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Every women I've liked has mentioned that they think scars are hot, which made me wonder what /fit/ activity has the highest chance of giving me good looking scars with the least about of danger? I don't want to be the guy who gives himself fake scars by cutting himself and lifting in a gym isn't going to get me any.
fight street dogs
>lifting in a gym isn't going to get me any.
Take roids and get a ton of acne scars all over your body
try jogging around hiking trails
if you're lucky you can come across a bear
scars on arms that are a result of cuts, consider rose gardening
Scars on arms, become a gardener, handyman or just get a horny bunny (it will try to mount your arm and bunnies bite each other while fucking, so you will get a LOT of pretty fucking deep bites). Alternative: Get a cat with a bad attitude who will bite and scratch when you pet it.

For body, I dunno.

For face, academic fencing. The scar is called a "Schmiss" and can look pretty badass. But they aren't cut as deep anymore for some reason.
Skate boarding, mountain biking. And other extreme sports
lol how bluepilled are you people? women like attractive men, whether they have scars on their faces doesn't make a difference. some ugly mug with a scar on his face is still just an ugly dude.

don't do this. the likelihood of a cut getting infected and seriously snapping your shit up is higher than the likelihood of it looking good, and it'll hurt like a bitch, getting pricked by rose thorns is no fun. i used to be a gardener so i'd know. and anyway getting into a hobby with sole goal of getting a scar is no different than just taking a knife and giving yourself a scar, it's inauthentic.
what are you gonna say when she asks how you got your scars?
>well a bunny was trying to rape me [even rodents don't fear me] and it bit me [a rodent overpowered me] because rabbits do that when they have sex [I watch animals have sex and probably record it to jerk off to]
even if you lie you'll know you're lying and won't sound convincing
>I uhhh got it uhhh wrestling with ra-I mean bears, yeah a bear did that
I fell over drunk but instead of getting a scar on my head my eyebrow slightly disfigured and now one of my eyebrows is always slightly downturned like im angry all the time.
I have a faint scar on my nose from fighting but can't tell how noticable it is to others
You’re forgetting the only part about this topic which matters.
Women like [thing] on guy who she finds attractive. [thing] itself isn’t gonna make you attractive to them necessarily. Example
>bald 6’2” guy with tread headshape thick neck big traps handsome face /good facial symmetry even while bald
=wow bald guys are hot
>same girl sees a bald fat fuck
=ew bald guys are creepy

Don’t scar yourself as some desperate cope. Get a scar naturally fine, cool. But the best you can do to make women like you more is
Be not fat
Have enough muscle to look bigger than most dudes/actually look good
Thick neck
Basic hygiene
Not dog shit fashion but also not /fa/ggot level of try hard obscure goofy clircus clown tier outfits
Have money in order
Be not desperate, dgaf

A scar ain’t gonna suddenly change things and help you get pussy.
>bluepilled are you people?
>scars on their faces doesn't make a difference
lmao this anon really calls someone bluepill while he him self has not read the incel scrolls of redpills about facial attractiveness and scarring.
Nta but
>incels are delusional morons who do not understand women and would rather use copes than actually put in (minimal) effort into improving and bettering themselves and their lives and in the process of desperately trying to and obsessing over getting pussy wonder why they aren’t getting laid
It’s not complicated. This >>74767300 tells you all you need to know other than
Socialize build your network (men & women) and socialize often get good at it
Scars a a fucking physical deformity, it is like finding wounds to be cool.
german officers used to give themselves scars in officer schools while fencing but even they were laughed at because everybody knew they did it to themselves either out of peer pressure of because they wanted to look "cool".
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>they think scars are hot
Suck ass at biking and skateboarding
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>Every women I've liked has mentioned that they think scars are hot
this is why women also find tattoos attractive and why a lot of men don't find them attractive on women (despite what women believe)
tattoos register in the lizardbrain as healed scars, because they are, it signals the survival of a wound, indicating either winning a fight or a strong immune system, its also why chuds seethe so much and hate tattoos, men find it inherently more intidimating.
been saying this for years
Get horrible cystic acne from ages 11 to 16 like did
just slash across your face with a serrated kitchen knife (you might think a razor would be better but it has to be ragged/random looking to look genuine. Also ragged wounds actually heal faster than perfect clean cuts) and tell people you got slashed at by a homeless person when you were walking home from the bar at night

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