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Its pronouns are kg/lbs.
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too much even for me
fuckable but would be annoying to date
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The only solution in this case, since the honey is already wasted, is to sit this creature near an anthill. Since it can't get up without help, it will be stuck there as food for the industrious insects. Perhaps as it decomposes flowers will grow there, providing future bees with a source of pollen.
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This thing obviously doesn't live in Canada, or there would be noseblind smelly jeets groping its cheesy folds with the same gusto as when they smear themselves in cow shit.
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I have trouble even believing some of these creatures exist. Yet I know they do.
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Nobody helps anybody lol, I crashed my bike and nobody cared while I laid there with a cracked knee
Well this one just sounds like commie talk
That looks like AI, so comical are the proportions of this hamplanet. Who on earth would want to try to spend a day at the beach with this gigantic fat helpless pile of flesh?
Is there a skip loader offscreen for getting it up & down from the sand?
Whole bottle of sunblock just to cover its 6x normal skin surface area.
If the goal was to use the dripping honey to mirror this thing's fat melting down like goo, then mission accomplished.
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surprised he didn't shoot the boy
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He didn't say he didn't.
I'm sure he did
I would tear her the fuck up
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>Americans will never know about Andrea Cola's cut diet
Because they smell like shit.
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know the rules of the workplace
The king of fats would be proud
I found out a girl I had a crush on was formerly fat. Don't have a crush on her anymore lol
Besides the half kilo of bread that looks fine
She proved she could develop and maintain discipline and self control, which is more than a lot of people can say.
ngl kinda side the the fat dude here, assuming this was ALL there is to the story.
Was she on ozempic?
you're a sad pathetic fat fuck
fat people are disgusting and so are you
Christ, even the grungiest fentanyl addicts carefully manage their doses to not overdose. Deranged fat fucks are even worse.
Calm down, I still enjoy reading the story.
Ask me how I know they're white
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>i take very good care of myself
>i shower daily
it will never cease to amaze me how these retarded fat golems somehow consider worth mentioning the fact that they keep normal grooming habits as if it was some kind of feat
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I'd rather try to fuck a wood chipper
kek had a lardass fall off the bus last winter, I was the only non-bus-worker trying to lift him
he was easily 500lbs but in struggling to get up he felt like he was 1500, nobody could get him up, including himself. 20 minutes of crawling to a bench to prop himself up.
This reminds me of selfies women take in exotic locations or fancy buildings showing off that they own and/or got there casually, responsibly, and independently. When they most likely don't actually own anything shown, paid for by simps, maxed out their credit cards, or it was otherwise the only time in their life they'd ever leave their zip code.

This fatty does not manage that kitchen. I've seen how fatties live. Everything is entirely too clean and organized to be maintained by a fatty. It's not even especially nice. But it's still nicer than what a fatty's kitchen looks like.
>A child against whom my fraudulent country has been committing apartheid and genocide for decades did an antisemitism on me by specifically denigrating my demon-worshipping religion, even though as a Palestinian he is much more semitic than I am. It's still antisemitism to call me out for the self-absorbed fatty that I am. No one may criticize we perfect chosenites in any way, even while we are actively oppressing you.
Hopefully this retard is now dead in his IDF tactical diapers.
>Honestly thinking about cutting them off.
They already all ghosted you, fatty.
no one in his story showed bare dick but him
Very fair point, ngl I was under the impression the video stopped just as he got to it.
If he did get his pp out on video then yeah its pushing the joke about a bit too far.
I dont find andrea funny anymore. Im more of concerned, mainly because she has a kid who is fed on mercadona refrigerated pizzas. She can eat shit for all i care, shes a bitch, she locks the comments because people laugh of her. Shes a mordern clown
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>no video anywhere
Sbe "proved" that she was once a hambeast, and to a hambeast she shall return
>being called fat is anti-semitism
This is your brain on judiasm. I don’t know who I hate more, fats or Jews.
>upside down cross
>hurt that they'd all ignore me like this over something this small
Oh I'm sure it's small
That’s dumb. If she’s been able to keep the weight off for more than a year it’s highly unlikely she’ll get fat again. It’s not like she was a coal burner
what did they mean by this?
Do men really do these kind of shit between friends? sounds gay as fuck
It's a waste of honey but it is a cool photo. Like >>74766785 said it's an interesting was to make obesity look even more disgusting
>le edgy wall of unrelated nonsense

Women are retarded.
>which way white woman

Also lets be honest, it's probably mostly corn syrup slop.
He yanked their chains!
The statistics on this issue are extremely grim. Most "former" fatasses are also future fatasses. Don't date a former fatty unless you are prepared for that.
Many people get fat as they get older and stop caring. Would you rather have a woman who knows how to take care of it or a woman who has been naturally thin her whole life and blows up with no self-discipline previously developed to lose the weight?
What stupid decor. Bitch has fat brain taste.
No need. We know white people are all you think about, browny.
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This is about as artistic as taping a ripe banana to the wall.

Tfw gf is fat and just bought a painting of a jackalope at the ren fair
at a certain bodyfat percentage you can't even distinguish if it's a male or female anymore
You have autism if you can't see that this is some fag who was trying to fuck one of his friends.
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>When her hawk tuah can give you diabetes
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It's because they're acting like fags, pig skin.
The fatties on that 600 lbs Life show find partners who are willing to wipe their asses for them, but treat them like absolute shit.
I hope so. Just thinking about the amount of bee effort wasted here makes me furios.
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why are plapjacks and plapjack memes so fucking funny
Because banging a fatty is a shameful thing most guys hide if/when they do it. The meme just kind of exposes it.
>I am a 300 pound man
>but I take very good care of myself
Post for lovely Doll...
where is the video
because you're a zoomer faggot who probably laughs at rick and morty too
everysingle of you would, don't lie
Here's a hint. Whenever someone posts a poor me story to as wide a audience as possible always assume that they have twisted events to make themselves look as good as possible.
>try to help up the walking blubber-mound
>sustain spinal injury due to lack of professional training lifting super-massive loads
>get accused of rape because you touched her fupa while desperately trying to find purchase on her flesh
I wouldn't have done anything either.
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This is her. Imagine that tub of lard flailing on the ground screaming at bystanders.
i'm not a dyel fatty fetishists like you and can actually get attractive girls
inb4 you talk about western beauty standards like a tranny or a fat
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They're just so disgusting
Rick and Morty is the Charlie Chaplin of our generation, you just can't appreciate high quality art
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>gets obese
>husband lets her open the marriage because he doesn't care anymore
>fucks niggers the entire time
>gains even more weight

Guys, I think Hitler was right...
Posts like this are why everyone who pays attention hates these tunnelers
Any negativity directed at Jews is antisemitism.
It's all a fetish, half of them leave once they start losing weight.
I bet it's not really his choice. Chances are he's ugly and has low self esteem so that's what he thinks he prefers.
How the fuck does a whale like that find multiple men to fuck her? What the fuck is wrong with men?
Is half of this general just reposting the same reddit screenshots over and over again
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There are men who pay for this to be naked. Normally society would either wipe out or toughen up men. Instead we get neither so we get men doing this.
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la criatura
I'm sick and tired of my fat family shaming me for exercising and counting calories. I fucking hate all of them.
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chad needs chad face
why do you retards talk like leftoids now?
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uncensored: https://files.catbox.moe/szx8z6.png
>best sex I 've had was with a super fit black guy
kek, anyways, isn't the husband in for some trouble when he supports the open relationship thing in marriage because he also has to support possible kids she birthes?
Why am I not disgusted but enraged when I see stuff like this?
damn he has the chad chin
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made this real quick because the wounds look like pepperoni, enjoy
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Now you're literally just reposting porn. Stop, it's disgusting.
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i'll post whatever i want >.<
I got a timeout from the jannies for posting a pic of a naked fatty. They girl was so obese the fat covered her nipples and vagina, I'm not sure what I was supposed to censor.
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The fatty on the left has an OF. She cuts herself because she knows how repulsive she is.
Cyclists are in the same bucket as biggers and vegans, kys
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>wow, what a bitch!
>maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t help her up
>she’d have yelled at me for picking her up wrong or touching her inappropriately or something
>see, lazy bitch can pick herself up
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just put random black boxes near the area, it's what i do, see here in the next post i reply to. her vag wasn't showing but i put the box anyway
yea, i am well aware. her OF is disgusting. ur pic is actually my post haha. vidrel is her, i posted it last thread i think
preferably a thin one who already cares and simply won't get fat at all
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For the bystanders it was probably a moment of "Do I help her up or not?" It's kind of awkward when someone falls so they didn't know what to do. Once she got herself up it was clear she didn't need any help.

Of course in typical fatty fashion she assumes it's because she's fat and starts screaming at everyone.
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Why do women like this hit on me in the clubs?
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Retard. Former fatties are a good thing. She realized she had a problem snd had the willpower to fix it. Plus she was unattractive so she had to develop a personality. She's too good for you anyway, you sound shallow and gay.
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This photoshop is faker than the results of the 2020 election
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Dude, that is so hecking manly.
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This is a guy, right? I’d hope that even a fat woman would have better fashion sense.
NTA. You're right but the problem I have with marrying a woman like that is you don't know if they're waiting to blow up again.
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>upside down cross
>300 pounds
Wow I'm shocked a Godless heathen with no moral foundation fell into a lifestyle of temptation and gluttony
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With the mouth piercings it looks even more like they’d been fish-hooked.
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This repulses me in the same sorta way as when I see maggots squirming around spoiled food
>I gained weight due to body image issues
Well I'm sure gaining 200 pounds helped your self esteem you dumb idiot.
I was going to say
>at least those two on the right will have fun licking it all off
But then I realized the same could be said for the one on the left as well
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He married a fatty and lets her fuck niggers. He deserves everything coming to him.
Some of need to see pics of disgusting fatties and their disgusting food to help us on our weight loss journey. Thanks to Nickado McDonalds mukbang vids, I am cured of any desire for McDs. I should see if he has vids for Taco Bell as well
Maybe. But if she lost weight once she can do it again. Plus she knows what it's like to be that big and small, so she knows how much better it is not being a whale.
Jesus christ. Doll, why would you do that.
You're a fucking sicko, I love you.
You're not better than them, you're not one of the good ones. You have a lifelong chronic diseases called obesity and you should be taking Ozempic for the rest of your life so that normal people don't have to pay for your heart surgery and diabetes drugs.
And if she gained weight once, she can gain weight again. Becoming obese permanently breaks your brain.
...threadly reminder that donald trump would look like a weak, effeminate, and ineffectual leader if he was skinny.
for some men out there, the old fashioned image of "strong man fat guy" really works for them.
he just happens to be one of those politicians.

the "strong man fat guy" really helps to contrast the weak ineffectual image of a technocratic liberal such as a barack obama, who is famously scrawny and widely rumored to be homosexual.

there's a primal aspect to the attraction some people have to trump, and it's called the "strong man fat guy" archetype.
It's an archetype that suggests strength regardless of whether it truly is compatible with health, strength, and fitness.
I'm a millennial and rick and morty is gay kys
Jesus you guys are so fucking delusional. He could chop your dick off and you would justify it.
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Pizza is high in calories. Seeing that food item ruined like that ruins your appetite, if you need it to be ruined. Not everyone has ozempic to kill their appetite. Most people have to raw dog it or use tools like nicotine gum or nicotine patches to kill their appetite

Who's up for some pizza?
That's more like gore to me.
thats gotta be 8k calories
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mwah <3
it would look cute on a thin woman
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I'm not surprised you missed the point of my post. you people let your unhinged outrage overpower your rational faculties ALL the time! no wonder alt right edge lords love fucking with you.

I don't like Trump.
I never voted for him, but I do understand the appeal.

If the alternative to him is a candidate supported by unhinged hysterical effeminate liberals, then the crass overweight reality TV show host who doesn't speak in terms of cliché focus-grouped contrived talking-points will look attractive by comparison.

It's a problem alluded to by the movie idiocracy:

liberals look "pompous and faggy," except it's far worse than that because neither the liberals nor the populist right have any serious solutions for the mess we're in, which is the collapse of Empire.

everything associated with liberals has now become toxic because they're mostly a bunch of totalitarian institutionalists who take themselves way too seriously.
I say this not as a fan of trump, but as an observer political, cultural, and social history. I think trump is a clown that the system spits up as the Empire deteriorates.

the putative "left" (and the managerial class that they stubbornly attach themselves to in the West) are too busy clinging to the validity of corrupt institutional power to respond to the material needs of the people brought on by 5 decades of deindustrialization, financialization, structural austerity, social decay, subsequent widespread mistrust in institutions, privatization, and globalization.
as a result, where the populist left has been co-opted by corporate liberals, the populist right steps in.

Here, just to prove to you shitlibs that I'm not a Trump fan, I'll post this other caricature of the guy.
Still can’t tell if fat woman or fat MtF. Still disgusted. Still not masturbating to it.
>Defending fatties
Hope he sees this, bro
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The fat pig is a woman
as if being a millenial isnt? KEK
You have to choose between a fat man with dementia and a poojeeta to run your country. Who are you voting for?
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I only put a cup of ranch on my salad, why am I not losing weight?
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Complete mogging kek
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> poojeeta
Under the Democratic one-drop rule, Kamala is a black African American woman. Her getting endorsed by AKA and other black sororities instead of the Desi community should tell you something.
> show ass
> show balls
> sock on dick
> naked fat guy on scale shows everyone his full dick, balls, and scrot and tells them he has a big dick
> why friends don’t talk to me???
its a mirror and it says love. but doesnt explain the upside down cross.
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Trump may be a fat fuck, but that doesn't matter. he still has an attraction that confounds unhinged superficial liberals
Half kilo of bread is fine if you aren't gluten sensitive and actually get exercise
Fat bitches will do literally everything except put in effort to lose weight.
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That's horrifying.
Keep doing it.
What if we turned Israel into the largest Costco in the world and kicked everyone out?
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Don't even need to use AI generation. The real thing exists.
>why pay a drug company for a shot that makes you lose your appetite when fat Internet posters give them out for free?
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for how long?
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>POV: that guy who always brings his own food to eat when you go out
Based filet-o-fish appreciator.
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in case you've forgotten what the average woman looks like.
He doesn't look obese enough to have been eating like that for decades.
Is the average being brought down by small children or something?
this is fine if she is sweet and kind and wifely desu
>Any tips? I'll do anything
>Except lose weight
>relies on visual comedy
>gets cringey when it starts being serious
>got in trouble with underage girls

Checks out
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just because I would does not mean I do not also find her disgusting
what the actual fuck is going on with that leg though
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She's probably not wrong.
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He's right, I'm autistic and I did not pick up on that.
What I mean is that it's super easy to overeat and not satiating relative to the number of calories.
If you balance the rest of your diet around a big meal like that it's no problem but you'd have to run a 5k multiple times a day to burn off that much food eaten regularly.

And honestly at that point the exercise is probably as unhealthy as just being slightly overweight. It's just a lot of stress on your body to have an elevated heart rate for so much time
I think you might both be autistic
Unless there's some detail that's missing nothing here implies he wanted to fuck any of his friends. It's just "dude sex lmao" humour which a ton of people have.

My dad gets sent/sends this sort of shit all the time to his mates and given that he's on his second wife and fourth kid (and every other guy in those group chats is in a straight marriage) I think that's reaching.
Some people just think nudity is funny
I wish I knew how to rip instagram and tiktok videos to post the whole thing here
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>I've got a big FUPA. I've heard guys love this.
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A large chunk (pun somewhat intended) of all fat bitches would look reasonably good if they put in the effort to slim down. The fact that they don't even try is completely unacceptable. No respect or sympathy from me.
At least they don't skimp out on the toppings...
>I wish I knew how to rip instagram and tiktok videos to post the whole thing here
Only access these if you use an adblocker. Be careful where you click. Otherwise, they work spectacularly.
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Here's a big cope that she likes being fat
goes to the what goes to the WHAT
>the year is 2024
>women STILL don't understand their friendship is worth nothing for a male
That's literally the only thing they have to do if they want men at their beck and call. They refuse to do it. They are that lazy and stupid. This is why men made choices for them.
they go four times a day, its in the post
Thanks a bunch anon!
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I would eat all of that and more if I could
to be fair it's not like I have any male friends either
I have been fasting since my one meal on Sunday. I will stay fasted until Saturday or at least Friday evening.
That shit looks good, but... I do not even feel hunger any more.
Praise the snake juice!
Why is half of her arm purple?
Looks like a man
This is porn to you?
True to some degree, but if you see pictures of him from 30 years ago he looked like a chad. I don't want to see him look like that pic but losing 50-100 pounds would do him a world of good and he would still have the same aura.
looks like my wife did in her second trimester.
no wonder gen z is having less sex. who would want to fuck a bunch of women who look pregnant?
Enemy of /fit/ Boogie2988 is getting "LIAR" tattooed on his face
yeah ahaha
who would want to fuck pregnant women
How this guy keeps one upping himself never ceases to amaze me. I remember when people legit thought he was going to turn his life around after getting his stomach stapled. Did he even lose any weight? He looks just as fat to to me.
Being more of a lolcow than chris chan, what a destiny
My tip. Quit eating,
Eat 1200 calories a day at most.
There. Fat rolls solved.
Kill yourself fat redneck retard faggot
Love Donnie. Even in photoshops made in attempt to make him look fat and ugly, he still is awesome. Dude literally dodges bullets. He is a fighter. He is an icon. He is an inspiration. He is a badass.
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I feel extremely bad for her, I was in a similar relationship and I actually did lose the weight to be more attractive to her. It did not work. I broke up with her and now I'm with someone who begs me to fuck her as many times a week as possible.

This woman is simply in a shit relationship with a weak willed man. There are plenty of men into fat chicks who would fuck her, and even if she lost the weight it wouldnt change anything. But she blames herself because its clear her self esteem has been thoroughly destroyed.

My ex was a fatty too btw. She never lost the weight. New girl I'm seeing is a normal size.
Grapes are high in sugar. They will keep you fat. glycogen levels in blood will prevent U from losing fat. Lose the grapes. Quit eating sugar u fat tards! BTW carbs ARE converted into glycogen in the body . Get your carbs under 50 grams of carbs a day. Walk. You’ll lose weight. Any cheating, in the slightest, and you won’t.
Post body
post deadlift + body
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Ew! This is disgusting!
I am American. Me and my GF will share a small cauliflower crust pizza. With onions and green peppers. Drink - water.
I dont even know how people eat so much.
beat me to it
Are you being serious
Is there any famous woman with sadder tits than Lizzo?
What abs?
Niggers and landwhales are a pairing that go WAAY back. When they brag about getting with white women, this is what they are referring to.
At least this one binges on actual gourmet food and not jumbo-sized bags of Doritos.
Imagine doing that to yourself for a measly 300k views per video. How much ad revenue does that even bring in? Like a couple thousand bucks?
>one hour and twenty four minutes
Can I get a qrd on the latest developments?
Boogie said he had cancer and got a bunch of donations for his chemo but turns out it was a lie and he said he was quitting the internet because he got caught.
My sister-in-law is basically this, but younger, bigger, and had the good sense to get married before going full beast mode. She was already fat before marriage, but now she is closing in on 300. Her husband is overweight too, but he does a physical job so it doesn’t get too out of hand. Through my wife disclosing girl talk, I learned he acts the same as this guy. Never initiates, rejects advances often, and when they do have sex he cums quick and leaves the room right after. She has expressed that she wants to cuddle and feel close after sex, but apparently the post-nut clarity is too strong. They are going to couples therapy soon. It is not going to get better. She isn’t just fat. She has the fat mentality. She complains about being fat to elicit sympathy, but then immediately switches gears to lusting after the next treat, often DURING a large meal when everyone else is feeling full to the gills.
That anon ain't wrong. Cut out added sugar/carbs makes it easy peasy

Walking is based. Mix in intermittent fasting to make it even easier. Morning walk before eating makes the pounds fall off if you're a fatty, but over eating because you work out will prevent fat loss.
its not a good idea to fuck things you don't even want to spend time with
1000% chance he subconsciously knows fat chicks have ZERO self esteem and he doesn't need to worry about being rejected, that's why they are appealing. If it was a 99% chance you could make it with a thin 10/10 he would do it.
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>sloppilled pizzamaxxing
based af
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She's not african american, her dad is jamaican and her mom is poojeeta. She be culturally appropriating african american
I am praying for the day we close the study permit to PR pipeline and they all stop coming to Canada and go ruin some other country
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>doesn't understand the difference between impartial cultural, sociopolitical, and anthropological commentary and endorsement of a political candidate.
I already pointed out that I don't like Trump over here >>74769303 you low IQ sack of shit.
kys shitlib. I'm a Marxist, not a Trump fan
He'd have to put on some noticeable muscle to pull off that look like Vince McMahon. Otherwise, being overweight is the easiest way for him to fill-out and complete the "strong man" aesthetic. I see what you mean though.
I wasn't defending him. I was explaining why this attack on Trump, like so many other attacks that shitlibs launch against him, are ineffectual. He's SUPPOSED to be an unapologetically corrupt, uncouth, and unprofessional fat fuck. That's part of the appeal. He's supposed to be the aesthetic opposite of everything respectable, otherwise he wouldn't have the appeal that he does now. Everything respectable has lost credibility because it's associated with corrupt establishment that is propped up by decrepit outdated institutions. To that effect, Donald Trump is supposed to be the embodiment of everything that goes against the respectable outward presentation that is typical of established political power
>not a Trump fan
Who are you voting for though?
>Best sex I've had was with a super fit black guy
>I'm into fit black dudes
>450 lbs
Why do they do it? What makes black bros love fat women so much?
Obesity and the associated lethargy would not be tolerated without capitalists playing at lordship shiling anti-nutritous slop to what they consider their serfs.
Aid the community with the best of your labor or be cast out and perish.
the way this dude writes he almost certainly sent this video of his cock to the one woman in the group. From his story they're all fucking around with each other and he's just harassing one woman.
holy fuck that's a wild order for a guy that I assume ate mcdonald's quite a bit. Honestly, makes me respect the guy more if he legit sucked down 4 sandwiches and a milkshake most of the time.
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What do people look like if they manage to lose all the weight after getting this bad?
If it ever happens we'll let you know.
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Glad you asked. Have a classic.
the one on the left looks like her dress has funny ruffles

the one of the right looks like she's trying to camouflage herself as a tree

the subtext here is that he is literally less important than the decor, her fatness is literally blocking him out.
I really like this post thank you
Hey know this one she’s a sex therapist somehow iirc

Why the fuck are there just big stalks of asparagus on the sandwich? that shit's retarded
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Oh boy a gut tucked into a very tight vinyl body suit. I’m sure she looks great IRL naked and not all cheeses/tofu textured
Hey are you polish?
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I hate modern art
who wants to bet he was hard
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i am american
so he says “wonder why I weigh so much” and then shows his blubber hanging over his dick? how would that be funny? what the fuck
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I recently helped a literally blind hobo out of the street because he had wandered into an intersection and couldn't get back. cars driving around him and everybody in the crosswalks looked but nobody helped. I love our low trust low cohesion society
Oh, dont worry anon, she fucking does. She gobbles down entire packages of cookies of all kinds, chips, fucking fanta, frozen pizzas, horse shit, it doesnt matter. She even usually puts french fries into those giant kilo footlongs and the funny thing is that shes so fucking bloated, fat and eats so much shit she doesnt even gain weight anymore. Ive been at that point too, the point of being so fat that food goes thru you, you dont even get fatter. If she ate 500 less calories she would probably lose a bunch of weight because shes tall and big and has huge hands, shes 1,80m, so those footlongs are bigger than they look on the video
I don't get it. If I was unemployed and laid around the house all day I would fully expect my wife to lost attraction to me. I wouldn't be scratching my head figuring out why or going to couples therapy.
It's fat white women they love. Contrary to what you see pajeets spamming on 4chan white women think black men are repulsive. However, to get a white woman is the epitome of success for a black man so they settle for a fat white woman.

The black man gets a white woman and the fat woman gets a man, everybody wins.
My pronouns are they, them and 6XXL.
Gawd your skinnys that can fit in a car are just terrible, got to go guys I have only eaten 15,000 callories so far today.
You ever hear of the concept called Whale Fall? It's when a whale dies and its body rests at the ocean floor, it attracts a feeding buffet for all ocean life and its one of the rare times you will see predators and prey converging on the same spot to nibble at the whale corpse in harmony with each other. It actually is a beautiful display of nature and I would recommend looking up vids on youtube. Anyways I think we could do this with lardos on land, let nature have a buffet.
when I was a fat piece of shit my order was 2x mcdouble w mac sauce, 2x junior chicken, a 6piece nuggets, plus as the main staple a combo meal often with fries upgraded to poutine + large drink + 2 cookies
just did the math for fun, 3570cal for an afternoon snack. It was also like $20 CAD to do that, now it'd ring up at $39.70
>literally just watched a youtube short on this
>open up /fit/ and immediately go to this thread
>you comment on this

dude wtf is the internet fucking with me?
I am convinced that mukbangs are an insidious gook plot to glorify obesity around the world.

dead internet theory. There's only like a few thousand real people so it's easy to cater to them
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When I was fat it was a big Mac, double quarter pounder BLT, two Junior chickens, mcdouble (or two), large fries and a coke Zero.

Or dual foot longs from subway.

Or from Wendy's, Two Dave Tripples and a large fries.

Did acid last weekend and buddy wanted McDonald's, I got a 10 PC McNugget and medium fries. Didn't even finish.
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2 mcdoubles
2 hot and spicy mcchickens
1 large fry
lots of ketchup

2000+ kcals and that was what I got on the way home from work.
now i'm not a super skinny person by any means but seeing this makes me realize why everyone thinks im "soOOoOoO skinny!!!1!1!!!11"
everyone else is just remarkably fat & by comparison an average weight person looks thin lmfao
>5'2 180 lb
>aka BMI 32.9
Holy shit yikes
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watching them helps me fast actually. they are revolting.
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Yeah because there's a decent chance that you get stabbed in the thigh and bleed out for your trouble.
Holy shit I think I know this guy
Do you have the source of this??
when I was cutting my teeth as a baby EMT I did a lot of discharges to residence, and every single time we had a bariatric patient they wanted us to put them in a recliner where the chair had a solid black line of feces going down the center to the floor. Sometimes there'd even be a huge stain on the ground as if they stood up, shit, then sat back down.
>Small coincidence
good prose
Two McDoubles and a side of fries. Fries went on the burgers, and everything was dipped in ketchup. Followed by a Large sweet tea, of course.
>I am 300 pounds but take very good care of myself
You ruined it
Oh ya I'm not surprised the charge is involuntary because it wasn't done intentful at all
I am so glad you're posting more, doll.

>just existing
Are you though? Not "announcing"?
Fat fingers that adjust a tiny cap wrote this
The eyes are what get me most
>my bike
good. someone should've stomped your other knee pedalfaggot
Keto approved or naw?
I am so glad this isn't a webm
Might be the first one where I could see myself eating the same exact meal.
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directionbrains are annoying, huh
good posts
one of the first images that got me diamonds
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I love you Doll but I can only imagine how damaging it must be to you to look at all of this shit all day

you are the real hacker 4chan
Would not. :|
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She has an iron will and a thirst for vengeance against fatties.
Also I saw some anon refer to the "man" playing the piano as a Yakubian ape and it was the funniest shit ever
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Absolutely horrifying.
Negress with the pimp cane would fucking get it
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>She has an iron will and a thirst for vengeance against fatties.
W-what did they do to her?
AI fatty in pic has six fingers on one hand. Coooooool
Do you have food on your person when in the club?
A 3 letter word so reprehensible to her, she couldn't even type it out
Wtf is that big swinging sack? Is it filled with fat or is it a hernia of some sort?
cool story bro, we're still able to procreate above replacement level while you're part of a suicidal civilization
new thread
Retards actually believe eating grapes will make you fat
Humpty dumpty looking mfs
If you think anyone has any respect for fatties, kys
Thats just his fat fucking nuts. Your nuts retain fat like a frozen sponge
Amazon reviews are just hell
The hardest part is that even if she wakes up and realizes she must lose weight, that will take a long time. At least a year (or more realistically two) to look like a woman he’s not ashamed of. There is no quick or easy fix. He might still be very repulsed and turned off by loose skin. And all she can do about it is wait a few more years for it to be reabsorbed, or shell out $10k for surgery
Ahhh my apologies

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