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Just take test and bloatmaxx
Its cheaper
Learn to do cardio and carb cycle it's cheap as shit.
I have to agree.
>eating more is cheaper than eating less
Fasting is free
You only get fat if you're years behind from extraneous circumstances you gay little nigger go pick some cotton you disgusting cretin faggot.
You are honestly disgusting as a person and I hope you get herpes aids and warts in your ass because I know you're gay/lesbian and would adopt even though you'll raise a gay ass shit child.
Her name is Jia Lisa.
I'd rather inject myself with stonefish venom than roids, natty4life
This little gay russian boy just needs to make a porno already
Who the fuck goes broke by eating less?

Are you retarded by any chance?
She seems to share a name with a pornstar so I can't find anything.
>eating less and therefore paying less for food is making you broke
i will never understand retarded fucking americans, why is that such a common belief among you fucking monkeys
Proove she's a boy
>t. Crab in a bucket
People taking just test make no gains because they're the v6 mustang of people
>shirtless on steroids
Hooker person nigger faggot
>she’s a boy

Kys troon
Test is overrated. Do 250 as base and the rest orals and tren up to 1g in total
Fasting is more than free. It saves money.
>and tren
some of us want to have a decent quality of life
some russian weeb that posts regularly on /pol/
Got a white boy on my roster
He be feeding me pasta and lobster
OP didn’t think this one through.
Also, if you don’t buy empty calories like rice or potatoes you also don’t have to waste time exercising just to burn off the empty calories.
>hurr durr I need to walk on a treadmill for half an hour because I needed to eat 100g of bland tasteless rice that has no nutritional benefit to me
at least post some source of the troon if you're gonna stick with the irrelevant time wasting question facade
what is carb cycling
I take test and stay lean, I don't need to bloatmax
I am fucking a new stacy every week so it's working pretty well
If you eat less, you have to eat higher quality foods instead of cheap goyslop.
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>mediocre for life
>eat tons of carbs: gain 5kg water weight
>eat no carbs: lose 5kg water weight
>repeat ad infinitum and feel like you make progress
...so that's pointless as hell
Nah, he's right in a way. High calorie hyperpalatable foods are a dime a dozen. What's expensive is low calorie hyperpalatable foods. 0 cal sweetener is like 8x more expensive than sugar. Everything made from it is more expensive too.
Sure, you could theoretically spend less money on a cut by actually eating less, and eating cheap low cal stuff like veggies. But that would be pure misery. Low cal hyperpalatable foods are what makes cuts doable, but they make cuts more expensive than bulks.
Broke as shit? Since when has it cost much to eat less?
I can see shopping at Aldi and buying pounds of cheap vegetables to eat every day. Bone-in chicken thighs and drumsticks are usually $0.99/lb
OP is a fat lard of shit coping
I’m not bro please believe I need you to believe I’m not a fatlard bro I promise
Fat makes people dumber
The answer is a long cold turkey process which can reset your taste buds. Scooby suggeted this years ago and he was right. If you keep eating the artifically and hyper flavored foods habitually you'll never break that cycle and addiction. You'll eventually be able to enjoy the more subtle natural flavors.
Sure, but you're setting yourself up to always need to cook and meal prep for yourself and not be able to function in society.
What happens if you go out to eat with your family? Pretty much anything you order there is gonna undo any work you did resetting your taste buds. So then you'll have to subject yourself to the torture of quitting cold turkey again every time that happens.
It's much easier to just allow yourself to have hyperpalatable foods, but swap them for low cal versions whenever you need to cut.
>and not be able to function in society.
The most sad and Amerilard thing I've seen on here in a long while. Take control of your life. Man up.
he has his dick still right?
You can actually see this dude go through the mental checklist of how he thinks a girl should pose. Must be rough living a lie every public moment of your life.
and what do I care?
what do you care?
You think niggas are going to stop being gay because you call them mentally ill?
why are poltards so retarded
I care because a large portion of society is asking me to pay pretend with these people. It's just an absolutely ridiculous blatant lie that we're all supposed to nod along to and smile while some poor kid gets his single mom's medical insurance milked for hundreds of thousands of dollars for them to condemn him to a life of misery and eventual suicide.
Maybe it won't be my post in particular but hopefully the general anti tranny sentiment on this website will help some lonely kid from falling into your evil nonsense and ruining his life.
I'd still cream pie his bussy tho

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