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i know zero of these people
why do they have no body hair
They look kinda goofy but I like their message.
100% positive.
Whats gay about chugging a gallon of milk with your homies after workout? Why do you have repressed sexual thoughts OP?
Cause theyre not swarty beaners or shitalians
all true whites have chest hair
>imagine being proud of having no body hair
What a retarded statement, most nords dont have any, i got blue eyes and mid blonde hair and have hardly any either
Not proud but literally who cares lmfao
you're a feminine bitch lmao
insecure much?
They look what Mike Pence would probably look like if he didn't go to anti-gay therapy
suck my dick bitch
>claims other anon is insecure
>all while trying to reassure his own 'whiteness' because he cant grow body hair
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>photo filters
Woman behavior.
solbrah used to be based and good fren before he started following instagram trends and acting like child who just discovered internets
Faggots. Especially solbrah
Oh hey, it's the one two gyno crew
nta but
>who cares
Well apparently you guys do.
It's fine tho, as long as you dont BLAME people for something they didnt choose.
Hairy, short, tall, nearsighted, balding at 20,... we've all been dealt different cards : enjoy yours (im pretty jealous of blue eyes !) but trying to have a conversation with randos yapping "real men have xxx and do yyy" is futile.

Put that gorgeous body to work instead of shitposting, MAKE IT SWEAT baby
Did you drink enough water today ? Did you walk a mile ? Exercise ? Did you call your relatives ? Im sure youre good folks anons, wagmi.
At this point it is cringe. The guy on the right for example is an idiot who somehow believes that the combination of hollistic health and low IQ wignat political commentary is somehow a niche worth establishing.

It is turning into a similar grift industry like in the old PUA times. Content you can find for free is reposted/sold by grifters, "health resorts" instead of boot camps, supplements instead of DVDs... all around some kind of personality cult.

Oh wow, this hippie writes about how he quadrupled his testosterone with some Chinese black goo, some blue dye and tanning his asshole in a specific angle at the right time. Guess what guys, you can do it too. Affiliate links in the next post.

It starts with authenticity and good information. But as soon as the first dollars appear on their account and very quickly turns into a grift. All those peptides, supplements, high quality foods and the Airbnb villas won't pay for themselves. Some of these motherfuckers never had a real job, never experienced hardship, proper failure... but somehow they have the audacity to give you advice how to live your life just because some other grifter placed a microphone in front of them for their Based Alpha Hyperion Podcast.

Maybe I'm biased here because a friend is heavily influenced by these retards and he is wasting time, money, his health and my patience following their advice.
Solbrah is the guy in the middle? Really exposing how hard he was anglefrauding and cycling in those face blurred pics he posted like 2 years ago.
That grifter is swedish?
Anyone know solbrahs age? Guy looks 35 but who knows how much of that is sun damage
Like 25 or so
even when lifting and posting "manly" things on twitter, swedish men act very feminine by posting photos like this
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>Affiliate links in the next post.
still waiting
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>Cause theyre not swarty beaners or shitalians
Nordics are hairy. It's because they are faggots that shave. Beaners are hairless and can't even grow beards because of their indio ancestry.
The guy to the left looks like a nazi meme template
>buy my 40 dollar 3 pack olive oil soap and 40 dollar SOLsalt you silly little goycattle
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>What a retarded statement, most nords dont have any, i got blue eyes and mid blonde hair and have hardly any either
Hope this clears up any confusion.
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based af
>have a good thing going on
>write a book about it
>spread a positive message
>sell a few high quality products to make a living
>everyone accuses you of being a grifter
Look at it from their perspective, how do you propose they make a living instead?
A 9-5 isn't conducive to the lifestyle they're preaching, but they also never push too hard or force anyone to buy their products.
dyel beaner detected kek
Males seeking validation by posing is always cringe,
being a dyel pajeet like you is always cringe
>posing in a kitchen
>live, laugh, love
>shilling gay lifestyle products
>being obsessed with looks
not gay or feminine at all
Dont forget to buy SOL salts. Ingredients: ANCIENT lake salt
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I will thank you.
>anti seed oils
low iq
>anti sunscreen
low iq
>drinking milk and kefir, clean diet
>raw meat
no comment
>promoting decent physique
Body hair is for fatties and It*lians
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Looks BASED to me.
They're white.
Cringe. I follow SolBrah, he has good ideas but just takes them way too far. Here are a few of his beliefs
>sunning your balls is beneficial
>Sunglasses are bad for you
>raw milk is the only way to drink it
>bare feet on grass help "ground" you
>wearing any clothing but cotton will give you cancer
He just another "everything is bad for you expect for what I say" influencers
He started okay, talking about simple exercises and eating clean but then he went off the deep end with "masculinity retreats" , "raw milk bro" and "sunning your balls" guy is a clown now and he always responds to my Insta comments calling out his bro science bullshit
>It starts with authenticity and good information. But as soon as the first dollars appear on their account and very quickly turns into a grift. All those peptides, supplements, high quality foods and the Airbnb villas won't pay for themselves
Spot on. I don't know the other guys but SolBrah is basically this. Dude never works, he is always traveling in soe tropical location. Anytime some one asks what he does for a living, he gives some bullshit answer.
Its no coincidence that now that he has a ton of followers, he also sells supplements and manly retreats or some gay shit.
SolBrah always shows his raw meat on a plate but never shows himself eating it.... I called him out on it and he never responded to me.
Based SolAryan Chads
Solbrah likely inherited money or comes from money but his lifestyle, outside of the exclusive groceries, doesn't seem that expensive to me. Traveling is cheap, he probably shares costs with his buddies, he likely doesn't even own a car. He's just in a constant vacation and gets enough money from his investments, sales of his book, clothes etc to maintain his lifestyle.

Doesn't seem that far-fetched.
You are not white.
Wait, so do I shave my chest or not
No, only the peak of whiteness do not have body hair.
Just accept your place as a peasant.
LMAO at retarded Turkey.
Unironically what would be Solbrah’s bf% in this pic? Aiming fir that.

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