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Does working out actually help with anxiety?
For some people it does
Yeah it definitely can help. In roundabout ways too. Like it made me more confident in myself, so I became less anxious in life as a result. Probably helped directly with health too to reduce anxiety and stress.
working out is a noun you mean workingout
yes, and not even in roundabout way like this anon says >>74771163

it helps immediately. doing a tough workout while anxious will ease your anxiety.
>doing a tough workout while anxious will ease your anxiety
This right here, in fact whenever I don't work out for extended periods of time for whatever reason I can feel a sort of anxiety buildup and feel like shit until I can finally train
Weightlifting alone not so much.
It takes about a ~500 calorie burn per day to really blunt anxiety. But weightlifting + cardio + a little walking here and there will usually meet that.
Yes. It helps get your mind out of looping because you are focusing on the present moment. Try to take a few deep breaths before you start your sets, breathe through your nose while lifting. You could even try wearing noise reduction headphones (not electronic ones, just the basic ones construction folks and autistic kids wear).
Really important: don't compare yourself to those around you (how much weight they are lifting etc) and try not to imagine they are judging you. (They won't be, they'll be too caught up in their own heads.) I haven't looked lately but you can probably find some online stuff on mindful weightlifting.
Try to find an old school gym (rather than big glossy chain) like a university or community sport club gym that admits general public. They tend to be more laid back, with older folks and rehab folks not just muscle heads.
Anxiety can be a reaction to trauma and stress or simply the constant low level hum of generalised anxiety disorder. Getting out of the house, doing something physical mindfully can help calm the jitters.
Try to go a few times a week including a time that you're not rushed (e.g. weekend mornings) and give yourself a treat afterwards like visiting a casual coffee shop.
**Also, I've found that l-theanine (green tea extract) has worked wonders for my GAD. I take it as capsules and/or powder mixed with water. It has zero side effects, there's plenty of info online, and it's easy to get from Amazon etc.
Go well anon
Kinda, but it's all part of a method of building confidence and self-assurance. I had to do '10 days to self esteem' book by Dr David D Burns to learn to adjust my thoughts.
pretty much this 100%
I found that the only way to build confidence is with success. If you are a loser and you know you are a loser, what the fuck are you supposed to be confident about. Like
>bro I know you've been rejected by every woman you were ever interested in, but you totally got ask out that chick over there, you are a total catch!
Personally, yes.
Generally, I would say yes, too.
But, I imagine it varies with everyone, as we're all different.
But usually the fact that you've continued to push yourself, hopefully, for the better.
Damn. thanks Dr Anon for the well thought out and helpful reply.
It helped, because once I got fit I felt like people finally perceived me as being on eye level with them. I am getting treated with respect and I don't need to watch what I say or do and have no need to gain their approval.
True, but some people also easily forget the small successes they have had in life and the obstacles they have overcome. It's important to remember those.
I used to have very bad anxiety a d when they took me off benzos I was crazy anxious and hyper aware. Like id be hyperventilating a d I could hear a pin drop in the hallway outside my apartment. I would start to sweat and feel like I was going to puke and shit myself. Believe it or not working out helped relieved my symptoms over time. When seriously anxious and I start moving around I can do stones feel the anxiety leave my body.
I used to have this weird sensation that there was a white hot orb of energy in my body that would slowly dissipate the more I exercised.
ppl were actually surprised the tranny kris is molesting kids. he literally works for a guy named "BEAST" lmao you cant make this shit up
Somewhat, but Martial Arts does more.
a nun?
"is a noun" is a verb phrase you mean "isanoun"
Somewhat, but mostly it's being successful that helps. Successful in getting jacked, successful in career, successful at whatever really. It's getting those wins and keeping them coming that really helps the most.
Fellow Ex-Benzo bro here.

Everything you have said is true, the hyper awareness is horrible at first but eventually you can channel that into energy. One of the most annoying intrusive thoughts coming off was 'oh fuck I need to get in shape and get to the gym'.

Helps when you start looking better as well, less paranoid about your appearance.
it fixed mine
it's workouting you esl dumdum
wtf you can definitely burn 500 with a good full body workout, also
>It takes about a ~500 calorie burn per day to really blunt anxiety.
source? lemme guess, your ass?
how much do you take and when? doesn't seem to be doing much to my GAD :( AIGTMI?
L-theanine capsules are usually between 100mg to 250mg each. I usually buy what's cheapest / on sale. I've been taking them for about 18-24 months. It took a bit of trial and error. From memory I would take about 1000mg (e.g. 4 x 250mg capsules) in one go *before* doing something that I knew would usually stress me (like driving somewhere or going to the supermarket). They seemed to take the edge off.
Nowadays I take 500mg in the morning (I keep a bottle of capsules in the bathroom), and then about half a teaspoon in water in the early evening (I keep the powder in the kitchen: it comes in a pouch but I put some into a container). If I feel like an extra dose during the day I just pop 2 or 3 capsules.
L-theanine "looks like" the amino acid neurotransmitter glutamate. Glutamate stimulates the nerve cells to "pass on" their message to the next nerve cell. Too much stimulation can cause the "over excited" anxiety state. Because l-theanine "looks" the same, it binds to the glutamate receptors but doesn't cause stimulation to the nerve cells. It also slows the production of new glutamate and makes calming brain waves without causing drowsiness.
Depending on your brain chemistry the effects will vary by person.
You can also get it in combination with other "calming" compounds such as GABA or herbal extracts but I'm drawn to the pure l-theanine.
this dude still scamming kids?
Yeah, and not just anxiety, working out helped my mental health across the board. I didn't realize just how shitty I felt all the time until I got healthier and started feeling better. It is kind of like how you dont realize how blurry your vision is until you wear the proper glasses for the first time. The number of days I feel anxious, or moody has probably gone down 80% desu
The gym is like playtime for adults
There’s no limit on whats possible
Physical self improvement is mental self improvement
Post workout clarity is an incomparable feeling to any other
No, and anyone claiming otherwise never had anxiety issues
Lifting does nothing to your mental health, and I'm live proof of that
I have gotten fairly "big" as far as natty progress goes, my cardio is very decent too
But nothing changed about my personality, I am still the same lonely and friendless sperg
All my anxiety and insecurity issues are still there, I am still unable to approach people
Mostly from wizards and shamans that fixed their anxiety by addressing their gastrointestinal health first. Part of that is a suspected relationship between the dark sorcery of myokines being some kind of GI mediator.
Benzos are the worst. And the best.
no, but might give people who are embarrassed by their looks a boost, which they may confuse as anxiety
When I was in my early 20s I was horribly depressed and got psyoped into therapy and meds. Meds work for a little while because they remove your ability to feel anything. Therapy is cookie cutter advice made by and for women, it's useless form men. In my mid 20s, something happened and I got the motivation to train for the first time in my life and to train hard. Within 4 months my depression was completely gone. Not everyday is good but training actually is the magical cure-all liberals pretend that therapy is.
which one
>Therapy is cookie cutter advice
I have to agree. I've studied psychology treatment after WWII (shell shock and "bomb happies", and modern psych methods. I've seen a psych twice. First for OCD type anxiety and was recommended cognitive behavioural therapy worksheets to track the intensity of the compulsion (rather than investigate the root cause of this being toxic workplace). The second time I was advised to gently confront an ineffective boss with how they could do things to help me better (giving me better guidance etc) but this well meaning advice would have been impossible to put into practice given the boss's unsuitability for the job.
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I either fix this idea in my mind or I'm gonna fucking die. Unironically. The suicidal urges are pummelling me right now
fpbp but people will continue this dumbass thread with all kinds of retarded garbage.
No, it cures pent up energy and frustration but not anxiety. Dated 2 girls with anxiety who lifted, it was fine when they were in the gym because they shut the fuck up, but a couple hours after they were back to their usual anxious selves. One of the worst things you can do is date an anxious person aside from a narcissist, bpd, etc.

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