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/fit/ - Fitness

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So last year I got IBD autoimmune disease (ulcerative colitis). Ended up in the hospital, lost tons of blood and fluids, muscles atrophied due to unholy dosage of cortisone, eating too little and being bedridden for weeks. When I got out I could barely climb the stairs. Lost 15kg in a very short period of time, and of course any gains from the past 3 years of weight lifting are gone.

Ever since I have slowly gotten better and I have tried to gain weight, but I just can't. Every day I eat huge amounts of food (I am on a fairly restrictive diet, so it's chicken, eggs, rice, boiled vegetables, cheese, peanut butter and jam).

No matter how much I eat I just cannot gain weight. I am literally thinner than my gf now. I have slowly started lifting and swimming again, but I am worried it will make my even thinner.

Any advice appreciated. What is the wonderfood that will help me bulk without shitting myself?
I have a solution.
Most psychiatric medications lower your metabolism, so if you take them, gaining weight is inevitable. However, the weight you gain will be largely comprised of Fat.
Stan Efferding recommends white rice and ground beef as an easily digestible meal. He calls it "monster mash" and uses ground bison, but beef is almost identcal. You can make it more or less fatty, depending on which cut of ground beef suits your tast. And more or less carby, dpeending on how much rice you eat.

The goal is to consume easily digested and highly nutritioous foods. Dont clog your guts up with a shit ton of vegetables. Canned vetables are in many ways more digestible and just as tasty as fresh or frozen. Add some peas and carrots to your beef and rice if your desperate for vegtables.

Cubans make an easy ad awesome ground beef dish called "piccadillo" that goes awesome with white rice. But you can really season the beef with whatever you like.

Efferding suggests modest amounts of fruit. I like canned pineapple -it has an enzyme that is easy on the digestion.

I was in the hospital for Covid for almsot a week and almost fucking died. I lost about 30 pounds during the week I was sick prior to the hospital, and then the wek in the hospital. No eating and a fever strips the pounds off you. But eating rice and beef I gained back a lot of muscle.

It should g without sayin, but I will. Barbell lifts - all heavy. Squat, bench, deadlift, press, chinups.
Hey anon, I have UC as well so maybe I can help you out here. First of all, your muscles have a certain amount of memory to them, after you start getting bigger again it should be much easier to get to your old size. I would also recommend you not try and go super hard on the weights until you reach a state where your symptoms have subsided a lot (no blood in stool basicslly). You HAVE to constantly press your gastroenterology if the medicine you are taking isnt giving you this. This is also important for your later colon health and not getting cancer. Eating lots of highly processed, high sugar foods is unironically great for people with UC. Because sugary foods have already been processed, and the carbs are simple, it is easy to digest. The main exception with that is fructose, avoid ALL high fructose foods until you get into remission. (Be careful of the Jam you are eating...) Look up the list of FODMAP foods for guidelines, but don't treat it as a Bible ex. I can eat onions, but even a tiny amount of garlic fucks up my stomach. I can eat popcorn 100% no problem, some people it's like they're eating razorblades for their stomach. Eat meat, particularly red meat so you don't become too enemic while you are still bleeding. Be careful with new foods and experiment until you find a diet that works because the one the doctor probably gave you won't be perfect either
Thank you very much. Best wishes for your health too
Most gastroenterologists know next to nothing about diet with IBD. They give a couple of directions and then say you need to experiment. Even dietitians often know nothing. The first one I contacted gave me a weight gain protein supplement specific for Krohn's, that is explicitly not for UC patients, because it causes severe problems (as I found out!) Thankfully I have found a specialized dietitian (with krohn's himself) and things seem to be more clear now.
I have been very weary about heavy exercise causing a flare-up, this is why I postponed it for so long, although I vary rarely have blood nowadays (and it is never more than a single droplet).
Now that I am gradually stopping cortisone, I hope it will help my muscles grow stronger.

Wishing for the best in your own health issues. wagmi
When I first got diagnosed, cardio caused me flare upset, now I'm fine. Maybe start with strength training or calesthenics before getting real intense. No bullshit, when I was diagnosed by my first doctor the nurse gave me a handout for Ayurverdic (Traditional indian) medicine the most goofy bullshit thing ever. Literal evil incompetent nursing staff. I went from Humira, to Xeljanz, and now I'm on rinvoq and it is treating me well. I always want to get more lean but every time I do it pisses off my doctor lol. Talk to your doctor about prednisone when you are having a flare up. It makes you gain weight and retain water, it's the go-to whenever I would have a flare up at my old doctor. I hope neither of us end up with a colostomy bag, if you want to make yourself feel better, go look at the ulcerative colitis subreddit. The people on there are in need of serious psychological and physical health. Also be glad you weren't born a woman because it makes all UC symptoms 10× worse


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