift 4?
just go try some on somewhere, the whole sizing down thing is retarded
As a beginner, if I use multiple machines and exercises that have overlap on targeted muscles, do I eat more to get results since I have used more energy but trained the same muscles many times. Should I just eat maintenance and just do one area at a time?
im currently running a 3(4)x per week full body routine

day 1 (mon)
bulg split squats (db)
+ bis/tris/side delts/ab isolation, 1 per

day 2 (wed)

bent over row
bis/tris/side delts/adductor/calves isolation, 1 ex ercise per

day 3 (fr)
bench (1 set amrap 80% of my 1rm)
ohp (to maintain strength)
superset with (weighted) pullups
front squats
chest/quad/side delt isolation, 1 exercise per

now, if i know i cant make the 4th day, i skip the isolations and put bis/tris in there if i go on the 4th day i do

day 4(sat)
snatch grip deadlifts
close grip bench
db shrugs
2x bis/tris isolation, adductors, abs

my question: since this is essentially a 4 day full body with the last day focussed on arms, is it retarded to do arms the very next day when they have been used in the push and pull upper body compounds the day before? they dont feel sore at all the next day so im thinking its fine but im not sure if im potentially killing my arm gains by potentially fucking with their recovery
do you guys browse the /catalog/ or just scroll pages randomly like a boomer?
I want to grow big, have muscles and shit but I am afraid that I will have a heart attack or brain aneurysm because of all the fat and calories I need and eat. What do I do? Is there a big risk with lifting and eating?
is waiting 5 days between hitting each muscle group too long? (eg pull on tuesday and the next pull session on saturday, then the next on wednesday ,etc.)
Plyometrics and dynamic effort are a legit way to work on your strength, your max, which in turn lets you do high reps at an heavier weight.
It's the same deal as noob gains, but further removed because there's an extra hoop to jump.
Still useful tho.
I haven't but I looked into it after reading this, looks interesting. I have a first meeting with a physical therapist and later on a hand specialist coming up, we'll see what they say before I add anything else.
>Is there a big risk with lifting and eating
The smart way is to stay with a LIGHT caloric surplus, like 500 cals per day.
You aren't going to eat as much as you think, but you're going to eat more protein than you'd think (first goal: 1.6g/kg)
Were your muscles healed enough to go again any faster than that?
5 days are a ton, but might be appropriate for deadlifts. Absolutely not appropriate if you're just doing pull ups, for example.
If you end up wasting time at rest for no good reason, that's too long, but consider also your daily life and so on, you might need those extra days.
5 days aren't enough to detrain, which would be the absolute 'too long', like this it's just not optimal.
read the sticky nigger
Can you make gains hitting each muscle group once a week?
then go fuck yourself
you can make gains doing anything if you're a beginner

optimally you hit every muscle twice a week but time constraints may not allow
healthy fats won't kill you
I'm very dum
I weight 177cm, 90kg and I'm trying to diet down to 72~75.
I decided to start hitting the gym, if I just keep spamming
>Pull up (with a machine until I no longer need assistance)
>Shoulder press
>Squats/Leg press
>Bench Press
3 times a week is this good? What are a cons of just running the same thing 3 times a week?
I get it has little variety but I would rather keep things simple to start with.
I read and I didn't find answers I was looking for. Sorry for being rude before, I am just autistic and need help in many simple things
i lift so i can protect people like you from people like >>74780784
begone bullies!!!
depending on what your goals are eat an apropriate amount of calories made up of 0.7g of protein per pound of bodyweight or 1g per pound of lean bodyweight as well as some carbs and some fats no matter your activity level
>no matter your activity level
as in no matter if you hit for example chest with one or three exercises but DO count the calories burned during exercises
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>0.7g of protein per pound of bodyweight or 1g per pound of lean bodyweight
I eat about 180g of protein at 155lbs, and that is just my normal food. No added powders.
is your food four pounds of skim greek yogurt a day? ffs
I ate meat, eggs, fish, chicken and drank milk. According to a calculator online it amounts to around 180g of protein with around 2200kcals
that is more than enough
though depending on your height >>74781346 might be too many calories
I am 175cm, I yet don't know if it's too much since I haven't made any progress in weeks (I kinda lost some reps here and there) and haven't gained weight either with 2000-2100 calories so I upped it a bit just to check what would happen. I am a dumb beginner and have probably just fucked around, since I was so scared of starting going to a gym I am still trying to get the routine going and some confidence and don't stick to a specific routine, I just do every muscle group 5x8 just so I can get into the gym and then with feeling safer start the ss or something
>Stupid you ruined everything ngmi
I know, but I'm not ready for being serious yet. It's so scary still to go there. And I am 31 years old.
>and haven't gained weight either with 2000-2100 calories
oh so going for more is good for you

good luck in going to the gym
Thank you, I am planning on following a strict routine soon but first I have to make it fun and natural just going there. I haven't had any real interactions or incidents with other goers, I am dreading the day it happens.
I'm starting a cut. How should my workout (PPL) change, if at all?
mostly the same, depends on your deficit.
reduce volume if youre not recovering well
Is this a good program?
Variety is not important, except to prevent boredom
That routine is OK for a beginner, don't expect to get big on a cut though
When time comes to bulk you'll want to add some isolations, that routine is not going to grow arms, abs or calves much
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If I already do PPL, and I wanted to do a full upper day, could I just combine push and pull?
Also I think my routine is shit because I came up with it on my own. is there a good website that'll give me a solid recommendation on a routine?
Pls respond anon-senpais
PPLUL is pretty common
>~160 pounds
>Unable to squat 2pl8
>Able to pistol squat ass to grass for 6 reps
what... the fuck am I doing wrong?
If a newfag can actually figure out how to properly do power cleans he'll destroy his shoulders trying to catch the bar on the way to the floor and get discouraged.
When do noob gains usually run out? Can you get to 1/2/3/4 on linear progression or have to switch before then?
When I hit my goal weight and built the routine in a bit I'll look at maybe alternating workouts or maybe a guide.
You don't deadlift 3x per week unless you deadlift pink dumbbells.

When you learn an exercise you can lift at 60-70% 3x per week to accumulate volume and perfect your technique. Otherwise keep it to 1-2x per week.
fix your form
hip abduction
glute activation
train those with weight until squatting feels good
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Nigger it's literally a steel bar. I've had chink shit for years and it still works. Sure it's got wear, but it work. Monkeys in Nigeria have used worse and yet they're Built!
She's literally perfect.
Beginner who has started working out at home with adjustable dumbells, want to get a plate loaded leg extension/leg curl machine as i can't squat due to herniated disc, any idea on what weight plates i would need as a complete beginner who RDLs only 40kg? Will a set containing 30kg be enough?
Just get a gym membership bro. Nobody working out gives a fuck if some dyel is learning the ropes. Even if you really want a home gym setup, it's better to go to a real gym for like 6 mionths first and follow a program. Get an idea of what lifts you will be doing at what weights and what equipment you will need for them.
flybird. I use em
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What good beginner program to get toned/lean?
Don't want to be a powerlifter, but don't want to be DYEL.
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>get toned/lean
>Don't want to be a powerlifter, but don't want to be DYEL.
How bad is a surface vein blood clot REALLY? I have one in my hand, it's not causing numbness or anything and it only gets swollen when my blood pressure gets really high. Google says they typically go away in 1-2 weeks, but is that with medication or what? I cut my salt and fat intake days ago and I stopped drinking caffeine.
My hands really hurt when I do farmers walks. I use 60 lb (27 kg) dumbbells. I have calluses on my palms below my fingers but they hurt anyway. What can I do about this?
I don't even do farmer carries intentionally and I can tell you wraps. Put the strain on your entire hand instead of your fingers you can carry way more without limiting your grip.
Anon, one of the points of farmer's walks is to train your grip.
>What can I do about this?
Train past the pain. There's no other way.
Besides, 60 lb dumbbells are fairly light for farmer's walks.
How is this causing you problems?
I thought most of the point of farmers carries was legs and core balance. I don't know, I didn't know that the shit I do every day was a workout until recently.
>I thought most of the point of farmers carries was legs and core balance.
Farmer's walks don't do shit for legs, relatively speaking.
They're for your grip and forearms, and for your traps and shoulders.
Your legs do benefit, but they are not the primary focus for them, nor are they the most important reason to do them.
You shouldn't be doing farmer's walks "because your legs need training". You should be doing them because your arms are weak like a faggot and you need to carry some heavy fucking shit for a distance in them.
I do them because I need to carry heavy things from one location to another and then after I do that I then do hammer swings (Hoeing) I literally farmed all year my upper body really benefited and I've been eating veggies I grew myself.

Just farm bro, it's easy.
Feels like the skin where the calluses are is going to burst from getting rubbed by the knurling. Do you get the same benefits if you carry the weight closer to the fingertips instead of the palms?
Yes, your upper body would really benefit from them. That's what I've been saying.
>Feels like the skin where the calluses are is going to burst from getting rubbed by the knurling.
How long have you been lifting?
>Do you get the same benefits if you carry the weight closer to the fingertips instead of the palms?
The benefits would be mostly the same, except for grip of course.
>How long have you been lifting?
My current stint started two months ago. On and off many times before that.
>The benefits would be mostly the same, except for grip of course.
Well I'm doing them for grip strength so that wouldn't work.
>My current stint started two months ago. On and off many times before that.
Stop the farmer's walks for now, then, or move to a lighter weight that doesn't fuck up your hands. Seems like your hands just aren't used to this yet. Either lift past it, or take some breaks for them to heal.
Frankly I can't help you with the calluses shit where they're going to rip apart. My hands have never had a fucking problem for whatever reason and I've been lifting for years. Maybe I'm just gifted with strong hands and strong skin.
>Well I'm doing them for grip strength so that wouldn't work.
Maybe you can use some fat gripz to cover the dumbbell handle. It will make it larger in diameter, but also softer to grip. You'll likely have to reduce the weight somewhat, but you're not lifting that hard anyway. It'll even be good for your grip to use fat gripz.
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I guess I'll pass and do something different for grip. My hands in general are weak. According to pic related my grip is 95 lbs, only 11 lbs more than it considers to be "weak." I had to go to physical therapy for hand pain from tennis last year.

I think the fat gripz could work after I've rested them. Thanks for the answers anon.
>I had to go to physical therapy for hand pain from tennis last year.
Why the fuck did you not mention that before?
Goddamn you are dumb.
>My hands in general are weak. According to pic related my grip is 95 lbs, only 11 lbs more than it considers to be "weak."
You think maybe this shit might have been important to share with us?
You literally need physical therapy for that if you still haven't recovered.
>I think the fat gripz could work after I've rested them.
Good luck, you fucking retard. You're gonna need it.
>Thanks for the answers anon.
Fuck you, nigger.
>Why the fuck did you not mention that before?
>Goddamn you are dumb.
Because it's irrelevant to the skin pain I'm having now. They said the pain was just from not having hand strength, which is why I'm doing the farmer's walks. Calm down.
>You think maybe this shit might have been important to share with us?
>You literally need physical therapy for that if you still haven't recovered.
I did recover from the hand pain anon. Current question is about my skin.
Is 5'11 175 a good weight to be lean?
Like sub 12% bodyfat?
I read the stickt but am still confused about what I am supposed to be doing. I don't want to come and ask every week what do I do now, so a long term plan for a year would be great.
Should I now at the beginning cut to skeleton like it said on one sticky link? Do I still begin lifting eventhough I am cutting majorly? After that do I just eat like 2800 calories (the tdee link said that is my daily calories when working out + 500). Do I just do that for like 6 months until I change from the starting program to something more precise?
Sorry for bothering, I didn't think this was so complex and confusing so I appreciate any help.
You can do whatever you want. Look in the mirror and decide what you want more - to lose fat or gain muscle. Lift while cutting.

After your cut, your goals decide how quickly you should gain weight. Gaining 1/2 a lb per week will minimize fat gain, but will slow your muscle growth as well. You can also dirty bulk, gaining more than 1 lb per week, which will make you strong quickly but will also add a lot of fat. 1 lb per week is a common goal. Oh and you may quickly put on a few lbs of water weight in the beginning, this is normal.
I could use a cut, I have a bit of fat on me, but I want to gain muscles "right away". Will I just ruin everything if I lift and eat tdee+ from now on? Is there any benefits from doing things differently? I don't want to fuck this up completely.
Not sure what you mean by tdee+
Total Daily Energy Expenditure + more
yes, definitely. I'm 5'10" 186lb at maybe 13-14% and I think I look fantastic
How do you guys find the motivation to train back? Its kinda fun to do and I keep increasing the weights like crazy but its so pointless visually. Its only visible if you are shritless and actually tense up.
Im thinking of dropping back from once a week to once every two weeks just for the health benefits
Man I wish I fucking knew. I've done so. many. different. lifts. yet they all suck ass so much. I don't have an issue with any other muscle issue, just my back. Every lift ranges from "this is boring and a waste of time" to "this is fucking annoying fuck you"
We have an amazing back machine in the gym with two handles that change how you train. I just load that shit up with 25 kg on each side and go crazy. I have DOMS after every single time. I then do seated rows with that double split handle. The rest is whatever but these are my core exercises
What is the name for that exercise term, when you do 2 exercises at the same time to save time? For example you can do OHP until failure then barbell curl until failure then you take a minute break then repeat? What's that called so I can find other exercises that work well doing that.
Thank you.
What about chin-ups or supine (chin-up grip) lat pulldowns? You can mentally focus on the bicep activation while still training lats, and combined with some curls, your biceps will be growing from it. Deadlifts are also a good back exercise that I personally enjoy due to how easy it is to slap more plates on the bar. I combine those two with high-grip machine rows to get a full back exercise. Machine row is also easy to progress IME whereas my chin-ups are all over the place (some days 7-8 reps, some days 3-4) hence why I do lat pulls instead.
I did lat pulldowns for like 4 years. I'm over them. I also stopped doing deadlifts a long time ago due to how long they were taking. Setting up, rests between sets, unloading the bar was almost taking as much time as the entire rest of my leg day. Currently the only back exercise I do is the sitting rows machine, and I despite it
Normally I do upper / lower with 7 exercises:
- 1 main lift (Bench press): 3 sets rpe 7
- 2 compound (Lat Pulldown, OHP): 3 sets rpe 8
- 4 isolate (Row, Cable flye, Bicep curl, Triceps rope pushdown): 3 sets rpe 8

Can I deload by doing only main lift and increase to 7 sets (4 warm up 3 working set)?
>4 warm up
Fuckin sheesh dude that sounds dumb as hell. Just do 1 warm up and 6 working sets if you wanna do something dumb like "only one lift per session"
I can do a single pull up. I'm not over weight, just fat. What lifts/exercises can I do to gain enough strength to do a single pull up so I can start getting better at them?
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Pull up assist machine. Every gym has one. Also lose weight, that'll make it way easier
Why does where I get DOMS seem really inconsistent with what muscles I’m actually working?

When I do a chest press or leg press I’ll be sore every time even if I didn’t feel like I was going crazy hard. Whereas if I do, say, the ab crunch machine as hard as I can, I get little if any soreness afterwards. Similarly with bicep curls: even if I lift really hard to failure, they’ll get a little sore but never tender like my quads or pecs do.

Is it something to with the movements? The nature of the muscles? Am I just less consistent than I think?
how long should a delt sprain last? i think snap cityd my shit doing rip dips and not retracting the scapula on that side somehow and now i have a sprain. i was thinking a full month?
>Because it's irrelevant to the skin pain I'm having now.
Incorrect. If your hands are weak, and you can't hold on to the barbell or dumbbell well, it slops around, which can cause the damage to your skin.
What exactly do you think knurling is? It's sharp points of metal, so that you can grip a bar better.
You're fucking retarded.
>I did recover from the hand pain anon. Current question is about my skin.
Just because you're too dumb to see the connection doesn't mean there isn't one.
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I want to start doing the frequency method from gslp, but I noticed there's no mention of squats in there. Squat is my weakest lift so I was thinking it might help. Why is there no mention of it? Does it not work as well as the other bodyweight exercises?

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