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/fit/ - Fitness

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I was originally gonna put this in /ck/ but think it fits better here.

So I know Pupusas are like notorious for being seen as a guaranteed weight (fat) gaining food.

Is it really that cut and dry?

I've been losing fat (while countering weight loss by building muscle). But up to now, I've been eating all sorts of other random shit (not bad not healthy, Ie, lunch menu Chinese food combo). I've been successful.

Thing is lately I've been killing Pupusas.

I eat a smallish sized bowl of cereal for breakfast/dinner, and for lunch in the middle of the day pig out with whatever it is that I want.

I'm starting to do that with Pupusas and everyone is telling me that I'm guaranteed to start getting fat but so far I haven't notice any of that.

Is that shit gonna hit me by surprise and all of a sudden I realize (damn, I have gained the fat back), or is it possible that I can maintain what I've been doing by eating 5 of them for my main middle meal (inb4 you fat fuck).

Remember, I am also working out so I am building some muscle mass little by little as far as I can tell.

Either way I think I'll cut back because i've been doing that for like let's say 3 days out of 7 days. I have the curtido with it.
>man made grains
>antinutrients galore
kek you can't be serious
I am serious, but I don't get your point. I'm not a /fit/ guy. I've just been doing this shit for fun and passively so I don't know what guru's here know. Kind of why I'm asking.
Fuck off ketoschizo
Start tracking calories if you're really worried about it, otherwise keep doing what you're doing and just weigh in regularly. Chill out on the pupusas if your pants start getting tight. Retards on /fit/ make this shit more complicated than it needs to be.
>Start tracking calories

I did do a quick look up of the calories and looks like the ones I eat (pork/cheese) are around 300 calories each. So at five, I'd still be 1,500 for five give or take. Not bad all things considered (going by the 2,000 calorie standard).

I am immediately thinking at worst, I may simply stay the same weight and not lose any more (which I do want to do), so not that I am thinking about this I am going to cut back on them.

Problem is I wake up early because of my work schedule and I'm hungry for my main meal earlier than most people and the only thing tasty enough is a place selling these delicious things.

I can fix that by simply eating something small to hold me down until I have other random crap (like Chinese food, Panda Express, or a Jersey Mikes).

Thanks man, What you're saying is exactly what my instincts are telling me but when every single person I run into tells me the same thing, I start to doubt myself.
Different anon, but pointing out the obvious when it comes to tracking calories you need to consider all your meals not just the calories from these Pupusas. 1500 only leaves you 500 spare for everything else you eat and drink that day based on your 2000 limit (altho I would recommend adding up what your average food day comes to in order to get a better limit). Don't stress over it, as you pointed out your body knows what it wants most of the time, just be considerate
Yeah, I figured that too and thanks for pointing it out just in case.

Good thing is that I purposely make myself go hungry for a while before I eat. I basically ignore any "trivial hunger" until I feel I really do need to eat something. By the time I order it, I'm like borderline starving, and then by the time I actually sit down and eat I am starving.

I've made that a key thing in losing the weight. Before this I would make it a thing to "never be hungry" and I would spoil my stomach like most people do.

I really don't get many other calories from anywhere else. Just those small bowls of cereal (mostly plain Special K which I think is a key factor in helping me lose weight).

One Powerade a day (which add some calories) but other than that all I drink is pure water so I don't worry about that.

That's why I kind of "wing-it'. I feel like all I need to know what to eat is what my body tells me and so far that's been going good for me.
based salvibro

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