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/fit/ - Fitness

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>deloads didnt fix the joint pain
>lowering volume didnt fix the joint pain
>lower the loads didnt fix the joint pain
>changing lifts didnt fix the joint pain

pretty much stuck with joint pain forever, aren't I?

idk how I have it, I eat loads of diary like whey and milk, I get sunlight, I get all my micro-nutrients in, I eat fish a lot.

Idk what it is, joint pain in the elbow just never goes away
Try not lifting with arms, at all, for a while. I know it sucks but it's better than living with pain and/or making it worse
Get a theraband flex bar, green one. It's expensive but it's worth it
Check posture and any tensions you're not aware of. I was tensing my arm and aggravating the issue when at work and while gaming
Good luck
Simple solution:
>deloads didnt fix the joint pain
Don't deload.
>lowering volume didnt fix the joint pain
Increase volume
>lower the loads didnt fix the joint pain
Increase loads
>changing lifts didnt fix the joint pain
Keep lifts the same.

Not my fault, you're too stupid to realize the obvious solution.
You probably just need one of those forearm bands. Also change your posture/position you're using your keyboard.
Retarded low weight and working back up over 1mo
I did that, the joint pain got WORSE instead of better.

I took 3 weeks off and my elbows were in more pain some how compared to me just continuing to lift with it
Do you do curls? I never did them for 10 years, then when I decided to do them, insane elbow joint pain. Curls are an elbow workout unless you rotate your arm outward away from your body. Actual curls that hit the bicep and don't strain the elbow look retarded to do, your hands should be way far away from your waist. This cured the joint pain entirely.

I actually only started doing curls because my knees and back hurt too badly to do too much leg work. Yes there are consequences for abusing your body with constant hard work. You're basically a day laborer by choice, we need to stop denying that this shit isn't destroying our bodies. I only lift 3 weeks on 1 week off, where I do cardio for that week. Gains still go up. I'm gonna mess around with 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, the benefits should outweigh the loss, if any.
Hurts most when you sleep right? Wake up with your arms asleep? You're noob curling with your elbows. If you don't externally rotate, you're entirely using your elbow connective tissue to move that weight, the bicep is barely involved. You want the opposite, bicep doing most the pulling and the con tissue not being strained. Put your arms further out on the bar or do them with dumbells and your hands staying far away from your torso. Biceps are not an easy muscle to hit.
Milk can cause inflammation in some people, so experiment with cutting dairy. Modern milk can have some unnatural stuff in it.
What do you mean by away? Like concentration curl? Or preacher curl?
what exercises make the pain worse? are there any exercises/movements that don't make the pain worse? you're gonna have to be a bit more specific than this.
unironically consider not lifting and taking up a lower-impact form of exercise. even if all you do is bodyweight stuff, mobility and cardio you'll still be in better shape than most people. not everyone needs to be able to lift heavy ass weights.
Hold your right arm out in front of you like you're curling, and turn it outwards to the right. Curling should look like a retarded wing flapping motion, not too exaggerated but the more you turn outward the more you'll feel your bicep taking over when you do them weighted. You're mostly hitting elbow connective tissue if you're doing them with your hands straight in front of you, too much will fuck that joint up. Curls are one of the stupidest lifts. If you can't get the rotation right just stick to hammer curls, but still the closer the angle is towards your chest the more you're shredding elbows and not using biceps.
I will never cut diary, I am white, and a diet high in diary is actually protective against stomach/colon cancers.
No but I do sleep on the side where my elbow hurts, its my left elbow joint that hurts.

I dont have pain in the right side.

Whats funny is that when im lifting, I dont feel any pain. Its when im not lifting that I have pain.

I wonder if its because im sleeping on my left side constantly
I'm a side sleeper too due to PTSD. It was definitely a contributing factor in how long the pain lasted. I slept on both sides but it was way worse if I slept on the left side. I would have to make sure my arm was bent or just sleep on the right side. There was a bloodflow issue during sleep that seemed to not be letting it heal. I would wake up and it would feel like my elbow was necrotic. You're gonna have to sleep on another side I'd say, that was part of my healing process.

I had initially suspected weighted pullups to be the culprit because I'm almost to 2 plates. But changing up curl form and lowering their volume was what began the path to recovery. I totally forgot about how bad it hurt to sleep on the injury side, but that was definitely a part of the healing too to keep it bent (propped it up on a pillow too to ensure proper bloodflow) or sleep on the other side. Blood has got to get to it during sleep for it to heal.
This is valuable information anon, that would explain why I notice golfer's elbow with chinups, while vertical pulldowns (heavy resistance bands hanging from a pullup bar) blow my biceps up.
>side sleeper
>due to PTSD
Please elaborate on the connection
you could try getting an arm brace for when u sleep.
I barely ohp 135 and could hit 275 any day it stems from overloading shit you're welcome go spend 1mo on your weak points
Interesting... I do weighted chin-ups.... could that be the issue?

Though wouldn't it be both sides that hurt if it was that? Seems odd to just be one side.

I dont have any pain when im doing the actual weighted chin-ups though....
Fish oil, anti inflammatory, take some time off, then slowly easy into it with static holds where the triceps is in a stretched position (a triceps extension behind your head and just hold it there with enough tension that it hurts a little bit but no more than 2/10). Also stretch out your forearms, e.g. stand up, place your hands on a desk, rotate them 90-180 degrees and lean on them. Get elbow wraps and put them at the beginning of every training.
>fish oil
>take some time off
>wrap up the elbows

This is the worst advice I have ever seen posted on /fit/ in the 15 years I’ve been lurking here
It started around when I really began hammering weighted pulls, I do neutral grip on the high weight though. I had it in my right elbow then my left. Really can't say what caused it but I still do heavy weighted pullups without issue.

There's an unknown link between people who've gone to basic training or police academy that can't sleep on their backs anymore. Started day 1 of basic for me and before that I was a strict back sleeper, couldn't sleep any other way. Day 1 I could never sleep on my back since. I thought it was a stress or blood pressure issue at first but it never went away. I think it's because they scream at us while doing leg lifts on our backs, idk. There's not much information online about it but I remember them mentioning you won't be able to sleep on your backs anymore and many dudes report the same thing. The nutritionist suggested it had something to do with the heart.
>Fish oil, anti inflammatory
So take an inflammatory then an anti inflammatory, got it lmao.
I've never heard that about side/back sleeping. Interdasting, I will study it.
That's the same movement...

also add in cardio for active recovery
>This is the worst advice I have ever seen posted on /fit/ in the 15 years I’ve been lurking here
You should see /plg/ then
Just warm up properly you dingbat
I dont have the pain when im lifting, i have the pain outside of the gym

The pump seems to take the pain away
Try gentle lifts and active recovery efforts with bands. It may also be worth finding out if you've just got temporary damage or more serious damage to joints.
I bet this fag is in a constant caloric deficit and low bf and wondering why his joints are shit
Then it's something with the tendons. Google overcoming tendonitis. You train to 2-3/10 pain and reassesses after every workout. It will take months.
slow heavy weight lifting and heavy isometrics 30~45s
supplement 30g collagen + vit c 1h before workout
stay active
jerk it to prime gianna michaels

Supplement boron
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ah yes, a supplement with barely any research and considered toxic recommended by "yummy doctor" where can i order?
I had chronic joint pain for 2 years, especially in my right shoulder.

2 weeks of BPC-157 and TB500 made it vanish and repaired all my issues in my joints/with my tendons.

Can 100% recommend doing a cycle, that stuff is magic.
Yeah... there's no such thing as a free meal... theres probably some kind of long-term side effects of that shit like super-cancer or something
Its well documented what it does and how it works.
>barely any research
You should at least go to some of the links in the images, like, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/
There's a bunch of research.
I've been one month off of gym cuz I hurt my shoulder
guess I've had it too nice and something had to go wrong
you're brown and dyel why would anyone take your advice
Just use bands
>complains about joint pain
>doesn't mention any stretching/mobility work at all
deload your sets
do a couple deloaded sets
work up to like 60% of your previous weight, focus on form, 12 rep sets
stretch again
go home and eat

dont take time off if you have a tweak or slight pain, that shit destroys you. especially if it is tendonitis
reduce load and increase volume to drive bloodflow to the area

as you get older your tendons lose mobility if you're not focusing on it.
Because I care
try eating gelatin
20-40g of collagen per day
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You're not gonna like this but the key to life is....
dropping the weight way down and looking like a dyel but still having to exercise just as much
>I eat loads of diary like whey and milk
Dairy is super inflammatory. Switch to beef only carnivore for a month and see if it disappears
sounds like an auto-immune issue. try replacing dairy with fermented dairy and eat a variety of fiber.
>>changing lifts didnt fix the joint pain
from what to what?

no u don't need any *** pills, u need to wise up
You follow the same routines with the same 5 exercises? No stretching no mobility work. No calisthenics type exercises that work out every single small muscle that you skipped over creating imbalance.
Try glucosamine I had knee pain from martial arts and it went away from that supplement
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Could be joint inflammation, if you don't live in America™ you could get a check up at a doctor. If it's really bad, it might require surgery but the alternative is saying good bye to your joints.
Second this, my friend used glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin, collagen and cod liver oil capsules, as a last gasp attempt to fix his knee joint pain. Depends what exactly is wrong with you though at the end of the day.
Eat more and take nandrolone.
>dead hangs
>heavy clubs
>heavy farmers walks
Joints hurt when they're compressed, and they don't get nutrients from blood directly. They get it from synovial fluid and that doesn't pump itself. You need to open up the joint, by pulling it apart (the medical term is distraction). When you do that, relatively nutrient and oxygen rich synovial fluid gets flushed in

The aforementioned activities do that.
Good luck
Im not going down the surgery route, that shit never goes well
Did you try changing the rep range?
Get a powerball titan
eat lots of chicken legs and eat the cartilage
Your ancestors didn't evolve and adapt to the crappy hormone enriched, pasteurized milk you're drinking. Just try taking a week off, and see if there's any improvement. That's an order.

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