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I don't browse twitter for a reason, pal.
seems about right. women constantly talk about muscles being try hard. they like the muscled mamoa (left) but like the fact that he's not trying, too. also mamoa is famous
feel like thats common knowledge at this point
When a woman says they like dad bods it means one of the following
>they don’t know what a dadbod is
>they were molested by an older family member
>they are coping
>they are virtue signalling
>they are engagement baiting
>they are trying to farm fat losers
That's not a "dad bod" lmao. Women are a meme.
>I don't browse twitter for a reason, pal.
The female opinions of modern social media sites are pure cancer. "Male athletes peak at 23 and female athletes start to peak at 28." Tell her about male UFC fighters and female Olympic soccer teams losing to 13 year old boys and top ranked females loosing to nobodies, "those are not scientific studies."
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>Jason Momoa
>Dad bod
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women do the same thing sucking in their gut in their photos
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>women constantly talk about muscles being try hard.
girls dont even try, so they cannot speak. Girls are also in so much denial about the wall. you gotta read their social media posts. They fucking hate it when men talk about it.
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Kek this is the person she quote tweeted
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And this is the feedback she got for her statement
Funny thing is, the "dad bod" in that pic is still above average regardless of age group lol. Also, twitter and social media is cancer. I cannot browse it without making posts cussing those soi boi cucks and roasties out.
both guys have the same body. lol
No I won't discuss some random faggot on twitter's opinion.
yeah she’s using pinterest search function as her source of what dad bod is saying it agrees with her and she stands on it
a dad bod is just whatever people call a dad bod. if women are saying that jason mamoa has a dad bod and that they want to fuck him because of that, what does it matter if by your technical definition thats not what a dad bod is?
lift heavy and eat good my friends
I disagree, depending on what we're calling "dad bod."

Younger women and like those nasty cougar types are probably most impressed by 6 pack, but most women really just want a guy that looks strong and in shape. Yes, their sense of dad bod is off, is more like.

If you're dating like in your later 20s/30s, she's probably not dating you for your 10% BF bro. That's just nice you're in shape, but she'd probably date you all the same if you were lifting but like 18%.
Girls saying that dadbod are hot is like the easiest card they can play in order to not come across as shallow. It's not to be taken serious.
We're listening to women's opinions now?
his proportions are weirding me out
>small shoulders
>long torso
>their sense of dad bod is off

Just stay between 12-18% BF bro.
Buddy I've done a lot of research on the opposition and dated a few qts and I'm gonna straight up tell you that fitness is nice but it's not enough and there's a large diversity of archetypes each woman prefers. But the rule of thumb is healthy (definitely not a roidmonkey), tall, young looking face (for their age), sharply dressed, well groomed (e.g. looks like they care about their appearance). Women base their attraction off of complex social scenarios in addition to physical interest, they don't just horndog because you put some extra set of L sits in. These women are literally daydreaming on pinterest and fingering themselves to YA novels and yaoi. I promise you even the well adjusted Stacies have a dark corner of their mind where those fantasies are. Do some research, lift for health, groom, get your fashion up, and develop some tactile interest you can sperg about.
That dad bod is still significantly more fit than your average men.

I think there is a huge discrepancy what women think what a dadbod is and what dudes think what a dadbod is.

Women seem to like strong but not overly fat bodytype, about 20%ish bodyfat.
Women want a guy who mogs effortlessly.
Jason Mamoa is much bigger, taller, more muscular than the tryhard midget gymcel.
The idea that a guy could cheat his way into being a fake alpha male repulses them. In their mind Jason Mamoa is a perfectly natural big guy who doesn't even need to work out, doesn't need to take care of his appearance. Guy on the right puts in a lot of effort and tries to look as good as possible so he is repulsive. If that guy on the right didn't flex his muscles, if his hair was a little messy and he had some ugly tattoo covering his muscles, he would be way more attractive to women. Without the flexing and showing off his abs and standing naturally they would go ''omg, I love skinny beach guys, see guys, you don't need a 6 pack to attract women teehee''
>Left drinks beer, is chill and doesn't take life too seriously

>Right measures every grain of rice, takes everything way too seriously, obsessed with starving himself
Right is flexing his abs for the photo, if he walked around relaxed bitches would be all over him. This is the same shit where women are repulsed by Cbum in contest shape, which is only a fraction of the year, but would jump on his dick when he is off season.
I was going to make a meme of a fat insecure american woman looking up at the right side image à la fox and the grapes parable but I can't be bothered so I typed it instead.

They want the guy on the right but they're afraid they can't get him. He gets to pick from basically any 9/10 and probably a bunch of 10/10's as well that they can't compete with at all for his time and/or penis. They think jason momoa (or someone with that body type at least) would say yes to their advances because of the "dad bod". Same as how it's nicer to jerk off to a slut who is maybe a bit ugly but a tiger in the sack or whatever, you say to yourself "I could get a girl who is roughly that attractive". More attainable.
The most important takeaway here is: when women say they like dad bods they mean unflexed Jason Momoa at 17% BF, not a 52 year old accountant who hasn't seen the inside of a gym since the 90s
How often do women see shirtless men in real life?
Its never meant that the media just acted like it was okay to have no muscular definition
This is what I always assumed, the muscular guy with the "I don't give a fuck but still not disgustingly fat"% bodyfat.
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the takeaway is that women have no fucking clue what men’s bodies are supposed to look like
they think the body on the left is achievable by eating mcdonalds only half the time instead of all the time
That's because all a woman has to do to have a good body is not eat like a pig and take basic care of it.
girls don't like it when you pose to show your muscles. you are supposed to make it seem natural and carefree

"I was just shirtless on the beach picking up my new puppy and smiling when someone suddenly took a picture"
Who cares what women like LOL they will tell you one thing and then do another they operate on a complete and utter whim. They have no values or steadfast beliefs. They morph and change opinions based on everything besides internal critical thought. They will bang chads, they will bag soys, they will bang people who abuse them. Don't even try to understand them just worry about yourself. Bitches come and go, saturday through sunday monday, monday through sunday yo
THE otter mode
agree, the one on the right looks too tryhard
>The female opinions
Who cares
>of modern social media sites
Who cares
DSD bods are a psyop from women to lock down a man. If he is less attractive, he has fewer options and is less likely to leave her, ensuring her financial and emotional stability
Probably the worst body of all time
>they are trying to farm fat losers
>opposed to farming losers
Depends on the sport. Your world champion body builders / marathon runners / soccer players are not under 40.
This is true for most women. The guy on the right is what straight men think attractive men look like and also what most gay guys want. And it’s not like Khal Drogo is fat, he’s just not 5% bodyfat or whatever.
body builders die at 40.
and that’s also dumb because there isn’t anything scientific about when an athlete “peaks”, that’s also just based on anecdotes like professional female soccer teams losing to high school boys.
>body builders die at 40.
Jack LaLanne was almost 100 when he died. He had peformed his daily routine the day before he died too.
>male (ostensibly) making a claim on behalf of all women
Yeah ok
To be fair women don't know what they want and can't express valid opinions by nature anyway so may as well ask a man.
Factually wrong and proven by me to myself. When I weighted nearly 130kg at 190cm with no sign of sports on my body I fucked the hottest bitch in my life so far. The deathstares I got from other men in public were so funny.

Women do not know what they want and most do not care about your body.
Dad bod just means
>big and strong
>not low enough bodyfat that it makes her feel fat
The example of dad bod women always use are attractive actors that have a good amount of muscle and are in shape, they just don’t look like they’re in prep for a bodybuilding competition.
You can suck a fart out of my asshole then go back to your vain discussions faggot
Newsflash: the opinion of women don't matter and I will fuck the pussy I go for. If I don't get it, that's fine, there's always her friends.
>The kind of girls that you find hot will never want to fuck a dad bod
So Jason Momoa is an incel? Stupid cunt. Her grammar sucks and she talks like an idiot too.
>"I was just shirtless on the beach picking up my new puppy and smiling when someone suddenly took a picture"
lmao women are so dumb
Lmao I knew this reply was coming
Women will write hundreds and thousands of love letters to murderers who have killed women. Women have the minds of retarded children and shouldn't be allowed to vote. There's a good reason all successful societies through all time kept women in their place and why it's all falling apart as soon as you let the women speak.
As a matter of fact, the champions of soccer are under 40. Pepe is the only one I can think of who's over 40, and we saw how well that went at the euro cup; some African immigrant was able to outrun him effortlessly.
honestly my man no one cares about all the mid women you banged when you were fat
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>be me
>plumpy kid when i was younger
>going out at the beach/pool during my 20s, still plumpy
>not a single glance at me
>get sort of fit at around 28
>4/6 visible abs
>eye contact with people way more often than id like
>tell myself "hmmm surely its because i look better?"
>internet tells me i looked better before, with quite the layer of fat

Does it mean people im walking past IRL are wrong, and internet is right ?
Really makes me think.
>words dont mean anything
Wow actual clinical retardation take
Why can't I escape this gymcel manlet wherever I go
The saddest part is that both of them are in roids
Women don't care much, that's why so many gymcels still struggle to get women. Just don't be fat and lift some weights sometimes, which is a huge problem in America where there's like too many fat people, and then there's some fit people, but the autists that hit the gym everyday can also be socially awkward, therefore, women don't care about your abs.

It's one of the biggest things I hear about while dating in my 30s. "Why are guys out of shape?" "Why are guys not taking care of their outward appearances ie. skin care, dental, etc." Having good breath and white teeth is probably more important than having a 6 pack.
glad you are doing the needful pajeet
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So true; Dad bod = fit but not flexing. I knew dad bod fandom was disingenuous, but I couldn’t nail down why
Dad bod = enough fat to where the woman doesn't feel self-conscious
Roid head = low enough fat for the woman to feel self-conscious
>"we don't have high standards, we just want a dad bod"
>dad bod means tall, wide, and more muscle than the natty limit, but women think it's nothing because it means being 18% bf instead of 10%
My mother literally thinks professional strongmen are just fat. Women have no clue
Most women now will rate themselves at 8+ out of ten even if they're hideous and fat.
why would you care if they think you are try hard? they can't even open a damn glass without you. their opinion means nothing.
Skinny fat dudes calling themselves dad bod, the female version is chubby chicks in shape wear calling themselves thick fit.
>"Most girls"
>cartoon boy avatar
Yeah I'm trusting this kid
>scrawny with a small wang

nobody has washboard abs unflexed, that's not how muscles work.
Fembots online act exactly the same as incel gooners, it's embarrassing

Is all preferential until they actually get attention IRL and suddenly standards matter very little

>that's not how muscles work.
well, women do not know how muscles work, so that statement shouldn't surprise anyone
jason momoa is 6ft5, nothing else needs to be said
>The female opinions

Who cares?
Thats actually not true, once you get to certain bf% your abs will always be visible just by breathing in and out. And by certain bf i mean 10 not crazy like 5-6
for visible abs sure, not washboard abs. Nobody has rock hard washboard abs without flexing.
Sir i’ma need clarification to difference between abs and wahboard abs
the difference is relaxed vs flexed. soft vs hard. It's like saying if someone is lean enough they have biceps peaks when unflexed. It doesn't make any sense. The abs physically look different when taut vs relaxed regardless of leanness
weight lifting is a coping mechanism
Women don't like guys who lift weights, they want it all to be natural, I.E. genetic
Anything you do to overcome pre existing genetic traits is viewed as creepy, and incel-like.
Any self-improvement is viewed as creepy, and incel-like.

>T. lost everything, after trying too hard and breaking my mind
>off cycle roider is a “dad bod”
I have an 8 pack and no you can't see it unless I'm flexing. It's just a gut in the same way that my unflexed quads just look like fat thighs when laying down. You use your abs slightly when just walking around so anyone paying attention is going to see that you have some muscle there. But you have to actually flex hard to get that 6-8 pack shape. If I'm shirtless the only thing I flex while "casually" walking around is my abs because I'll just look like I have a gut otherwise. I don't flex it super hard because it's obvious, but definitely a conscious effort to half flex it. You definitely don't want to look like you're flexing but with abs it's either you flex or you look like you have a beer/roid gut.
They fancy sport bodies, real athletes who compete in socially acceptable sports. Not bodybuilders or their concerning physiques, there's definitely a point of overdoing it.
Exact same thing with me. BUT its also true that the leaner I get, the more often they just pop put.

Lately ive gotten elaner and you can see striations on quad when I walk up stairs. Striations! Yes. When unlexed, they just look like tubes.

Abs are the same, but as I get leaer, more and more are visible just with normal, unflexed movements. I think if I lose another 10 pounds they will be lmost always visible.
If a girl is checking you out she's gonna notice those flex movements while you walk and whatnot. Not that I give two shits what a whore thinks! But visible abs are a serious point that many women look for over any other muscle group, probably because women also seek flat toned bellies.
This, they want the football star not Joe the gymcel. Solution: we need to make more recreational sport teams. I used to have a rock climbing group I'd go to the indoor gym with and girls would approach us. They seem more comfortable when it's a big group of a bunch of friends rather than just a small group or singular potential serial killer.

You get a better physique out of real athletic sports rather than just at the gym anyway.
>well groomed (e.g. looks like they care about their appearance)
Only to a certain nonchalant level. women do not want the dude to be taking more time preening and doing there appearance more than the girl herself. They want like effortless well groomed. Cleaned up but not being obssevie over it.

Girls were in this exact X thread saying thats why they preferred "dad bod"... They want the man to be less invested in their looks than themselves.
You just described Elliot Rodger
Putting as much effort in as women is simply unreasonable if you've been with one or lived with one.

BUT some guys think this means they can just splash water on their face and brush their teeth real quick and that's it. Nah, women often will prefer you have a whole routine to take care of yourself as you get older. The routine isn't really effortless, it does require you to maintain it everyday. And that's just skin. But women don't want to hear about it, just like they don't want to hear about your life at the gym. They want it to be "natural" (to you).
Ding ding ding
Mexi mamis will try this shit and get away with it because the booty too crazy bussin
Always lift, always mog, never skip leg day
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It literally just means being built to a intermediate/advanced level and having about 18%-20- max body fat. It doesn't mean you need to be as strong and as big as mamoa. Women have no idea of scale when looking at pictures. You can get a "dadbod" by having a 40 one rep max single armed dumbbell curl and a 185 max bench as long as you're not too fat. Has more to do with shape
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>Women base their attraction off of complex social scenarios in addition to physical interest
Fitizens are too fucking stupid to understand sexual nuance surrounding this topic. You might as well be trying to describe rocket science to these monkeys
They're right.
The pics people take emphasise muscularity but past a certain point looks disgusting and makes you seem less attractive because it looks even more unnatural than roidtrannies already do.

You can understand this easily by considering aesthetics over prioritising as much muscle size and definition as you can get on camera as possible.
I didn't consider the social aspect, you might be right. And while overdoing is a factor and disgusting roidtrannies, I think the physique that results from most bodybuilding training just looks different and worse than a lot of sports. It might be a lack of balance, especially combined with overdevelopment, it can quickly look sort of ugly if not comical.

Here's an example I thought of but in hindsight I think this parkour athlete's body just looks naturally better than the Bioneer's, and the Bioneer is not especially big in this video. Plus, his training is atypical for bodybuilding. Also the parkour athlete has a very well-developed physique for someone who doesn't seem to do any weight training.
I could cut and look pretty sick but nyvarra sucks for women I might just bulk until I go back go college so I can mog the football players.
They kind of prefer big in a shirt and rather lean. If you're big enough you can be fat even if you mog everyone else.

If I was a chick I'd prefer someone natural really strong than some retard cutting so much and often keeping their lifts down by over 100lbs.
You should never take anything that females say seriously. They'll say dumb shit like this to come off as virtues and unshallow, but watch how they actually behave. A few months ago they were pissing themselves with glee over a video of Arron Taylor modeling underwear and he's ripped and with visible abs. They'd never openly lust over a fat fuck like Seth Rogen.
>>Women don't like guys who lift weights, they want it all to be natural, I.E. genetic
>I want the guy to just be ripped from lying on the couch
who cares what women want when everything they want is retarded as shit and doesn't work like that?
>think this parkour athlete's body just looks naturally better than the Bioneer's
He's leaner, better frame and has a tan, plus a better face and charisma (halo effect) that's why
The "Bioneer" is flabby and pasty with a mid face and it makes him look like a big nerd
>hor rat face
xD no matter the roids ***s look abhorrent
Honestly, who cares. My preferences are very simple and straight forward, and yet women cannot even fulfill those. So why should I bother with their inane shit, when I don't want any of them anyway?
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when I think of a dad bod. I think of this
Momoa is 6'4", the guy on the right is 5'8" max given the relative head to clavicle size.

That's a far more important number than their bf%.

>You should never take anything that females say seriously

This. Everyone who has lived around women enough (that isn't your mother) knows this to be true. Also you don't ever want to ask women for advice, especially when it comes to other women. Even if it's your own sister (been there done that, terrible advice that destroyed me fr).
it's insane how little they understand what goes into particular male physique. i know fuckall about aquaman on the left, but he has presumably spend thousands of hours in the gym (and probably roids) to get that body. and some dumb fucking roastie who has never put an ounce of effort into her appearance besides makeup, shopping, and occasionally declining a second helping of ice cream is magnanimously declaring that his body looks good enough for her. unironically wish i was gay.
>Even if it's your own sister (been there done that, terrible advice that destroyed me fr).
She can't exactly say "I get wet when guys have hollow cheeks and visible abs, maybe you should get leaner"
>Dad bod
>Guy is still in top 1% shape, just with slightly higher bodyfat%
Kill all women
He has professional trainers that tell him what to do, he doesn't even need to go to the gym of his own volition as a passion or hobby as he gets paid to do so as part of his contracts and the trainer has it all worked out.
it be the small lies that probably hurt a nigga the most
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My running joke for this topic is literally "Women will tell you they like dad bods and then the 'dad bod' is Jason Momoa between movies". Every time I tell it, everyone understands it immediately and laughs.
Dudes need to understand, lifting a bunch of weights doesn’t necessarily make you look the best. Women like good looking men and depending on your genetics, you look better one way than another. I figured this with myself. Truth is, I felt like I looked tryhard being on the bulkier side, so I slimmed a ton down and did cardio. I look and fit in clothes much better now.

Also stop talking about working out, the gym isn’t a personality like some dudes like making it. Women want athletic men but they don’t care how you got there. You just let them think you’re in great shape by doing minimal work, or whatever they want to believe even if you’re working out harder than most of the population
that is how a father should look
Jason Mamoa famously hates working out and dieting and as soon as he's done with a contract just goes into fatass party mode.
>You just let them think you’re in great shape by doing minimal work,
yes fellas, remember you have to maintain their delusions about how the world works or you might accidently give them the ick! I tell my gf that i go volunteer at the animal shelter each day after work, i can't let her find out I actually go to the gym and need to put effort into it.
I imagine this is sarcasm but given how vapid women are it could be 100% true.
See how far that goes when someone is way bigger than them.
>oh I love my twink bf
Yeah and a solid percentage of women are willing to take birth control so they can get nat in raw on top of being clinically mentally ill. If I had a kid with one of these fag people I'd fuckin mike tyson her in the stomach no way I'm having my genes tainted with homo.
This might be very true. We all like 6 foot blonde gig-stacies with hourglass figures, but I prefer watching porn with more average looking women - even dumpy ones - as long as they are enthusiastic. The average looking women seems more gettable or relatable, so it feeds better into my delusion that I might be able to get them. So most of my porn is home made, amateur shit featuring 6s.
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I don't give a shit about what women think.
>Jason Mamoa famously hates working out and dieting and as soon as he's done with a contract just goes into fatass party mode.
And as soon as he stops getting steady work that requires him to be in shape he'll go from "dad bod" to "lard bod".

In Dune he was looking really puffy and dissapointing. I expected more effort from him. Eventually he'll have to do it just to avoid being a blob later in life. Before he was a movie actor he still kept himself slim though so I don't know how true those claims of him never liking working out or being in shape are or if it's just a period when he treats himself.
If you can't or won't fulfill any of their needs or desires, why would you expect them to fulfill any of yours?
who cares what a woman wants. not my problem
If they could have a man that checked all those boxes they would, but they don’t. They just end up with some ugly shmuck that cheats on them KEK
EVERY SINGLE DAY I see at least one drop dead gorgeous stunning beautiful woman that leaves me in awe. But I see a semi-attractive man once a month at most ??
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Jerk off to me anon.
I often wonder if attractive women that post on 4chan are like me: Majority normie, but enjoy engaging in petty arguments and use this place as outlet for that.
because words have meanings retarded faggot
The Original Sinners
>attractive women
Theres none in this thread
This >>74781893 is attractive by 4chan standards at least. Too bad I fucking hate anime.
And you think he was a bodybuilder?
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>lil bit of tummy hair
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Jack looked better than most people on /fit/ ever did or will
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He had a great physique for his time (born back in 1914!) and proved it with longevity of strength and application.
i was alive when the jews were in camps and blacks were slaves. so fucking jealous
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For the time he had decent pecs too as those early guys were sometimes lacking.

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