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I'm on 34 hours and I'm so fucking hungry. I hear it stops after awhile, or that autophagy kicks in at 36. I'm about to go to sleep but thanks in advance.
48 - 72 hours
No longer than 7 days.
18 hours, 72 hours

Also, get disciplined breaking your fast slowly if it's more than 48 hours, under 300 calories an hour for the first couple hours, no more than 900 calories that day.
Thanks, I'll go for 48 hours
Since this is about fasting I'll ask are electrolyte tablets a legitimate substitute for snake water?
no. they very rarely have enough electrolytes in them and often have sugar
Is there a pill based substitute ok the market or is just snakewater forever?
Why are you fasting at this time..? Summers over you idiots start bulking
>Summers over you idiots start bulking
Anon, it's July 24th.
The hottest month is almost upon us.
If you dump all of your electolytes in at once you'll just shit yourself
wtf are you talking about the hottest AND longest days are ALWAYS June
Boring but whatever fits your schedule the best.
Why would I bulk during summer?
Its the end of july youre supposed to cut BEFORE summer starts fatty
Here’s a fasting question:

What the fuck does it matter if you “break your fast”? Say 24 hours into a fast you eat the worst possible thing you can imagine. Chocolate bar, chips, bacon, whatever that thing is for you. And then you resume your fast… what have you actually lost? A couple hours at most? People act like breaking a fast is the end of the world and the whole effort is for not.

Is there something I’m missing? It seems to me that it would hardly matter if you had 200 calories or not at some arbitrary point in an otherwise solid fast
That depends on location. Places in Texas have their hottest days in September and other places in Texas have their hottest days in June.
The autophagy health benefits you smooth brained gorilla nigger retard.
>autophagy stops for an hour or 2
Oh no!
1) Eating ain't fasting. You described two different fasts back to back
2) Different metabolism happens when you fast for longer and longer, it can take days to completely empty your liver of carbs.
3) Some people find it a lot easier to eat nothing for days in a row than to eat just a little bit or just rabbit food. Even with CICO, the best diet is the one you can stick with.
and youre gonna go vacationing when? The end of September? The same time autumn starts..? Not to mention a good cut is typically 2 months if you BULKED accordingly. No yeah you right good luck lol
Honest question, which fast achieves the most benefits:

24h fast :choccy milk: 24h fast


32h fast
I’m not poor. I can vacation pretty much whenever to a beach.
depends on the criteria for benefits, but most of the time, a 32 hour fast
Well thanks for your answer. My reasoning is that the 200cal chocolate milk is going to get used up exceptionally fast, and by the end of the 2nd 24hr period you would be in a similarly fasted state as the 32h.

Could be wrong, of course
Cool star now then fatty
how do i get a tummy like that?
im a guy btw
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Kek. I’m not huge, but lord am I not fat.

Post body. I’m sure it’s better than mine
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Ahh man I only did 24 hours. Well I plan on doing them the first of every month soooo I'll do another in a week or so. Hit 24 hours and then was coasting in the morning and broke around 1ish with some chicken and rice.
Yeah gets a lot easier the longer you go in my opinion. Hardest is first day, and then I remember in the 3 day fast having trouble the last day.
No more than 72 hours to avoid losing muscle gains. Note that if your goal is autophagy, you will inevitably lose some muscle.
7 days? Lmao if you're fat, at all, you can do 14 day water fasts hella ez
>but I'll be hungry
You're always fucking hungry no matter how much you eat, loser
Im a girl not a whore I also dont trust randos on the internet ima need a time stamp hun and lets just say this IS you. Why are you fasting at this bf% ? Bffr
That picture was taken post a 32h fast. It’s when I finally hit my goal weight after a 2 month cut.
Not that anon but I hope you refed, blew out the chest
I’ve done zero chest workouts in the last 8 months. I do free standing handstand pushups and handstand press stuff as workouts. It keeps working out fun, but it leaves deficits in my physique
A video on the benefits of Fasting:

I gained 30 lbs since the New Year. I'm depressed as fuck. I've NEVER been this chubby before in my entire life.

Should I just stop eating until i'm at 15% bf?
48 hours is hardly beneficial, autophagy has barely started then. At 72 hours autophagy doesn’t max out but starts to get serious diminishing returns which is why a normal fast is 5 days, so you can go into autophagy max it out and get the benefits of being in autophagy for a while.
No you should cut on a high protein low cal diet or you will lose muscle and fat loss will take longer
How do I make my bitch train so her tummy is like this
>what is the optimal fasting period
Until you are no longer fat.
8 hours give or take
about tree fiddy
not gonna happen bud
should've been groomed when you were like 11
there's always next life.
you can do tightlacing to failure and squats if you want
8+ days requires electrolyte and micros support, something most normies are too retarded to handle.
Yes. Bite the bullet.
But all electrolytes sold at amazon contain sugar...

What brand do you buy?
I don't, I bought bags of electrolyte powders off china. I think LMNT is the best electrolyte on the market now, faggot name notwithstanding.
That's not how fasting works. It doesn't magically go faster cause you're hungry. Google this shit brother you sound like an idiot.
Is dry fasting really healthier than water fasting?
No, dry fasting is fucking stupid.
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For electrolytes, follow snake juice.
The only thing I would recommend is swapping the quantity of potassium and the pink salt.
Use half as much of the potassium and twice as much pink salt.
You don't want a heart attack.
Also, there's no fucking need to use keto sticks.
I have no idea why that's recommended.
how often did you fast? im trying to lose 10kg (15-20lbs) and dieting on a 500cal deficit takes way too fucking long
Why the hell is this called snake juice?

If I had to guess what a 'snake diet' would be, I would guess something like eating an entire chicken and a dozen hard-boiled eggs and nothing else
I usually do 72 hour fasts and I've never had an issue with refeeding. I get the biggest fucking craving for a good homemade on the grill burger and that's usually how I end my fast, with a big fucking half to 3/4lb burger. It's literally the only time I eat burgers.
I have no fucking idea why it's called that.
However, the idea of getting electrolytes during a fast is a solid one, so I give credit. Especially when these ingredients are able to be bought in bulk for dirt cheap.
However, I do think that it's too much potassium.
Muscle loss during fasting is a meme friend. The key is to actually use your muscles during the fast, hit the gym during your fast, do light workouts, but target all muscles, and don't forget light cardio. Their have even been some studies that find you can gain muscle during a fast as long as you workout, and if done correctly it speeds up muscle gain when coming out of the fast.
snakes don't eat every day due to the way their digestion works
Makes sense.
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not how it works

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