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/fit/ - Fitness

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>eat healthy, lots of protein
>avoid processed foods
>go outside
>take vitamin d, b12, l-theanine, taurine, zinc
>avoid seed oils
>avoid plastic
>don't touch receipts
>use reverse osmosis water filter
>get 8 hours of sleep
>have friends
>have a family
>have sex with my wife

>still feel like shit
how often do you shit and describe them please
Stop eating carbs
Explain the receipt meme
it's supposed to have some chemical that absorbs into your skin that will kill you or make your dick shrivel or whatever
I'm in the same boat OP. On the verge of competing nationally in my country in oly lifting and live a healthy social life but alas. I think the mind does what it wishes more than we think.
Do you have good breathing? How's your sinuses? Clear airways 100% of the time or do you get blockages? Do you live in a climate you were genetically engineered to live in or are you an ''immigrant''?

The most healthy people I know usually have only mechanical problems wrong with them like a septum deviation or chronic sinusitis. Lack of oxygen to the brain is a killer and will reduce you to a vegetable however healthy you are.
Fix your biomechanical problems too.
are you lacking a purpose?
>look at all these psychical changes I've made why hasn't it improved my mental problems
Change your mindset and values. Your problems are in the mind.
>just lift bro it totally cured my depression and changed my life bro!!!
>get jacked
>still depressed

>just take x supplement bro... omg it changed everything for me bro
>take x supplement
>still depressed

>just get a good job bro and fix your life bro
>I make 300k a year
>still depressed

>just get a gf bro
>get a gf
>still depressed
>eat healthy, lots of protein
high protein diets are memes
Less protein, more carbs.
At least you don't have a fat fuck brother suddenly mogging you
>Spend entire life eating good, healthy, multiple competition trophies going into college before becoming a PT, still have days where I feel like utter shit
>fat fuck brother with a disability (hard of hearing) never gets pushed by our parents, gets an easy ride through life, goes to college, gets an ok job but 300+ lbs and a virgin
>out of nowhere, he asks me how to lose weight
>tell him to eat less and go to the gym fatty
>he asks me to go with him
>fine, fuck it, he'll fail
>three months in
>he's been to every single session and could barely do 20 lbs free weights at the start
>he's now jacked, got better calves than me, and is now surpassing my bests while he still eats like shit but now he has an active metabolism so it doesn't matter
>says he's never felt this good in his life and now I'm pretty sure he's seeing someone from the gym
Fuck this shit man, being an ectomorph is suffering. Fuck all meso and endomorphs and fuck your gains, fuck you
sounds like a spiritual problem. have you tried going to church?
Do you actually do aanything than the described averwge normal sustainability?
Like.. good for you, you now live like an average fit human.

It cant be an aim for itself. You need to use that to do something.
Its like videogame. You need to use your built character now. Whats the point in macing stats if you never go beyond own village
eat moar macdongles
I'm poor and out of shape, but happy. Want to trade?
What do you guys eat?
What a spiteful little mutant you are. Your brother, your own flesh and blood, came to you in confidence asking for your help, and when he succeeds, you do not rejoice in him, but feel nothing but envy and resentment. You should kill yourself tbqhwydesusenpai.
>being an ectomorph is suffering
You're a faggot, stop making up terms to justify being shitty at training and nutrition
>falls for the protocol meme
>I followed da rules why aren't I fixed?
at least your not consuming hundred of stupid meme supplements
God isn’t real, stop pushing your imaginary friend.
Pin test, your horomones are probably fucked up
-Sleep study, something is fucky with your rest/recovery process. If you cannot rest properly, you will always feel like shit.
-Try sleeping in a separate bed from your wife, separate bedroom entirely if possible. It's a boomer holdover to share beds, evolve your sensibilities and you both will likely sleep better.
Try doing super sets in squats and pullovers for awhile. 3x20. Legs are your roots.

I'm the same thing as your brother but I've been lifting longer. Some girls like the extra beef, some girls want you lean big dicked. Your brother is meant to run through walla while you're meant to climb them. You two are a like a badass anime duo, without all the weird sexual tension (maybe).
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>still feel like shit
describe it a bit more
It's almost like taking supplements and picking things up and putting them back down won't change your shitty life
Test has done zero to my libido or energy levels. Yes I’m on an ai and my e is normal. Once the last person depending on me dies, I’m eating a bullet.
I don't believe you
Find God
You need a blood test then dude something is very fucked up if that's true.

Also, you should experiment with different E levels, rather than just considering the levels "normal"... everyone is different. This week I just hopped back on my AI because for me, higher E makes me extremely tired and lethargic 24/7, where as many other people love higher E.

Just saying.
>No word on electrolyte consumption
Not him but I feel the same way and I've had all my blood tests come back positive. Working out and taking vitamins doesn't magically cure "depression"
I’m constantly monitoring stuff. My doctors all tell me I’m fine. I took a sleep apnea test, says it is mild at best and more likely due to seasonal allergies. Whatever is wrong with me is apparently something that doesn’t show up in blood or stress tests. When I go on ssris I just want to sleep and I gain weight like a mother fucker. I’m not sure what’s left. Tren to fuck up my hypothalamus some more?
So he feels even worse?
>vitd + k
>sunlight 30m everyday
>creatine (didn't start yet)
>sleep 6-8h a night
>15% bf
>Lifting 3 times a week
>solid diet
>10k steps
>have friends
>have family
>have job
>minimal gaming
>turn 31

Still no morning wood. WTF IS GOING ON
become a muslim gives you a daily goal of praying and new community in masajid
You want him to go bald?
They are polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS chemicals) and they are the antichrist baby of capitalism.
betray your dick and it will betray you
>>still feel like shit
Pure coincidence
vaxx status. now.
Pure blood.
seed oils
You posted in all the keto threads within the same 10 minutes too. What's with ketoniggers and being anti seed oils? Really makes you think.
Anyway no thanks rabbi, I will not do your redditor hairloss meme diet.
what's wrong with seed oils?
Depression is unironically fake and gay

>My doctors all tell me I’m fine
Yeah don't listen to the pharmajew for starts. Maybe post your bloods and we can see? Because it sounds like whoever is interpreting your bloods is a retard (including yourself unfortunately)
>filled with envy and resentment instead of being happy that your brother finally started to improve himself and turn his life around
You sound like a piece of shit. Maybe God is trying to tell you something.
post skin
You think brain chemistry which isn't perfectly balanced is not real? You don't think people can get stuck in negative patterns of thought which alter their health? If my blood work came back with high levels of everything good and nothing toxic and I exercise regularly and eat healthy according to most faggots in /fit/ I should be magically happy as fuck.
>You think brain chemistry which isn't perfectly balanced is not real? You don't think people can get stuck in negative patterns of thought which alter their health?

Not what I said nor meant but depression is also a mindset within reason. Your brain chemistry being off can almost certainly be figured out through blood work outside of literal disorders like schizophrenia and shit
I fell for this meme and fainted at the dentist. So dumb
Maybe you have clinical depression...
>Brain chemistry
The brain is a turing machine, not a chemical reactor.....

Bro, your computer has not enough silicon in it.
Commit a crime like pedophilia or scam someone to feel alive. Ur life is too bland and robotic
If it smells like shit everywhere you go..
just spiteful mutant things
>Doesn't read
>Has no creative outlet
>No meaningful purpose or goal
>0 relationship with God, probably an atheist
>Has no community to participate with or contribute to
>Wonders why it isn't enough
Nothing can stop the inevitable
Mass suicides will occur within two generations, as testosterone levels reach extremely low levels

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