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>slept for 12 hours again
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>woke up after only 4 hours again
>dreamt about driving a sports car off a cliff while making out with a super model again
>dreaming about asking that QT out
>she said yes
>we happy
>then the door appears
>it always appears
>can't escape it, it always finds me
>I go through the door and into the hallway
>more doors
>more hallways
>never ending, get the feeling I am underground
>somethings following me
>I can't see it but I can hear it
>I go deeper, everything's more worn down
>the thing chases me faster; it doesn't want me to reach the bottom
>finally find the final door
>open it
>wake up feeling like shit
>all my muscles tense
>my blanket, bed, and pillow are absolutely drenched in my sweat

Lifts for this?
I wish this was me
instead of going through the door, you need to get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur
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>slept for zero hours again
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>dreamed about hugging that girl from college
>everyone talking about good and normal dreams
I literally only have nightmares, I have always only had nightmares. I have become weirdly desensitized to where I just deal with it in the dream and persist full of fear in the face of whatever monster thing I am dealing with and can power through that molasses feeling where you can’t move and sometimes don’t even wake up if I’m killed I just respawn and keep going. I actually look forward to the cool terrifying ones rather than the social anxiety dreams where I just feel sort of stressed the whole time. Last night was more of a scary one, some chick asked me to get rid of this creepy janitor guy in a school and I chased him around for a while until he went into a room and I followed and there he was with the chick and they were both zombie witch things and the school building was suddenly revealed to be in ruins and I was like oh man I was tricked by ghosts again, it had a very xfiles episode vibe to it, and then I’m not sure but at some point the chick ate my face when I refused to back down.

Even the one time I had a dream where I had a gf it warped into an insane dream about discovering a pocket dimension in a refrigerator that was like an endless labyrinthian warehouse with faceless men in zootsuits chasing me while screaming.

I can only sleep for like 5 hours.
I slept for 12 then decided not to wake up and slept for 3 more today
Feeling awesome actually
I'm in my comfy snooze arc, I'm such a dreampilled sleepcel
>and I was like oh man I was tricked by ghosts again
This. I wish I could sleep for 12 hours. I'd live forever. Lack of sleep is fucking up my body.
Anyone else feel super depressed after a good dream and then you wake to your existence?
Sometimes. A while back I dreamt I had a baby child and it was magical. Waking up to my normal life and going to work was excruciating.
>t. 32 year old man
Sleep in a warmer room and keep your body covered all night with a blanket, the cold gives you nightmares
you should learn how to lucid dream
at the very least, practice saying 'Hokuto no Shinken cannot be defeated' + screaming ATAAAAAA and exploding people with your fists
being able to dream lucidly must be pretty cool
it's the gay part of you, anon. you're gay. you were always gay, and muh QT is a clever ruse you've cooked up to convince yourself that you're not. I know, talk about hard truths to swallow, amirite?
bs the warmth gives you nightmares cause your body is sweating
I feel worse on 12 hours of sleep than I do on 7 hours.
>chick ate my face
well done anon you are not a virgin anymore

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>dreamed about a girl that I haven't tought of in a long time
Every time I talk with my religious nut friend late afternoon I can’t sleep at night. It happened yesterday again and I haven’t talked to him for 7 days before that. I’m I just a sensitive bitch or do toxic schizo people can fuck your line of thoughts up? It’s kinda insane, I was cursing him the whole night, he just has very bad energy on him, and the funny thing he is an all in Christmaxxing but still I get satanic energy from him.

I’m I just sensitive beta or do these things matter? I mean for example last night he told me how bad they fighted with his father over not putting the clothes in the laundry because it’s Sunday and it’s lords day
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exorcisms till failure
> I was cursing him the whole night,
> I get satanic energy from him.
I think you've got demons already and they are keeping you away. I see no reason to assume that you cursing him through the night is his fault.
demons keep me away from talking to him? so you mean he is the good guy?
I do nothing in the morning and then the rest of the day

Shit's been happening to me a lot lately, and I don't know why. If I'm lucky I'll wake up 2-3 times a night for no reason. If I'm unlucky I'll wake up after about two hours of sleep and then every hour after that. Guess it's time for a sleep study.
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I stopped having nightmares for the most part when I learned how to fight in my dreams. Now whatever would chase me gets violently mauled by my dream powers, and even nightmarish creatures can be dealt with using dream logic.

Had a dream one time that I was leading an expedition to an island populated by eldritch abominations. One of them was a twisted version of a dummy used by artists for pose practice, with 4 legs, 8 arms, and a head that resembled a 3D astrolabe. It could rotate it's torso 360 degrees and would spin around rapidly, with each hand holding a giant birdcage made out of human limbs. Anyone so much as brushed by the cage would be trapped in it, unable to be released even after the creature's death as the cage was indestructible. The victim would eventually be assimilated into the cage, adding to its size and structure of limbs.

As someone in charge of the logistics of the operation, I had to figure out a way to transport the indestructible cages after killing the dummy with explosives because I figured they'd be useful for something. I believe I made a cloth from fibers of trees native to the island in order to cover them for transport.
same. I haven't slept that well since college
am a neet and can confirm for you guys thatmy sleep is top notch. I always sleep trough and I am well rested.
If I am not plagead by existential dread, because Im still not justifying my existence as a productive member of society, then Im fine.

Man I wish I could sleep trough and have a job. That would be awesome
could be elevated cortisol levels. are you feeling more stressed than usual? are you really fatigued at gym?
>are you feeling more stressed than usual?
Yeah mate I have to go meet a doctor for work. He needs me to film his clinic, and I’m stressing when I’m in hospitals. He is a plastic surgeon and I’m going to his office tommorow but I don’t know why I feel like that
this was me half a year ago. In my case it was depression. Once I sorted it out, I started sleeping mostly without waking up.
I always have nightmares, if I sleep long enough I'm definitely having nightmares, I intentionally sleep late/wake up early in order to avoid having more nightmares.
The problem is that they feel extremely real, and when I have them it's like I'm in fight or flight mode, I'm just reacting to whatever crazy shit is happening. For example last night of deep sleep I had that I remember I had watched a bunch of Squad matches with commentary, and in my sleep I was in a militia squad hidden in those 15 ton trucks, we were hid among cases of ammo and stuff and I remember my brother was with me. The feeling of dread and fear of being found were so real, it felt like the dream lasted hours, and on top of that I was also worried something happened with my brother. Eventually we crossed the border without problems and we arrived at our destination with the trucks and supplies, then the dream ended lol.
>dream of having parasites in my arm
>I can squeeze them out but they come out from under my finger nail
>they look like purple versions of those really mobile starfish, but with bright yellow eyes everywhere
>keep squeezing more parasites out through my finger
>some of them have tooth hooks and get stuck
>doesn't hurt but it's annoying to pry them off
>they get bigger and bigger the more of them I squeeze out
>the largest have to be ripped into smaller peices
>the last couple have just grown into cords that I have to yank out one at a time
>finally finish
>arm is parasite free
>look under fingernail
>theres a llittle pocket where they came out from but it doesn't hurt
>wake up feeling good for once
Dreams are weird.
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Someone is trying to get a starro off you in the real world.
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kek. More like a brittlestar but the resemblance wasn't lost on me.

Also nice trips.
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>3 nightmares in a row in the same night
>wake up screaming
>dream of the woman i've fucked up things with
>cringe in my dream
>cringe when i wake up
it's been three months and i still can't get over this, we didn't even date
>dreaming I'm in the metro with a friend, waiting for the train to come
>everything starts to seem a bit off
>realize I'm dreaming
>tell my friend this but he doesn't believe me
>start asking him questions
>"how did we get here?" "what did you do earlier today" "what are your childhood memories?
>he can't answer.
>I convince him he's part of my dream
>he starts having an existential breakdown
>asks what will happen when I wake up
>will he die?
>sheer panic
>I feel bad for him and tell him I'm probably full of shit
>take him to a bar to calm him down
>order drinks
>as I start getting drunk, I forget that I'm dreaming
>friend calms down again
>the night is salvaged
>I wake up

from that night forward, I've always tried to be careful with my words toward my companions while lucid dreaming
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sleep paralysis? only time I woke up screaming was from my first and to date only experience of sleep paralysis.
It is but I feel like it fucks with the quality of your sleep. That and after years of doing it pretty much every dream is now lucid. Being able to control everything ruins the fun of dreams.
>convince him he's part of my dream
>he starts having an existential breakdown

Mine just say no fucking shit, I'm literally your subconscious. If I try to fuck one they mock me for fucking myself.
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I really dont know , not that I consider it an issue but it happens sometimes when I just wake u from nightmares screaming and catching my self in the moment when I scream I wake up , honestly sometimes I wonder if my neighbors can hear from it...
It just happens....
Image is unironically comfy af
High effort wojaks are charming in their own way. Modern equivalent of high effort ragecomics I guess.
This is from EMF radiation from technology, get a faraday cage around bed
Sometimes in my dreams, i have fake memories. The dream is not just a fake present situation, it's also connected to a fake past, so i don't question it.
same had a dream where she said she loved me and kissed me and we just cuddled and hugged and then my alarm woke up and i was back in my shithole room surrounded by empty creatine and whey protein bins.
>Chud successful beats the French as the Anglos
>Anglo-Franco union formed
>No turd world colonization
>Kino wars with the Hapsburg, Ottomans, Sweden, and Russia
I haven't been having any dreams I remember sadly.
I don't know how people sleep more than eight hours, especially if they have family or roommates.
>I wish I could sleep for 12 hours.
No you don't
Oversleeping is just as bad as sleep deprivation, any normal person would wake up feeling like shit
OP is just a NEET with no aspirations, which is why he copes by sleeping all day
8 is perfect, but even 6~7 is fine
Now 4 is indeed too few sleep
Trust me not worth it. I keep having dreams every night and it messes my sleep up. Can sleep for 7-8 hours and still need at least 150-300mg of caffeine a day just to function
I bet you still feel tired too
Friend on my old college track team's dad had some kind of medical condition where he only had nightmares, might want to Google it and see if there's a cure now (this was in 2013 and hecking science has probably come up with a solution since then)
>le sad over wamen nu-/fit/ posting
So this board is still doing this faggy schtick?
What flag insignia is that?
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The flag on the far right looks like an inverse of the old English flag, and I assume the flags on the left belong to the french duchies? I'm not 100% certain if that was OP's vision, but my interpretation is that Chud is dreaming about the 100 Years War and England winning)
do you have sleep apnea?
Unironically next time you have a nightmare like this, call upon the name of
Jesus Christ and I guarantee your nightmare will end. I do this whenever I have a nightmare and it always makes the nightmare get better. I’m not even Christian but it does make me wonder what the implications are
This could work but honestly it's just predicated on faith, faith you could have in yourself! Which I know you won't understand given that you're a mind slave golem to jews. I had nightmares and sleep paralysis demons I powered through or i fucked them up simply because I pushed myself to. Anger helps a lot.
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Bros, I barely get proper morning wood anymore. When I do get it, its like 70% hard. My sex drive seems to coincide with this too, as I don't find myself lusting over hot women nearly as much as i used to. My hormones are fucked, aren't they?
Eat more and better. Take multivitamin every day because you might have some deficiency. Stop drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Get sunlight.
Nigger what tf did mine have to do with gf posting

Incels literally see the word girl and seethe

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