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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the dessert devourers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread:
Bring back nuns or we riot
The nun baker's been slacking recently.
108 hours into my fast. Should I stop? I'm afraid of loose skin and refeeding syndrome
If you've been doing the 48 cycle, refeed, 72 cycle, refeed, then you're supposed to fast as long as you can.
And loose skin will happen with any kind of significant weight loss. Sometimes fatties get lucky and their skin is elastic.
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>curbs your hunger while giving you virtually no calories
I only did a 60-hour fast about a month ago I just jumped into this longer one.

I have been doing low calorie during the week
day 2 of maintenance after 6 months of heavy deficit: feels like heaven. I forgot what it's like to have energy. If you asked me two weeks ago, I would've said I am completely fine. But turns out I wasn't
Me: *starts eating at a calorie deficit*

who designed this shit
I alternate kimchi and pickles in case I get sick of eating one.
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Felt like that when eating that "900 calorie" burrito bowl. But then I plateua'd/even went up a little. My TDEE is 2500 but I wonder if it's really 1500 for some reason. Maybe I'll try the bowl with no rice if what people saying about glycogen last thread was true.
Ive gotten into good enough shape to mog my coworkers and am the biggest dude in my apartment gym. I think I may just maintain my muscle mass and not worry about getting shredded again. I think I may just use what I learned here and from dieting to eat a balanced diet of 2500-3000 calories of healthy homecooked meals (I need to learn and I thank the people who called me a manchild here for not cooking) and just focus on having fun lifting hard and doing lots of sports, martial arts, and light physical social hobbies like axe throwing. I dont really have a negative self image anymore and dont feel the need to "self-improve" anymore. I do want to optimize my cardio from here on out for my sports performance and sex, but I doubt Ill spam hours of walking again because it was the most "optimal" form of weight loss fatigue wise. Its a weird feeling after 4 years of training, but I feel my mindset shifting after not having been obese for so long now. I kinda just wanna have fun with the body I built now than obssess over minor flaws on my body. I think Im gonna lose 5-10 pounds that I have left from bulking and move to that kinda lifestyle. This is the anon always going to japan btw. This is where I ended up physically. I just feel like Im no longer training out of a negative self image anymore and just want to enjoy myself. Ill still hop in and give diet and training advice, but I think that physical self improvement journey is mostly over and I need to work on balancing other areas of life. Thanks for the help the past year in keeping me on the right path /fat/.
WAGMI, hook up with any ladies in Japan with your new physique?
so annoyed finally broke my plateau but i got my 2nd part of root canal so i cant puke anything today and my mom making me eat -_- how will i deal with a whole meal inside aaaagghhhhhhhh
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Hey /fat/, when did you decide "Alright I need to stop being a lardass."

For me it was when a button on my overalls burst off like a Looney Tunes character
kill yourself
she is already doing that
absolutely. they were incredibly kind and i still speak to them on LINE regularly. one of them really healed me a year ago when we first met as gay as that sounds and im very grateful to her. best advice i can give is to get out there before you think youre ready. with girls and just social events because i struggled with both in the past. espcially the social events. making more friends has been huge for me.

i went to hit the office gym 4 years ago and they told me i couldnt go in because of my bloodpressure. they let me in eventually and when i got on the scale it said 260. i had put on 100 pounds in a year at my first office job.
You might feel like shit and low energy because you're missing some kind of nutrient though. Eg magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, vitamin B3, vitamin D, zinc etc. An excessive diet might have given you high enough levels that you weren't lacking in it, but now that you've cut it back it could be.

B3 in particular seems to be relevant when it comes to energy levels. A lack of electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium) is likely to cause you to feel like shit.
>B3 in particular seems to be relevant when it comes to energy levels.
nta but according to the apps I'm ALWAYS eating way too much B3, is that a problem?
Unironically, it was because I posted a picture in the CBT and everyone was calling me fat. After years of this place being like "bulk this, bulk that" it was sobering to realize I literally had gotten fat and that I shouldn't be 20%+ bf.
Hitting 20% as a top end for a week or two is fine if youre actually bodybuilding, but I think staying between 12-18% is the way to go for good performance and life quality.
Someone advise please
Basically humanity killed God by avoiding inherent suffering of existence
when my blood sugar levels became very close to the limit for (pre?)diabetes
I'd say quit the fast if it's becoming more and more difficult, stick with it if you're still managing well. You see people doing 14 day long fasts on /fast/ but honestly doing above three days of fasting puts you ahead of most people. And obviously stop fasting if you're getting weak, dizzy, etc
I found out from my clinic that I was just over the line for diabetic 2. Almost pissed myself but they said diet and exercise can reverse it
Inherent suffering is a buddhist meme and we all know indians are scammers. The truth is that there is some suffering and some joy.
kill yourself
why have you no manners?
i was looking at the family group chat near my birthday and realized it was all the olds with 500000 unending lines of nothing but health problem talks
realized i don't want that shit
What’s everyone’s pre-gym meals? I’m thinking of just munching two pieces of toast for some quick carbs before I lift but I’d rather get some input from the fellow /fat/ggots first
It's bearable but I don't want to hurt myself in anyway doing 7 days. Do you think that's within a safe range?
Above my paygrade. Ask your doc if you can. /fast/ will just tell you to fast longer and longer.
its true. my vision keeps getting better every year since i started watching my healthy because my blood sugar and pressure became normal
a bit of granola or your favorite fruit. i also like an open face turkey and swiss sandwich with mustard and keto bread.
i hope you manage to reverse it
Where nuns??? I need nuns :(
we were at a cafe with my brother and his family, my 12yo nephew made a drawing of me on a napkin.
he drew a fatass
it was an accurate drawing and i had to pretend i loved it
Fatty Contest
175.6 lbs

Progress has been minuscule since June. I’ve been trying to do 1350 calories and it’s harder than I thought. I’m thinking of getting an inexpensive stepper to help burn the calories. My schedule has been wild and I’ve been going off 5 hours of sleep. The exhaustion hasn’t been good for my general health and I started eating at maintenance and not moving. That would explain the plateau. 175lbs is not where I want to be but I guess if I could lose another 10lbs this year I wouldn’t be mad about that progress.
based nephew. he knew
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pb&j rice cake
any reason you can't walk outside instead?
i bought one of those cheap mini steppers and they kinda suck, it's just boring and you can't do more than ~20 minutes on them as they overheat, but I was so fat I was embarrassed to go outside at the time.
I like these threads far more than the nun threads.
Just dont eat if this is the only option
I dont know the circumstances of your situation but you'd be better off focusing on sleep instead of buying a stepper. With adequate sleep it will be easier to eat better . Keep it simple, silly
I made a sandwich with these thin rice cakes a couple times. Actually pretty good
Some fruit and granola would be a good bet, grocery shopping Saturday so I’ll probably pick some of that stuff up. Thanks brogan
There was no particular event like that for me, I just happened to find interest in being healthier. Started to eat healthier and exercise more.
science has proven fasting is fraudulent
today's food:
100g whey
500ml milk
1 85g packet of jerky

kinda rough, i should buy some wine and cook myself a stew tomorrow
Hey /fat/ I am 5'10" 235 pounds
Almost 3 years ago I was up to 260 pounds, then I went to live in another country for a few years, it changed my diet drastically and I lost almost 70 pounds over two years of just walking around and living life. Recently I came back to burgerland and now I have been gaining roughly 10 pounds every two months, since I have been back.
I've been getting back to the gym since starting a job where we have an office gym where I can go after hours. Looking at diet advice, should I just go back to eating rice, grains, and basic foods like I did in South America or is there a better way?
If you already lost 70lbs doing a diet, why would you not just keep doing that?
>relative to a control group eating substantially similar diets
no shit
Bros i lost 1 trillion KGs on a diet and then stopped and gained 5 trillion KGs, what do?
It shouldn't be. The conventional wisdom is that you will piss out excess B3, but maybe it just hasn't been properly studied.

Vitamin B3 can help boost your event levels but supposedly you need to take the right kind of B3 so that it can be made into NAD+ in the mitochondria. Some forms of it apparently don't get that far.
old japanese proverb
5 trillion kg up
6 trillion kg down
i like to do this with pb2. very low calorie
Mounjaro is in my system, i feel the power flowing through my veins
its a little easy to go overboard on granola since its very calorie dense. i think one of the nature valley bars alongside some fruit or a protein shake is a great idea. cabrs are a great thing to cut down on a diet, but some will go a long way. especially from healthy sources like fruits and whole grains.
You'll feel it in your rectum if you don't take metamucil or a fiber supplement
No, i took some yesterday and my guts clogged up and i couldn't shit at all. Fuck that shit
What's the difference between that and ozempic? How much weight do you need to lose?
It's what we have in the UK instead of Ozempic, it is also apparently better because it does more or something. I dunno i'm not a scientist.
I approve. Milk is great.
Isn't the only "diet" similar to a fast another fast?
>Fasting doesn't work compared to fasting
Are you bald?
You will need to run at a calorie deficit to lose weight and diet is the biggest factor. You probably don't want to drop just weight and want to target fat loss more than muscle loss instead so you should start counting your calories and trying to focus on getting enough protein in your diet to help with muscle retention (usually 1gram of protein per 0.7lb of lean body mass). To figure out your allowance follow the steps in the op, find your body fat percentage, find your total daily energy expenditure and then plan your weight loss. I recommend https://www.fatcalc.com/mfl instead of losertown but it will need to be adjusted as you lose weight and adapt to your new lifestyle changes. As far as foods, whatever you like that can fit your protein and calorie needs. If there is something you want but can't fit try looking up a healthier alternative using substitutions.
TRE: time-restricted eating
UEP: usual eating pattern
>Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to TRE (10-hour eating window, 80% of calories before 1 p.m.) or UEP (≤16-hour window, ≥50% of calories after 5 p.m.) for 12 weeks. Both groups had the same nutrient content and were isocaloric with total calories determined at baseline.

its saying fasting does nothing beyond the inherent caloric restriction to it
which is kinda obvious to me but maybe some people argue that
i think its saying the opposite. that IF works. its a great simple way to start calorie restriction. you get results and become invested in the process. then you either get on well with OMAD or you seek to continue the results by splitting up your calories into smaller meals. i really think IF and OMAD are an amazing introduction to dieting, especially since it allows that big binge meal that we were accustomed to as fat people.
>10-hour eating window
The only thing you're feeling is your paralyzed colon impacting.
You'll try to ignore it. You'll tell yourself it's just indigestion or a bit of bloating; Dr.Rabinowitz had warned you of such inconveniences. He was so kind and understanding of your plight. The last doctor had recommended "resistance training", whatever the fuck that is, but Rabinowitz, he understood. Food addiction is an illness and it necessitates medical intervention! I'm sick and I can be cured! Mounjaro is curing me!
You repeat this mantra but the pain continues to well. An occasional toss and turn provides a temporary relief. You ponder that this movement is helping your colon along, sending the shit along its merry way. You press your fingers deep into your gut, massaging the little colon your fingers manage to dredge up. But nothing. No relief. No purchase can be made upon the fettid clot through such a mass.
You awake in a hospital bed. Two gowns have been taped together and placed upon your whalicular form, in the center of which a red puddle forms. The nurse explains that you've torn a stitch, that you need to recover and that food is on its way.
You hate this scar. It haunts you. Every now and then another will catch a glimpse of this gash and you'll explain it away as a simple surgery, the result of a simple childhood accident, but you'll always know the truth. It's because you were full of shit, and still are.
>its saying fasting does nothing beyond the inherent caloric restriction to it
Well that's the fucking point.
>which is kinda obvious to me but maybe some people argue that
Well yeah can't say I didn't see people say how fast makes you go in "starvation mode" which brings a lot of benefits and whatever. That always sounded like random crap to me.
kek, i'll be fine
I'm not bald, not yet anyway.
Thanks for the advice anon, will do
Anyone else whos on Mounjaro or Ozempic, if i don't feel hungry do i just not eat? I've eaten like 800cals today and my last meal was 7 hours ago and i don't feel hungry at all. So i guess i just don't eat?
eat 120g-170g of protein daily
I had 400g of chicken breast so thats like 120g of protein. Guess i'm good then.
I mean, that's kinda the point isn't it.
Take a multivitamin and drink some water.
Keep tracking your food. If you're severely undereating consistently, it might make sense to check with your doctor about adjusting your dose.
I understand that's the point, I was just wondering if I should still try and get food in each day or just not if I'm not hungry at all.
>actually make sure I eat little calories instead of eyeballing
>fasting today
>low energy past 3pm
>roommates grilling meat or eggs and it smells terrific
On June 1 I was 218
Today I'm 209

I got hit by a drunk driver and car was totaled and stopped eating out so much. Just realized just how much of a difference eating my own homemade meals at lunch helps
>Hit by a drunk driver
Did you died?

Mostly whiplash. Was out of the gym or like 3 weeks but I'm back in the routine now as well as doing physical therapy. No more deadlifts for me for a long while though.

It was some real bullshit too because I got rear-ended at a stoplight and rolled into another car, whose driver and passenger left on foot. Police found meth pipes in their abandoned vehicle
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>No /fast/ thread
>Day 16 of a water fast
>Weight has plateaued for the last ~5 days now

Bros... I don't understand...
Yep, you're using it as recommended then. Basically as a tool to help you do a PSMF. I recommend getting off once youre in the middle of the overweight BMI and seeing a dietician to help you transition to a normal diet as you'll be missing several tools that people develop during the dieting process. I also recommend weight training at that time.
>800 calorie deficit for 5 months
>80lbs+ lost
>started lifting 11 weeks ago
>all my lifts have gone up
>still look like shit
>stomach now actually looks like it's fucking melting
>literally no one even notices any difference physically
>time to do a 1rm deadhang till failure
Dude it took years for me, but now I get laid within a day whenever I want and people I've known constantly compliment me. It takes a loooooong time, but that time will pass. Are you gonna regress or progress when 2026 hits? Are you enter old age gracefully or in a poor shape when the downwards spiral begins?
Does dieting actually cause lasting metabolic changes which make it impossible to keep weight off
I don't have years, I'll be 40 by the time the decade turns. It's about 10 years too late for my ass. There will be no loving wife for me, no children to watch grow up. I had my chance and I wasted her best years because I was a giant coward.
Kek my doctor reccomended both resistance training and monjuro
You're barely older than me. In two years you'll still be suitable for a wife.
Lol no. Expected weight regain from major weight loss is 85% of what you lost over 5 years. We're gonna be counting calories forever
Yeah I was just planning on doing something like 400g of chicken with rice (70g worth of carbs from the rice) for tea everyday and then if I'm hungry during the day just doing some kind of mixed veg or fruit meal so I'm getting a bit of everything I need. Is that a decent idea?
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post body
you probably have body dys
/fast/ brother. It's the only way to be sure
I think if you do 100g more chicken you're perfect. Be the success story for these drugs where you ate properly on them and then transitioned off of the drug when the time was right with minimal rebound. Good luck.
I've hit my 10k steps today, have you?
no, I have a job.
I'm shitposting while sick at home
No but I do an hour on my exercise bike instead, last 15 minutes then I'm done.
so do I, i'm just not an officecel
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hi fat i made u a brown butter brown sugar banana blondie with apple pieces are you happy
thank you cute baker girl
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At least the apples are healthy. Anyone thinking of going on the Machinest diet?
heres some real advice because its kinda douchey to drop this food in a fat loss thread. you clearly like cooking and sharing it. why not adapt your recipes to be low calorie or high protein and THEN drop them into the thread. some ideas are subbing flour for whey or swapping sugar for artificial sweeteners, stevia or agave (my favorite since it tastes like slightly burned sugar). it would be a fun challenge to yourself and would provide some positivity to the thread. i hate this guy, but greg douchettes anabolic cookbook 2.0 is available to pirate on popular torrent sites and should give you some ideas.

no but i love tuna and fruit and eat both regularly.
no thank you i like being a dick
He went down to 54kg in that movie. 16.1 bmi.
it looks tasty but I'm fucking starting so fuck you
well then go fuck yourself, you're a shithead and a total cunt which is why you have to shill your shitty videos to a bunch of starving overweight anons instead of getting married to chad
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No and i don't have any excuses, I'm just a lazy fat fuck.
I will walk 20k steps each day Friday to Sunday and post screenshots here, or else I'm NGMI.
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None of this stuff works at all
Being fat is a natural consequence of living in our world, where Testosterone levels continue their decline, and Pharmaceuticals seep into our skin through bathing.

Losing weight is impossible if you're living in America. I eat less than 200 calories and still weigh 350.
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not yet. i hit 10k yesterday, lifted and did elliptical. today is a recovery day so im gonna have a healthy mediterranean meal with my bro and then go for a walk while we smoke joints.
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My low cal summer sugar drink
I'll back pedal on this immediately and scale it back down to 14k steps, expect an update tomorrow around this time.
>200 calories
per hour maybe
>Take your meds which cause weight gain and also take away all motivation for exercise!
I'll never take those fucking death pills
Nope anon, you said 20k so I expect 20k.
I'm not sure if I should post this here or somewhere else. I would have done it in the stupid questions thread, but there isn't one. It's going to be a bit of blogpost but I don't mean it to be.

>Put 35lbs on
>Actually look better and not like I'm in ill health anymore
>Makes me look "bulky" rather than straight up fat
>But I do have a fat belly
>Workout and diet
>Get stronger and can feel muscle being much more toned
>Don't seem to lose much/any weight which maybe stands to reason if I'm gaining muscle
>Fat is covering muscle so it's not really noticeable
This is the part where I turn into a complete beta faggot
>Get lovesick, like real lovesick
>Can't eat, sleep, or really enjoy anything
>All I do is get angry because of fictitious scenarios in my head like some schizo and workout
>Muscles and strength seem to have improved although I tire much much quicker and feel like I'm about to pass out
>Even when I'm not working out I almost feel like I'm drunk and could pass out at any moment
>Not helped by my generally angry mood because of fictitious scenarios which elevates my heart rate even more
>Diet is totally out of the window
>All I do is have a coffee when I wake up and smoke about two packs during the day because eating makes me feel physically sick
>So I just don't eat anything
>Lost 10.5lbs in the last 8 or 9 days

I know this isn't sustainable, but I do sort of like the weight loss. I just want to know if there's any advice anyone can give other than telling me to stop being a retarded faggot.
Anon found the Spite Powered hack
I wish it was me being lovesick just makes me do nothign at all. At least I'm able to stick to my diet somewhat.
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>a girl will never bake for me again
>I will never come home after another soul crushing day at work to the smell of banana bread
>I will never be greeted by an overly excited child
>never shall my heart be warmed by laughter of my family
Take SSRIs and you'll stop having a sex drive, you'll stop wanting women at all or watching porn, and eventually your past lifestyle of gooning will be forgotten. It's the cure. Trust me, i'm a doctor who knows better than you.
Do it. It's only 3 days. Do 20k Friday to Sunday. them reign in back in to 10k on monday and work back up to 14k.
>Get lovesick, like real lovesick
shoot your shot with the girl already
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Must have been nice to have had it once in your life
kek cringe
So if you lift are you just in pain all the time and learn to be cool with it because it makes you stronger
There is no good side to being lovesick. You either mope around full of pity, which I've also had, and the other side which is hoping someone says something untoward to you so you can either punch their head off or get your own head punched off. I hate it.

SSRIs wouldn't help, doctor. I've had them before and they made me feel like a rug with no energy of any kind. Like being semi-comatose.

I can't for at least another week and I'm not even sure if she feels the same. If she doesn't then I'm really going to be fucked.

This advice didn't help.
Being "semi comatose" is actually being mentally healthy, and without disorder. you're ill and need our Treatment ™ !
pretty much
>I can't for at least another week and I'm not even sure if she feels the same. If she doesn't then I'm really going to be fucked.
itll be good for you. do your absolute best for the next week and then DO IT. its better than suffering forever. get the gunk out your system and shoot your shot. if it goes well you got the girl, if not you keep the progress and use it for other girls.
Try being told the woman you love and your 3 year old daughter are both dead and the only reason you weren't in the car with them is because some lazy piece of shit couldn't work their shift and you covered for them.
Yeah that's better advice I'm going to try that. Thanks bro. Good luck to you.
i do airsteps while stitting behind the desk, does this count?
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im 31 and everyday i wake up feeling really anxious and i don't even know why, i have my job my car my parents are alive, i recently broke up with gf and i wait for her period to show but other than that there is nothing really bother me, maybe the rent i have to pay every end of the month but i just feel sad bros, what's wrong with me? Lifting and diet is consistent although im not so lean. Can i be that i miss my ex gf from 2 years ago?
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Oh damn, that's fucking bad. Sorry man.
Literally me, although i think my anxiety is from a decade of alcohol abuse and i'm 4 weeks sober so i think it is slowly getting better.
Best way to work around hunger? I guess one should try to avoid getting intensively hungry right before bed time because that kinda makes it hart to fall asleep properly. So maybe leave some hunger gaps throughout the day, so enough calorie budget left for the evening?
at least you had a wife and daughter
If you have money then drugs like Ozempic or Mounjaro. If not then lots of protein.
Yes, biggest meal at dinner with a lot of protein and high-volume of veg/salad to fill you up
Does the apple cider vinegar meme do anything?
It's a meme for a reason anon
you have to ask yourself if they feel like they count?
It's weird isn't it? Everyone called me fat too and i thought they were just being cunts. Turns out i was fat. Lost nearly 10kg, looking lean. Just need some muscle now lmao
>There is no good side to being lovesick. You either mope around full of pity, which I've also had, and the other side which is hoping someone says something untoward to you so you can either punch their head off or get your own head punched off. I hate it.

Is that what's happening to me? I'm lovesick? But I don't even have anyone I'm even interested anymore since she moved away while I'm still in metamorphosis mode.
>Best way to work around hunger?
I'm so fucking fat and ugly it's unreal
Time to get skinny then anon, join us
you can at least be fit and ugly if you try
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Just decided that i might make a serious attempt, like 2 months ago down 17 kg. i knew i was getting fat but i underestimated how much. but with diet and sport I'm shedding pretty easily.

a impactful event was that i did a sprint session and i could barely do 100m and leg pain afterward.

And seeing others be comfortable with being fat. thats not who i am.

I'm pretty much never below 12k

drink, distract, coom, fall asleep imagining a fantasy world
are you making friends in your sport? i found it very motivating to keep in good shape to compete with them and motivate them to train harder too.
Post healthy but good dinners
Pic related, ribollita, a nice soup with cannelini beans and kale
>Post healthy but good dinners
>Pic related
>no pic
goddammit go back to /fast/
forgot pic
>be really really fucking hungry
>see homemade cheese I got from a friend in the fridge
>eat a bit of it, like 200g at most
>eat an apple
>cheese has 400kcal per 100g on average
probably ate less than 200g (my scale is not very accurate) and it's not very fatty cheese, mostly dry and hard but still, shit.
>not a lot
>200g of cheese
Fatty brain
you may be right, but it was a small slice of each. My scale is really not accurate for shit. Gonna pick up a better one tommorrow.
drinking a lot of water to stave off hunger
I need to pee every hour but atleast my piss is crystal clear
Don't drink too much, that can be as bad for you as being dehydrated. You want your piss to be a light yellow, not clear or dark.
tired of being out of breath 3 squats into my set
how do i condition as a fatty? my first instinct is to just LISS a few times a week on an elliptical on rest days and gradually up the intensity
I can't even go outside, there's apocalypse-level wildfire smoke everywhere.
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Usually i do sports where you compete with yourself, like in the past I did fencing, golf, rowing stuff like that. but i was never turbo fat and more fitfat permabulk. for the last 2 years.

now i bike a bit, walk a lot, and do some hiking/mountaineering that draws the people to me because they would like to do the same adventures since I keep posting long solos, road trips and tours that are great for insta etc (that i dont use a lot) buts its Certainly easy to impress the normies. though I'm just not a social guy. but the likes i get do feel good and motivate me.

but im trying to get a friend to work out with so he will get fit too. i hope i can inspire him and help him.

tl:dr i have intrinsic motivation and dont compare myself to others. i fish more for general mires
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>meet friend
>wants to meet up watch anime and smoke weed and eat pizza
Those things won't help you get skinny anon
I broke my fasting weight plateau after being worried about it.
Tempted to keep fasting now that I'm past the three day pain point instead of refeeding this weekend, but for medical reasons I really shouldn't. Also, I want to lift this weekend.

wtf do you do if you're still hungry after drinking water?

and what do you all do about slop cravings after turning clean? Idk why the fuck im thinking about cookies and honeybuns. Never had a thought about them before I started cico.

now every fucking day I want a chocolate chip cookie
>Usually i do sports where you compete with yourself, like in the past I did fencing, golf, rowing stuff like that. but i was never turbo fat and more fitfat permabulk. for the last 2 years.
good stuff i also did fencing recently when i was slimming down a few months ago. im shifting back into sports after this bulk to trim down the fat and improve my cardio rather than dieting and spamming walks. I should start fencing next week if i dont puss out. its HEMA longsword so its quite physical and involves a lot of pain and effort.

>now i bike a bit, walk a lot, and do some hiking/mountaineering that draws the people to me because they would like to do the same adventures since I keep posting long solos, road trips and tours that are great for insta etc (that i dont use a lot) buts its Certainly easy to impress the normies. though I'm just not a social guy. but the likes i get do feel good and motivate me.
thats awesome. i also walk a lot, but biking is not for me. i dont think im gonna do hiking, but id like to join a ninja warrior style obstacle gym and theres some around me.

>but im trying to get a friend to work out with so he will get fit too. i hope i can inspire him and help him.
ha me too. we actually became friends through fencing and i redid his lifting and diet. he stalled out in powerlifting so i got him into hypertrophy style training for a bit while he loses more weight. we'll be doing some blood & guts dorian yates style training for a few weeks after we go to japan, then probably shift to more bread and butter style PPL. i hope your friend gets into it as well

>tl:dr i have intrinsic motivation and dont compare myself to others. i fish more for general mires
I just wanted to look like Kenshiro and have a body capable of doing fun stuff after being morbidly obese. I didn't make it to Kenshiro levels lol, but this is me >>74768495 and I couldn't be happier. I care more about doing fun stuff now than bodybuilding, but i learned a lot from it
Idk why I never thought of this. Does it count as a vegetable?
It's just a brined cucumber man of course it counts as a vegetable
Halfway to my goal, 5’11 21 Male. Was an obese 245 lb dude in Early June, and now I’m 212 and officially overweight!. From 34 to 29.8 BMI, now I just need to get to 24.9 (178lbs)

Tho I hope I don’t get loose skin from losing weight fast (30 in 1.5 months) went in a low carb diet so my appetite is much lower, I’m not ignoring hunger or anything I just don’t feel hungry
thin before friends, anon
Just tighten that loose skin back up with insane gains brother, also collagen helps with skin tightness
>wake up and look at myself in the mirror
>look thinner than yesterday, maybe even a little svelte
>drink some water
>inflate like a fucking balloon
I haven't even had any food yet, just water
this is so depressing I want to be released from my fat prison already
my goal was to lose 20kg but maintain my piddly 85kg squat but it's not looking good bros, I've lost only 4kg and I'm already struggling on 80
concentrate on the gains later. work on getting thin first
>Tho I hope I don’t get loose skin from losing weight fast
Dont worry about it. Unless you were megafat, it wont be enough that women care at all. I was a bit shorter and fatter than you and it wasnt bad at all.
Sound pretty great! And you look great! The social gains are a big plus too.

I wanna try hema too there is actually a club somewhat near by. But so far I mostly did olympic style fencing it's good fun but kinda want more action a cool people.

Slowly I'm moving away from walks to HIIT and more strength/looks. So far I was more concerned about dropping the excess and getting flexible and improve mobility. In a " fit for fun" kind of way. I rotate walking stretching sprinting in a single session. And if possible I convince my discord friends to join me while we stay in the Channel. So we can all walk and talk despite 100 of km distance. It's great fun.

For me fitness is a general self improvement vehicle, I want to feel great, Sleep well, eat healthy, be fit enough for any sport or event, or any journey. Sure I want to look as good as I can but the true goal is to have the ability to say fuck it I have X weeks off I'm walking Camino de Santiago Or summit the Kilimanjaro or just just have the motor skills balance and endurance to learn surfing or whatever.
not gonna lie to you bros... dieting is fucking miserable... if they invented a drug that makes you eat without absorbing the calories of what you're eating I'd buy it for life without thinking twice about it
Always a fat kid, got in great shape for a couple years, then everything went off the rails around 2019-2021 with my dad passing from his illness and put on nearly 100 pounds. Saw my 91 year old Opa and he immediately said “ahh you’ve put on weight”. Turned my shit around that day, down to 188 now from 260, shooting for 160. Gotta love that Dutch bluntness lol
Goddamn tell me lifting pain gets better as you get used to it
Literally feels like flu body pains like I'm about to get sick as hell
Type of shit I get for being so averse to discomfort for so long
I smoked a joint so you could bust in my house, seagull me and I wouldn't even care. You need something to distract you from it that is going to make you happy.
>tell me lifting pain gets better as you get used to it
it does
the first soreness when you do an unfamiliar exercise is always the worst
should be much less intense after the first couple weeks
Over halfway through my weeklong break and eating without taking into account of calories or portions does not feel good, like physically. I'm not even eating crazy-sized portions, just what I used to eat before
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I've eaten about 1000 calories so far. It's the early afternoon. Should I just stop here or go to 1500 with dinner?
stop there
>I wanna try hema too there is actually a club somewhat near by. But so far I mostly did olympic style fencing it's good fun but kinda want more action a cool people.
thats exavtly the kind of peraon you find there. active nerds looking for friends and some violence.

>Slowly I'm moving away from walks to HIIT and more strength/looks
I think a PPL split or a 4/5 bro split is a good idea then. I personally do a 5 day bro split where i train the shit out of a muscle once or twice a week depending on priority. This was a good way to gain size, now im training my nervous system to use it with lower rep ranges. Stength is a learned skill whereas muscle size is a property of your body.

>For me fitness is a general self improvement vehicle, I want to feel great, Sleep well, eat healthy, be fit enough for any sport or event, or any journey.
same man. i also wanna enter my older years gracefully before my body begins to deteriorate. id like to walk and hold my grandkids when im old, not be in a wheelchair. also id love to actually compete in hema (only did one tournament) and get on the japanese ninja warrior tv show if i can hack it in a year or two of training.
if you get hungry eat
if you feel alright til the end of the day dont
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oh and i feel like tom platz when i got a good muscle pump driving around town dressed well in my convertible corvette. i know im nowhere near as cool since im just an overgrown nerd in a sports car, but damn it just feels so good
I turned 27 this year, still a KHHV, might be too late but I still want a early 20s gf. Also, my health went to shit.
>wake up
>weigh myself
>eat 1 potato and can of tuna, some fruit, half a flatbread and some lentils (all day)
>cycle 15 miles, play 90 min soccer, lift weights upper body
>weigh myself

how does this work bros ? I look lean and feel pumped. don’t understand whats happening on the scale
That's about four pounds. Water weight fluctations can account for up to 5(sometimes even 7) pounds a day. Track your weight over how much you weigh in the morning. My clinic even says just weigh yourself weekly but I know myself I can do a lot of damage in a few days.
Same for me, prediabetes diagnosis at a checkup after not going to the doctor for 5 years
Got my A1C from 5.7 down to 5.3 in 3 months, back to normal range (and probably still dropping, will see at a checkup next year)
Wasn't even really driven for specifically weight loss at first, just to not become diabetic. Followed the doc's orders for low carb and sugar and high protein and exercised by walking at least 5 times a week -- naturally losing weight is an intended consequence of that but I was so stuck in fatbrained apathy for so many years that I would've had a harder time setting out specifically to drop weight than I did to look at it as gaming a blood level number

Anyway, two months in I weighed myself and was down 30 lbs and decided to commit to weight loss since I had proof that I could do it. Increased exercise and started counting calories and increased the deficit

Last year on vacation my nephew was like "I know your favorite food, it's chips! You eat chips every day!"
This week has been stalling and even increasing. Could one burrito bowl be so damaging?
>diagnosed with hypertension
>go on a whole foods restricted fat, low salt diet
>lose 40 lbs in 3 months
>zero cravings
>can actually eat intuitively now
>narrowly dodges heart meds
>add fat back in
>no change
>add salt back in
>no change
Could it unironically be sneed oils?
Count your calories and work it in
It's like 600-700 at chipotle if you skip on the sour cream and cheese and guac and chips. Use the nutrition info on their site and add a bit more calories on top to account for if they give you bigger portions
This nigga eatin' beans
>Could it unironically be sneed oils?
Yes, it could.
Then how come the evidence points to them being healthy?
I'm fasting today and tomorrow back to the somewhat bland fare I escaped from. Can just chalk this week as a maintenance week but I had such a good streak going, last week I dropped four pounds and now it's like they wanna come back
>Then how come the evidence points to them being healthy?
It doesn't.
>bland foods
If whole foods like fruits, veggies and meat taste bland theres a chance theres too much salt or sugar in your diet
Maybe if I could just commit to this for 1 week it would kickstart better things to come.
This looks like fun, but I feel like I would end up impaling myself on a piece of that rio
I see all sorts of shit
I mean this isnt just a study its a meta analysis
I just dont want to be one of those
>dude science is fake and gay
Guys without good reason, so im trying to find any other explanation for the rapid improvement in health I experienced
I mean shit ive been dieting for a decade without much success but now its suddenly not just working but working extremely well
>fiber supplement
Started a new protein drink that has fiber already in it. Seems to be helping me stay regular and it helps me get in more protein.
Felt like I was eating fairly clean not unsure why I wasn't losing weight. I bothered actually counting calories and realized I was drinking 700 calories of whole milk almost every day.
I got some eye fillet on special yesterday. Not sure if to just cook it up or slice it and make a stirfry. Thinking stirfry. Maybe add some broccoli, peppers and carrot and a bit of s/oysauce.
Anon, that study doesn't say that they're healthy.
You're drawing a conclusion that doesn't exist in the study.
This was my brother. He was getting fat but drinking 3litres of milk every couple of days. At that point its worth trying a lower fat option. Me, I drink about 100ml a day, so full fat is fine.
Ok bro, solid advice.
I used to weigh myself every 1 or 2 weeks, but now i’m trying to see how my body/weight reacts to certain foods and exercises. Cutting takes way longer as you get older
HEMA sounds so cool but I went to a local club for some introductory classes and every single other person there was a morbidly obese neckbeard, I couldn't handle the cringe.
The only way I can hold myself accountable is weighing every day. I can handle the fluctuations as long as I can know why.
yes its based
science is gay i know what to eat. fruits vegetables meats whole grains nuts and olive oil
I also occasionally make posts in the wrong tab
And I would have gotten away with it too, were it not for you meddling anons..
I'm being forced out of my house due to fighting with my mom. Fasting will become even easier now that there's a financial reason to do it, too. This is going to be the easiest weight loss of my life.
one week on a diet and I can curl my fingers easier and my shoes are looser
I can feel the fat radiating out of my body, from the extremities first apparently
>can curl my fingers easier
What did he mean by this
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>What did he mean by this
Less inflammation in his joints due to not eating tons of sugary goyslop every day.
The abstract is where the recommendation comes from
I find it frightening that we do not understand core issues of nutrition if that is the case
>350g shrimp
>80g protein
>only binge drink on Saturdays now

It's a start I guess. 240 to 207 since February with 3-4 days of weights a cardio a week
Suns out, going for a walk. Hopefully the worst of winter is behind us.
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Do you think there is something messing with our GLP-1 receptors?
Processed foods and specifically how fast they are absorbed
Imagine taking a drug that conforms your body to eating food that is almost universally more expensive per unit instead of just eating whole foods to begin with.
>muh taste
We, in the West, have a damaged sense of taste. You wouldnt believe how good shit tastes once it's had time to recover.
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Went from not tracking what I eat (usually two orders of takeout a day) to eating between 2000-2500 Calories of mostly clean food with at least 160g of protein per day for the last 4 weeks.
Weight hasn't changed at all, but I am noticing that I have less fat and the gym gains have been coming quick. Started off being really hungry all the time but my body has gotten used to the lower Calories so I'm gonna try dipping under 2k and seeing where that leads me.
The gains are kind of addictive though, I don't know if I'll choose to eat that much less if I start plateauing.

5'7" 175-180lbs
All the weird preservatives and shit in food now 100%
Refined sunflower seed oils have been shown to affect hormonal signals produced by the pituitary gland
>start at 260
>get to 240
>fuck up and binge eat now at 288

Feels bad man.I can’t control appetite and am stressed
Losing fat is gonna be hard if you need the joy of eating to keep yourself from roping.
Improving the rest of your life will make eating less and eating cleaner easier.
>week of eating less
>down 2 pounds
Slow and steady..
I'm somewhat in a similar spot. Eating at maintenance and letting exercise to all the work feels more sustainable than crash dieting.
I was honestly hoping that under 2.5k would be a deficit since that's the average maintenance for males, so either my metabolism is glacial or it's because I'm short.
Went on a trip with family and someone else besides me took photos. I am the only one who ever takes photos when it is just me and my wife. I saw a picture of my and my gut was huge! I couldn't recognize the fatass on the chair by the ocean. It crept up on me as I am now 55 and the last 5 years I work more behind a desk and even though we eat good, I was still eating like I was working in the field. Only 190 but that is 25 lbs over where I should be.
11 days in to my diet and I'm already planning my next binge it's over for me
Back on the wagon after years
What does your diet look like?
Welcome back!
Be sure to check in with the fatty contest, keeps ya accountable.
fast on sundays and thursdays, 1600 cals on the other days
Sick new low-cal snack: romaine leaf with a bit of hot sauce squirted on it
Wait damn that's just a shitty salad
It's nice tho
I replied to the wrong post
im not exactly fat but i just get the feeling that ive been drifting through my life not really making any real decisions for myself. so i think i should go to the gym and lose some fat and get some muscle
If you are unsatisfied with the calories, if you are not full and satiated, give yourself a little more. I found I had break points at 1500, 1800 and 2400 cal. Too far off of any of these numbers and I was famished all the time. What does your dietary fat look like and how much protein from animal products are you getting?
Remember its not a race, there's no speedrunning weightloss.
I wanted to date a girl
Didn't date her but I'm dating a girl now
why are so many people posting about fasting in this thread now? it seems more prevalent than before. eat some salad and chicken retards.
There is something that feels really good about having a random stranger try to check you, going WASSUP to them and having them falter
>Milk (733)
>Cheese (182)
>Breaded chicken (366)
>Butter (43)
>White bread (67)
>BBQ sauce (37)
>Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and peas (35)
Total: 1463 kcal

Today was great. Breaded chicken is delicious.
I'm down to 245 from my peak fatassery of 288, 7 months ago. Pretty proud of this and I'm hoping to hit my goal of 225 by Xmas.

Biggest thing I learned, it's mostly about your diet. Can't outwork a shitty diet.

2nd biggest thing I learned, you gotta keep going. If you get lazy and miss a couple of days of gym, go the next day and keep fucking going. If you go to a party and overeat, drink too much, don't stick with that pattern. Go right back to the program and keep fucking going.
Fastards want quick easy results.
Should I slightly increase my daily calories and protein when I start lifting?
Being penned up all day bathing in blue light and force feeding goyslop is a novel evolutionary environment. All very different compared to being a hunter-gatherer or even a farmer.
its sad because they suffer more for worse results. i mean IF is fine and even PSMF is somewhat safe, but people here are starving themselves for days. it makes me sad to think of fellow anons depressed rotting in their rooms starving themselves.
That's my family too. Every get-together is just diet talk and resolutions that never happen or stick. I want to not worry about that shit when I'm old.
Depends on how much protein you're already eating. If you eat about 1-1.2 grams per kg of bodyweight then you probably shouldn't.
Get on Ozempic bro. Obesity is a disease and there is a cure.
>it makes me sad to think of fellow anons depressed rotting in their rooms starving themselves.
How many people here are NEETs?
>And loose skin will happen with any kind of significant weight loss.
Loose skin and hair loss. It sucks, but it's the price we pay for getting fat in the first place. Consequences of our actions and all that. At least you won't die of a heart attack at 38.
I've been running a deficit of around 1,500 since April and I am just pissed off all the time. I'm having a real issue being nice. But I've lost around 50 pounds, so there's that. Maybe by the time it's over, I'll still have a friend or two to tell.
My dad was 41 when he had me and 46 when my brother was born. I think it sucked for him later on because of health issues, but it was far from uncommon. A lot of other dads were around that age in my class, not a majority for sure but enough that we'd talk about it in my friend group. He's been married to my mom for 35 years now and still going strong so far, even though he's fat as fuck.

I hope you manage to get into the right mindset soon anon.
NTA but yeah my hair has started thinning way more aggressively during this weight loss. I was gonna be bald eventually anyway but I was hoping for a few more years
>40 by the time the decade turns
so you're 34 then? Dude you're talking like it's over lol
The hair lost from malnutrition (weight loss) usually grows back once you resume something resembling normal eating habits. Your other hair, not so much.
Could also be people with menial jobs with no responsibility
Take a mental health break. Diets should last 8-12 weeks with breaks afterwards.
Yep to all of this. Good on ya
How long have you been eating clean and doing CICO?
The cravings for slop get much easier to ignore over time (and stay easy as long as you don't indulge) but being hungry is a constant companion. I just drink diet soda since it fills up my stomach more than water. Water just makes me bloated AND hungry. I still drink it but not as a hunger suppressant.
I been eating pickled red onions as a snack, pretty decent since they're really low calorie.
Otherwise when I want something sweet I just eat a protein bar. They don't really exacerbate my cravings as much as the old stuff does.
5 amino 1mq. Close but not exactly what you describe
30lb in 1.5 is amazing
Psyllium husk and a very large glass of water
>You wouldnt believe how good shit tastes once it's had time to recover

This is very very true.
You can get phentermine from an online provider relatively easily and more cheaply than the glp1s.
Weightless is slow and boring
Realistically how long would it take for me to lose 22lbs? I'm 150lbs, yes I'm a manlet.
2 months if you suicide cut. 4 months if you want to enjoy your life. Depends on your intake
Im trying to move from dieting to eating clean and cooking for myself, but im a total newbie to it. Does anyone have a good book that will break down a week's meal prepping? Like itll say what groceries to buy and I just spend a few hours on a sunday cooking and filling up tupperware.
>ate a chicken burger
Another day ruined.
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Weight loss is impossible without suffering.

The trick is not minding that it hurts.
Pound a week is a good rule of thumb, you can lose faster but it will suck.
Being a manlet makes it harder, you will have to starve yourself since your body with even a bit of food will make you fatter.
good job getting started anon but one week is nothing, the first two weeks don't even count as all that "progress" can be undone on a weekend (i know from experience), when you get to the third week you'll be more securely on your way
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I'm eating pure salt to fight off the cravings.
Not very long, but I've now taken a break and going from heavy deficit to maintenance you do gain some weight back immediately the week after.
I went from 143 to 147 and am coasting there until the end of next week when I start cutting again.
And by maintenance I mean not really watching what I eat. But he plus side is that I can now do double the amount of exercise I did when I was on a deficit.
I read a life changing book and decided I need a woman in my life
I didn't have a single moment but I had trouble fitting in chairs and was looking at recliners to fit my fat ass and realized this shit had to change. Started by losing the weight through diet and threw exercise in a couple of months later and still am down 70 lbs a year and a half later
What book?
I'm embarrass to admit the book but it was classic lit
just admit you read a midsummer night's dream and now you want the titaniussy
i think my scale is garbage, it only ever goes down (or up) by .7 kg increments
Woke up real hungry so today is big breakfast day
>3 eggs
>6 slices of cheese
>2 slices of bread

600 calories left for the day
kek no but I will be indulging in Shakespeare soon enough
>wasting calories on slop like bread
when losing 100+ lbs how should I approach workouts? I want to do an hour of steady state cardio and an hour of lifting 5x a week in one session. lifting will be bro split style so chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms. I want to do as much as possible but not overdo it. Monday and Friday will be rest days. 160-180g protein, 1600-2000 calories per day.
how much do you weigh and what's your height?
6 foot 4
i'm experienced with lifting, was still lifting frequently as i got fat but i mostly care about losing the fat now and less about lifting. ive had my diet dialed in pretty well over the past few weeks and losing weight hand over fist.

i want to get to 200 lbs ASAP.
my goal is under 300 by jan 1st.
So there is about 21 weeks left in the year, and for you to lose 90 pounds, you would have to lose around 4.2lbs a week. Maybe dial back a bit, try to lose closer to 3.5lb a week. Would put you at 320 at the start of the year.
I also would not work out as hard as 5x a week, unless you yourself are able to manage that, as you said you are an experienced lifter. Cardio, as long is it is walking, would be good.
i've lost 13 lbs since monday
i've been lifting 6-7x a week for a long time, i used to do a lot more cardio but i stopped.
i had a mental health meltdown and like only woke up out of it in the recent weeks and gained an absurd amount of weight in a very short time.
wow 13lbs is pretty egregious, if you can mange that loss then yeah go for it. But losing 3% weight in 5 days is not healthy. What's the rush? Why does it have to be so soon?
i have completely destroyed my self esteem, social life and self image in a matter of months. I'm angry with myself, sad, disappointed, i just want to go back to normal and live normally again. i'm 26 and single i feel like an old man and time is running out for me and for me to get back in the game i need to at least not look like a pig. Also i used to practice muay thai and i really fucking loved that but now i'm literally twice the weight i once was there's no way i could attend classes again.
>i've lost 13 lbs since monday
most of that will be water
don't get upset when the weight loss slows down considerably in the next couple weeks
I've got at least another 18 months of dieting before I'm normal weight and then god knows how long to stop being a skinny bitch. Then I've actually got to date women or get really lucky and the one.
Are instant noodles that bad for you? I don't understand what's supposed to be so terrible about them. I want to do 3x packs of instant noodles + a few fried eggs as my OMAD while also saving money.
My scalp and face has been flaking a lot lately. Not sure if scurvy or just winter skin
I think they are high in fat and sodium. But I guess if they fit your macros then go for it.
Nearly 0 proteins and very high sodium
they are low quality, super high in salt and cooked in questionable oil.
why not just buy real noodles? they wont be any more expensive I guarantee it. or rice or something like quinoa.
go ahead and try them for a few months and tell us about the results
do you guys make soup
seems like a good option and i'm good with stew but i feel like i need a blender to make soup
As someone who has had to live off of mostly instant noodles for a few weeks/months, I can tell you that this would be a terrible thing to do.
There's a particular type of instant noodle which I cannot even stomach eating any more, as a result.
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When I realized that milk is really cost efficient, I immediately boughy a carton of it today(around one litre) and drank it all. Do you guys think it's too much if I drink a litre of milk per day? Pic unrelated, I drank full cream milk
Gallon of milk a day is literally a thing, so I think you're safe with only a Liter.
there is no issue with one liter a day at all but do you really want to drink liquid calories when your goal is to drop weight?
I actually got to my goal weight already, now I'm trying getting used to eat on maintainance. I never really post outside here other than qtddtot and /fast/, that's why I asked here
your goal at maintenance probably isn't to be 'cost efficient' unless you're poor I guess, it's to be sustainable and able to enjoy yourself and not yoyo back
so just act according to that i guess. if you can't be fucked worrying about food and just want your calories in go ahead, and remember to watch your micronutrients
For the purpose of filling out https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
what counts as activity level?
I cycle about 10 miles a day on average and easily hit my 10K steps
Don't succumb to surivivor's guilt. All that would have changed is you would be dead alongside them. Stay strong brother.
your tdee is between you and the Gods of exercise
justifying caloric intake won't make you lose weight
you are best off setting it as sedentary and then adjust based on your observed results. kcal loss from exercise is hard to track properly.
Havnt eaten since I took my mounjaro shot yesterday, don't feel hungry at all. Who knew it could be this easy.
>watch your micronutrients
My ratio right now is around 1200 cals of protein(half of it being the carton of milk) and 600 cals being whatever I can grab my hands on
I've had hypertension since I was a kid. I ran out of healthcare and stopped taking the meds some years ago. A year ago I started taking the usual supplements: magnesium, vitamin D3, K2, vitamin B complex, zinc. Now my blood pressure is in the normal range and I barely exercise and am still overweight.
Hell yeah. Milk is awesome.
That's me: >>74777630
I eat at least a liter of milk every day because of the price. The cheapest source of protein with reasonable calories.
You have a disability if you only drink milk
i ate 100 calories over today
Go run 20 miles
Fatty contest
Weights, lifted.
Thanks bro, I’m so glad I’m not obese anymore and that I’m closer to the 200 lb mark, I’m just worried I’m losing it too fast and I’ll end up with loose skin. But I’ll try the collagen supplement that was previously mentioned.
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Fatty Contest
111.4 kg
178 cm

Let’s fokin go brothers!
Burrito bowl Anon here, broke the Plateau with a day of fasting + day of eating low calorie. Must have underestimated the amount of calories in the bowl or something something glycogen
It also will help you not pig out if you DO give into craving and order takeaway. You literally will only be able to eat half of it. No wonder people balloon up once they get off of it
I'm trying to change my habits while on it, so i don't fall back into them when i stop.
Just keep at it, it's not linear, and the only way you truly fail is by giving up
I woke up, took a piss and weighed myself at 95.5 kg. Then I went back to bed. Next time I woke up I pissed again and weighed 95.3 kg.
Which do I mark down?
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Fatty Contest

gm frens
IIRC they said always fill out "sedentary" on these calculators since they overestimate physical activity. Better to eat at a bigger deficeit than an unintended surplus
What have you been marking yourself down with in the past? Do that. If this is your first time I'd go for the measurement right after taking a piss and weighing yourself but that's just me
Why you deviate from deficit?
new bread please...
If you mark down the higher weight you will lose more next time you weigh in and this will make you feel more happy.
I lifted throughout my life, but got obese to 260 at 5'10. It took me like 3 years to lose 100 while lifting lol. Fastest way is to put the lifting on the backburner while putting the grit you developed during your weight training towards cardio and a clean diet instead. 3x lifting is plenty and what I did throughout the majority of the weightloss. Just focus on retaining muscle if you want to lift and go hard on the cardio as I said. Once you're like 20-30lb of your goal, maybe then work on lifting harder. Now my goal is to do shitloads of cardio lifting and sports to justify a diet of A LOT of healthy good.
Sounds solid to me, but maybe get into meal prepping? Im in a similar situation (dropping 5-10 more pounds after my first bulk) and my goal is to learn to eat and cook like an adult for once.

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