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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is it true that there's not longer a fitness "middle class"? Everyone seems to very in shape or a blob.
I know how to fix 99% of America's problems: proper diet and exercise from a young age, and expelling all the jews.
Looks pretty close to 100% honestly
start with the latter and the former will mostly take care of itself
Only when you exist solely on the internet, literally just go to the gym and you see this isn't true/
It's just steroids/peds dingus.
I go to the gym and everyone is either jacked or fat
I honestly feel like this is the case. Either people care about their health or they don't. The ones that do are in great shape. The ones that don't care, get destroyed by all the crap in food, especially if you're American and they put all this junk in. I read the ingredients of like everything I buy. I'll literally stand at Costco reading ingredients down the aisle for nuts/protein/etc. You rarely ever ever see people reading the back of like mixed nuts or something, but you should. Some look healthy, but they're loaded with sugars.
Intermediate/advanced natties are the fitness middle class.
No, clown world is just flooded with retards who only see & speak hyperbole.
Yeah, the ones who don’t care were naturally led to a healthy enough lifestyle before. It was a default outcome for them. Now it isn’t anymore, so everyone that doesn’t specifically go out of the way for their health is way worse off.
Yup. These days I only see blobs or chads. Normal people are the minority
99% is pretty close to 100% retard
The middle class are in private office gyms, or on the streets commuting in spandex.
this, amount of people doing roids has never been higher
Call me selfish but I prefer that normies can't be healthy by default. Nothing worth having should just happen by accident, it should require conscious effort.
This is 100% true where I live (a developing central Euro nation), so I imagine it has to be much worse in the USA.

The average person's diet is significantly worse than it was decades ago, but the few that care about health have more resources and information at their disposal than ever before
You care or you don't, and those that don't just keep pushing the goalposts
Not really. You have more people on steroids, which may seem in shape to stupid people (like you). But overall, everyone is hilariously fat and unfit now.
Most everyone who's young and actually trying is hopping on gear (mostly SARMS) out of the gate. This is especially the case now that NIL money is on the line + there are larger pushes for globalization (rules are different everywhere but somehow we are all supposed to be "the same" so competitions will eventually optimize to the lowest social and moral standards) + it's a general safety issue for contact sports that's getting worse every day in light of the aforementioned points as well as physical reasons (can't bring a knife to a gun fight).
Very gay opinion.
>the ones who don’t care were naturally led to a healthy enough lifestyle before.
We just need a few more generations to hit old age after people started noticing that this is the case and things will trend back in a better direction. Most of the old people I grew up around thoguht that becoming disabled and retarded was just what happened when you got old. They had no idea they could literally stop eating processed garbage and do some light exercisee / reading and be far better. I think they worked so hard when they were young as they got older it felt like, now the reward for my hard work is I will only watch tv and eat packaged foods.
not just kikes we need to get rid of anyone darker than an italian ie muzzies kikes shitskins niggers asian pajeets kikes muzzies spics and iglooniggers
Lol WTF no.

Do you people live entirely with a phone/internet mediated experience? If you live in a large city, this is probably true, but it really isn't just jacked dudes and hamplanets everywhere.
I agree with GoyimExploder's thesis
I've lived in Paris and is San Antonio Texas.

The average Joe that doesn't care much about health and fitness can be carried by his countries habits to some extent.

In Texas, people that don't care about health are ALL extremely overweight or obese.

In Paris people walk a lot and do a lot of outdoor stuff without a car, usually only eat 3 times a day without snacking, still cook most of their meals and don't rely that much on ultra processed food.
As a result the "out of shape" guy is probably only skinny fat. Most of men are DYEL.

Of course Europe is only 25 years later than america and now obesity is becoming prevalent even in traditionally thin countries like France or Italy, for the same reasons it happened in America.
fat and weak is the default. Only genetic outliers (like the top 5%) look good, everyone else is absolute shit.

Unless, they figured out the right advices (lift heavy, get strong, whole foods, plenty of meat, calories in matter hugely) which shoudlnt be that tough, but is) everyone looks like shit. All thats left are the geentic outliers and the few of us freaks who leaned on the basics, avoided the memes and built muscle/got strong and stay lean.
I hope so because I'm an easy top 0.1%.
This is more chud paranoia.
When I look around in my small town everyone is fit, healthy, and noone is Fat......... at all.
You are just isolated and wondering what happened, you're 31 and all the years have flown by, now the girlfriend is gone, job is gone, balding etc
>t. psychological projection
Why is everyone so fit and healthy where I live compared to the rest of America
This. It’s also a race to the bottom with the “average”. You have plenty of people who are decent people but not health focused. In a sane and just world, they wouldn’t be physically impressive but would be a healthy body weight. In our clownworld fat is accepted and even glorified, it’s ok to be a piece of shit. These people see the worst examples of humanity and think “I’m not that bad” and ignore they are 20lbs overweight and haven’t jogged in a year.

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