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/fit/ - Fitness

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what do you do with your muscles? Are you a martial artists, a blue collar worker, a gymnast or anything?
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Nope, it's all entirely for sex with my wife.
I type on a computer for a living
i like being able to throw girls around like theyre weightless
i like looking and being big
i like being able to beat the shit out of most man
i like eating like a pig
It makes yard work a breeze
I move furniture for my grandma
I do laborious work and play soccer and go on somewhat dangerous hikes up mountains. I'm also prepared to defend myself.
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Played sports in school so I learned to like working out. I don't have time to join a rec league now so I do outdoor adventures. Off-season I workout to gear up for it and heal. April - October I hike, kayak, and camp.

Ngl, huge motivator to stay in shape. I'm 42 now so I need to stay in good shape to keep libido up and do my husbandly duties.
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I guess I also want to look good. You know, nice and big.
I lift to mog my coworkers, friends and family members.

I used to do martial arts (BJJ purple belt and kickboxing) but realized it's not worth fucking up your body like that unless you are getting paid.

I do play sports casually now like pickleball and disc golf. But lifting is overkill for such activities.
Based, I got into cycling I want to start bikepacking. Any experience with that?

Not long distance biking, but I have done shoreline kayaking and camping so kind of similar I guess. Kayaking is good because you can store shit in the kayak. Biking might limit you a little bit with what you can lug but you have a lot more options where to go.
I'm a blue collar worker, but I exercise for aesthetics.
>325 to 195 over 8 years
yeah im steelworker
My father died young due to poor health and I want to live past 50
id just be hanging out at home jerking off instead so i might as well go to the gym
I lift pallets and pack bags and haul chickens for my food pantry that I work at
I just wanna be happy, man
When my dad or mom needs something moved I can move it.
I am strong to help father and mother.
I fist men with my 20inch forearms while I have two other faggots fondling my pecs
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I force my wife to begrudgingly feel my muscles when I get a pump. She says she gets annoyed doing it, but I know she likes it. I also work at a halfway house for felons, so I talk about lifting with them.
I babysit middle schoolers and force them to learn stuff about dead people(with varying degrees of success)
i build muscle so i can use it to build even more muscle.
It's like some bio armor. I had some sick accidents and always came out with just some bruises.
I fuck ripped men and cute masc twinks in their bussy
It turns my social anxiety into a mysterious personality.
I was an athlete in middle school and some in high school but later abandoned it because I wanted to focus on my studies.
After a few years of very little physical activity I realized how weak and out of shape I am and I wanted to be fast and strong again - imagine a 22-year-old who can barely do a few push-ups, only one pull-up, who gets out of breath from simply walking 10 minutes to the store.
Realized that I really like working out and if I skip a few workouts in a row, I am not myself, I feel tired and irritable. So now I just do it, not trying to break any records, just basic maintenance 3-4 times a week and I feel great.
Was recently helping my parents with home renovation and it was no big deal for me to carry heavy things all day, while my dad stopped several times to take a break, I barely broke a sweat. That felt good and dad was impressed.
This, except handholdless virgin
I mog.
I'm a lawyer who used to work 14 hours a day. all I got out of it were arthrosis in the lower back and 2 herniated discs in the lumbar spine due to too much sitting and sedentary lifestyle.

so when you ask what I fucking do with my muscles, I just use them to not suffer anymore.

I used to be on pain medication 24/7. I hope you don't ever know what that feels like, or I actually do, fuck off.
i train muay thai 4 times a week. started a year ago, the best thing i ever did. i also lift weights 2-3 times a week, but lightly because i don't want to overtrain. my cardio, mobility and flexibility all increased. i lost a lot of fat while maintaining (most) of my muscle mass. i finally stopped looking like a skinny-fat DYEL, i can say i look half decent now. still a long way to go, but it was a huge change for me. my confidence and mental state also increased a lot.
Intimidate smaller 'men'
>he thinks muscles are scary
whip out a gun or a knife if you want to be a scary boo hoo boy, muscles don't stop a knife or a bullet
They help you live a painfree life after 30 actually
I innoculate myself against cancers and injuries.
I've rolled a bit but there's no bjj where I live.
i want to be really fucking strong. i don't feel comfortable in public without the knowledge that i could bodyslam any potential threats.
Flex in the mirror, pick my girlfriend up at the beach to flex on faggots. That’s basically it I guess
they help stop my 30+ body from regressing, esp. since i work an office job

next question
Help old ladies carry their grocery bags
maximum based
someone that is training martial arts will easily beat you no matter how much you squat and deadlift.
there are so few people who are good fighters. also, have fun with your bjj on the street where you will get kicked in the balls lol. the only useful training is boxing while being big. little 60kg mma fighter won't do shit against a casual boxer at 95kg
i train muay thai, bjj isn't too useful in street fights. height matters more than weight does but the 2 are correlated.
the truth is, unless the difference in height is big(15cm+) an untrained bodybuilder loses 95% of his fights with any intermediate fighter.
intermediate = trains at least twice a week and spars at least once a week with consistency.
I lift to fuck my wife and inspire my kids.
shave hex mith ur wom
I lifted my mom like a twig when she was super sick qnd carried from 5th floor.

Also i look more intimidating and aesthetic. And i could lift up a car that was one wheel in a really thick sand.
I plqn to do boxing a bit depending how my knees react but thats irrelevant to muscles, just enjoy sports brotherhood in genefal.
>muh guns cope
dyel if you and I were in a space smaller than 30'x30' you'd be in for a painful last 24 hours of your existence plus i know you'd be too lussy to shoot or stab anyone
When does street fighting even happen anyway? I only had 3 street fights during high school, after that I’ve been in one situation which came close to a fight. Only immigrants seem to lure out fights, but they only go for little guys. So again, size >
Leanfags before in this thread
In fantasy land and also in "get stabbed in the neck and bleed out in 10 seconds despite your lifting, guns, and martial arts because your normal human being lifestyle prevents you from reacting to small tells with overwhelming violence"
Yup, nearly no one can do shit against a knife. I’ve got a family member in the military, and he also says that even with all his hand to hand combat training, a knife while get him. Just avoid fights, it’s a huge fucking waste to die because some faggot plants a knife into you.
I work in a factory and it definitely helps. But it also gives me the responsibility to lift heavy shit that other people can't. This attracts females but I'm married and it's actually a burden.

There are actually pretty hot girls in a factory when hardly any other employment exists that pays close. I was surprised.
>Height matters more than weight
Really? I'd think a robust manlet would be able to beat up lanklets just by going after their legs

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