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>1.5 years of lifting
What went wrong?
Looks good for 1 year of natty lifting
Lol if you’re trying to fuck just say that
the only thing that went wrong was you wanting to look like a roid freak instead of the perfectly good physique on the right
kill yourself faggot
Can't help you without routine
absolutely nothing that is solid progress you fucking retard
I want to fuck your ass
/fit/ told me it should only take about 6 months to look like this.
multiple possible stuff
>not going to failure
>bad diet
>bad sleep

my assumption is that the fella didn't eat anything, as he doesn't seem to gain any fat or muscle
He forgot to eat.
He didn't eat enough to maximize potential gains. His training may not have been very good either, can't say for sure though. However, he at least had some gains, so it could have been a lot worse.
>didn't gain muscle
Literally everything on him looks better. More developed chest, lats, shoulders, biceps, maybe forearms. Core is slimmer so better v-taper. It's just not as much as should be possible with 1.5 years of consistent lifting and eating a proper amount.
literally he just forgot to eat is all
Also possibly not enough variety. He should just do pushups and variations of pushups and he'd be golden
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Where do muscles come from? We simply do not know, perhaps they materialize out of the aether if we will it hard enough
kissable tummy :3
You could be growing more. Dont listen to these dyels, they're sooo afraid of being wron that they think that what they get is all there is, but it's not true. You left some gains on the table (mainly for arms, chest and shoulders) and that's perfectly fine, nothing to get defensive about. Keep training and you'll learns how to do it
They're granted as boons from the gods
Probably should eat more. But he looks much better on the right, so lifting already paid off for him.
worship the weight gods and gainz ye shall receive
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If you don't this starting physique, don't even lift. It was over for you before it even began
>What went wrong?
Nice earring you fucking FAGGOT ass NIGGER
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feel the same as you OP, even tho looking at older pictures it looks way better (started at 130lbs, did a small cut to get out of skinnyfat and bulked up to 150lbs)
looking at other peoples transformation is demoralizing, especially roiders, im tempted to start juicing but i dont wanna fuck up my health, im 26
also, anons who say we didnt eat enough, i was eating a lot and started benching the bar nowadays I can bench 2pl8 so my lifts improved and I got stronger but we are limited by our genetics
His chest is tiny in comparison. It's like he didn't do push-ups or bench press.
lifting what?
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You need to eat more, I made this picture after my first year of lifting
>im tempted to start juicing
Are you counting the cut in that year? You definitely should not start juicing, if anyone has cursed genetics it's me, I have the smallest bone structure.
Training for strength won't get you big
you look better than me and OP
So you tell me what went wrong out of diet, routine or rest
my routine was kinda standard I didn't train solely for strength but I did compounds such as Bench at the start of my session and isolation after, I didn't squat much because I despised leg days. My diet was pretty clean the first year but now going into the almost 2nd year it got worse because I lost motivation a bit, my rest has always been alright, sometimes I fucked it up for a week or two but I was making sure to get atleast 8-9 hours of sleep.
Not eating enough.
MK 677 is good, releases GH, doesn't tank testosterone, it's the best there is rn if you wanna get as much benefit as possible without roiding
You look really young lil bro. If you keep eating clean and training, you will mog like 99% of dudes one day.

When your body is like 20-25, your frame starts filling out naturally, its a slow process but once it’s done it will feel like no time went by. Look at football/basketball players, how much stronger they are at 25 than at 20.
>clean diet
>compound & isolation
literally means nothing
>lost motivation
ngmi and it shows.
It's fine.
Just keep going, make little improvements here and there and they'll pay big in time
Everything you said has been wishy washy, can't help without details
Bend over bitch
>MK 677
gonna get diabetes kek
You've been training for 1.5 years bro amd you started out with very little muscle, no way are you peaking. You can already see some framework showing up that wasn't there before, wait 2 more years of good lifting and it'll start filling up.
should have trained abs more
would definitely destroy your bussy however
amazing growth, he has put at least 7 kg of muscle which is a lot, keep the good work bro maybe bulk a little
Die of AIDS fag
You have people willing to help and this is your response
>it was standard
>diet is shit
Ahh fuck it, remain dyel, even on roids you'll look like shit because you don't know anything
What details do you guys want specifically? I'm in dire need of help.
So, I started lifting at home in December 2022, always been a poorfag so couldn't afford a gym, in January I got a job so I was finally able to get a gym membership.
Started with cool cicada PPL (the famous "Reddit PPL"), did it for a solid year, made good gains on it then swapped for Arnold split because I felt like my PPL was lacking tricep and bicep work.
I counted calories the first 6 months with a scale, my diet consisted of oatmeal in the morning with milk, when I got back from the gym I would eat around 4-5 boiled eggs then my last meal of the day was chicken breast with rice, on the weekends, since I still live with my parents I would eat some pasta.
Stopped counting calories after a year and started my big bulk where I would just eye ball most of it. Feel like the bulb y was too dirty and even tho I got stronger and my biceps grew a lot I got fatter and lost my 6 pack.
I've been a NEET for a while but got some money saved so my rest has been at least 7-8 hrs a day but like I said I'm a poorfag so I can't really nitpick my diet. What else do you guys need to know to help me? I'm at the point where I don't even buy creatine anymore because inside my head id rather just buy testosterone instead but I'm trying not to and get convinced otherwise
So from December 2022 to now, you've gained a total of 9kg?
That's not enough for a year and a half
You can't be scared to put on fat as a natural, it's a normal part of the cycle
>Get big
>Be bigger than last cut
If you hop on steroids you'll get mediocre results without nutting this out and you'll complain about genetics or some other shit and end up quitting

Cool cicadas looks similar and close to what I did, instead of stopping at 12 reps, go to failure and mentally push through for extra reps especially on the safer isolations, even add drop sets in for more fatigue
Looks pretty good, maybe try bulking more but other than that it looks like a solid progress considering how you used to look.
>What went wrong?
An entire generation of lifters eclipsed by roided fitness influencers with severe body dysmorphia into doubting their progress and not realizing that lifting is a lifelong commitment with gradual increasing returns and not some 1 year regimen that will magically transform them into Jeff Seid
I did two cut bulk cycles, I had to cut first to get rid of my disgusting skinny fat belly
You lift and bulk, you gain muscle, you cut and you're trying to retain it
So out of those months how many were bulking? That's how long you've essentially been putting on muscle for, minus a bit of time at the start of the bulk too as it's not an instant thing
obviously the guy wasnt born 400lbs shredded Mr. Olympia that's what went wrong, should just ropemaxx and end it all now
Not eating enough, not drinking calories.
Bad routine, listened to dumb bodybuilding bullshit.
Bad genes, but at least you have the lean gene which can be utilized if you stop being inconsistent and listening to bad advice. This is the physique of someone who does ~10 rep faggotry, cut it down to 5 and push heavier weight.
it can increase prolacting and progesterone production which *could* be suppressive but yeah otherwise its fine.
doesn't produce enough GH to cause diabetes. the insulin resistance is minor provided you dont eat a diet of 100% goyslop. if you are a fat fuck who cant control themselves even the slightest bit then yes you may want to proceed with caution. if you are prediabetic you might just not want to take MK-677 or HGH, or any GH releasing peptides
You forgot to eat?
Ignore this retard
Mk677 puts you in constant fight or flight
>Mk677 puts you in constant fight or flight
on paper, but if youve ever taken it you know that doesnt mean shit.
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Idk maybe lift more weight? These people are subhumans who can't even lift weight properly. I have seen ppl much less fit gain significant strength only going three days a week in the same amount of time. A good friend of mine transformed from fat to having a great physique.
>lift till failure
>eat more protein/food
>stay consistent
That's all you need to do, anything more and your just increasing your chances. If you spend 1.5 yrs lifting and don't achieve anything just give up bro, clearly you are low IQ.

OP looks fine but could have been much further along for sure. Some pics on this site are a joke, like that one pajeet. OP just needs to put on more weight. Clean bulk and focus on going to failure. It's crazy that some people don't assume or think to do that. Obvious when lifting you should feel sore and actually have difficultly putting the weight up.
Can anyone redpill me on the 8ball? I see a lot of thots getting into the imagery
Do sarms fuck you up like steroids?
yes. and regardless of what anyone tells you they are not as strong as steroids. you are getting the same shitty side effects for like half the results if even.

they were literally designed for elderly people to take in doses of like 0.1mg every day to stave off muscle atrophy and bone loss, they have a high rate of diminishing returns past a certain point where the side effects will definitely keep going but your actual gains will hit a brick wall.
You're still very lean so you might be under eating a bit but besides that you're looking a lot better.
doing good OP
i started a 5'8 105lbs
now im 5'8 135lbs after a couple years
just the life of a twink i suppose, always been 1% bottom bodyweight my entire life starting as a child
i really do detest you degenerates

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