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Just wanted to share this here for all the people who say Leg Press doesn't work

My leg day (done once a week) is literally just 9 working sets in total

>3 sets of leg press (45 degree version)
>3 sets of hamstring curls (lying version)
>3 sets of calf raises (seated version)

Takes me like 20 minutes to do it, I only do 2 warm up sets on the leg press (50% of working weight, and then 75% of working weight) - I don't warm up for hamstring curls or calf raises I'm already warmed up from the leg presses.

Hope this helps you stop wasting your time having 2 hour long leg days, doing all those soul draining squats & deadlifts that make you hate your life
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/fit/ has no response to this besides a gay webm, this place is dead
Only 2 warmups? What's your maximum weight? No cap please
I'll just say I think normal squatting is more customizable, that's its biggest strength. Both when it comes to form and to weights, as my gym's leg press gets only up to 150Kg which is nothing.
>I don’t deadlift
>I don’t squat
We can tell
Sorry but the Indians and incels took over, /fit/ is basically /gif/ now
Your legs look like you only do leg press and hamstring curls so what's your point
>Hope this helps you stop wasting your time having 2 hour long leg days, doing all those soul draining squats & deadlifts that make you hate your life

The purpose of squats and deadlifts is not solely to build the legs. They are to build overall structural strength and muscle.
As far as the leg press goes, it's not one or the other. I like doing it 1-legged to balance right and left sides.
Holy cope

Every single Leg Press is different, asking that question is pointless because some Leg Presses you can load up 10+ plates on each side and its easy, but others you load up only 5 plates on each side and its hard.
If you don't care about being weak you don't have to squat and deadlift
That question makes a lot of sense because if you're moving serious weight doing only 2 warmup sets is highly retarded
Yeah that is true but at the same time its not.

I do 5 plates on each side, for sets of 20+ reps. Bad days is like 15 reps, good days are upwards of 25 reps.

So 3x15-25 depending on how my body feels.

Warm-up 1 = 2.5 plates
Warm-up 2 = 4 plate
Set 1/2/3 = 5 plates

I do the warm-ups for 20 reps each.

This is for the 45 Degree Leg Press at my main gym that I lift at currently. I went to a different gym before where I was loading up 10+ plates on each side and it felt easier than the 5 plates on each side I do right now.
I could probably squat and deadlift a lot though. I dont use straps, I do very heavy weighted chin-ups on back day, my grip is very strong.

The problem is there is absolutely 0 reason to do squats and deadlifts
And yet not a single body was posted to see the magnificent effect squats and deadlifts have.
Whatever works for you man, just be careful I don't want you to snap your shit you know, not trying to be a smartass or anything.
Also you know what is even more funny?

I do the Leg Press with my feet position high up in order for it to be a Glute dominant leg press, and yet my Quads are still gigantic despite my Glutes doing most of the pushing. My ass is huge.
I used to do warm up 1 plate, 2 plate, 3 plate, 4 plate, then 5 plate working sets but I noticed this taking away my endurance on the working sets towards the final reps, so I cut back on the warm up sets.
Doubt it
Strength cannot be seen. These lifts are axial full body lifts. It's the difference from popcorn muscle and strength
>Strength cannot be seen. These lifts are axial full body lifts. It's the difference from popcorn muscle and strength

more cope, bigger guy = stronger guy, thats why all strong men competitors are 400 fucking pounds
>don't squat
>don't deadlift
Why!? My life would be incredibly boring if I were to stop deadlifting.
A lot of the structural musculature cannot be seen particularly on the truck. If you only do leg press you'll always be structurally weak. Without axial load you cannot be truly strong
>I could probably
>le leg press does nothing

Anyone who fell for that deserves to not make gains. Imagine listening to what a bunch of randoms on the internet say instead of just trying it for yourself kek
It's mostly fat fuck powershitters
Many of the old wives tales were pushed by fat sacks of shit that gave up on lifting. The truth is doing both is ideal
I’m more interested to know how you make gains only doing so few sets with such a low frequency
I'm also only doing leg press and my thighs are blowing up. Did squats and that hurt my knees.
I'm more than halfway through the machines weight and there's no incline machine at the gym..
Show ass.
I dont use the machine leg press.

I use the plate-loaded 45' degree leg press, like pic related.

It is a huge fucker..

The leg machines youre speaking of feel like crap, the ones where they're pin-loaded, those are so bad.
I hurt my knees on the leg press
Not gona give you a full bend over faggot, but here is the glutes.

As I said here >>74768259

The 45 degree Leg Press is actually a Glute dominant exercise, but it also grows the Quads a shit ton.

This is why I do

Leg Press = Glutes & Quads
Leg Curls = Hamstrings
Calf Raise = Calves

All leg muscles done
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>all the people who say Leg Press doesn't work
Are these people with us in the room right now?
Yeah that's the one I mean, incline leg press.
The only difference between the two is that incline is able to load more, isn't it?

We're built different.
Ohhhhhhhh so thats how its going to be is it? You're just going to pretend /fit/ and the internet at large didn't just spend the last 10 years telling everyone how the Leg Press is worthless and useless and wont give you gains, and that you MUST squat and deadlift if you want leg development..... ohhh no.... see now... I am not a retarded normie nigger, I don't forget, my memory goes back way further than 2 weeks ago, you cannot memory hole this from me cunt
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>people who say Leg Press doesn't work
I've never heard anyone say this. Not here, not at my gym, not even on powerlifting YouTube.
>Leg Press uses up all the plates
>DYELs are often seen performing shit rom on Leg Press
>Leg Press will build quads, but only squatting more frequently will help you with the squat
>I have a no room for this shit in my homegym
These are the things that I've actually heard or witnessed. Maybe you have trouble paying attention.
45 degree leg press gives you the ability to actually get a proper squatting position while seated in the leg press which means your GLUTES are working here a ton

The flat/straight leg press does not and is more of a QUAD specific lift

Basically the 45 degree leg press is a proper complete lower body lift
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kek relax anon, its just old news. /fit/ has also collectively moved away from SKWATS ONLY
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bro your legs look like fucking shit

zero definition
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>I could probably squat and deadlift a lot though.

This is some giga omega cope hahahahaha
I am

>20% bodyfat

and you're comparing me to

>8% bodyfat

I have a lot of definition, you must be blind, the fact you had to compare me to Arnold is a W for me, thanks :-)
Meh, it has mass but doesn't look cute.
I strict standing OHP 1.5 plates for 10+ reps. I think my spine is good bro.
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That is not Lee Haney...
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>I strict standing OHP 1.5 plates for 10+ reps. I think my spine is good bro.
>That means I can squat and deadlift a lot


Most Chuds here who get 4 plate deadlift cant even do 1 plate over head press
Im glad youre getting results doing that and that you found a routine that works for you. I just enjoy massacring my legs for 2 hours. Keep it up dude
you're talking to a fat fuck troon that post here out of spite
A lot of powerlifters do leg presses as a lift for hypertrophy.
Respect. Looking good. Mind to post your program?
I can't wait to get my dick nice and warmed up by fucking your thighs and then burrow it in your nice, strong, loose asshole
Thursday - Chest
Friday - Back
Saturday - Legs
Sunday - Shoulders
Monday - Arms
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Off
You gay af
Too many guys post on /fit/ like they have elite natty physiques, when its in reality just very average.

OP’s legs are like 5.5or 6/10. Clearly has some size but don’t look particularly strong or powerful.
You're saying this because I'm high bodyfat.

Dont worry, I'll repost here soon with an update, about to start a competition prep, you'll be calling me fake natty soon :)
The fact your ass and thighs are so feminine doesn't make me gay for wanting to breed you
I have runner's knee (I think) on my right leg and for some reason leg press is fine but squatting hurts so I switched out squats for leg press as my main leg exercise. It's good to see that I'm not completely missing out although I do think squats build build the core and stabilizing muscles too.
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Simple, good leg genetics. I'm the same, I'm able to make more reps and put more weight every week doing leg press once a week. The only reason why I don't bother much is because I don't want bigger legs
you're fat and look like shit
advice: ignored
My obese friend, that doesn't even workout, has legs that look like that.

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