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can you build muscle with just protein powder and a multivitamin? i only have 10 of these from my old work that i got laid off from and i am poor but have no wholesome foods like eggs and milk. can i still build muscle with synthetic foods for a few months until i find a new job to buy decent food?
Yes, beginners can make gains with enough protein in a slight calorie deficit.
>just protein powder
Try to throw in some good basic food that is cheap. The protein powder can be used as a big free boost in your protein intake but don't use it as a solo source of all your food.

Can't you buy some milk, eggs, potatoes, rice, etc.?
>i am poor but have no wholesome foods like eggs and milk
If you have a PayPal or cashapp, I'll happily send you soem money for food. In big on charity.
You will feel absolutely miserable.
You can replace some, even most of your real food with synthetics, but do not skip it entirely, for the sake of your own sanity. Try to cook yourself something resembling a well-balanced meal from time to time.
Theoretically you would probably be fine, but you should really eat some vegetables so you aren't melting your asshole from protein shits.
>Theoretically you would probably be fine
What would be the best strategy to lose some weight (around 10kgs over the next few months) but also gain muscle at the same time?
I'm eating less now, especially not buying any chocolate and sugar soda. I drink 400ml milk mixed with protein powder and eat kinda healthy (some rice, meat, ..).
Low IQ wikipedia scholar
Protein powders are loaded with carbohydrates. While there is very little fat in protein powders, you usually drink it with milk which is full of fat.
Even the wiki page you're posting is very wishy washy about this and they use the example of rabbit meat as it's one of the leaner meats. The one source for this protein poisoning is some idiot article from American Journal of Physical Anthropology i.e popscience article.
Then the wikipedia page ends by saying Bilsborough and Mann say more than 35% of your calories coming from protein ''may'' cause health problems, but then also says that 45% would be ok.

If your entire diet consisted of protein powders in milk, protein would be around 25% of your entire diet, unless you have some weird protein powder brands not commonly consumed.
If you want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, the only answer is roiding.
If you want to maximize fat loss and muscle gain, do a fast losing as much fat as possible as fast as possible, then switch to a high protein diet and lift. Do physical activity when fasting to not lose muscle, but don't actually train and go overboard.
>Protein powders are loaded with carbohydrates
Here's his protein powder. There are 8 grams of carbs. You are wrong.
>you usually drink it with milk which is full of fat.
He literally just said "i am poor but have no wholesome foods like eggs and milk"
Imagine calling others low IQ and being this wrong. I didnt even read the rest of your post.
I think you're focusing on the wrong things. Focus on not being poor anymore as your main thing and focus on fitness and building muscle second.
Low IQ retardation. Posting shit that debunks his own retarded wiki scholar ideas.
I wouldn't assume OP's image is the protein powder he has. It's fucking fruity loops brand protein powder.
>8g carbs
>3g fat
Go home, retard. You're done.
>b-but OP is too poor for milk
Milk is the cheapest food you can get at a store. Milk is cheaper than bottled water.
Stop posting anytime.
>doubles down with no backup
Very sad
>wouldn't assume OP's image is the protein powder he has. It's fucking fruity loops brand protein powder
>i only have 10 of these
Are you just not even reading OP on purpose or what
It's sad as fuck that everyone thinks everything they eat or drink should taste like candy.
I hope you're growing your own organic food to avoid GMOS and pesticides and waste material like a small amount of feces allowed in your food and you literally only eat from animals you raised so you know that they're not being fed toxic shit or have rat shit in it. Or is flavored protein drinks where you draw the line?
>some low iq retard think you can get protein poisoning from a few weeks of protein shakes only
LMAO you have to be several underweight and below 8% bodyfat before you see symptoms and as the other anon pointed out, there are carbs and fat in whey, if you consume it with any kind of milk you get other macros too.
Protein poisoning happens when you're in an isolated location for months with out the chance of eating anything less than lean meat like a island with only rabbits and no eatable plants or other meat or a fucking Antarctic expedition you have only have lean meat left to eat.
Are you a 1840s sailor?

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