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/fit/ - Fitness

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>be bi liberal loser
>jerk to degenerate porn all day
>start losing weight because fat
>might aswell start lifting to
>get in shape
>stop watching gay shit almost completely
>start having really racist world views
>really wanna make kids and become a father
someone explain this to me
your balls finally dropped
you seized power
getting stronger brought control back and made you feel less reliant on others. this leads to increased ego hence your racist views surfaced
i know this as i became increasingly homophobic and xenophobic the better i was looking and the stronger i became
Another degenerate piece of shit's life saved
Your hormone levels are now healthy and that leads to mental health improvements. You must've had a pretty bad hormonal imbalance which would have negative health effects throughout the body not just on the brain. But you're healing, keep up the good work.
Welcome to manhood brother. Keep it going and mog every mother fucker ever.
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I'm also bi and i also noticed i have more sex with women dreams now that i'm working out again. Still like gay shit though.
Your testosterone and dopamine has returned to healthy levels. You also grew an ego and self respect from seizing power for yourself in some way. The racism was always there though. When reddit was shut down and they flooded this website I had never seen the word nigger used so much
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Checked. Based post.
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Liberal views are always a result of being weak and effeminate.

Only women and effeminate males are offended by things like racism or having other strong convictions.
They live in a world in which everything is wishy-washy and everything is relative.
That's why they're afraid of thinking on their own, and they're always getting their opinions from "expert" authority figures.

You don't necessarily have to become physically strong to change this. You can get a similar result by becoming more self-reliant and independent.
It's about personal responsibility and taking charge of your situation, which women and leftist "men" can't do.
Having a successful business or being self-employed, instead of an NPC wagie, will also have this effect.
>another off topic shitpost from a pol-rotten brain who has to think of everything in his life in terms of political bullshit because he has no personality or social reationships and latches on to tribalism to feel like he belongs to something
absolutely fucking pathetic
Yeah, let me guess, 4chan-posting leftist hater, you have a very successful self-employed business right?
Kill yourself you disgusting STD ridden faggot. Bisexual men are walking sewage bags.
That's interesting, the opposite happened to me
Bi isn't a thing
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>be bi bu be bo by bo ba bu be
I'm actually NEETing off the large amount of money I've made gambling with cryptocurrencies lol. (I live on my own)
But I don't see how is this any controversial. It's just common sense.

Being self-sufficient and independent makes you less likely to conform to the opinions of others and more likely to have strong convictions.
Being self employed or business owner is just one example of the many things you can do to achieve that.
A democracy of high status males created the mobocracy we have today take the ancap pill
A mob of high-t men can easily be subverted by a skilled manipulator.
fitness is inherently right-wing. you took back charge of your masculinity. left-wingers are on average more busy victimizing themselves and finding excuses of why the world is unfair. Instead of doing so, you're improving. Hence you stop being a retarded commie
Devout lefties default to embracing self hatred. Be it inflicting direct humiliation on themselves by consuming cuck/faggot porn, or self-sabotaging on a greater scale by encouraging immigration of brown hordes.

It just takes one step towards regaining your self respect, i.e. exercising, and you begin breaking free of the self-defeating mindset. From there anything is possible, especially becoming immortal by fathering a legacy. Good luck, don't be too hard on yourself when you cringe at your past.
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you started getting more natural test, and you're on 4chan so you've probably absorbed conservative talking points and changed your baseline political stances based on that. you probably also associated your shit habits with your other political views ("bi liberal loser") so you've used them as a scapegoat.

before you end up going down some retarded grifter rabbit hole, go read some real political philosophy. pick up some fuckin' adam smith, some hobbes, some locke, some becarria, some paine. don't waste time with internet shit, just fuckin' read, talk to people irl, figure out what you actually hold dear, what you believe in, read some more after that. make your life count man, don't waste it.
>really racist worldviews
You're still a faggot if you think seeing the world for what it truly is makes you "racist".
>Take the ancap-pi- *gets enslaved by another country because you niggers are adverse to even the slightest idea of a unified army*
>A skilled manipulator can screw up a good thing
And? That's a universal challenge, not a criticism.
>start having really racist world views
This is not a good thing.
Shut up nigger.
You were only a bi liberal because you're a weak loser. You're still a loser but you're part of a different tribe now. You don't really believe what either have to say, none of these guys do but they don't want to also admit they're losers so they have to prop you up, king loser
Correct, homosexuality is the result of unhappiness and trauma. Glad you got better
You're right, it's an amazing thing.
Monarchism is the final redpill
sure tripfag post body i eanna laugh at how dyel you are
some dead kike isn't going to decide who rules me
Liberalism is an effect of hormonal imbalance. Healthy people with brains that work properly are naturally straight, racist and intolerant of degeneracy.
>/pol/tard is actually gay
You seem upset. Are your feelings hurt?
Everybody should be racist.
cute elf
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Marge who brought up dead kikes
this picrel rings true, but is there a proper source that you could share on that?
>I live in my parents’ basement and managed to make $200 in crypto last month so I’m basically self employed.
>should be
Everybody is inherently racist. Its a byproduct of how we got to this point in civilization
Only a subset of people can be honest about it
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It actually is good to become honest and experience ego growth. You're seeing the world correctly and overcoming the fear that the media and educational system use to keep you down.

Just be careful of the opposite extreme. You can easily become megalomaniacal and throw away intellectual discipline and end up in an another fantasy, this time self-aggrandizing instead of self-diminishing. Every conspiracy theorist does this and it's an ugly thing, especially when they're old. Look at the boomers producing antisemitism on Unz dot com. That is real spiritual failure. They're too old to change.

SOME taboo things are true (race & IQ, for example). But more taboo does not equal more true. You do not need to become a Holocaust denier who thinks Israel did 9/11. Stay cool, be skeptical, and hold yourself to high epistemic standards. You're worth it, king.
>be me
>from.age 18 to 30 be super mega whore. Slept with some 50 women and had so manu ONS and weird kinky shit going on i could write a book.
>fit as fuck
>sports, parties and work are my shit
>age 30-34 get super depressed because gambling, job and falling in love 2x unsuccessfully.
>feel like disappointment in life
>get to a very VERY low point
>imho my estrogen is all time high. Feelnlike shit
>start indulging in gay porn. But its through furries (i may also become autistic at the time) because i cant stand male humans and then to stuff you see in B - femboys.
>Slowly descend to grindr
>talk to weirdos and have my self esteem heightened when dudes 1p yrs younger than me find me attractive.
>i go from trying to fuck dudes
>fuck one. Im no good i am too aggressive during sex and have short but fat cock. and he said he didnt enjoy it.
>year later i go into bottom mode
>get fucked in the butt by the most transgender looking crossdresser guy who was sworn conservative(this was weird dude, but cool overall).
> get back to gym
>get motivated
>all gayness disappears
>find new gymbunny 8/10 gf

My scientific conclusion is that low test can make you gay. Imho i simply never felt any stigma i never found sexy not being the one who penetrates a vagina. Low test literally persuaded me to be a butt for fucking and i just went for it.
It was a weird experience, not traumatising, but showed me that under a rock bottom, there's always an even deeper rock bottom. You can always take degeneracy one step further.

This makes me think that aside from hardcore gays, a lot of modern gay kids are just aupwr low test.
Degenerate porn is part of a biological high risk high reward strategy. Conservative life path is more certain that you will have 2.4 kids, but getting into wack fringe stuff means you might meet some equally freaky girl and never stop having sex with her(which in any time before the last century would mean at least a dozen kids). It's not exactly the most unusual strategy, especially given modern society seems to say only the top 5% of guys deserve to even look at pussy.
Testosterone. Soon you will be going bald
Damn, literally me
Down 90 lbs and just started lifting yesterday
I don't want to became a racist natalist
interesting point of view
It's important to think why things might have been a winning strategy and selected for at one point. It's kinda like the criminal calculus of "I could steal this and be richer now vs the chance IF I'll get caught and punished", it can be a logical move, especially if you're bad at math. It also ties into short term "how do I win now?" vs long term "how do I live in a better society?"

Though convincing people with their conscious brain of their subconscious self-destructive tendencies is not an enviably task.
Literally every do-nothing basement dweller says this. It's like the fifth time I've seen some hikineet pretend to be a crypto mogul to look less pathetic on the internet.
Before I worked out, mixed kids didn't used to give me a disgust response. I'm black. Now half white kids look retarded to me, better to stick to our own race.
Its a great thing
Welcome back to humanity anon, we were always hoping you would make it back home.
Niggers faggots woman and children. Kys
>Be fat
>Lose weight
>Now want to fuck everything in sight as long as I find it attractive
>Want to fuck twinks 24/7
You lost weight to conform, I lost weight to become a mass of hormones and primal strenght. We are not the same.
You removed your reflection time. You had too much, you passed equilibrium along the way, and now you're in deficit. In the moment, take 10-15 minutes to do NOTHING prior to focused time on reflecting to see a more pronounced effect. The infusion of testosterone into you will point you away from reflection towards action, but a good life is a healthy mix of those two and a few other things. Be kind to yourself and take time for your self, anon. Not every gain is an improvement - some are simply "more".

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