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>hey bro can you give me a spot here?
well what do you do?
What happened to Americans to make them like this?

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Oversocialization and social media. I hate it here
>if estrogen were a person
Tom Araya (Slayer singer) is a huge Trump supporter
Social media makes people mentally ill. If you look at all the gender freaks, trannies and political zealots, they all are radicalized in their own social media bubbles.
It's not exclusive to Americans, everyone outside the US with too much exposure to social media ends up developing "Americanitis".

Well-adjusted, sociable people are in very short supply. Which is why in this day and age, having even the most basic social skills is like a superpower.
>bad living, shitty culture, fast food slop, survival of the fittest. The best reach the top, the worst are like OP's pic
>social media makes everyone have low self esteem.
>resulting in them learning to quit easier
Trannies existed before social media
No, they didn't. There were crossdressers and people with similar fetishes, but extremely few people mentally ill enough to want to amputate their genitals and genuinely believing they are women.
Less than 1% of what we have today.
What percent do it for fetishism in your opinion?

I have mixed feelings about it. Some of them do sound convincing when they say they always felt like a woman.
Hulk hogan doing a WWE-style promo at the RNC was one of the most kino yet absurd things I have ever seen
Upbringing in White Suburbia.
I don't get the point of his post. Are all those things supposed to make us surprised he's a libtard? Or did he just want to share some random facts about himself?
Give him a spot. It's not every day you run into BTK.
All boomers need to hurry up and fucking die.
>Are all those things supposed to make us surprised he's a libtard?
Yeah, I've seen this dumbass post all the time and its almost always a fucking boomer. The really infuriating thing is they all like to larp that they were really part of the crazy 60s/70s, and use being a part of that era as an excuse for their retarded beliefs that are allegedly incompatible with their lifestyle, despite the fact that most of them were either barely finished with grade elementary or highschool by the time the 70s wrapped up. Boomers are an entire generation of posers that gave birth to identity politics. At least fucking hippies actually believed their bullshit & weren't just carrying on to keep the gravy train going.
Agp's are fetishist, these are the reddit moderator type. Look like a man and are "lesbian"
The small percentage that are homosexual, are "women" and like men, and passing are their own offset that are a small percentage. Couldn't tell you stats
It's interesting how so many basedboys define masculinity and femininity in terms of trite stereotypes, like "I have a beard", "I have a truck", or maybe... they listen to rock music and occasionally get drunk. It's very similar to the superficial and cringey way they think femininity is wearing makeup and high heels.

It's as though they were never around masculine or feminine people growing up and are now as adults just trying to be imitations of what a man should be. Possibly connected to why so many of them troon up.
> matrix director brothers =AGP
> blaire white = trve trannie
>jazz Jennings = neither, groomed from a young age by mother
Transsexuals do not exist. There's no such thing as "being born in the wrong body" or anything like that.
There is no such thing as "sex change" or "sex reassignment" surgery. The real term for these procedures is CASTRATION.
A man cannot become a woman. It really is that simple.

>Some of them do sound convincing when they say they always felt like a woman.
Yeah, and I'm sure you can find a crackhead out there in the streets screaming at the top of his lungs that he's the king of England. And I'm sure he's fully convinced of it. That doesn't make it any less delusional.
People that feel this way need genuine help, not disfigurement surgeries by a corrupt medical establishment that just wants to make money off them.
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What's Kamala's one rep max?
Are you fucking retarded? Nobody knows what it is like to feel like anything else. They ideate themselves as women and nothing more. And for the record I am not giving credence to the idea that genders are social constructs because that is nihilism and all subjective values must correspond to an objective reality and thus have a basis in fact.
They started their groups in like 2011, right around the time of Occupy Wall Street. Look up any trans subreddit creation date and you will see I'm 100% correct.
Emperor Elaglabalus was literally an incompetent tranny gooner. Google him. He had to get ACK'd by his own Praetorian Guard, that's how bad it was.

Trve leftists are trad and despise feminine men. All those things are distractions from the class war.
why would I know anything about his politics, and why would I care
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>i'm pretty tough and manly aren't I

I absolutely fucking hate this "masculinity as a product" bullshit and I'm not smart enough to put it all into words as to why it's so shit but these always seem to be from males that didn't get a good enough examples in their lives of what "mAsCuLiNiTy" is. It's not like you're sat down and given the talk about it.
So what's masculine, idk, try to be on time and keep to your word, be confident but not delusional, don't be overly emotional, be ready for conflict if people try to screw you over but don't be a violent maniac, try to help but don't be a doormat people pleaser.
Because all of that shit is negated the moment you take a selfie and post it on social media. No amount of masculine behavior is going to outweigh the fact that you’re an insecure clout chaser who conducts himself like a teenage female.
I agree. When I was younger, I found it hard to understand what it meant to be a man, but I never wanted to be a man like him either. In my opinion, it can be summed up in a few words: "Taking responsibility for yourself and being able to take responsibility for others.
Masculinity is having and taking care of your intact family. Not posting selfies at a gym supporting Communists.
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>drive a truck, have a beard
mmm ok?

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