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Most couples balloon up like this and then wonder why their marriage becomes sexless

Yeah no shit
Don't fat people find other fat people attractive? Even if both of them (a couple) are fat?

I find it hard to believe considering there are millions of fat couples
They don't
>Most couples balloon up like this and then wonder why their marriage becomes sexless
Lmao you are 100% right
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As a former fat man, I've never found fat women attractive.

People just get lonely enough to lower their standards. Or improve themselves to match their own standards.
Crabs in bucket. The average person started looking worse with each decade. The average person looks disgusting but you kind of don't notice it cause your eyes don't notice the average person. Go look at recent pics of public places like the mall, street or supermarket and everyone looks gross. I can stand outside my house, see 5 people during my yard work and all 5 of those people look gross. That would mean 5/5 people I saw are gross.
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It’s not limited to people in relationships - most people just balloon up over time.

With couples it is a lifestyle thing. Unless one partner actively takes care of themselves and the other doesn’t.
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Booze + loss of motivation because they've already trapped each other + less time to devote to /fit/ness because they work longer hours now (because thats le next step) and office life is designed to get and keep you fat + neither one of them ever cooks because it's the other ones turn to cook so they just keep doordashing McDonald's every night
Is there a plapjak where wojak is just as obese as the girl? If not we need one
>Unless one partner actively takes care of themselves and the other doesn’t.
yeah, men works out, takes care of himself, gets a girlfriend who does not even have a fitness lifestyle. She sees the wall, they marry, they become the same, average at best.
>Don't fat people find other fat people attractive? Even if both of them (a couple) are fat?
No they don't. Attraction is mostly a biological instinct. Sure, culture and stuff can slightly chance them, but you can't change your core instincts. Becoming fat yourself doesn't suddenly change your fundamental instincts
>I find it hard to believe considering there are millions of fat couples
That is simply because they settle for the best they can get. Did you actually think that if 2 extremely ugly people form a couple, those people genuinely though their partner is super hot? No, it was the best they could get, it's that simple. Fat people often get into relationships with other fat people because they simply cannot get a super hot person to settle down for them.
> My spouse promised to only have sex with me for the rest of their lives
> I willingly make myself look like a wildebeast
> Yeah I love my spouse, why do you ask?
>Don't fat people find other fat people attractive? Even if both of them (a couple) are fat?
I was fat myself and fat girls were totally repulsive to me
Im an old fag. Married. I love my wife and still find her attractive, sexy and fun. She did NOT baloon up, nor did I. However, she did have 4 kids and worked hard to get "back in shape" but I never found her unattrractive or unsexy. Shes very rpetty, a great mom, a good wife and an anwesome person. So I love her.

Love makes you desire that person even if they get old and grey. At least for men. For women, who the fcuk lnows what they think.

Also, even though she's lean, I like fat chicks. If my wife got fat (not talking ham planet, just "fat" I'd still want to fuck her.
It's kinda like how there's a natural tendency for a total shut-in NEET to not bother bathing/shaving/etc regularly because he's not going anywhere and not trying to impress anyone. For certain people who revolve their entire existence around getting a husband/wife, they lose all motivation to take care of themselves because they've already "made it".

This is also why "lifting for girls" is a bad mindset because if you think of things in this way, you just losing all motivation and quitting just because you got a gf
I almost hooked up with a fat girl last week
We met at a karaoke event and I was a little buzzed and she came onto me. Her makeup was done really well so I wasn’t thinking right.
Then I caught a glimpse of her at a bad angle and realized what I was getting myself into
So I told her I had to go catch up with my girlfriend and then went home and watched Bunny Madison porn while running on the treadmill to cleanse myself
asians without a billion dollars worth of plastic surgery and trillion dollar ai filters everyone
Went from an 8 and a 7 to a couple of 2’s. Fat is crazy
Very few people actually enjoy looking good for the sake of it and their own personal satisfaction

I am super autistic about being muscular and lean, why? Because it feels fucking amazing
I had something similar a few years ago, except she wasn't really that fat. I was just wired on speed and drunk as fuck and kissing this bird in a Berlin nightclub. Came back from the bar with my rum and saw from a distance that she was a bit chunkier than I'd hitherto realised and just 180'd and avoided her for the rest of the night. Ended up riding some skinny Asian one the next night so it worked out
I am overweight right now. Did exactly this and let myself go.
About 3 weeks ago I started to strength train in my garage and eat better.
Lost 10 lbs as of today. I'm about to go hit another workout, and I'm jumping rope in the afternoon. The gains are slowly but surely coming.

I let myself go as well, and i blamed it on many things at some point. Came to the realization that it's all cope and I will never imply that me having my kid-who is the best thing about my life- is somehow making me fat or unhealthy. I will never go even close to putting that shit on my child. I want him to grow up with a fit dad.

Yes, life happens but we have to be accountable. I can't wait to be on /CBT/ to show off soon. Fuck cope. We all fucked up but we we can only get better from here.
I mean it's pretty simple
They just never really cared about their health
They cared about their appearance as it related to social situations
Once they reach the social endgame of a lifelong relationship that is no longer necessary
You think some basic activities like CrossFit or Olympic lifting would be a hobby they could do together.
Because comfort breeds complacency. When people's lives are too good they lose their edge. That is why when you see some fag with a cushy life don't feel too jealous.
> This is also why "lifting for girls" is a bad mindset because if you think of things in this way, you just losing all motivation and quitting just because you got a gf

I lift because I'm miserable and it's a way to dull the pain. I will always be miserable so it's very good for consistency. If I by some miracle would stop feeling like shit every day after 36 miserable years on this gay earth then I will accept being unfit and happy.
It's not just the fitness.

That is the iceberg that you see. I'll explain EXACTLY what happens

>men are in pain
>they self improve
>they think a woman will fix all of their problems
>college ends or their career starts
>get a woman
>cut off talking to friends

Once the real friendships have been cut, you're full sailing towards being enabled and spiritual death.
Same thing with most athletes, pro or amateur. They balloon up when they're not competing.
good. i hope all sex havers die from heart diseases
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I don’t know why that happens. My girlfriend and I if anything, keep each other even more fit, because it‘s a social event, where we meet up. My sister also started joining us, so we are at the gym at the same time. We also often cook together. My girlfriend and my sister also often bring me a homecooked meal. They know fitness is important to me, so they make sure it fits my macros.
The girl got fat too. That's just looks like a normal relationship.
The only people who DONT do this are coping and/or mentally ill, or looking to play the field still.
Two spherical objects coping. Possibly just one sameblobbing.
a lot of women don't care about looks and most men will fuck anything
>Bo, I'm not fat and ugly and all due to my own laziness. It's you fit and motivated people that are mentally ill
Please rope
Direct and indirect consequences of pair bonding lower testosterone
How much light/angle frauding is going on in the photo on the left though? If it's a genuine reflection of how they looked then that's a big downgrade. Some people don't really care about how they look generally, and once the pressure is off (they have a bf/gf nailed down) they don't care much about keeping themselves in shape. I find it bizarre, but there you go
How do I prevent this? I got my first real gf recently and shes tall and skinny and I'd like to keep her that way. She occationally jogs and thats her only fitness thing besides backbaging. Daily walks?
gaslight her into squatting for a nice ass, and hope it moves into better overall fitness or even becoming a cardio bunny
Yeah I figured something like that. She always complains about being clumsy so I have started saying that strength training helps with that. Gym might be a big step as she is shy and timid but she can fill a backbag and squat right?
Well obviously, you go together. Like most things with women, if you leave her alone she'll fuck it up. It's not hard to draw up a training plan
People get complacent in long term relationships, OP.
You go from the "We fuck all the time and do all sorts of crazy adventures" to "Shit, we have to pay a mortgage, someone has to get the kids up and ready for school, and we have to figure out how we'll afford college for Little Billy in the next few years" shit. And what do most people do when they stress about normie shit? EAT, that's what.
And most people don't get fat overnight, they usually gain 5-10 lbs. a year, which isn't noticeable the first year or two. THEN, as soon as they notice, they think "Well, it's just a little fat, if I put on more, I'll work on it later", and end up putting on 20-40 lbs. more before they realize they had to buy all new fat clothes to fit into and now they're WAY out of bounds.
That's life, and why it's important to find someone of similar values who isn't going to just pile out into a troll as soon as you put a ring on their finger.
Because problems in life compound over time and as soon as being fit goes from easy to a little inconvenient most people decide there are more important things to focus on.
I call it "Goy cattle death"
Lmao no
Based wife lover

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