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Are there any varbies at your gym? The only women who go to mine are 50 years old and out of shape.
do their enlarged clits make it easier for them to orgasm
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sounds like there's no downsides to it for women then
No sadly, theres a couple of slim athletic girls but no muscle mommies
yeah, dated one. Her enlarged clit was bigger than my bbc.
fuuuuck it must’ve been awesome to suck that lol her engorged clit not your bbc btw
thanks for the clarification anon, that was dangerously close to being super gay, but I see now that it is infact super straight
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nope, just boomer shitlibs. You can always tell when they're around because all the tv's are set to cnn or msnbc
Just today they were all huddled by the water fountain, talking about how 'not even they could've predicted how quickly biden's dementia decline could've been'.
There's one but she's bogged out with a fucked up face and fake ass. Prob doesn't even count as a varbie at this point, just a dysmorphia victim
So many, every time of day but mostly at night, literally come to Brazil, not having varbies is the exception.
Haven’t seen any yet we got mostly zoomer girls with an occasional 7 or 8. Of all the vagina walking around only about 1 in 20 knows how to train or works hard enough to get good results
When I went to the rec center, it was only men. No women, no children. Many niggers, some spics, odd hwiteguy, growing amount arabs, somalis, sudanese, etc..
Women knew better than to go there. They recognize what is token rape culture and what is real rape culture.
One of the guys there is currently serving a stint for stabbing a gas station clerk to death.
Don't they become infertile?
Most girls rather take adderall or not eat at all
My gym in terms of women is like:
10% underage girls goofing around
1% actual varbies/foid bodybuilders
30% girls that just do cardio/pilates
30% prime college age big ass thots
and the rest is like old women doing rehab stuff, milfs doing shitty aerobic classes and stuff like that
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and another one, both competing, this one has ifbb pro card
Why are zoomer guys either cool and chill or the most bitchy passive aggressive cunts you will ever encounter? Theres no in between
Emasculation and mental illness, likely.
There’s an underage varbie at my gym. She has pecs bigger than most men, zero tits to speak of and a big nose. She likes to wear ass riding yoga shorts and see through sports bras with her nips poking out. I want to look away but I can’t.
post your creepshots
Go near her and fuck her
No but I did have some bitch today have her default phone alarm going off every 2 minutes to tell her to change exercises.
Theres a lot of autistic bitches into fitness
Women are so fucking stupid for wanting to look like a man and thinking that's hot, when juicy bimbos with big tits and ass are actually hot. They should take estrogen and progesterone while exercising to stay lean, their tits and ass will get joocy af while their waist stays skinny. Attractive women aren't about where their muscles are but where their fat stores and female hormones dictate that. Obviously if trannies can take then to grow tits, they make actual women's tits grow bigger. Idk why whores even get implants, they're so fucking dumb it hurts. Muscle butts look and feel terrible too.

I think anavar doesn't do that, idk. It's the girl steroid because it doesn't make their faces turn into man faces. It doesn't have very masculinizing effects.
Eh i like bimbo face girls with anavar bodies
Dope estrogen/progesterone to bimbofy then anavar to lean out. The world of hormone doping for maximum bimbofication has yet to be mastered. Imagine bimbo contests instead of bodybuilding faggotry.
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I love roided white women so much, bros
This is considerably more than anavar
You are a homosexual and probably a roidtranny yourself, sad.
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>You are a homosexual and probably a roidtranny yourself, sad.
I haven't done my first cycle but I do find the occasional guy attractive
Nothing sad about it
that thing is grotesque
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>that thing is grotesque
The mutant-like qualities are what I find attractive
Damn I bet her coochie could milk you dry just when she flexes.
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Power pussy must feel incredible
That's awesome, she doesn't even need a strap on to fuck you.
have to see her face
would out of sheer curiosity but would never associate with in public
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>would out of sheer curiosity but would never associate with in public
If I walked around arm in arm with a massive, bloated ogre of a woman, everyone would know how based and secure I am in my masculinity
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It's not insecurity it's just that I actually find them quite grotesque but my dicks gonna do what a dick does.
I feel you brother If I see a man and my dick twitches can’t deny what it wants I’m tearing that ass up but I’m not on that gay shit
I want to be young

God I fucked it up so bad
You're alive, brother

My last gym crush IRL was in her 40s
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I've only once seen a varbie irl, she had bigger arms than me (at the time) and acne.
yeah there's one 6 feet tall young blonde with gigantic thighs and ass that squats like 3pl8, I've seen her glancing at me a few times and she bent over close to me when I was just starting and a DYEL lmao
She wants your dick bro lol hit that one time for me
Nah she has a bf, also possibly on roids, def bigger than me but I'm absolutely hopeless, a handsome schizoid. I've had a bunch of other girls give me signs at the gym but I've never talked to them
No just a bunch of post wall wome trying to get back what's long, long gone
checkd & also a handsome schizoid lol Ive fumbled so many baddies it fucking hurts so bad. we get up & we try again tho
lmao I sometimes have to laugh to how bizarre I am and totally adverse to a normal human mindset. There's a phat ass girl that I always see staring at me and also seems like a loner but I feel like I cannot change myself and let anyone in
if you're over 18 you can fuck 21 year olds
even 95 year olds are over 18
"handsome" schizoids interpret signs from normal women simply exercising.
C’mon dude. Let them have this. It’s not like they’re successfully banging them.
Ya I feel like a Chadcel. It's more of a game to me to see which girls are attracted to me, I feel like I can detect subtle signs but the girls in my previous post sometimes stares at me for 10-15 secs and have had some girls eyefucking me.
Just am too broken and comfy being alone that I've never made a move
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>Just am too broken and comfy being alone that I've never made a move
This but I also know enough about women that the wrong one could make me lose my job, money, and lifestyle

Besides that, my sexual tastes are really specific and 70 percent of the women I see daily don't qualify
When she breaks neck to check you out, when she shoots a smile when you lock eyes, when no one else is around and there’s plenty of space but she decides to do ass bending exercise in front of your face and you question if this bitch is retarded, I’ll certify that, but just staring isn’t the best signifier something more is afoot
I'm autistic but since a few years I've started to notice girls being attracted to me and sometimes making more eye contact with them. I'm very sure that staring and making eye contact is the first "move" girls make if they want you. I sometimes have moments where I eyefuck girls but I cannot go beyond that and risk losing my loneliness
>I’m autistic
Oh ok. Understood. I guess I require more so I don’t delude myself. On the flip side, if you pretend to not notice the ”checking out”, and they really are trying to make a first move to let you know they’re interested, they’ll make a more obvious attempt to get your attention
just busting their balls man, it's good for their socialization to get ribbed every once in a while. Can't treat em with kids gloves otherwise they're gonna scare off the first woman that they actually talk to.

seem like nice fellas, maybe try to get a date. Not everyone needs a gf/spouse, but for most loneliness will be crushing as you age.
>'the right'
why are americans so retarded? Most people in the developed world understand politics is a game and just vote for who benefits the the most. But you make it your identity
My gym is full of faggots
t.homegym masterrace.
>face like a punched lasagna
It's not really instinctive for women to do that I think, girls will show you they're interested but the man has to make the first move. It's just basic biology imo
>girls will show you they’re interested
In their minds that’s considered making the first mov
No. All I got are trust fund college kids and old rock climbers.
god imagine her holding you by the wrists up against a wall... fuck...
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Reading patterns that don’t exist is the whole point of schizoids, I’m not surprised by this.
I’m a different guy than those other two, but I kinda feel the struggle. I’ve taken the RAADS autism test, and score safely in the normal range, but I’m also almost maxed out on the social anxiety factors, so I’m still struggling out here.

Can’t tell if I’m sexy or not, was seriously an emaciated runner guy as a teen, then skinny fat for a number of years post college, now back to kinda wiry but DYEL - like 180 at 6’3. Ive got Matthew mcconaughey hair, but my hairline + density is kinda disloyal now that I’m in my late twenties. On the other hand, I’m almost 6’4, blue eyed, tan, and have a jawline again since I’m not a lardass anymore. Usually cleanshaven, been think about doing the mustache again though, I grow one like once a year then never follow through on it haha

I definitely notice that I’m getting looked at, but damn, I’ve completely forgotten how to talk to women, and I can never shake the anxiety that they’re actually looking at me because I’m doing something retarded, or that I’m gonna misinterpret and come off like a creep.

Not actually an incel, lost my virginity at 18, been in one long term relationship from 19-23, and had a couple one night stands, but I’ve been out of the game for a couple years now and just kinda forgot how to socialize. And I wasn’t good at it to begin with, I’ve always just got lucky and had a girl in my circle take the initiative.

For what it’s worth, definitely deserve some light mockery for this, I acknowledge that it’s clown behavior, and that I need to get my shit together in terms of confidence.

/blogpost lol
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I find a lot of girls who take gear to get ripped were molested or abused in some way when they were young. I suspect it's their way of coping so they no longer feel vulnerable. Regardless they almost all have some type of mental issue and the drugs definitely make it worse so it's best to stick to short term interactions with them.
Fuuuuck you’re handsome my schizonigga
Thanks bro, can’t honestly tell if you’re serious lmao
Gotta be honest, I’ve got that “Chad embrace” hairline, and barely any ab definition despite being an adult man with a bmi of 22. I think I’m literally too skinny to have good abs, there’s just not enough muscle there.
But yeah, feeling a bit better about my face and jawline these days, being a 210 pound skinny fat fucking sucked.
One of these days I’m gonna develop self esteem and go get some zoomettes
Back on the bulk soon, pretty sure I need way more beef to pull cute varbie-gymnast type mamacitas. Just don’t want to start bulking hard without getting at least a little more lean, so I can hammer my training and food without bloating out my cheekbones and jaw lol
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>face like a punched lasagna
I'd eat her pasta for sure
Your gym and my gym sound very similar, OP
>if only you knew how bad things really are
There's one Greek/Middle Eastern girl who deadlifts more than 95% of the gym. She's buff as fuck. Makes me hard just typing about it.
I lift on weekends so the gym is filled with geriatric people doing assisted rehab.
I guess they don't hog the bench at least
>I love roided white women so much, bros
Post one rather than a mutt then?
Is it bad that I want to take a varbie and architect her? Bonus points if she’s a tomboy and I get her to start wearing more skirts and dresses.
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>Post one rather than a mutt then?
That's just plastic surgery, anon
She used to look like this
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Now, several steroid cycles and rounds of lip filler later, she looks like this
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My, that's a big one
No, that guy's not kidding at all. It's obvious from your jaw, nose and cheekbones that you're handsome, like Arno-Breker-statue good-looking.
n-no homo
You’re 6’4”ish white blue eyed long haired as long as your face is decent you should have zero issues with women
aww man damn
>wanting to look like a man and thinking that's hot
Wrong, they were molested and decided to become as strong and unattractive as possible to never let that happen again
Fuuuuck that’s hot lol tell us more
Yes, a few that I would consider Varbie tier. They're all +35 though. The younger ones are too soft. No Anavar in their systems.

t. Middle aged steroid user
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I used to train at a small facility my friend opened where a past Ms Natural Olympia occasionally trains. She was pretty hot when she wasn't fully dieted down, but her face got pretty gaunt when she'd get ripped.
I don't go there during the day anymore because there are too many teenaged girls running around in booty shorts and it distracts me far too much on my training, so I go after 8 PM when they close for training and I'm the only one there.
>Just am too broken and comfy being alone that I've never made a move
How are you supposedly too broken and comfy being alone?
You even said that you have plenty of girls who constantly stare at/eyefuck you.
Seriously, I admit and doubt that there are benefits to being a single guy who isn't getting laid, even though I'm college, have been called "jacked" numerous (though only from other men) and work part-time after classes and studying at the library.
I'd even prefer being in a relationship with a reasonably beautiful woman, even if she's a clingy, moody, yet loyal psycho from hell.
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My gym is in the middle of a big office park and there are a lot of extremely attractive women who flouce around the machines and do yoga and shit. They all wear gymshark tights and do their hair nice.

I am a 5/10 on a good day though so I avoid looking at them. It's very demoralizing.
their internal issues are far too great to successfully be with a woman
There's alot of things going on but it feels like it intrudes on my privacy and I feel lots of shame and inadequacy because I'm a loser with no social life, anhedonia (muted emotions and joy) and socially retarded.
I basically resonate with most of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder
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>a gym where there are a lot of extremely attractive women who flouce around the machines and do yoga and shit. They all wear gymshark tights and do their hair nice.
>I am a 5/10 on a good day though so I avoid looking at them. It's very demoralizing.
I 110% feel your frustration Anon.
Even though I enjoy calisthenics and weightlifting, my muscle mass is solid withv14.1% bodyfat and very low visceral/belly fat (just posting this to prove I'm not lying) though I just can't bring myself to approach nor talk to any of the cute women at the gym, at the library etc.
I don't have the best face nor the best teeth, so I strongly believe any woman will turn me down even if I'm chill and make a subtle/calm move.
Besides, I'm in The Netherlands.
Contrary to popular belief about NL being multicultural and open:
My country is pretty segregated and xenophobic, you don't just make small talk (let alone approach women) here.
There are even plenty of women-only gyms and women-only zones here in various gyms.
I really fucking hate to sound like a black-pilled, hopeless doomer, though talking to women, especially the cute/beautiful ones is almost impossible if (you're not 100% Dutch: you and both of your parents are Dutch and Caucasian), hence the segregation if you have a different ethnicity and race.
I wish you the best of luck Anon
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>>74782394 # #
Damn, I >>74782735 forgot to post the picture I mentioned for proof.
you just posted this
I'm getting the ick now.
I replied to the wrong Anon
There was one at my old gym who competed in figure competitions
She did a lot of walking on treadmills to burn extra fat and work her calves
I picked that up from her and am quite pleased with the effects
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