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It's impossible to eat enough to get gains. I fucking hate eating
Have you tried cramming?
>the skelly doesn't drink his calories
milk, drink more fucking milk
I have noticed a much higher rate of suicide in thin people who hate eating. I think it's mental illness related to hate eating.

Its the opposite extreme of fat people who eat too much.
This, op drink like a gallon of it.
GOMAD or honestly half GOMAD works, a whole gallon is a bit extreme but that's 12 sips per meal or 2-3 glasses.

Blend calories as well. You can blend hardboiled eggs with milk and fruit and not even taste them. Don't waste money on diet powders, whey is for fatties trying to lose weight. Milk and eggs are for based gainsbros.
I'm currently doing half GOMAD and put on 4 pounds in 2 weeks, not much of it is fat. I just take 3 swigs of milk before the meal and 3 after, so 6 total mouthfuls with 3 meals a day. I don't use cups so idk how much that is. It's nor hard at all though. In 15 fucking years nothing else has worked, I should've listened to /fit/ but thought all that milk would make my guts fall out. My shits are actually better than ever but probably coming out prematurely. They're yellow and very soft.
imagine struggling with weight while we live in a hypercaloric, hyperpalatable era. you would just have died in pre industrialized times, it's that simple
get a blender
put 2 bananas, a scoop of whey protein, a thick scoop of peanut butter in and fill the remainser with milk. Do that twice a day. Boom 1500 extra cals oike it's nothing.

I would know because I'm also born with starvation genetics.
So true.
>whey protein
Just drink the fucking milk it comes from. You get:
>more fat (9cal per gram)
>more vitamins/minerals
>more electrolytes (have never felt more hydrated than when on GOMAD)
>more water (have to drink less bottles)
>more lasting protein (good combo of whey and cassein)

Whey is a diet powder for fatties who need to watch their calories. One gulp of milk, one full mouthful, is 4 grams of protein. I measured it with a measuring cup. So 6 gulps of milk is 24g of protein which is the equivalent of a $2 serving of whey, which has less calories and less all of the above. It's a cucked version of milk that's too expensive to bulk on. The math has been done in many threads before but whey ends up being 2-3x the cost of milk per gram of protein and those are just the cheapest bulk cost options. If you're getting boutique shit you're paying way too much for protein, which is something in every animal food already. A gainer powder just has corn maltodextrin which is pretty close to sugar, so basically the same as milk having lactose (the carb/sugar component of milk).

eat the peanut butter separately. it sticks to the blade and makes cleaning a pain
Some of our bodies are more efficient and don't store every excess calorie. Your ancestors were probably always starving retards so you store every extra calorie for hard times. Mine were elite beautiful kangs and kwaynes with leanmaxxed physiques.
Africans are the fattest demographic in the states with over 50% obesity
>peanut butter
Phytoestrogen butter. Don't eat plants except for fruits and roots, with a little bit of greens for the vitamin K.

Put coconut oil instead of nut butter, it's pure saturated fat. This is extreme, oils are liquid fat at 9kcal per gram. But coconut oil is the most pure saturated fat, more sat fat than butter and ghee. You won't get that out of olive oil and it actually tastes good in shakes.
Exactly. They're too stupid to farm or domesticate animals so they've historically always been starving. Same with beaners. Once they had access to the white man's excess, they bloat up like a blimp. That's you, fool serf.
what kind of fucking whey are you buying, i can buy a 2kg tub for about $40 cad, about 60 scoops ,, means a price of about 66ยข per scoop, and 2 scoops is equivalent to eating a 200g steak.
aye I drank the exact same shake to escape skelemode but with a cup of oats thrown in as well
Bull, everywhere I look the prices have gone up to $15-20 per pound at cheapest. I'm not worried about the price per scoop, I'm simply not going to pay more than $10 a pound because that's what I'm used to paying. If they want to Jew on prices, they've made a lifelong milk drinker and boiled egg blender out of me. I'm never paying for whey trash again. If you had any spine you'd do the same.
how fucking tall are you that you cant get in enough calories? just eat tablespoons full of peanutbutter inbetween meals or drink somekinda sweet falvored milk. it cant be that hard.
>inbetween meals
Killing your test. Only wat square meals. Being hungry is good, means you were producing good hormones not constantly having to produce insulin.
Yeah soft stools is par for the course when you're drinking that much milk. Used to get the sweats real bad too but the gains were unreal.

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