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/fit/ - Fitness

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do you deload or skip/rest? when do you do it?
So, a normal politician then
I do a deload after every 6 weeks of training. I lessen the volume a lot but keep intensity about the same. Sometimes I do what my girlfriend is doing just for fun. Sometime it's her ass pump workout or a group exercise session.
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Every 7th week. Same reps half the weight and skip deadlifts.
Thats not what POV means
I fucking hate zoomers so much its unreal
I think she means she gives blowjobs to make it to the top.
Same as most. Usually every six weeks, I just did one last week and took the week off completely. Ended up doing a load of rucking and exploration.
Typically though I'll just do less intensity and volume on my deload week.
She's saying she's about to announce her run for president
When my lifts go down or I don't hit the minimum rep goal, which usually also happens around week 6 or 7, my program has me reduce the lifts to 90% of the previous working weight until I am done with the cycle, then I take a week break.
>POV: you're a zoomer retard who doesn't understand what POV means
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>POV: You're watching the woman
It's POV, but not hers. It's our POV, we're sitting next to her.
let the incels point out the most trivial things on the internet to cope with their fragile ego and existence. just laugh and move on, dont even type at them or try to correct.
what does it mean
>t. incel pointing out trivial thing
Classic camera man's pov
mad lil celly that u wil never get a woman that beautiful so u attack the supposive "flaws" she has while you have 10x as much?
that ugly mutt has pencil drawn eyebrows, kill yourself street shitter
uh no she looks awesome and fun to be around and a huge ego boost to any man that is worthy enough for her to date in this SMV. pajeet is getting more pussy than u chud because they arent insufferable like you. plz end ur gene pool before its too late.
keep thinking ur inner monologue neurotypical personality will get u pussy even if u "slave" away at the gym. ur so jealous of normal people and ur terminally online on 4chan forever. please KILL yourself YOU are the bad seed. nobody wants you around and your existence just burdens people from having a good time.
she deleted this almost right after posting it cause it's a self own, that's all, it's funny.
Why can't anyone use pov correctly, or is the blonde woman the blowjober?
Could you explain this? Truly i have no idea what this implies.
i dont get it, why would she announce to everyone that she only got to where she is by sucking dick? isnt admitting that frowned upon in the "conservative" circle?
its a reference to the meme where women always include themslves in meaningless photos. like, they'll take a selfie with their coffee instead of just taking a picture of it like a man would.
TLDR: women are narcissistic
I don't even go to the gym, what the fuck are you talking about schizo
>use POV so incorrectly that you implicate yourself in a multitude of sex scandals
>actually chud, language evolves
>this is how we use POV now
>get with the times
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First edict by Madame President after her ascension to power: all white adult males under 200lbs are castrated, sissified and forced to wear dresses.
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Just think, President Mommy Kamala will start locking up niggers and weedfags with harsh sentences like she did as a San Fran D.A in your lifetime
>woman who says what men want to hear to get paid being used as a representation of what women believe
truly we live in an unrecoverable society
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do you really think women find this shit attractive bro
come on
not sure how this relates to what I was replying to retard, especially since this guy votes for trump
You're technically supposed to do a deload every 6 weeks, but I've personally been able to go longer than that without issue.
I think rather than deloading every x weeks, you shouldn't deload until you're hard stuck on a plateau for most of your lifts.
>especially since this guy votes for trump
Really? Then why does /fit/ hate him so much?
>don’t listen to this woman, she’s a hypocrite
game knows game, man
So you want your hard-earned money stolen to house and feed niggers and weedfags in prison, instead of letting them kill themselves and each other?
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he votes for trump because he's a zionist libertarian who glorifies billionaires, /fit votes for trump because they hate jews and think voting for a guy all of israel worships like a god is somehow productive. so they're coming at it from two different sides I guess
She’s just jealous that she spent her time blowing dudes to get in at bars and free handbags rather than blowing dudes that would give her a chance to be president.
>zionist libertarian who glorifies billionaires
wtf based?!
nah lame as hell actually.
>retard understanding of the world
keep voting for the side that’s flooding the country with useless people who soak up tax revenue, lower wages, and drastically increase the cost of housing. That’s totally what we need more of, dipshit.
a true philosopher
Kamala Harris looks like that?
>THEY TAKE LOW WAGES BUT UH... THEY ALSO INCREASE THE COSTS OF LIVING, SOMEHOW. I'm the one that doesn't have a retard understanding of the world!!
This will probably actually happen since most women genuinely interpret the world in second and third person references. OP pic is far from the first woman to ever use POV while posting a third person shot or taking a selfie when trying to refer to something else inside (or possibly outside) of the actual picture.
Those aren't contradictory things at all. It's really obvious how this works if you understand that you're talking about pouring people into a country and not some video game with infinite everything.
She's a wop
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I deload when I feel like trash. Usually I can tell just from how ai feel during the day. Sometimes if I have an abysmal workout and there's no other explanation like lack of sleep I'll deload for a week.

I usually just take a week off. I'll jog and do bodyweight and maybe some light dumbbell work just to keep active. A couple times a year I'll take multiple weeks off.

My usual cadence is 4 weeks on 1 week off.


It's not just a zoomer women. Women don't understand the concept of POV. 99% of them thing it just means selfie.
I hate lip fillers.
Looks fucking disgusting, like a prolapsed anus.
>Those aren't contradictory things at all.
yes they are. cost of living correlates strongly with income. housing isn't a supply and demand issue, it's a "real estate investors have bought everything up and are maximizing profits" issue, there is WAY more housing than there are people, immigration isn't even a drop in the bucket there
It’s just “MFW” for illiterate girls.

Much like how they use “I was just pretending to be retarded” when they talk about negative engagement
They’re willing to accept worse living conditions - they will live 4+ to a room.
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I don't get the point of deloads. Like you're not making any progress because you're either doing half the work of half the intensity, but you're also not properly resting. What I do is just take 4-5 days completely off when the fatique gets too much
refusing to buy expensive homes does not drive up housing prices, that's not how that works.`
Is she implying that she's the one giving blowjobs or is she just retarded?
You can do either
Deloads just help you keep routine, reset your form and introduce new exercises at low weights
the second, but she is in fact guilty of the first one as well
truly one of the tweets of all time

Lowering the intensity and volume is basically doing nothing for a week. I like to keep the blood pumping so I do high rep low intensity and cardio. The trick is to keep it below the threshold where you can recover completely in 24 hours.
Are you just like being retarded on purpose, or what?
no, you just fundamentally don't understand the issue at hand. poor mexicans aren't buying up all the cheap housing, the cheap housing is already bought up and plentiful, but when the real estate market feels that they can gouge more money out of renters it increases, that's why affluent places are more expensive, not poor places where everyone prioritizes getting a cheap apartment
its what terminally online incels think but they don't live in reality just like trannies
Wait, she isn't talking about herself?
My brother in christ if you can rent your property to 10 mexicans willing to share a room for 200$ each why would you rent it to a family of 3 for less than 2000$?
Please take your fantasies elsewhere

There was a bit of a thing on the internet in the last few years where lots of people learnt about mind-blindness and it blew peoples minds. Some people don't have a 'minds eye' they cant close their eyes and see a Jelly fish for example.

Some people can see photographic reference, some see something like a line drawing and there are stages in between. People who have a normal full minds eye couldnt concieve of there being sighted people that couldnt conjure up an image in their heads and less so vice versa.
I think the joke here is that women can only visualise or think about something with context to themselves . Or: >>74773625
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And pic
>My brother in christ if you can rent your property to 10 mexicans willing to share a room for 200$ each why would you rent it to a family of 3 for less than 2000$?
because you have many more homes than you have mexicans
none of this is right, it's an image encapsulating the mechanism of desire. On the left is a man who desires an apple because he's thinking about the apple itself, he's thinking about the apple, the object of his desire. On the right the woman is thinking of an apple held and desired by another woman, depicting the concept that a woman can only desire what other women already own or hold desirable, rather than desiring something for it's own merits. Not my experience with women, but that's what the image depicts.


this is basic economics, the other guy sucks.
either she doesn't know what POV means or she's saying she's running for president and sucked a lot of cocks.
I always bounce between 1 and 4. Hard to cut out that noise sometimes

That makes you a 1, its the celing of what you can picture under optimal conditions.
>he doesnt role third person view
Its over.
so you're saying that the blonde girl in the photo is Kamala Harris?
fucking idiot
>this is basic economics
this is why you don't understand, you're trying to apply the most simplistic economic concepts to a non-simplistic scenario, thus coming to the wrong conclusion
Do we, though? Or is that just what people would like to think?
No, they're right. Rental demand isn't some kind of magic form of demand which doesn't actually count for anything. A family of 10-15 that can collectively express demand greater than a family of 4 for equivalent sized housing will drive up housing prices. Sellers and landlords are looking to maximize profit. It's up to the people expressing demand to not show up on the suppliers' doorsteps begging to live like chickens in a coop. Barring this, the only other option would be to either close the borders or enforce assimilation to prevent people from straight up abusing the multigenerational household hack.
>-- and that's a good thing
This guy is right, it's "basic" not as in "simple" or "dumbed down" but as in "fundamental to how markets function."

Does it not make sense that 10 immigrants pooling together 200 dollars monthly is easier than one dude with a wife and kids working a job to part with 2000 dollars monthly to house his children and their mother?

Also, this is the same gross simplification of market forces - there's more housing than people, sure, but because plenty of towns and cities across America are becoming economically unviable. There were plenty of houses in detroit in the 80s, there's several reasons to not move there. Entire towns in Appalachia are down to a tenth of their residents from 100 years ago, with empty houses lining empty streets. There's so much housing overflowing where nobody wants to live, or can viably get a job to earn an income. You can't tell someone looking for houses within an hour of where their career is that if they can't buy a 850k house that sold ten years ago for 350k they should move to West Virginia
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Kamissar Harris will put these traitors in CAMPS, where they belong!
can someone explain to me if she's supposed to be calling out Kamela Harris, and is a fucking dumb blonde who doesn't realise the way she wrote the caption makes it sound she gives the blowjobs

or if shes actually running for president in some shithole nobody cares about
its the grift. she wants to baits the magas into paying her for no services redeemed just the dream of a bj
Attention whoring using the stage of presidential election to garner attention.
Marketing ploy probably to funnel coomers into her OnlyWhores account.
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Is Brittney Venti right about this?
POV is the new “When…” for dumb people. Get used to.
Yes, I skip rest days.
She used it correctly here.
The blonde girl is saying that she's going to run for president.
>We will be in character creation for an hour before we play a videogame.

Guys always joke about spending hours making a character in Baldur's Gate 3 and other RPGs.
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>tfw you have a volvo instead
Of course they don't find that attractive. He's 5'3"
>Is Brittney Venti right
>its the grift. she wants to baits the magas into paying her for no services redeemed just the dream of a bj
yup. she also is putting christianity in her bios and shit. its hilarious how these whores are all the same. all beautiful blondes grifting the retards on the right. although it doesnt appear she has an onlyfans, but im sure she has a different name its under

look at her pinned tweet lol
Nah you’re retarded and wrong. It’s a very simple image but pseuds like you always try to be faggots about it.
Yes always why they always talk about women in some weird third person way like in songs and shit men almost never do that.
>crazy people running for president
That is an indication that the times are actually pretty normal

Does doing RRRPPLR count as a deload? Basically doing half the volume in a week.
>keep voting for the side that’s
your vote means nothing, retard
The Democrats stole the last election and they'll steal this one too. And you'll do nothing about, just like last time.
At least if you opted out and distanced yourself from the face you would retain a modicum of dignity.
should be bent over or showing bobs or doing the IG pose
>commies are normal
Wew, that's certainly a take
Hahaha fuck yeah! That was hilarious, fuck that chick, kamala harris for prez, shevisxwaybtoo xmartb5o fuck everything up!!111 Fuckin rights (trans rights that is)
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>your vote means nothing, retard
The Democrats stole the last election and they'll steal this one too. And you'll do nothing about, just like last time.
At least if you opted out and distanced yourself from the face you would retain a modicum of dignity.
>your vote means nothing, retard

I'm surprised people say your vote matters and whatever, then complain that it's rigged or donors are buying elections.
>Does it not make sense that 10 immigrants pooling together 200 dollars monthly is easier than one dude with a wife and kids working a job to part with 2000 dollars monthly to house his children and their mother?
the fundamental misunderstanding is market share here.
also this isn't some statistical trickery, there's excess housing essentially everywhere in usa, they just aren't for sale/rent since they're getting trickled out for profit, there are manufactured shortages
I do
3 weeks hypertony (60-70% weight w reps in rqnge of 12) every other day.
>usually 2 weeks i go single muscle groups - legs, chest, back, arms, shoulders, all body (deadlift, traps, forearms, calves). Then 1 week i split it so i do a muscle group twice a week. E.g. back+biceps chect+triceps and shoulders etc. So i do shoulders e.g. on monday and friday. Rest is either 1 day or no days depending how i feel
2 full days off
1 week heavy weights
>just go heavy low rep 3-5 especially for stubborn muscles. Take 1 day rest after each workout.
5-6 days of rest
>i avoid anything physical and just rest and stretch and bike a bit
1 week HIIT
>light weight with emphasis on speed and explosiveness. I usally do farmers walks, shuttle sprints etc.
Then i have 3 days completely off and look what i want to do next and structure next cycle.

Taking about a week off every 2 months will give you a ton of benefits.
Yes I encourage all young potential republicans reading this to accept their vote means nothing.

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