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/fit/ - Fitness

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how you lost weight. how you became muscular. how you became beautiful. how did you get girl.
work for it
>how you lost weight
>how you became muscular
>how you became beautiful
>how did you get girl
shut up
>how you lost weight
>how you became muscular
>how you became beautiful
>how did you get girl
was born handsome, learned social skills
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>how you lost weight.
CICO (but checking macros).
>how you became muscular.
PPL during summer time/SL5x5 during winter.
>how you became beautiful
LMAO nope!
>how did you get girl.
She let me hit 'cause I'm goofy.
The secret was literally CICO and daily exercise. I got lean but never even got big really. I got female attention literally as soon as I was under 20% bf. Scored and wifed a good woman based purely on that. Celebrating 1.5 decades of happy marriage. I've sagged a little, so has she, so has the sex, so now I'm back on the /fit grind to get her excited again.
>>how you lost weight
by eating less
>>how you became muscular
pull ups and dips, some dumbbell exercises
>>how you became beautiful
>>how did you get girl
Too ugly and boring to find girlfriend but attractive to fuck hotwives with my 8 x 5.5 dick
>I'm back on the /fit grind to get her excited again.
oof just cheat, once fat women lose interest in sex they never really get it back again.
>how you lost weight
>how you became muscular
obsessively pumping iron on a PPL split. insane volume and pumps, total exhaustion. you can do that when you're 16
>how you became beautiful
grew my hair out. god, when I had it I had it
>how did you get girl
I didn't. Oh also this was all 15-20 years ago. I developed schizophrenia and Norwooded. I live with my dad in at 35. I dropped out of college. I have no money or friends and I will never have sex again
I cut so much weight so fast when I realized that "starvation mode" doesn't kick in until you get below 10% body fat. I had casein protein powder in the morning and at night, vitamins, 600 or fewer calories for the day (sometimes 755) and caffeine. I wasn't working out during this time. best of luck
She's not obese, she's not lost interest, she's just a few pounds overweight and settled into vanilla sexpectations. She'll put on a juicy outfit and sit on my face, but she won't suck my dick or let me fuck her ass.
>cheat, interest won't come back
I'm not willing to resort to cheating on the love of my life until I've gotten sexy enough to prove it's just her. If I get the abs back and start catching those milf mires at the pool and she still isn't excited, well then I'll talk options.
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>she won't suck my dick
>love of my life
Slow and consistent body recomp. Zero sugar, zero carbs, high protein, low mid fats. Workout 3x a week for 1.5-2 hrs mostly doing strength. I eat 2, sometimes 3 times a day. Plenty of whole milk.
It's super easy, you just have to find what weights are good for your reps, then add more and get stronger later.
Don't starve yourself, you'll lose too much muscle. Don't eat too much cause you'll plateau and won't lose weight.
It's all very simple, there's just too much disinformation out there that confuses most young people.
I've done fasting, while it cuts weight, it's not effective long term because you'll get back into old habits and blow up again.
Find what works for you, nothing will be handed to you, especially losing your love handles.
I was lowest body fat when I simply ran in place for 30 minutes in the morning before work. The problem was aside from it being mind numbing, the balls of my feet started hurting as they couldn’t take the repeated stress. My knees also didn’t like the shock. When I would actually jog outside I would get winded faster, likely due to more muscles being involved with the motion. I also am borderline agoraphobic so even though there wasn’t a soul outside, I just felt like the entire community was watching and laughing at me. I shifted to weight training and gained 60 pounds and set between 30-33% body fat. I do spin bike and an assault bike but nothing has come close to running in place. As I age, I only get weirder and more mentally unsound so I have also given up on a girlfriend. Even if I was in my right mind, I refuse to take care of another man’s baby. At this age the only options available to me are single mom’s. I have a decent nest egg, but not enough to afford sugar hookers. So I will just continue to live alone. Maybe if I lose some more sanity I’ll finally be able to buy one of those AI girlfriends and not die of shame and cringe.
Yeah, I know. I'm doing what I can to get her excited again, and like I said, if we eliminate my lack of sexiness as a variable and things don't change, then we talk. It's worth a little effort on my part, don't you think?
Based effortmaker with limits. You deserve to have your dick sucked, king.
>expects oral sex from you
>won’t give you oral sex
lol who’s gonna tell him?
Lulz at that, bro. Nothing makes me harder than forcing an orgasm out of her. You'd understand if you ever had a woman dance on the tip of your tongue.
I lost weight and got muscular through dieting and lifting. I was a fat fuck my whole life and turned it around at 26.
How do you get a girl? I struggled hard thinking they will just flock to me when I'm fit. The reality is, you have to be around them. Go to several gyms, I had 3 memberships, not only did I enjoy the variety of gyms, you find new friends. At my first gym barely any girl looked at me, I was kinda down getting self esteem issues. I joined the second gym and a girl, way above my league, kept staring at me. After 2 years of black pill shit I just said fuck it and chatted her up. First I just said "hi" back to her. Then I worked out near her and started small chat.

4 years later, we are planning to get married. This girl also had many personal problems, she was 20 when I was 26. Low self esteem, TikTok fitness fucked with her head, we grew stronger together and are now happier then ever. I never believed that I would end like this, thinking back I was the super doomer black pill incel nigger. Crazy, LISTEN DO NOT LET THE CRAB LOSERS HERE PULL YOU DOWN.

count calories and work out
lift hard
lost weight
was nice to her
I lifted for years because I found it fun
I was always tall and good looking, I had my first kiss at 13 and always had women in my life as friends or more
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>let me fuck her ass
>let me
Cunnilingus is based but so is fellatio
>how you lost weight.
I'm still skinnyfat
>how you became muscular.
I'm a DYEL
>how you became beautiful.
low fat at your face
>how did you get girl.
I'm a virgin

any other questions?
>how you lost weight
CICO/IF. Cut out processed food, avoided sugarand alcohol, eat mostly fat and protein between 4pm and 10pm. Cheat day with normie friends to confuse them.
Walk 1 hour every night.

>how you became muscular
Home workouts with adjustable dumbells+kettlebells. Still lightweight, but building muscle mogs cardio for staying lean.

>how you became beautiful
>how did you get girl
Was my autistic, "mysterious" self. It really is a face game, if they like your face, they'll talk to you.
Body is literally irrelevant unless you're fat, then its a negative.
>lost weight
quit meds that made me fat, cico
tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide
> became muscular
went to the gym every day. autism beats optimization
> became beautiful
just put a bit of effort into every aspect (clothes/skin/perfume/accessories). Beauty is for other people to evaluate, so just ask if the stuff you're doing works for you
> get girl
I am 30 and I don't care about women anymore. Maybe it's the drop in test. Ironically, the less I care, the more women look at me and respond to me.
>how you lost weight.

Stopped eating processed food and and stopped drinking 3 times a week
>how you became muscular.
By playing sports and lifting / calsthenics routine.
>how you became beautiful.

Bought cltohes that fit and went to the haidresser on a regular basis

>how did you get girl.

Talked to a qt journalist girl that was fiming a documentary at my work and invited her to watch eurovision together
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Watch this video
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>PPL during summer, SL5x5 in winter
Redpill me on why you'd switch routines based in season. I'm currently doing SL but I only started like a month ago so I obviously don't know shit about anything.
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good genetics
I told her that, but she's just lazy. My being the dominant one
Cut off half my post.

My being the dominant one has led to her not trying too hard unless I demand it.
Based. I'm sure she'll get horny as a rabbit again once you get shredded.
>how you lost weigh
I lost 38kg. I really didn't know what I was doing at first, I just ate very little food and went for a run every day in the morning
>how you became muscular
Go to the gym
>how you became beautiful
I shaved my balding head and grew a bear and then realized that I have very good facial genetics and that bald looks good on my (I got a lot of attention from women since)
>how did you get girl.
I unironically got into PUA. Got rejected over 100 times at bars/clubs because I was super awkward at first, but eventually I became quite skilled with women.
Same. 600-800cal/day + vitamins. no exercise. lost 2 pounds per week.
In my experience, women don't get excited unless you are. They get aroused by you finding them irresistible. And there's the rub. Because 95% of women are not going to make themselves more attractive in a way that requires work. They'll buy some lingerie and change their hair, and think it's going to bring the spark back to their lovelife.

Every marriage I've seen fall apart due to lack of intimacy involved a woman that thought some petty act like going doggy style instead of missionary was good enough save their marriage. If that didn't work, it was *his* fault the lust in the bedroom is gone and she starts hitting Tinder. Meanwhile that woman is putting on 10 pounds per month and has no idea why you aren't as eager to wedge your face in between their cellulite-laden thighs and not enjoying the liquids, clumps, and smells stemming from mysterious sources.

Both people need to be working to stay as attractive as possible. Physical attraction instigates emotional attraction instigates a firm bond.
nice whitepill post
just count calories and track macros bro it's been said so many times
went from 6'3 105kg to 75kg by CICO (1 big meal, fruit throughout the day as filler) to 85kg (whatever i want, somewhat disciplined though)
gym, climbing, running, cycling
get lean lol
bumble, be pleasant and useful to be around. most of the motivation in my life comes from being useful and pleasant to those close to
She's treading water on the intimacy front and maybe very slowly drowning on the physique front. As we get older she's happy to do something moderately spicy once in a while, which usually does amount to lingerie, and although we still have plenty of sex it's all fairly vanilla. Like I said, blow jobs are few and far between and anal is a no, and honestly that's the farthest my sexual ambitions really go anyway.

I think part of the problem is that I'm completely fucking consumed with animal lust for her at every waking moment of my life. She doesn't have to do anything to keep my attention because it's a given, and it's going to continue to be an easy given for her until she gains 20 more lbs, which won't be for years at the rate she's going. I can't even masturbate enough to slow this lust down - I jerk off constantly, and I'll never stop, but the urge it satisfies is separate from what I feel for wife's body.

Hence, I'm getting shredded, more even than I ever was when we were dating. If that doesn't at least turn her on, hopefully it catches me enough obvious mires that she feels some pressure to perform to keep my attention.

Wish me luck, bros. It's not a perfect plan, but it's what I've got for now.
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>lose weight
CICO + walking
High volume well below max
Spam certain exercises (pullups and calf raised) multiple times a day because autistic and love repition
>become beautiful
Wash face + drink water + buy clothes that actually fit your body + be beautiful on the inside
Physiognomy is real. Ugly people are that way because they are evil.
>get the girl
Find them in the real world. Online/app dating is an oversaturated pool, IRL is the inverse. Take advantage of real world filters that do the preliminary screening for you. (This is why religion used to be a good selector back when people believed in it). For me it was
>niche major that only admits ~25 students per year
>hang out with woman that already has almost everything in common with me
>date her
>marry her
He looks like shit though
Women are evil and beautiful check mate

there you have your answers
I can smelle it
>lost weight
>became muscular
>became beautiful
always was
>get the girl
tall white with blue eyes
Because between mid November until end of January I don’t count calories and focus in strength (I do not bulk, that’s a meme). Being cold outside helps a lot.
Then I prepare for summer: PPL + cardio and start some sort of cutting (actually being on deficit) until May. From then onwards only PPL but maintaining.
just work hard, bro
Im a sucker for peach fuzz
Becoming fit didn't help me get girls. I got more when I was a skinny nerd. I get girls by being an asshole, that seems to be the only way that works regardless of how fit you are. Women are entirely psychological, you can be ugly and play hard to get and suddenly they want you. Likewise you can be a fit beta throwing yourself at them and they don't like you.
Its not a secret retard everyone knows how to get in shape, they just refuse to do it.
>i dont bulk its a maymay
>sort of cutting
decent genetics
random chance
simple as anon
What does it smell like?
>constantly coombrained
How old are you? I've preferred beating off to all the effort of pussy since I was late 20's and that's with a gf.
My dick! Somebody help, MY DICK!!
>how you lost weight.
>how you became muscular.
>how you became beautiful.
B urself
>how did you get girl.
See previous answer
>if you have godlike genetics
Ate less, lifted more, was always beautiful, just ask her out bro
Nigga, that's that nerve.
You all about her and she all about hers.
>settled into vanilla sexpectations
That's for the best. Sodomy is gross.
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Bulking as per definition is going for a big surplus. Even clean bulking. I am not a powerlifter. I eat at maintenance (sort of, as mentioned I am not counting calories), never overstuffing myself.
And then yes, close to warmer season I then go on deficit.
Built for BWC
You're clearly not the love of her life since she thinks she can take advantage of the fact you're in a relationship
>how you lost weight
I'm still fat
>how you became muscular
Lift heavy objects
>how you became beautiful
>how did you get girl
Be normal
>she's just a few pounds overweight and settled into vanilla sexpectations
Been there, bro. 2 decades together and the wife is nowadays back to hot body type (thanks gym).
But do not put a lot of expectation in sex. In my case it improved, but vanilla sex is always the final destination for wimmin'.
>How did you lose weight
Diet and exercise
It's hard but it's not complicated
That's not how it works. I went to school.

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