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Redpill me on milk /fit/ why did globohomo start saying it’s bad for you?
>Redpill me on milk /fit/ why did globohomo start saying it’s bad for you?

To the contrary my normie fren. Schools produced massive amount of pro milk propaganda in order to make boys more feminine.
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They used to in the 80s and 90s, but that all stopped in the 2000s and 2010s. Now look where we are
Snow monkeys be like:
>Yeah Grug, I'm gonna suck on cow's utters
Thanks, anon. I really really like this webm
Sand niggers be like aloha snackbar after sucking goat titty
Grug does not explode
>why did globohomo start saying it’s bad for you?
Globohomo didn't start saying it's bad for you, the internet did. When you look at where the majority of internet traffic is coming from these day it becomes obvious why there's a growing anti-milk sentiment online.
based and cute raw milk enjoyer
Once a week, my wife milks a cow at this commune out in the boonies and brings home a gallon or two of moo juice. It starts tasting a little off if you let it sit for more than a day or so, but holy fuck, if you get it fresh, it's insane. I swear it must be like 18% fat and the flavor is so delicious I could cry. We have a fridge that's constantly full of yogurt and cheese that she makes because it's tough to drink that shit fast enough, it's amazing. Store-bought milk just tastes like sad water to me now, if you haven't had your shit straight from a happy, well-cared-for cow's titty you don't know what you're missing.
Drink raw milk
There's really no reason to drink milk unless you want easy excess energy. There's no essential nutrients you won't get from just eating a meat heavy diet.
There's really no reason for your mom to drink my cum every night, but, well, here we are.
It's because it's racist, according to the media.

They want everyone to move to a grain and purely factory produced diet. They want to be able to just grind out food like you would plastic junk from China. Milk and meat tend to have to be locally produced and can't be stored and shipped around like grain can and reformed into plastic "food". It's the same sort of idea of having the bug farms. Aside from the demoralization aspect of the populace it also has the appeal of just having a big box factory somewhere that pours out "food" at the other end that they can reform and reshape into food like objects to ship around.

They want the end of nature and our connection and access to it too. Only the government and the billionaires should get access to it in their future.
I have the weirdest boner right now
>dairy farmer family.
>been drinking fresh milk since I was a kid
>family burnes through 4-5 gallons of milk a week.
>Men are all 6ft4+
>women 5ft 10+
>our bone density is hella good
>average lifespan is 95yrs+
>almost zero health issues.

you tell me OP?
who you gonna trust?
blonde hair blue eyed Famer chads or filthy Jews?
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If I was globohomo and my haters smugly say "always do the opposite of what he says" Any time I'd like them to go left, I'd simply point to the right.
Getting divisive over something as trivial as milk is clearly a trick to get you to waste time thinking about and fighting over complete nonsense.

For groups tracing back to agrarian settlements, they all form sensitive ethical dispositions, since their increased standards of living come at the expense of requiring compassion for outgroup members. They cease warfare with anyone outside of their immediate families... something that is required for hunter-gatherer survival. Animals that can be shielded from predation are raised alongside the crops, which mutually benefit all three groups. A concern for animal welfare is a naturally an obvious extrapolation of civilized compassion.

For groups that trace their civilizations back to nomadism, they have no such need for compassion for outgroup members. Nomads instinctively look for the easiest exploitable resource possible and risk everything in order to destroy or subvert his way towards acquiring it. You will observe throughout history that as agrarian civilizations crop up, in comes a horde of nomads to rape and pillage it. Nomads are naturally parasitic cultures. But fighting is a chore -- eventually they become sophisticated and figure out how to exploit agrarian compassion to pretend to be allied with them and influence them from the inside out. Think of the nomadic ethnic minority rule of China during the Qing Dynasty.

In modern times, in order to prevent being ousted from my host nation and keep my factory farm profits, I would show more sensitive younger folk my abominable slop procedures that they instinctively see as immoral, and I would point the blame over at those I would show a group of my own dressed like faggots saying they are lobbying to ban and punish animal byproducts that they instinctively know are important for agrarian survival.
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Meanwhile actual monkeys
>my wife milks a cow
Does she milk you motherfucker?
I cut most diary out because it was giving me acne.
No regrets. Don't miss milk or cheese. Still have butter/cream occasionally
got milk? was in the 2020s, what are you on about. Too young to remember obama?
the only people I meet who are anti-milk are non-whites who can't handle lactose
Got milk was done by dairy lobbyists
>why do people ssay into to drink the nursing fluid of another animal that's been fed corn and been pumped with hormones
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Niggers be like
You know, because you niggers don't think.
Fun fact, the Rothschild's literally got raw milk banned, that's why you know it's great

Jews basically.
All you need to know is that globohomo doesn't want you drinking raw milk. Always do the opposite of what TPTB want you to do and you'll never go wrong.
>If I just claim the opposite of the truth, maybe I can trick the góyim into avoiding milk
You're half right, but (((they))) also want us mentally and physically ill so we're better, weaker slaves. Deprive a population of essential nutrients and feed it seed-based toxic slop and it won't be able to think critically about its own bondage, much less organize a revolution. Slaves have always been fed slave food to maintain their slave status.

Drink raw milk
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This is the future I want for my family. Good shit.
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>something that's literally made for mammals to survive on completely
>no don't drink it goyim!

Hmm, I wonder (((who)))
Because it's unnatural. Milk is for infants. You are not an infant.
globohomo is mad about the carbon footprint of cows so they’re going to lie about every aspect of them
shitskins were too dumb to invent milk and outsource some of the difficulty of child rearing to cow
Because globohomo wants you to eat the bugs.
milk is the only thing that is actually designed to be consumed
many people evolved specifically to digest milk in adulthood, sorry if you're not one of them
I have a giant glass of chocolate milk every night. Amazing.
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Baseline, it's good for you. Very, very nutritious and filling. It's a staple for bulking.
It's very high calorie, and it's high cholesterol, so if you're overweight or have cardiovascular concerns, you shouldn't over do it.
It can worsen acne and other symptoms if consumed in large volumes.
Most milk in US grocery stores is pumped full of hormones/antibiotics, which can cause mild health issues.
Raw milk, non-homogenized, and minimally pasteurized milk is tough on the stomach, and it shouldn't be consumed in large volumes unless you're body is used to it.
Milk was originally championed by the US government as a gift to dairy farmers, and that makes midwits think dairy (as a dietary staple) is illegitimate.
Retards on social media speaking out of their ass about raw milk opens a lane for public health commies to bash dairy.
The culture has turned on dairy because the American population is becoming less white, and there are more dietary issues now, so we now have a majority of people with some degree of lactose intolerance.
that has nothing to do with my argument. Somebody said milk wasn't being drunk by kids of the 2000s
Noooo you can't drink that!!! Its for baby cows!!!!
It comes from moo
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if I drink raw milk will my sons maybe not be manlets
If they drink raw milk their entire youth they will not be manlets. Children's diet is almost as important as genetics, finding a tall women also matters obviously. Drinking raw milk yourself will increase your gains which will attract a greater number of women, giving you more options in height.
Consent and taxes are also unnatural. Are you saying that's a valid reason to discard something?
>Milk was originally championed by the US government as a gift to dairy farmers
My nigger in Europe we drank milk 10,000 years ago
>racism towards Africans
Major small dick energy you give off my guy
yeah my parents fed me not total slop but not really healthy whole foods either, they also fucked up parenting and stunted my growth

I won't have kids unless I can marry a tall woman and the kids will eat almost only whole and unprocessed foods
wow, very cool. I'm gonna break my monitor, I swear! fuck off back to slavistan
the Internet is for AMERICANS only. Not only that, but every country in the world belongs to America. Never forget that.
>how could anyone possibly look at that backwards heart of darkness continent full of cannibal retards that turn into criminals everywhere else they go and be a racist
Massive vaxxed energy
The right can't meme
The opinions of the vaccinated mean nothing, you said so yourself you don't do your own research
>high cholesterol
>not a blue pilled take
Nice try faggot
The opinions of racists mean nothing.
Rothschild had the seat in the House of Lords and he only spoke about two things. One was Israel and the other was pasteurization of milk.
That's because you overdose on growth hormones you keep feeding to the cow and your whole inbred family doesn't have a three digit IQ put together
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Beef and milk are the second best thing for our species to consume. No. 1 is mammoth.
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Kek by what logic, at least there is a reason the vaccinated should not be listened to, they admitted they have no idea why they do what they do besides they were told to. And you say the right can’t meme.
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>why did globohomo start saying it’s bad for you?
because it's good for you
>Most milk in US grocery stores is pumped full of hormones/antibiotics, which can cause mild health issues.
Actually though the organic valley/horizon/a2 milk/various plant milks take up much more space on the shelves than lucerne and dairygold. I am not sure what the deal with fairlife is.

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