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I may be retarded overlooking something here but it just doesnt make sense to me
>be me
>get pain in one shoulder for overdosing on overheads
>throttle down on overheads
>no dice
>resort to stopping shoulders overheads etc
>nope, issue just scales up and down depending the situation, never completely gone, months pass and its just there at some capacity
>"you should lightly workout that muscle to actually recover properly"
>uh huh
>start doing all that therapy stuff, do bands, do girl weights then move to dyel weights
>nothing changes at all
>fuck it, i had enough
>go all in on that bastard as if there was no issue
>good god
>this is a pain i've never even thought possible
>pain is constant
>just rip my fucking arm off
>can feel entire tendons there via touch, entire length of rotator cuff bloated and flared very noticeably
>non stop pain
>any movement in the arm causes additional surge of pain so strong that it shuts down my entire body momentarily, cant sleep while having constant pain, wake up every 30 mins from pain, cant do anything
>it hurts so bad, when in wake up confusion I accidentally pull my boxers down with that arm to pee, I nearly puke from pain, fall on my knees for minutes due vision blacking out
>spend 2 days near constantly ice packing the area
>on 3rd day pain is completely gone???
>the lingering pain that lasted for months is gone too
>everything's all fixed up, throw a full max set of ohp, lat raise, oh triceps, all solid
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Image brings back memories lol.

As for muscle growth and hypertrophy, there actually isn't a clear consensus on the mechanism behind it. While everyone agrees how to do it, why it happens still isn't clear. The tiny tears hypothesis is just one of many.
is that guts chopping lines with dragon slayer? cuz thats fucking awesome.

Also, purely conjecture OP but I had a similar issue with my right shoulder. I backed off and took care of it for a few months and avoided working shoulders. When I went back to it things felt okay so I hit it hard and like you it blew the fuck up. Terrible pain. Went away a few days later and hasn't came back since. I asked a doctor about it while I was in for another visit, He thought it may have been a bone spur in the shoulder that tore the muscles and tendons a new ass, breaking off in the process. He also said when a spur separated it becomes what they refer to as a "Bone Mouse" which is a fragment of bone floating around in your muscles and tendons. They typically dissolve and go away with time.

No idea if he knew fuck all about what he was talking about but since I haven't had issues since, I'm cool with it.
I need to find a cute black twink
>As for muscle growth and hypertrophy, there actually isn't a clear consensus on the mechanism behind it
I thought it was pretty clear. Your muscle cells take in the material of some cells floating around them and get bigger
well, muscles recover by re-storing glycogen reserves, then, any damage done to the tissue requires protein to be repaired, therefore you protein synthesis increases. After a good workout, just like your shoulder, your muscles stay swollen, because they need that extra bloodflow.

All of this is enhanced by bloodflow, when you felt that pain and swole on your shoulder, there was a lot of blood there, it was all being repaired. I assume for some reason there wasnt much blood flow to that zone. When there's bloodflow there's all of the building blocks for whatever it is that needs recovering. Recovery can be quite quick if you're not very big or underdeveloped in a certain part of your body. If your shoulder got beat up from just pushing heavy I guess something was weak and suffered from over use very quick
Now even though that sounds like broscience it actually makes decent sense, accurate enough to explain the situation thank you. If it is what it was at least Id be glad you dont get surgery for the bone mouse.
>has some recreational drugs now to cope with all the shit hes been through
>Casca is chilling in the bed presumably post coitus while being unharmed
Oddly this pic makes me feel good for Guts

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