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From what I understand, soreness is basically inflammation, which is the body sending blood and other things to the site of damage in order to repair it. So is inflammation a good thing? If I take aspirin to reduce it, will that hinder my gains?
I go to failure for the most part, and months later I still get really sore, especially on leg days, the next day when I wake up, I need like 30 minutes of stretching just so that I can walk properly, otherwise everything feels "tight" and hurts and even after stretching my body just aches as I go about daily life. It stays this way like 4 days after the work out.
So I'm thinking about just taking aspirin as it helped with tendonitis from guitar, which as I understand is just inflammation of the tendons from over use. I haven't needed aspirin for that in a long time as I assume my tendons just got used to playing guitar all the time, can I just do the same for working out or should I allow my muscles/ligaments catch up without aspirin?
> If I take aspirin to reduce it, will that hinder my gains?
yes, in fact. altho there are mechanism foruscle gains so you wont be left completely without hyperthrophy. ultimately you want to avoid antiinflammatories tho.
*other mechanisms for muscle gains
kk thanks
You should only be sore for a couple of days at most, and not for months. If you are sore for more than 4 days, you should see a doctor and rest really heavily, you probably have torn a muscle.
Also, keep in mind to warm up properly, otherwise the risk of a fucked muscle increases.
+ yes, aspirin will hinder your gains.
Well I'm sore a few days but then work out again and then I'm sore again, someone told me that DOMs go away after working out for a few months or at least you recover faster/they're not as severe. If anything my DOMs have gotten worse.
Ok, you could try active recovery.
Basically, use the muscle which is sore but very very lightly. The idea is not to train it just to get blood into it. For example, if you do DB curls with 12kg for 3x12, you could try to take a 4kg DB and use it for 6 reps. Take it really slow and experiment with the weight ratios that work for you.
Do you have a physically demanding job? Your body might not get the rest it needs.
Do you lift until failure?
Will do
My job isn't strenuous, I do walk 2 miles to and from work basically every day though
pretty much, or at least until my form starts to fail, but I prefer to go until my muscles quit halfway and I have to stop. Take a couple minutes and do another set.
Shit, I'm taking turmeric curcuma and it's antiimflammatory. I should stop it then?
You're fine, retard. Regular soreness after stressing a muscle is alright. Keep going.
They did a study where they gave people shitloads of ibuprofen, more than I'd ever take, and it hurt gains. Another one had old people get more gains on I think a smaller dose. I don't worry much about taking it every once in a while.
No, it won't. Yes, you are right on how Inflammation works but the whole process has several steps and different medicine works on different stages of such process.
Antiimflammatory medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen (COX inhibitors) act on the chemical messengers that make your nerves more sensitive after tissue damage (Heavy lifting). They do not act on the cells or molecules that repair such tissue; the only antiimflammatory medicine that will hinder your gains are corticosteroids such as bemethadone or dexamethasone because those types of meds act directly on the cells that repair tissue, and you should be not be taken those things unless you have a serious medical condition. Two gel pills of 200 mg Ibuprofen should solve any muscle soreness.
I doubt herbal supplements are potent enough to be more than a rounding error.

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