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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why are black people on average much more muscular and athletic looking?

Watch videos of Nigeria, it's full of jacked people
I'm just theorizing but I'd assume it's the years of selective slave breeding. Only the strongest had the most use and value. Obvs this wouldn't account for ALL of them, but a large part of the gene pool for sure. Also generally it's been agreed that black people on average generally have a higher density of fast twitch muscle fibre compared to other races, hell a number of black girls I dated always had an unusual amount of muscle mass compared to other girls I've been with even untrained
Why are black people on average much more fatter and lazier looking?
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Less yappin' and more pickin' boy
I've seen black people who don't like like a thin fridge lots of white people look like that too
Here come the coping crackas
Because you are a filthy homosexual
This dude looks gay, not a bad frame though
Cool bro when are you going back to Africa?
You're the one that brought us here biscuit and now you want us to leave? Suck my dick bitch
Why do black men wear wigs and hair extensions like woman and have hair like spryer on lol why do they look so feminine as well and chimp out like woman
>brought us here
You know the ships were owned by jews, right Dontavious?
You crackas blame jews for everything lol, if you were so smart and superior than why do they control you like cattle
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>blame jews
It's a historical fact retard
>muh cattle
Good morning saar
How is it a historical fact you dumbass
He's talking about Nigeria tho. Not much selective breeding for slaves going on over there.
Roids are cheap tho
>country with normal calorie consumption
>why do they not look like western diet blobs
I don't know anon, it's a mystery
roids are cheap and niggers are insecure
>muh all blacks are roiding cooe
Kek, it's so cute
>weird browncel who desperately wishes he was an american black guy thread number 9001
>on average
they aren't on average
some parts of west africa though, very nice insertions(except their calves always will look skinny), store fat on limbs to manage high temperatures, lots of fast twitch muscle leads to easier hypertrophy.
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Because you're comparing them to yourself which is unfair. Everyone looks like a walking God compared to a 4ft skinnyfat pajeet with a 2 inch cock.
>muh all blacks are roiding cooe
>Kek, it's so cute
It's also true.

You guys have NO idea how popular steroids are, especially in non-whites. It's pretty funny.
Why are you bringing up indians ? What do they have to do with this topic?
Gonna post that dumb cope image about how everyone roids except white people?
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tf ranjeep gonna do?
Of course you post your weirdo raceplay jack off materia. Whites are all mentally ill
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exactly you'll do nothing but jerk of to black men like a good little curry cuck
Because there are records of who owned and traded slaves?
This is a study done on American Students.
Black students roid so they can get sports scholarships
Why would Africans put their very limited resources into natty lifting if they have no intention to make money from it eventually?
If they are in africa it's because they do nothing except physical work and live in sunlight and eat lean, plus it's likely since africa is hot they are genetically adapted to carry less fat on average
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Blackbois are so fuckigng athletic
That’s pretty cool. Zesty af no doubt, but rather spectacular doing these stunts in tight faux leather pants and high heels.
>Gonna post that dumb cope image about how everyone roids except white people?
You mean one of the few actual studies done on the subject that you for SOME reason don't want to believe?
Black kids in HS were open about their roid use on the football, baseball, and basketball teams. They used to talk about it to everyone to piss off their coaches who were giving it to them. No one cared. Also in Miami every 3rd latino dude on the street is juiced to the hills and just goes to planet fitness twice a week.
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>be selected for hard labor
>most lazy unemployed race
Stfu retard
ikr, hes like the half life one ninja spy girls at that one level with containers.
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Reminder to O-Blocknigs that Von is getting spitroasted in a lake of fire in Hell right now by all the ops he killed LMAO
you niggas are mentally ill who tf cares about this
deadass Nigerians can't afford to eat. This is not me being racist, but literally 80% of Nigerians (a country with 230 fucking million people in it) live below the *Nigerian* poverty line. Food is extremely expensive, and inflation/government corruption and selling out to China so Tinubu can buy his son his seventh yacht doesn't help either

Of course you're gonna look lean when you OMAD every day and live off max 1200 calories
>Why are black people on average much more muscular and athletic looking?
I thought it was because they tend to store excess bodyfat in and around their internal organs, while others will store it as a fat layer right under the skin. So that's one reason they are more prone to heart disease.
The reason you don't want to go back is to Africa is that it is a shithole, and it is a shithole because it's filled with niggers like you.
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You negros should kiss white people's feet for they civilized you.
I fucked a high caste indian girl doing her PhD program in my country (Europe) lmao
I was surprised she let me smash first night. Whole room smelled like indian spices and tikka masala for a fucking week, i couldn't air it out

Other than that, high caste jeetas are actually pretty hot since they resemble apes less so than southern indians. The sex was decent and I assume she would have been a good wife if I stayed with her.
Ask all the dead medieval niggas who shit themselves to death due to the plague, unhygienic shiteaters need to be purged from the planet
That's AI you braindead retard
they're not
africans just go around shirtless more often because most of the continent is a hot desert
non-blacks who move there go around shirtless too
that doesn't explain the muscularity of people in africa
in fact, if all the muscle genes were selectively exported out of africa, people in africa today would be less muscular, not more
low bodyfat doesn't mean muscle you retarded mouth breather but then again you are a tranny who keeps bumping a nig thread
Well if it’s videos made for social media that you’re seeing then roids are likely involved, they’re not hard to get in Africa. Further, on average, an African is more physically active, likely has a physical labor job, and has less access to junk food. But those that have come to America are actually disproportionately obese, supporting the idea that this is a very environmentally driven phenomenon.
nigger poster doesn't care for reality but their reality if you can call it that has 80 million genders
This is unironically the correct answer but its "ray-cyst" so no one will investigate it.
Selective breeding is a myth in reality its low bf and darker skin showing how cut you are better(wonder why at bb shows they use fake tan?) now go back to /lgbt/

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