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220kg squat after training for 10 years
Dyel or strong?
Objectively strong. Strength gains aren't linear forever.
Most retarded fitness influencer to ever exist.
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>10 years of training
>155 kg x 4 to 180 kg x 13

That is objectively fucking terrible and this is a great lesson to not do stupid memey bullshit like squatting every day
I feel like at that point you should be much stronger
I squat 140 and I only do sissy squats
Yeah, you would do those, you sissy.
I hope you lift more weight and have been lifting for less than 10 years. Gonna be real embarrassing when you tell us you can only squat 280lbs
It's more embarrassing to make that little of progress specializing completely in one lift
>i cant actually lift more than him and ive been lifting for way longer
sniffing that copium real hard
>t. went from 90kg to 110kg 1RM squat in only half a year (really 3 years, but I'm inconsistent with training, so 2.5 of them don't count), so if I actually tried, I'd be way better than Ivan.
Its even more embarrassing that you don't understand beginner gains stop

if it took me 10 years to squat 60 more pounds 9 more times I would actually fucking kill myself

This guy either has dogshit genetics, his training "method" sucks, or both
>I would actually fucking kill myself
I'll be waiting.
It sounds like you have never stepped foot in a gym. Do you also want to question why WRs aren't always broken every year?
post body geek. cant wait to see what kind of dyel talks like this
>t. bodybuilding dyel who suqats 2pl8s for sets of 8 and thinks 5pl8s is a lot
>squats 5pl8ts
>doesn't post body to shut up dyels, not even legs
>no why would i ever lie on the internet

it's so funny seeing people go to bat for this guy

if you train for 10 years doing only one lift and only improve by 60 pounds and 9 reps, you need to seriously take a look at how you train because that is a seriously pathetic result given the amount of effort you've put in

if he had done an actual program he probably could've achieved that same result in a year of dedicated training
Damn good bait, or the most retarded take I've seen in weeks
i want you to explain to me why somebody who dedicates an entire decade of their life to training back squat would only be able to improve their squat by 9 reps and 60 pounds
It is very well within your body's capabilities to adapt to what ivan lifts. His progress is shit because he trains everyday
Newbie gains stop because it's not easy for the body to adapt to a 3pl8 bench or a 6pl8s squat, but for any less than that, 10 years should be more than enough
>His progress is shit because he trains everyday

This is what I'm trying to say, his method is ass-backwards but he continues to do it even though his progress is dogshit

For some reason the people on this board feel the need to suck off his less-than-mediocre progress
Post body.
training everyday can have it's use if you dont know how to train a certain body part, you can learn while you accumulate fatigue, but after 10 years he should know better
not an argument
nah people on this board believe that the guy who spins his wheels making zero progress in ten years of training (TEN YEARS) is so impressive because a 4pl8 squat is so much to them
Its impressive he's not completely crippled
>somehow trying to fabricate that 5 plates isn't a big squat?
>inb4 "but some people squat 7 plates!"
Why are power shitters so insecure and mentally ill?
Who are you referring to?
I'm baiting the obvious sperg that will bite
bruh legs are really strong that's what you dont get
any dyel squats 225 within their first year of lifting for reps
5 plates is anybody who isnt a faggot and trains consistently type of weight.
Bodybuilding dyels dont know how to use their muscles
Post 5pl8 squat (low-bar 90 degree "squat" are not squats btw).
He really would have gotten infinitely better results by stopping this squat every day nonsense ages ago. I am not saying a 220kg squat is bad, but it is objectively bad in the sense that had he input time differently he would be infinitely stronger and more muscular. He has wasted a lot of time. But then again everyone wastes time in some ways, I just can't relate to the reasoning as to why he enjoys wasting time squatting everyday.
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>squat every day for 10 years
>look like a DYEL
>make close to zero progress for years
If he squatted 1 day a week he'd be better off
Why even squat more than 5pl8sish for reps seriously dude I'm not trying to look like a pear
Yeah, what also annoys me about this is that he postures as a family man that is desperately trying to make the time to spend time with his family due to just how much he works, yet he does useless workouts that accrue fatigue only and waste valuable time that he could spend with his family, lol
I'm of the opinion that 2/3/4/5 is the point that you're properly "wow that guy's strong" tier (nowhere near that yet myself, but we'll get there), so yeah I'd say a 5plate squat is a good squat-looks like he's fairly light too. I feel like there are a lot of people that have gotten there faster by squatting a lot less frequently, but with meme programmes like this part of the appeal is the challenge of keeping that consistency rather than the actual results. Bottom line, he now has a big squat from doing this at presumably a low bodyweight, and great looking form judging by that picture
for a dyel looking natty this is very strong
his periodization wasn't even optimally set due to him squatting every single fucking day
whats his BW?
the "squat every day" thing is obviously less than optimal for actually making progress but I do admire the discipline. I'd never do it but it's cool that there's someone who does.
When he rests though.... He's going to have to rest for a really long time before he's fresh again
Imagine the prs
I would love for him to stop squats everyday and change to bench or pull ups everyday for another ten years. Rest his legs for five years and see what happens.
Once I squatted everyday for a week and I had to rest for 5-6 days
>almost 4x your strength
this is decent, not bad by any means
155*4 is what? 3pl? so he started 3pl and 4xed that
He did 180kg x 13 a month ago and this week he failed a 180kg x 1

I’ve been lifting for 20 years and I’ve never had such a a dramatic performance drop, this says a lot about his training method being shit
I don't think he's call what he's doing influencing... He's just a guy with a camera and a squat rack...
It is and you're losing it.
i mean he has a patreon and i checked just now and he's got 167 people sending him money. he also sells merch. i doubt he makes that much but he's turned this into a kind of job which is pretty much the same as being an "influencer"
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ITT Ivan coping

good riddance I daresay
>lifting in metric
there is no one that can lift 220kg regardless of time in gym or body composition that can be considered weak
you sissy squat 140kg? the fuck does that mean, how are you even loading that? you liar
ITT: strong guy does impressive lift. incels claim they could have done better in less time.. but didn't. for reasons. it's not their fault. it's probably the trans fault or something.

source? delusions and ego
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>thirteen repetitions with 180 kg on your back is terrible.
You're a joke. This board is a joke.
Going by estimated 1RMs, it's a difference of about 170 to 260ish.
If you think that it's not impressive progress, you're outing yourself as someone that knows absolutely nothing about lifting and clearly never experienced the diminishing returns.
You probably tell yourself that you can get to a 3 plate bench within 2 years! Yeah no going from 100 to 120 is usually going to be easier than 120 to 140. Each extra kg is going to be more difficult to get, and the only people that think it won't affect them are weak beginners.
I went from 140kg x5 to 220kg x5 in 4years. I also stopped going gym for a couple months there and i also stopped squatting entirely for a couple months there too
b-but muh work ethic
It would be impressive if it were over two or three years

not TEN
You are severely retarded. I think this guy is a weirdo and his gimmick is very fucking stupid but he's strong by all non roider standards.
no no no anon it's very impressive

you must not even lift! dont you understand dimishing returns??
is there a equivalence ratio for ATG high-bar squat vs powershitter style wide low-bar barely-to-parallel squat? Obviously the former is much more impressive but I'm curious what it's comparable to since most strength standards for squat assume powerlifter lower-bar style
I squat 245 kg high bar and 260 kg low bar (and normally only train low bar, just did the high bar for lulz and to dispell copes about how low bar is so much easier).
99.9% of people saying 4pl8 aint shit either dont go full ROM or are most likely doing some low bar good morning squat variation which is basically a hip thrust.
Based rational anon
The only people on this board who can Squat 5 plate are roiders or /plg/ oldfags.
It is objectively strong to do that and 99% of the people dragging this guy will never even rack that once for a shaky quarter rep.
nigga it's quite clear what I meant
It's objectively strong, but if that's ten years of serious strength training and chasing squat PRs then I'd be somewhat disappointed. Depends on whether your squat is your strongest lift, I guess.
Anyone who ever even mentions 2/3/4/5 is a dyel that doesn't lift. No, that is not a reasonable standard. Your other lifts will be much higher when you reach 2pl8 OHP - it is not proportional. Only 1/2/3/4 kinda works because they're all lifts anyone should be able to arrive at after a year give or take.
Even in /plg/ we have teenagers squatting (close to) that. It's a great weight, but it shouldn't take you ten years to hit it unless you have really shitty genetics/poor programming.

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