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How the fuck did you guys quit drinking? It's destroying my gains and probably myself if I keep things up this way.
I took the earlyrising pill, wake up between 4 and 6 am and go to bed at 8pm like an old lady, having no friends helps
Financial goy masters propagandize you with "it's hard to quit smoking/drinking" when I reality if you would just stop acting like a little fucking bitch and get a grip on your willpower to overcome your stupid monkey brain, you too can beat addiction.
You allow yourself to be comfortable in repetitive patterns and say you're unable to break the very thing you chose to get yourself into
You are not a man if you are a slave to simple little chemicals
I didn't. I drink responsibly and have a healthy balance of fitness and not being a turbo autist who stresses about stupid shit that doesnt matter outside of Mongolian Basket Weaving forums.
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>I'm just not gonna have a drink, haha. Sorry, I just don't feel like it is all. I know, I know, just, I'm not gonna do it!
You're right, it's literally this easy, have an amazing day.
you can't quit anything you just have to replace it with something else. I quit drinking and started working out and exercising religiously. it hits all the same buttons
>allows you to be masochistic to yourself
>triggers the same dopamininc rewards
>gives you mental fortitude and courage
>instead of being hungover now I'm always sore
>you can do it alone or with a group and still have fun
I have free will and can choose whether or not to do things?

I woke up one day, reflected on alcohol, said it probably wasn't for me, then stopped drinking.
When i was younger, i had an unhealthy addiction whit soda, to the point that i could not function during the day without at least 2 cans.
So i decided to stop. Everytime i wanted it, i drank water. If it persisted, i drank more. I drank water to the point that i could simply not drink anything anymore and that was that.
After i stoped, i spent around 3 years withou any type of soda, and when i drank, it tasted like sugar water.
But overall, put yourself in situacionista where drinking is impossible
By not being fucking weak. Jesus Christ how hard is it to not become an alcoholic? Just stop drinking when you don’t want to drink
rehab and AA

get serious about it and humble yourself anon. it's never going to get better on its own.
I almost died due to dehydration from making my pancreas really, really sick. No idea why but didn't have a problem staying stopped. Same with weed, I remember the fun of being high but there's no appeal there anymore. It is hard if you're really on the bottle though, best I did was about a week sober voluntarily.
Also ex druggy, and so we meow. JUST LE DO IT KEK
I was a miserable drunk and then one day I just decided to quit.
I didn't quit, I just stopped drinking during the week, and I set myself a limit in calories to avoid beer or mixing shit with soda.
Have a strong personal motivation to quit and keep it fresh in your mind. Talk it through with yourself often. Ask God for strength.
I never found it fun or cool to begin with
Here in europe we got blasted when we were 14 by stealing a bottle of vodka from nearby store, and then we stole a fucking little dinky fishing boat and filled it up with water and sunk it on the middle of the beach in november
when I swam to shore with other buddies I layed on the shore and pissed myself, vomitted to the side
It was fun and all, but I would never do it again
I just got tired of feeling like shit after and losing control over myself. I only drink occasionally now but not at all like I used to.
>having no friends helps
this helps and then it's just willpower. And from experience I can tell you gonna get more distant with those friends who like the boozing.

Other than that it's going to be bit boring in the beginning since you need to think of new things to do in place of drinking and nothing is fun when you're sober but that's just the beginning. Our bodies can get accustomed to even soberness. Gonna be 5 years teetotaling for me in two months, never looked back.
I appreciate the kind words brother needed to hear this
idk I used to drink daily after work and one day I just got bored of it and stopped
I gave up weed and tobacco after a rather long period of abuse that made me fat, lazy and coughing. Now i'm lean and on a good path.
My problem were my enabling friends. I realized i have only drugs in common with them and i'd rather be lonely and do sports, hit the gym, take care of myself, than waste my life with them.
If it's other people that enable this behaviour, anon, just get rid of them. Go to a bjj gym or w/e sports you like and make new friends. Seek better people than you.

My wife didn't complain that i smoked too much, but i realized how lonely she must feel having a hisband who's alway high as fuck when he's not at work. She's genuinely happier and i'd rather not lose her than get that dopamine rush.
Also, channel the withdrawal into something. I was pretty docile and a pushover, now i'm a mean asshole to all strangers who dare mess with me. I never realized how much of a superpower tobacco withdrawal can be.
alcocholics anonymous meetings might be a good idea. Even if program itself completely misses you, looking at those absolute wrecks helps.
If you live in large metropolitan area, you can line up meetings to attend literally every day, it's part of the program "100 meetings in 100 days". That gets you through most risky first 3 months.
Other than that, you can get yourself disulfiram implantation. It hobbles you body's ability to digest alcohol and makes it both unpleasant and dangerous.
Honestly this >>74773968. You can't get a grasp on how balls deep alcohol is engrained in our society until you step out of it in a place dedicated to showing you. Think off rehab like 4chan if alcohol was Jews.
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I do not even want to drink, not sure why, maybe it is because I have seen the worst examples of alcoholism in real life and it made an impression. I don't mean some guy who drinks too many beers or hits the Jack a little too hard every night.

I mean completely immobile women rotting into couches, downing gallons of clear liquor like water, shitting and pissing themselves, house filled with garbage like a flood, possum shit and dead possums hidden under discarded clothes and bottles.

Broken men who drink themselves to tears every night. Deadly seizures from withdrawals, child suicides on Indigenous reservations. Nah, I'll pass. Used to drink now and then, sometimes getting drunk at parties too, but not anymore.

You can drink in moderation, you don't have to drink to get drunk.

But I don't even feel like drinking in moderation, not even a beer or two.

That's just how I feel, I don't feel the temptation to drink, maybe that is weird.
0.0% beer tricks my mind into thinking it's beer for however long i'm drinking it
I’ve quit drinking when I realized that I have a problem and can’t sleep without being drunk. Living in country with annoying drinking culture doesn’t help either. It cost me some friendships, but if they can’t meet without drinking, they aren’t worthy people. Anyways, it was very very difficult for me, I had trouble sleeping for about six months, but I’ve managed.

t. Sober for 10 years (since July 2014)
The bloat made me stop.
you don't have to quit completely, just don't get shitfaced every night. happy medium
I don't really understand this pretentious sobriety nonsense.
What's wrong with having a couple of drinks a few times per year? On new years or your mate's birthday or something?

I don't see the value in cutting alchohol completely unless you're an actual achoholic with mental issues that risks triggering some meltdown just from a whif of it.
Of all the dietary things potentially fucking you over in the dietary sourcing hellscape that is the modern world, the liter of liquor per year seems like such an inconsequential thing to focus on that it's almost laughable.
>It's destroying my gains
That's exactly how. I decided having gains is wayore important than drinking and didn't want to waste all of my effort on trying to build muscle and not be a fat fuck. Got some gains. Still a fat fuck. All in all it was worth it. Will soon not be a fat fuck and will also be fit. Neither of those things would be possible without quitting drinking. It also wrecks health so bad that I don't think it's even possible to be happy while regularly drinking. Gotta want to be healthy and happy man. It destroys your metabolic pathways. If your pathways are fucked, you will be fucked 100% of the time

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